The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 04, 1911, Image 2

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BiHI B WW J JJ.U.i'JWJ.UilUgP raBHHBaBBBBBB3tgB3SBBHB PLOWS, I And Planre Hard D I /-J J v? re or rl Woll/inn T'xir/' AYILlliig lUiU VTC4.lXVl.lIg X ** v Harrows, Spike Tooth H; ers, Corn and Cotton P Chilled, Stalk Cutters, H You will not work j t buy from us light-rum you need new things for any kind come to us. V , deal. This is a hobby w MMMMMMHMaiMaaMMMMMUMkai Lorick & I INCORP I COLUMBIA, . ? ' V ,4We sell our g (Gf W and for Spot $ ^ Buy- your Dry a? Men's and Bov and save moi Sfi ^ New Fall Good I day1 Jnnfis Cash Or yj WVMVV VW.. ^ 1554 Main Street, *L ******???????*???*+?*?*?? | The Calch { 1552 Corner Main and S Columbia Bank. Central ? ' H. W. WOODWARD, I s 3 American and * Bates: American $2. and I * European, 75c ana S Headquarters for the | CUISINE U] * Proper and Careful Atte: J Now Under New Management 5 #*** **?? '?*? ?? ?** *! (You Can Work M 1 ifn \D mm ! IM W| *A* TV tion radii C flPlii^B J) any - iffSEr in a gives font burns steadily for nine hoi indicator always shows the amc cap, put in like a cork in a bott heater has a cool handler and i > The Perferfinn Oil Heafe flame spreader, which pre high enough to smoke, and is ea the wick can be quickly cleane cannot become wedged and ca: rewicking. The Perfection Oil nickel, is strong, durable, welllight and ornamental. Dealers Everywhere. If rot at y to the r.eares Standard C f (Incor naaqgHBungigSKH " ??-m?HW-?1-1?-m ?, HARROWS I rs General | ware | ) Horse Cultivators, Disk ' arrows, Rollers-Pulveriz- | ianters, Plows-Steel and | ay Presses, Garden Plows >* mur stock so hard if you | ling impliments. When | the farm, or hardware of | /e will give you a square j ith us. I Lowrance, g ORATED. E - - - s> c. | oods very close, W Cash only." Goods, Shoes, rs' wear from us $ aey. . ? :s arriving every w w f Goods Store, $ Columbia, S. C. *?***?***?? ***?**???*??????. * /veil Hotels I & Taylor Streets. Opposite % ly located. Columbia, S. C. ? i*roprietor and Manager. { * European Plan. ? S2.50 per day, ? $1.00. Large, Cool Booms a TJ. C. T.'s and T. P. A.'s. 5 ^EXCELLED. | Qtion Given to All Guests. * Watch us Grow. * ? *4 444*???? Near a Window inter when you have a Perfeo Oil Heater. It is a portable ? /%?? ?rKir>K /??n ko m /Mrori /-. X lUi W111VU van LV UJUTVU IU part of a room, or to any room house. When you have a PERFECTION Smokeless I* . t I I 1 * * i&someiy smoxetess ana odorless io not have to work close to the which is usually far from the ow. You can work where you > and be warm. You can work on winter days in the full light near window, without being chilled to >one. [he Perfection Oil Heater quickly heat, and with one filling of the ars, without smoke or smell. An >unt of oii in the font. The filler le, is attached by a chain. This a damper top. r has an automatic-locking vents the wick from being turned sy to remove and dr p back, so d. The burner body or gallery be unscrewed in an ins'tant for Heater is finished in japan or made, built for service, and yet 'curs, write for descriptive circular t agency cf ike porated) gk BUY YOUR SUGAR. TEA. RICE, CHOCOLATE AND COFFEE FROM US Guaranteed Sugar 19 lbs. $1.90. 44 ' 25 lbs. $1 30 44 44 100 lbs. $5 10 Rice Sold at Cut Prices, R:asted ColTee lbe to 35c Chocolate and Cocoa Souvenirs on Saturday Uive us a ?jau. PHONE 157.1639 MAIN ST., C. D. Kenny Co. COLUMBIA, S. C. Tiie Rev. Irl R. Hieks 1911 Almanac. