The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 04, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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y ' ' * Sali of Laid Bdloagin^ to Estate of E. D. Saiit'i j W? th > a?de.*?l?i ?d chiMrea of H. | D. S a r/i, b)in^ * I of hU tioirs at law, I will sjilathU iate residence, in t ie j County ol Lexington and S ate cf S. i O., oa tle 133b dly of Jaaairy 1911, j at 11 o'clock A. M. All of the romaiu- j ing lauds of the estate of H. D. S r.ith, ' in ta3 p ireels hjreiaift-jr anted, to j the bi'fiist biiicr, ao pablic a1 crioa, foroao-fc iird ea^h, bilauoe i>n oneaud two years, secured by bead of purch-a*8r ail t-1> preuises sold, with option to pirchasjr to p iy , all ca-jh. Purchaser to pay for papers. Ab lollaws: 1. The home place, containing two hundred (200) acres more or less, and b onded by lauds, now or formerly, of J. J. Smith, A. D. Steel, estate of H. D. Smith and Catherine Long. INot more tban one-half of the timber 011 this tract to be cat before the second > payment is made. 2. Tue Meeuza and Mailer tract, containing seventy one (71) acres, more or leso; and bounded by lands, now or formerly, of AlonzoL Smith and on all other sides by lauds of the esiate of H 1>. Smith, touching twelve mile creea in one point. S. A pars of the Kyzer lands, containing dfty (53) acres, more or less, and bjn idjd oy lands, now or formerly, o! Laura E. Xing, George lx>og. I estate of II. i). ornith and Andrew Crawford. Twelve Mile creek being in v one end of the tract. 4. The old Kyzer place, containing Onehaidred and thirty three (133) acres more or less and bounded oy lands, now or rormsriy, of Andtew Crawford, estate of J *coo B irr, George Long and estate of H. D. Smith, on Tweive Mile creek. 5. The Crawford tract, containing on9 hundred an I seven (107) acres, * * ? 1 I L . I .1 > more-or less ana oounaeu uy ianus How or formerly, o- estate of Jacob Barr, Laura E. King of H. D. South, J. J. Kyzer an i M. Q. Uendrix. 6. Tub Gra xarrr tract, containing one Hundred and seven (107) acres, more or less, and bounded ;ny lands, 5 - now or formerly, of Laura E. King, estate of H. D. Smirt, Rodeiia Ky/or, estate of J. J, Kj zer and Andrew Crawford. 7. Too Meets and Mailer tract, containing sixty two acres, more or less, and bounded oy lands, now or formerly, of A. D. Steele, Aionzo L Smith, estate of H. D. Smith and per; haps others. . 8 The Mill tra?t, contain!ig one hundred aui thirty-nine (139) acres, more or less, and bounded by lands, now or formerly, of Mrs. Long and estate of H. D. Smith, on which are 8ifcnated a saw mill, grist mill and ail appurtenant machinery all or which will be sold with the land. Not more than one-half of the timber on this tract to be cat before the second payment is made.' ?' 9. The Steele tract, containing fifty three (53) acres, more or less, and bounded by lands, now or formerly, * rr . I - f rr T\ OI .uavia Jts.?isier, estate ot n. u. Smnh, George Long andS. R. and J. V H. Lewie. & 10. One lot in Efchon,-' containing one C acre, more or less, and bounded by, lands, now or formerly of Oliver =' Smith & Bro., A. D. Steele and the tight of way of the Southern Railway. , 11. Three lots in Lexington, being jlots nos. 4, 5 and 6 on a plat made by Samuel B George for Lexington Longe no. 152 of American Free iMa#OD8: * Lot no. 4 containing one fourth of : * an acre, more or less, facing 83 feet on an1 Q foaK flFtf? A inA^Aa VV/11CJ IU.iU 4 ?UV??vn on Ohurch Street and bounded on tho the S. N. by let no. 5 and on S. W. by lot no. 8. Lots nos. 5 aud 8 containing on3 half acre, more or less, and each facing on Oorley Street 88 feet and running back to iot no. 3 adjoining lot no. 4 on the north and Caughman lot ? on the west. Each hereby covenants foi himself or herself to join the others in the execution of a joint deed to tho purchasers of the said tracts and lots of lands at the sale aforesaid upon the compliance ; with the term? of the sale aforesaid. Such of the aforesaid parcels of land as are covered by mortgages wi'l be sold subjet to the mortgage debt, and the amount of the debt and th* parcels subject thereto will be announced at the s^le. * Alonza L. Smith, airs. George Glenn, Oliver Smith, Aughtry Smith, W. Oarli&le Smith. Q ?.? 4-W flro ik'.t UUfH 0UliltU OU? ucuiJI ??"(??. