PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. G. R. HARDING, THE OLD AND TRIED DENTIST, is at his office doing good wors at moderate prices. Call to see him don't wait. Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, S. C i SURVEYING EaMOTTE & COVINGTON CIVIL ENGINEERS Cop Main nd Gervais Sts. Columbia, S. C. * f \ B, F. JOHES, W, D. V. Graduate Veterinarian, Out-of-town calls promptly attended to COLUMBIA, S. CRobert moorman. Attorney-at-Law, Admitted to Practice in all Courts in this State. Carolina National Bank Building, COLUMBIA, S. C. WM. W. HAWES, Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEWBP.OOKLAND.S. C. Practice in all Courts. Business solicited. November 1.19G?. W a M. EFIBD. F. E. DBEHEB. EFIRD & DREHER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LFXINGTON C H.. S. C Will practice in all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the Arm will always be at office, Lexington. 3. C. T H. FBICK, J . , ATTORNEY AT LAW. CHirLN, S. C. Office: Hotel Marion,i4th Boom, Second * ' Floor. Will practice infcul the Courts. Thurmond & timmerman, attorneys at law, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COUETS, j Citizens7 Bank B'ld'g, Batesburg, S. C. We will be pleased to meat those having: local business t?> be attended to at our office la the Citizens' Bank Building at any time. Respectfully, >. Wm. THURMOND. Q. BELL TIMMERMAN, Albert m. boozer, attorney at law, COLUMBIA, 8. 0. Orvioa: 1316 Main 8treet, upstairs, opposite Van Metre's Furniture StoreBspeeial attention given to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington Bountv. Law Offices, I ) Residence, 1529 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street* C ; Office Telephone No. 1372. Residence Telephone No. 1033. WBOYD EVANS, LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia, S. 0. Dr. f. o. gilmore, DENTIST., 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. O. Ofizcs H09B8.- 9 a. m. to 2 p. si., an liom 8 to 6 d. m. Dr. d. l. hall, DENTIST COLUMBIA, S. C. Lutheran Publication Building, 1626 Main St. Office hours 6 a. m.t to 5:30 p.'m Dec* 28, 1907--6m !! IT f* nOFHFR Anpnt f : FIRE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING HOME INSURANCE CO., N. Y. INSURANCE CO OF N. A., FH1LA GERMAN-AMERICAN, N. Y. GLOBE ANO RUTGERS, N. Y. TEUTON I A, NEW ORLEANS. SOUTHERN STOCK FIRE, GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA. STRONGEST AND BEST OLD LINE INSURANCE COMPANIES v ~ ! LOCAL AGENCY LEXINGTON, S. C. PLANTERS NUBIAN TEA Cold time remedy > IP?K?i ii i ? MI ??aa^?i.? Natures Greatest Liver Regulator Purely Vegetable Does not Gripe For Adults and Children lie FOR 25c BOXES (2 For tile Price of 1) MM DRUG CO.;' i I 'Every Month' I 1| writes Lola P. Roberts, o! || raj Vienna, Mo., "I used to be ?| II sick most of the time and || SB suffered with backache and l|| g| headache. My Mother, who || || had been greatly helped by 1| S| the use of Cardui, got me || || two bottles, and I have S| ?? been well ever since," Si .The Woman's Tonic I Cardui is a gentle tonic 11 for young and old women, H II It relieves and prevents Eg is pain. It builds strength. It ||j m feeds the nerves. It helps g| 1 the whole system. |f |? Made from harmless Eg | roots and herbs, it has no || gg bad after-effects, does not |jp 1 interfere with the use of 1% 1 any other medicine and can 1|~ || do you nothing but good. || |? TryCarduL It will help g| Ij you. Your dealer sells it g| THE JEWELER 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C. REPAIRS WATCHES AXt> JEWELRY Makes Them Good as New - MEDALS AKD BADGES Manufactured in Our Own Shops for Schools and Other Purposes. AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C H!E WORLDS GREATESTSEW1H6 MACHINE ^I^HT RUNNING ^ " ^ V;' vt^r I * A ' "v-;-"'-:v tfron want either ?,VJhrnf;n?rPhnlt1c, Ti<">tnry j. Jehutueor a Sinsie Thr?