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks almanac for 1911, that guardian Angel in a hundred thousand homes, is now ready. XT?4- mnntT ni?a riAn TTTillinfT tr\ V,c. tirifK. i> UU iiiauj ai ^ nv v> niinug w ?? * uuout it and the Rev. Irl R. Hicks Magazine, Word and Works. The two are only ONE DOLLAR a year. The almanac is 35c prepaid. No home or office should fail to send for them, to Word and Works Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. V Foley's Kidney Pills wamm* wmtmm ?nirr * What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, correct urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid thatcauses rheumatism. Present Bright's Disease and Diahfftes, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. FABM LOANS Loans made on improved farms in Richland and Lexington counties in sums of $300 and .upwards, payable in installments, no commissions are charged, borrower paying for preparation of papers only. THOMAS & LUMPKIN, 19^3 W.i?hinorhnn St: . P,r?lnmhin S. O TELEGRAPHY We are unable to supply the demand for competent Operators. Three months course completes you under our expert Management. Positions guaranteed, or no tuition charged. Write for catalogue. Charlotte Telegraphy School, Charlotte, N. C. IB. HARMANI DEALER IN I General Merchandise I Staple Line I GROCERIES, CANNED! GOODS, HARDWARE, I ENAMEL WARE, TIN- I, WARE,ETC. - - - |l Lexington, ^ - S. C. I Honesty I in Jewelry I "If it. came from Sentz'e, you E know it's all right," is what one B of our customers remarked to B another the other day. B When you bay Jewelry, you | I generally have to take the "Jew- B eler's word for it" whether it ib gg good or not. It That's just where our reputa- | tion for honesty and fair dealing R And furthermore, we will *al- c j ways give yon your money back p and ask no questions any time F vou are dissatisfied with a pur- | J Special attentior to mailorders, F m \ ni re in CBPT7 I1 itiLiULiiid r, munqi JEWELER, I! 143 } Main, Columbia, S. C g A Happy Marriage-, There was a young woman without anv mother. i Or lather or sister or aunty or broth- i er, Who met a young man in liev own walk and station, Who had, I am told, not a single relation. "I love you," he said, and he never diluted His love with the hope that his father was suired. "I love you," she said, and she added no other Remarks about hoping he'd please her dear mother. And these kinless youngsters?pray note you the moral? Were married without having kad a real quarrel; They were not distinguished, nor wealthy nor clever, But, oh, they were happy forever and ever. ?London Mail. * ? ? Foley's Kidney Remedy?An Appreciation. L. Mc Connell, Catherine St., Elmira, N. Ywrites: "I wish to express my appreciation of the great good I derived from Foley's Kidney Remedy, which I used for a bad case of kidneytrouble. Fiye bottles did the work most effectively and proved to me beyond doubt it is the most reliable kidney medicine I have ever taken." Sold by all druggists. Rev, W. D. Quick. In the removal of W. D. Quick from the Batesburg mission, of the Methodist church, to another field of labor, the hearty good wishes of our entire town go with liim.t There is no better njan of any color or any clime than W. D. Quick and with all our 90uls we bid him God speed. Rev. D. E. Jeffcoat, who succeeds Mr. Quick, will and by right ought to receive a royal welcome. He is an ambassador of the great King and his servants are worthy of best consideration. They labor not for worldly glory, but for a reward that fadeth not away.?Batesburg Enterprise. For LaGrippe, Coughs 3 o. rr ii.u. ana Diuny uoias Take Foley?s Honey and Tar. It gives quick relief and expels tbe cold from \onr syb^m. it contains no opiates. is safe and sure. Sold by ail druggists. Flower Seed. Congressman Lever requests us to announce that he will have for spring distribution several tnou9and packages of flower seed, which, as long a9 the supply la9ts, he will be glad to send to *he ladies desiring them and who will make that fact known by dropping him a card at Washington. How's This? "We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured" by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yearb, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, Kin nan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Caiarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents ( per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. 