m Lexington Dispatch Wednesday Dec. 21. 1910. G H?. Harman, Editor aud Publisher D. R.Haltiw anger, Assistant Editor. ISirtereci at tbe Post Office at Lexington, S. 0., as second class matter. ~ ? -. CIRCULATION 2.327. & ITotics Subscribers, A Blue X on yonr paper denotes vou mre in arrears. A Red X 9hows that your subscription expires in the issue crossed. A little word in kindness spoken, A motion or a tear, Has often healed the heart that's broken. And made a friend sincere. " -v A word, a look, has crushed to earth Pall many a budding flower. "Which, had a smile but owi ed its birth, .Would bless life's darkest boar. ^Tbes deem it not an idle thing A pleasant word to speak; "*"** ?? ?*?? tK/inorhia vnn UO0 I ace juu HC(U, iuc bring. A heart ma/ heal or break. ??? What will your new year resolution V Our college boys and girls are arriving for the holidays. To each of h a merry Ohriscmas. May he continue to make merry and glad all those with whom Ihe comes in contact by his charming manners and "geechy" ways! In the death of Adjutant General J, C. Boyd, which occurred in the city of Oolambia on Snnday following a second stroke of paralysis, tbe State loses one of* its bravest and truest men. His death is generally mourned throughout this and other states where ho was well and favorably known. c' : , . ......... The man who lives for others and mot for himself alone is filling a great "?5? *? and inaf. At: HU8S10II1L" Uild wu w va au* ?u? imwv V , ... . * %his season we should all remember *hat in making others happy, even though oar lot seems hard, we will tmve performed a dnty for which we -will, some day, be abundantly re- I , "warded. ? . To all of our connty officials?Frank Shealy, Patrick Henry Oorley, Geo. SL Drafts, W. D. Dent, B. L. Wing ay * . . vd, A. 0. Martin, louis J. Langford, -James Canghman and S. Rnfns Smith ?we wish a glorious Christmas. May you continue to manage the county's v ^affairs with an eye single to the beet interest of all the people of all the woontyl - = jtr The State of yesterday commenting wd the lynching of a negro near Little - Mountain some weeks ago, nnintenPtionally no doubt, makes the assertion that the lynching oocarred in Lexington county. This is un error, as the ^reoords will show. The crime for which the negro met bis death at the tiands of a mob, was oommitted in | V ' Xexington county, but the lynching took place in Newberry coonty. This | statement le made in order to keep the i veeord straight. r ? There seems to be no effect!re rem\ edy tor the carrying of concealed "weapons. This lav is, perhaps, vio lated more than any of the laws on caretatafee books. The O^uii; at le ?W&y fcc do it is to make tha law so | t?tef*igenfc that no man will dare carry j a pistol on his person. j t ' ----- j This will bo the la .f. in?no of The | -* Disnktch fcr 1910. Our n? xt issue ! f [ will be on January 4, 1911. We wish | #dr all of our wader* a very merry { i^Olirtetiaas and a bright an:J prosper- j nos new year. We shall brg:n the ! Hew year wifch new determinations* j new hopes and aspirations. We shall , strive to make The Dispatch a better j paper than it br. ' ?I eeo?working < -nt ail times r . of mankind j , =nadforthc.? -,j.c mvent. of county au i i > . * *f< i Na Paper CSarlstmas Week f For the fir it time in several years I The Dispatch will not be published Christmas week. Nearly eve-y paper in the State will give its force a week for Christmas. Even the greater numKoi? r\f Kirr rl.ili u v*(IAfc4 tKJ " ** * ? v % i*v*k v j ployees a rest, and we are confident j that the majority of oar readers will not object to onr taking a week of rest and qaiet. Now watch Lexington grow as the green bay tiee. PENSION NOTICE. The Pension Commissioner will be in the aaditor's office on each Saturday in January 19111 j give out suitable blanks to each applicant. All applicants must appear in person, for blanks will not be sen*; oat, except in extra cases. Further instructions will be given when applicaub applies for blank. The Pension Board will meet on the first Monday in February, 1911, to pass upon all applications handed in to commissioner, after which no blanks will ba sent out. The repre sentatives, and all others, are requested to send to the commissioner the names of all pensioners who have died or moved out of the county since last i 3 . M \ pay roil was paia on. \ S. M. ROOF, Pension Commissioner (or Lexington Coanfcy. December 16, 1910. Admlnlstalor's Sale. Notice is hereby given that I will sell all the pQrsonal property of the late Henry E. Jefcoat. at his old homestead, in Black creek township, on the 4th day of January, 1911, to the highest bidder for cash, at ll ! o'clock iu the forenoou. JOHN