-;vl [ChainSiiU:h\ j Sewing Machine write to TH? NEW KCS5 SEWINQ MACtiJNE CCMPAftt [ Orange, Mass. *l3rj"?i".v:rstrTTia"h"iT5cs ore ninilf tr, setJrejrarHi*-: s cf ! it?':;!.ty.the Ac;v Home i* .-a;; jo i Our cuarontv rcvcr r;i:is out. Soitl by ittUltori/cd tieaTva** only. ; FuR 5AI.K BY ' ? W. P. RDDF.LM07.31, 5.C. . I ! A Simple Safeguard Per Mothers, j \r~? r? r:;n X/. rv Mi9 VV.? J Youngstown. Ohio. pained wisdom hy I experience. "My lit/tie ^iri had n <-v>-rv. J cold and conghed almost continuously. j My sisrcc recommended Fold's Honey ; and Tar, The thv do< I pave her re- ! lievi d the inflammation in her throat \ and after usiuu only or.e hot f ie hor j "mat and inngs wore entirely tree fro u : 1 "nation- Since then I always j \ bottle or Foley's Hon03* and Tar J flu* hoo^e. Accept no sulisritutcs. j Sold l?y all Dmppi?r>. ; I GREAT BLESSING, A good newspaper is the grandest j temporal blessing that God has given the people of this country. In the first place all the people read the newspapers and the newspapers furnish the greater portion of the reading to the people. They don't read books. The old people look for deaths, the young J look for marriages, the business men read the business and financial columns, ond those who are unemployed read the want advertisements. Great i;i : 1 m jinranes mane a iew iaLeuiKen& men and women, bat newspapers lift the nation into the sunshine.?Graymont Hustler. Cupid's Darts. We have also been informed that there is to be another marriage in our vicinity ere long. It seems that Cupid is aiming well his fiery darts, constantly arousing that dominating passion of the sonl. However, we should be sure that we have been wounded before proceeding too far The coroner wants his man to be dead before he is summoned, but not any more than the parson wants his contracting parties dead (in love; before he is caliorl rm f r? frio cAm of h 5 n rr than a | U V4 Vi-? tV tlV wlVUlWVUl ^ ? w t J ?' j Gordian knot.?Jones County News. FOR SALE. Georgia cane syrup at 35c per gallon in 35-gallon barrels. Also homemade vinegar at 20c per gallon. Terms cash. W. H. Davis. 130S Taylor street, Columbia, S. C. 8w7 BMMBBMMM I I Sili^Ss^as^ I Succeed' when everything else fails. | In nervous prostrat'ou and female | weaknesses they are the supreme ? remedy, as thousands have testified. I FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND I STOMACH TROUBLE g it is the best medicine ever sold S over a druggist's counter. g " Piedmont and Old Mill cigarette coupons wanted. I will redeem theee in cash. Rice B. HarmaD. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. Court of Common Pleas Catherine Mims, et. al., Plaintiffs, against G. D. Mims. et. al.. Defendants. Partition. In obedience to the decree of the Court herein, signed by the Hon. Geo. W. Gage, Presiding Judge, dated the 30th day of November, 1910,1 will sell j before the Court House Door, to the highest bidder at public outcry, on the first Monday, the 2nd day of January. 