1 Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. A Reliable Cough Medicine. Is a valuable family friend. Foley's Honey and Tar fulfills this condition exactly. Mrs. Charles Kline, N. 8th Qf Wacinn Pn. xtAt.fn: "Several members of my family have been cored of bad coughs and colds by the use of Foley's Honey and Tar and I am never without a bottle in the house. It soothes and relieves the irritation in the throat and loosens up the cold. I have always found it a reliable cough cure." Sold by all druggists. * ^ Card of Thanks. To the Editor of The Dispatch: I desire to express through the columns of your paper the sincere thanks of myself and family to the many friends who tendered their sympathy and help during the recent death and I burial or' ray daughter, Nannie Mar. Our hearts are full of gratitude to you and we pru\ thai God will reward you for your woros of com fort and 0011*0fln-*Sntr nnr hf?rpavp.menf. W. X. Sheiily. Little Mountain, Dee. ^S, 3910. l7c:r cither acc.ite cr chreui<- kidney disorders, for annoying and p;?nfni ' urinary irregularities t.?fce Foley Kidney Pills. An honest and etfoerive. medicine for kidney and bladder disorders. Fold bv ail druggists. | During a period covering one year, i and the last year of which there is any | definite report, there were admitted at J Ellis island, New Ycrk, 124 insane per- j sons. Immigration inspectors succeed- J ed in deporting all of this number. ? BUY YOUR SH If Harrnan's Shoe store and || plete stock to select from in a" || A special invitation to my ma: {Make my store your h Columbia. Farmers heavy shi The man that saves you I HARM AN'! I STO Jj 1735 Mam Street. jS ?? ^S? n? pip 0,11,1 Can be equally \ at this, the Sout and best : : (Any article yon the furniture li found here at the VANMETRE <AIA IA a I UNUtmMKS K - -imrrrrnn * ^ "u' mwhwhhwi ^ PRIVATE DINING ROO f Metropolitan ] ? BEST AND LARCES jH THE FINEST IN THE STATE D 1538 Main St*eet Oppo: M COLUMBIA, {Regular Dinner Lunch Ticket" :$1.10 for $1,$2.30 fc ALSO CAPIT< 1210 Main Street Opp< Two Best Places in the City 4 I J. J. RIKARI Lexingt* Has one of the Fi State and is prepared 1 ENGINES, BOILERS am Ion short notice Can bore any size ei ton Gin Saws Filed by perfect work. I also i Full line of Mill Su at reasonable prices. Will answer all cou: faction guarateed or y< J. J. F , 0. BROWN | 1730 KAiK STREET, G ' 1 ? ^ ?, ?-v /T (IS WJltJlf YUU L'ttii mm uiit: ~~PAIW OF ALL KI DOORS, ~SA? BLINDS ij LIME AND ( I CABINET M t Call or write for Prices. i OES FROM I I save money. A com- g| II leathers and prices' ]1 ^ i o i fej siy .Lexington menas: gj eadquarters while in ? a specialty. JS money on shoes. jS . 5 SHOE I . RE 1 Columbia, S. C. | HE MM 4EST HOKE veil served ;h's largest t STUBS.. require in ; me can be : right price S :>c fc?i lain St. 1 i, S. C. -t-'iLl" I M FOR FAMILIES Restaurant 8 T IN THE CITY i QUICK SERVICE kite Columbia Hotel a s. c. ? ' 35 Cents I >r$2.,$3 for 2.50.$5.75 for$o , 3L CAFE V >site Opera House S Soffte Made by Steam on, S. C. I nest Repair Shops in the H ;o rebuild a i COTTON CINS B 4 jgine cylinder desired. Cot- I Machinery, which insures B -efill Gin Brushes. B ppiies,Piping, Fittings, etc., B titrv nails promptly. Satis- i i 1 ni ^ DB )ur money oacK. rnone 412 IIKARD, I Lexington, S. G. I G?Ml I I Will r fl?WP??P???? OLUSBIfi, S. G. | of the best stocks of | . ?.*32. i IIS I NDS I & GLASS | ' CEMENT. jj ANTLES. 1 ^ J