J. JEFCOAT, 2w9 Administrator. T. C. Sturkie, attv for admr. Estate Notice. AU persons having claims against the estate of Henry E. Jefcoat. deed., should present such claims duly attested to T. C. Sturkie, attorney, at Lexington, S. C., in 15 days, and all persons indebted to said estate are requested in like manner to make yay- a ment. John J. Jefcoat, admr. p T. 0. Stnrkie, atty for admr. 2w9 a I ? Homicide at Branchville. Abe Pearlstine, a prominent business man of Branchville, was shot to death in the posfcoffice in that town on Thursday morning by J. J. Jones, an attorney of the same town. XMAS BARGAINS F01 f We earnestly request you to call; # bia to do yotu ^ Special in Indies ?id Misses Suit ^ 127.50. $14.95 for any suit for mi ^ fine art squares 9x12 sold up to $2 m squares 9x12 sold at $20.00 only $: ^ 11-4 plaid blankets $6.00 only ^ blankets 1 1-4 at $4.00 special. ^ Children Tea Set: 100 fine tea set ^ 200 fine kid doll babies, sleeping c ^ Ladies Far Set: If you have any Rood lady, no better place than h ^ Millinery Bargains: 50 fine hats ? ^ 30 fine hat sold sb high up as $10 Clothing Bargains: 60 fine hard fi ^ price $20 for this sale $14.95,50 fir 0 $12.95 & Overcoats! 25 Cravenette overoc J regular price $8.50, 35 all wool O * oa Bargains in Shirt*: 300 dozen fine \ regnlar price and ralne 75c only < ^ Haiidkcrohiefs and Ties: 25 dozei ^ for 5c. 23 dozen all pure white 1 25 dozen men's Ties afe 25 and 50c \ fttzmai # 1703-1706 Main sl | Vkeivri^it, Hack: 1 REPAl jS| We are located at White B 5^ all kinds of wheelwright ? |& guarantee to give satisfaction nriees. fin We also earn' a select lino *3 solicit-? a libera* share of; ?? c:uity. It- is our purpose ali r>, wk -nam-r. i?? ? ai?i a?at* for young men at $5.95 ^ rercoats Sold at $7.60 only ^ k ak*?4y>i AM#1 A/vllamr % 1 EH1UVTS VUH-VU HVUi) JK 19o each T* i fine white Handkedaeifa 2 ^ inenafc 5c each. ? worth 50 and 7So. M URICE J Columbia, S. C. f Mwvvm^J mm AQu uenerai a [RING I tock and are prepared to do SS md blacksmith work, and |g t every time, at reasonable of Coffins and Caskets, and S2 your patronage in . tins yi- jSj ways to please. : & KOON I - SOUTH CAROLINA. ^ ,h $100.00 a year The P.ass Where Your Do Clothing, Gent's Furnishin Etc., in Great variety and to< the Fall and Winter trade. S CHR1T rifocsfoef Ramaif VJIvatvat i/uiguii wgwoiaw?? waaMwmaMBaMawgppKnawwMi waa All we ask is that you c THE SI ALEX 919 Gervais St. UnBBBBBnBBHHnHBBnaH I We Mav ? We have fust the & S Mother, Father, 2 J Our stock 5s compi | are the lowest. | * Sweaters. Free w f ?am mm^naiiiiTiiiiiT^HTg-?g" :'-,ww^'',<''Mwi? | THE CEORCI || IS THEBES' /i 1 V 1 ! h j The Georgia Beauty is the be r \ ling buggies several years and th j This price is for the steel-tired t j It is built tasty and stylishly, r I'; j Come and see it; you will be j 'j 5 ,! We still sell the Hackney and ;; Also some good surries and otl ^ i plete line of Single Harness, am ! price. | A : Come and see the Georgia Be i i |:!j H13-HT5 Hampton Aveni ij j OUB OTTA&A | ... ?.,t. J* CAR LOAD OF m ? jff We will fcave a car o* m nice torses and maks m K&KA jp lo arrive ai our slab- 0&$ ;?? les on .the 13 kr 1-1 o 1 > & We wiri ?:$ ^ j Iiavc sc^e extra rdc*; J1IJ3 J j|| iiorses aisd mules la $$$} | 1 "~ ~ | ^ Cr^ B M 1211-1313 ASSEMBLE STKSi i M WJSi S ??? ? I I 11 I iTvirhM UTr ?"TT" i Yon are Looking Fo? 3!ar Does Bou gs, Dry Goods, Notions, Shi 3 numerous to mention here acrifice sale continued. : is in Every De all to see us; our prices will ?AR SI AYOUB, Proprietor, coluiv ?????????????3? dnd oi present yen want lor Sister, Brofttsr and Sweet tele m every line and our j Special prices on Millie cj a^jon yard in rear* P. H. STA NEW BROOKE ww.; r : aae rf73?r^sE^^^ A BEAUTY E r BUGGY MADE ] 35.00 st buggy value in Columbia. tis is the best buggy we have e\ luggy. With rubber tires it sel nade of the best materials, by si is strong in its praise as we are Babcoek, as higher grades, ha ;er medium grades in stock. V d can interest you in something auty at your first opportunity. 119 - Co'un .NTEE MEANS SOMETHING HORSES AND 30OJJI ( ism-**< kefcre R'%M ^ S32isffl ?T A& S&4&V,' _ ; ' > * ible Duty \ , 1 oes, Hats, Caps, . Stock full for ipartment do the rest ORE, ' IBIA, S. C. ???????w?? ? your heart. I prices | y an& i lAINGSj 11 .AND, S. C. | sbSBBBBBBEEEB23k'^-^7 UHHtf fflkiluidto vtth IUCGY FOR I :+ 1 1 /e have been sel- j| rer sold for $85 ;| Is for $85, | tilled workmen. j!! I ji; ving a full stock. ;R Ve carry a com- [; . at a reasonable ';! V i 0 f' "' ' S? O* <| ? if i MULES | mrwutjrcS[ i, ^ will also |i s car to arrive g| , '(he 19 or 29. Be || > come to see us $S you buy as we |I suaramee you y| ^ iction. M