1911, the following described real estate, to wit: . All that plantation tract, or parcel of land, containing four hundred acres, more or less, situate, in the County of Lexington and State aforesaid, lying on th$ Waters Ferry Road, and near Black Creek of Nonh Edisto River, adjoining lands now or formerly of Preston Taylor, estate of Polly Hayes, Simon Ricard, J. H. Lewie, All* n Smith, J. N. Fowlcs and estate of Eiias Taylor. The above tract of land to be divided into eight pat eels of about fifty acres each, and plats for each tra< f will be exhibited at time of sale. Terms of sale: One-half cash, the balance on credit of one year with interest. from day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser, and a mortgage of the premises sold, with leave to any b purchaser to pay all cash. S FRANK W. SHEALY. & o. e. c. p. & g. s. I Lexington,-S. C , Dec 11110- j? J. Brooks Wingard, Plaintiffs' At- ? torney. | STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 3 County of Lexington. Cl A? C A ?V? Al\ 1 A OC UUlli t Ul (JIJI UI'/I i x i^.ao Mary J. Hill, et. al., Plaintiffs against Bailie Dartneliev, ft. al.. Defendants. Sale lor Partit ion. In obedience to the decree of the Court herein, signed by the linn. G?-o W. Gage, Presiding Judge, rtrt-d tie 30th day ot November, lillO, I \vi i sell before the Court House door in Lexington, S. C-, on the iir-t Monday, the 2nd day of January, 1011, to the highest bidder, at public outcry, the following dtscrioed real estate, towit: Tract Nk>. 1, containing one hundred acres, rnorw or less, lying and being in Sandy Pun Township, G-unty j and State afortsaid, known v.s the "Home Tra< t,'' and adjoining lands i of Henry l\?rterfield, Mrs. Carrie | Cayce, John Lucas, Dave Jlue.ker, and j peniiaps others. Ti/trt No. 2, containing thirty acres, i more or les-, lying ami being in Sandy j Run Township, County and. State j aforesaid, and adjoining lands of Mrs. ; Ji'iien Sayior. Culle* lands, lands of { Mrs-. Sayior and perhaps others: f saul tract being known as the "School j House Tract-." j Tract No. tt, containing eighty acres, m-jre or less, lying and being in Sandy Kan 'J'ownsnip, uour.iy nnu omu- i aforesaid, .and adjoining lands of Mrs. ! Carrie (Jayce, Neisop Portrrfield, OnL- J I?-r lands, tract No. 2, and perhaps others. Terms of pale: Cash, purchaser to pay for papers. FRANK W. SHE A LA", j C. C. C. P. !t\ EFORE orderir.r: Magazines get our g big clubbing dialogue and special R oilers and save MONEY. K SOUTHERN SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY ? A Postal Capd will do. RALEIGH, N. C. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington, In Court of Common Pleas. J. M. Hite, Plaintiff, against Mrs. Mary Rhoden, Mrs. Bessie Fink, Mrs. Ella Belle Hite, Dewey Rhoden, Licesta Rhoden and Gny Rhoden, defendants. Foreclosure. In obedience to the decree of the Court herein, signed by Hon. George W. Gage, Jadge presiding, and dated November 15, 1910, I will sell to the highest bidder, at public outcry, before the court house door, in Lexington, S. C., during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday in January, 1 fl 1 1 JrttiArikrtJ tuc iuiiurrxiig ucaunucu yAUpcifj to wit: 'Ail that certain piece or parcel of land, together with all improvements thereon, situate, lying ancl being in the t-owD of Batesbnrg, county of Lexington, State of South Carolina, fronting on South Railroad street ninety feet and four inches, and running back equal width two hundred and ten feet, more or lesp, to lot of Mrs. Edna B. At well; said lot ij bounded on the north by South Railroad street; on the east by Jot of G. L. Fink; on the south by lot of Mrs. Edna B. Atwell: the said lot being all that eo rtain lot conveyed to me by G. L. Fink by deed under date of ihth oi October, 1900." Terms of sale: One-half cash, balance on a credit of twelve months, to be secured by the bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the piemLes sold, with interest, fifty dollars to be paid down in one hour afi er sale to bind the bargain; and if not so paid down, the premises to be immediately resold at the risk of the former