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. \' Immediately after the land eale 'Above advertised, the undersigned . administrators of the estate of H. D. -Smith, will sell at pablio auction, co the highest bidder, for ca*h, the following personal property belonging to Mid estate: One maLv on7 reaper and binder, oat ecm e heller, one wheel scrape, one baggy and harness, one threeher -.and other article*. Southern Seenritiee A Trust Co. *Abmra, of Haute of H. D. Smith, |V> TOB STAT? OP SOD TH CAROMS' A, Oottuty of Lexington. By George 8. Drafts, Kfcqaire, Probata judge. *W hereon B. <? . Witt made suit to me, to grant her LrUrs-? ml Administration of the Kstote of au>i affeots of M. H, Witt. .'Those are therefore to eite and admonish all and tfinrala? the Wadryl and creditors of the said M. H. WifR deceased, that they bo and appear, lifers me, in the Court tj&S Probate, to b;> held at Lexington. O. H., 8. C., on the lrt day of Jan. 1911, next, after publics ion hereof, at-11 o'clock in the forenoon, to ahcrv cnuse, if any fci*ey hare, why the ?aid AdminisUraeioa should not be granted. Given under rar hand, this 3tst- Aay ? > tain 17C XJKfyj. rtj.LlV mxiuiit, tiuv. k?l Goo. 8. Drafts, (L. S.) Probate Judge. LexingtonCounty, 8,0.^ ^Jhiblishod on the 4th day af Jan m. in The Lexington Dispatch. 11 | . Home and Perm, beet agricultural paper ev< r published, only 25c a year ^ g ^ ^ \ is I I '' will cure any skim disease. Thai's the price | ?f HUNT'S CURE, and it : is absolutely guarantee | AT ALL DRUG STORES A. 13. .rtienaras ivieaici <e uompany, Sherman, Ttxas. For Sale by J. K. 1/ANGFORD, Swansea, S. C. WANTED!]! In Newberry, Lexington, Fairfield, Saluda,Calhoun, Bichland, Bamberg, Barn II * !_ wen, x^ugeueiu, Chester,York and Orangeburg Counties. agents to represent THE SOUTHEASTERN LIFE INS. , CO. of Greenville, S? C. # The company is now in ] ita Sixth Successful Year ; and has written more paid for business in the year 1910 than any year duringits history. 'Excelent contracts and fine opporJ tunities for energetic J j'j men of good character. [! ! Our agents are making [j l] good every where. Write p j! today for" contract, We p j| sell forms of Old Line Life y it 7r>c-nT?n*><s at. t.hs IftV/OSt X p x - || rates consistattt with jj 15 good management. \ || Address \\ McCain & Pssrham . \ 3 Floor Skyscraper || COLUMBIA: - S. C ! ^===s=^=^sV\ i II Lexington Pe< 1! A Car Load ^ II 0! Horses || And Mules 11 ^ IS Sufttable lor all pur p 1 make your selection. | See us before you bcj is Wheeler II S 130S Assembly SI* f ===== I am now at | in Columbia, wi | Horses and Mi | Lexington are: ! spect my stock W. A I L. i WJffEiars STABLES-.;, * j I mm TO LOA'J I J "* On Improved Farming Land6 ? : ? Long Time. LLasy Payments. e j i Borrovv^r payb actual co -t tf J [ * perfecting loans. No commit!- $ j $ sion charged. $ | JOHN B. PALMER & SON ? j \ Sylvan Bldg. P. O. Box 283 < t 9 Columbia, S. C. * { ? ! _J/ Special Price Paid For Coon Minks and O ler Skins See Before You Sell B. BERRY, Boots, Shoes, Clothing and Cent's Furnishings I Columbia, - - S. C. I'mBBSSBSmB&ZBeBBBBXBaBLgpg| HAPPY ; I MEW YEARI ik 1 S Tnankaxig my many j customers for t&eir & generous palronage j r< In the past, and wist:- | Kb ? 1 Ing all line readers j of fMs paper a 3iap- | 5 py prosperous New I | Year. Itffna wmmimamm* i mmi n ffj aloii 11 14 2P Main St. Columbia, S. C. | 'Dealer in High Grade g PI VNOS AND OilGANS 1 ? ^ aples ^leiids H oses. Call quick'and I | Prices always rigist. I ? ZZZZZZZ!Z""" "" I ^ I Robert?o j1 - CotomMa, S. C j ? ^ horses! [MULES! 9 Wheelers Stable j th a car load of j lies, fresh from J j V friends from III! requested to in- I j before buying, jj : C0LBM8M, S, C. ' i iffi "Myv ^ IH faacj xaaca^ cccp f ?Mv A'Sfc. rj&j 11^11 S 5 8 * I ^ | jl 1 Jj Ill To ? ii of c [J 1 the naa 1 mi I 1911 I i 1 I prec ; ;; g2 . : We ;;: I libei ;; ; 1 hav< ;:i 1 and P ^ 4 Kg ;; ; I futu: 1? J I valu M 1 GXD h: ,1 Si I We [f: I a pa [' j? I fourffl \! | |j | J' "' H ^ :: | I GENE! : i 11 LEX I NC hSy V >1 nm^^SSSSSSSL OBiUltniXIZ Vrtk<\r,^?r' dA^M^MAJbaAAMli " 1 ^ Hlt> ' v ?#? " 'ia WMBWMMMM Z&MIIM (OMaM^BBBBMiDMMMHMHEMHBMMnai \^?WUIV ??i I if -/ -*?tc 3ach and every < mr customers, w sincere hope tl . will be one of i edented prosperi are grateful for 1 al patronage 3 received in the pi our efforts in i re will be to give f e for every dob snded with us. sell every thing fr< per of needles to horse waeon. - -- - ROC SAL MERCHANI 3TON, - - v *\ Sr-' * >< ' ' * i ? t ' f t' ' ' mmmmmm^m^mm MSamBBBMBagggBH sa sa sg ggggg *!* ""!* "" "gee T^*hni ! I ! tft'> ? ?- ?-^ i rirrrranrarrrrs-i mO. pF1 ""1 ty " * ?'-^j ^ ii?[ I II mm\ i U tiff S 1 r! ?i II ^ i # ?. It y * .1 W (? y> II 5ne i ith | M iat I IS 1111* 1 | ^ we U ;H; 1st I H; ;he || -B; nil I ;|j lar I : jj: )m I 13: ESB llur I m\ | ?: ; < \ - ' 1 'Ml I I ||j i 4 * M < 4 i*~ -*-*r ** <Mfe -* ^ 1 J