purchaser. P. H. CORLEY, Sheriff Lexington County. December 5, 11)10. E. L Asbill, Attorney for Plaintiff. Ramon's English Cough Syrup, one of the best medicines for a cold and cough, at Harman's Bazaar. MSiSTfft SMLU? DIAMOND BRAND c? jfe g '"tea. LADIES I A?k yoop I>rurirf?t for CHI-CHES-TER'S A DIAMOND IiKAND PILES in Red and/j\ Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue\Oi Ribbon. Take no other. Boy cF your y/ T*ru-(crf5t and ask tor cbi-curs-tkr 8 V DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for iwerity-five years regarded as Best, Safest, / Iways Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS trme fvfry\fc/*4frf worth tried uvlnlwintnc tested I We Want To j r ? it 4 Buy iour | Hides, Skins, Furs, 8 Wool, Tallow, and all ! kinds of Junk, Scrap | Iron, Brass, Copper, | Zinc, Old Rubber, etc. i Highest Cash Prices n Paid at all times. , Martas &R obellsos Col 700 Lady and f(38 Plain St., i COLUMBIA, S. C. ^ ,r. ' I Reference: Palmetto Nat'l. Bank. ; 11 in m ] t lOBDnnHBBaMnBBnnHMBBa H WCPCD 1 11 ?flLOLll S ^ ^ ' ffy n ? ? iiMWlw ?n?it IT J $ ? $?RHEA LP ^ ^ 1109 Hampton ? J ?WWWVfc'VV< TTurni?mwnriMwiwnnrinriHiwiiiwniiWHwr (f ^ "qU ^7"^1hat disa-re | let it work its own way through; and makes you feel bad. Gol rid taking a pinch or two of SiMMO! RED S LIVER REGU (THE POWDER FOR It drives out impurities and baddy dige; bowels; stimulates the torpid liver and res nients. It is a fine tonic and system purine in sound, healthy condition. SOLD O* DEALERS. PRICE. URCC PI .Ask for the gonnine with the Bed '/. on tho /abeL If you < It by mall, postpaid. Simmons Liver Regulator is pot up nisc Price tl.OO per bottle. Look (or the Bed Z label. i H. zeilin & CO.. Props., s tA strong blast, with little efi BUFFALO ( The ideal portable foi \ COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., \ I am prepared to execute anything in the tonsorial line. Sharn razor Hair tonics, mole and wart killer, to kill or n-move moie3 or warts w Ao B. SUMi CHAPIN, S. | I ^ 11 171Q Main The I (if Monthly Inci | r Door separti I i jffiSX / PowertyOn whoh s ily be after ^ J. T. COLEMAN' M^r. ALFBE Charleston, S. C. I THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COP Incorporated as a stock company by John F. Dryden, President. H FOR ROt ! a I any i Doors, Sash, Biisid I Etc., Write or I N. H. DRtGCE COLUMBIA. - SOU ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY" FIGURED. M< SHINGLES AND LUMBER 0 mm ? i im?BM?BaMciMgMfcwx?r?H??a??bm??wo?g? liF.S SJCCY AND WAC? MHMOMvnBNmMnmiiaiHBaiMnMMMHMaBreaaDni /E STOCK COIVi street, - Columbia, South es witli^cu, don ^ it3 a slow process I of it quickly by ^ 3 LATOR M) >ted food in the stomach and tores regular bowel mover that puts the vital organs tCKACSK. ?1.QO. :ai.not get it. remit to u?. we w:V. rend > iu iiqcii form for tLo*e who prefer il. rort, can be procured with a >2 5 FORGE I rge for outdoor work r price* Columbia, S. C. 25SS ; in nr3t-class manner s and clean towels, for sale. Guaranteed ithout leaving scars. MEM 7 -1 ?/ -1810- | I WINTER SHOES ton fiirnds will find it to < -t U) see onr large stock S "this fall" as we bought r 'ch to keep Iroiji paying s oes, so we caw stUyuuat ) trices which will make < ng for you on your fa mi- S We "do" give you the <[ " shoes for the least S irmers strong work shoes S> F. A. DAVIS, I St., Columbia, S. C.' I 'rudential ome Policy is the ing Comfort From ide wil| your famrour death? B J. FOX, Special Agent, LEXINGTON, S. C. MPANV OF AMERICA, the State of New Jersey ome Office, Newark, N. J UGH LUMBER, is, Shingles, call on RS, TH CAROLINA. \RKKT PRICES PAID FOR F ALL KINDS. iti IJ mHARNESS t ? ipany, i s Carolina. ^ V^WWVtJ ?