The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 30, 1910, Image 8

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#a?i?g?????a?? Rfi 1 When evi Jk Hats, Fun ? what imbb Ijsr- up iu 9?v ? Fifty Graveaette! <* etc. These are coats I - $15 and $20. Will se j Fui 9 What is the use t | have to get a set so w v* complete. We can si ? single pieces, and our ^ JS35S _ O ~ S | Bargains 1 f One lot of ladies' will sell for $4.98 as f ladies'suits, solid colo ? suits are worth $20 to ? as long as they last fc ... ^ . Go to Henry Drag Store, Chapin, 8. C., to have your eyes tested for glasses. Examination free. We sIbo handle a full line of drugs, patent medicines, jewelry, paints, \z PENCIL AND SCISSORS. Meet the Editor at Brookland nexi Saturday with yonr dollar. Mr. Web Adams, of Baxter, spent i few days here this week. Mrs. Fred Herndon returned yesterday from a pleasant visit to relative) in Durham, N. C. Mrs. Wallace E. Lorick and childrei ef Irmo spent thanksgiving with homi folks in town. J. Frank Wingard, of the University of South Carolina, spent Thanksgiyinj at home. Mr. D. L. Epting, of Sligh's, visite< our office Monday and he never for gets us, paid a dollar and said send th) dear old paper on. We have a renewal subscription fron Mr. J. Archie Wolfe, a former Lex ingtonian, now clerk of court of Cal houn county, who regards the Dispatcl as a letter from home. Mr. J. Boozer Crews, of the Coium bia Record, is attending the specia term of court this week, reporting th Williams murder trial for his most ex cellent paper. Mr. A. D. Qlipbant, staff represec tatfrve of The State and one of th TTAnnr* mon whft holn tr> mflk JV?416 <UV?? "I? ? ? f -- The State great, has been he r "oovering" the Williams murder trial Mrs. W. H. Gooding has returne to her home in Charlotte, after spend ing Several days with her sister, Mn 0. M. Efird. Miss Marie Sumer, a beautiful an attractive young girl of Newbery, hs returned to her home, after a pleasai visit to the home of her uncle, Hoi O. M. Efird. Misses Hettie and Lucye Bacon, < Columbia, were the charming gues of Mrs. George McWilliams LeFev< during Thanksgiving. * A meeting of all persons interest* in building a bridge over Saluda riv? at Amicks terry is called Thursda; Dec. 1st, at 10 o'clock. Represent tive persons will be present from Le: i: .Von LeesviUe, Batesburg, Prospe icy, Little Mountain, Chapin si other sections. Mr. R. D. Smith, formerlv of tl Lexington Savings Bank, has open* & neat stock of groceries, etc., in h new store building at Leesville. M Smith is a clever young man and deserving of a share of the patronag FOR RENT?My place about 10 mi from Columbia, near Dixiana, abo 80 acres open land, gocd for corn, cc ton, rice, etc. Will sell two mule wagon and harness. Terms reasonab to right party. T. H. Senn, Gaston, Route 2. Z\ Mr. Samuel W. Rhea, of the Rh Live Stock Co., of Columbia, is Tennessee buying up mules and hors for his firm. The Rhea Live Sto company is thoroughly reliable aj they treat their customers right all t time. Be sure to give them a a when in the city. Debtors and Creditors. This is to notify all parties indebt< to the estate of Alfred Sharpe, d oeased, that they ma^e payment i or before January, 1, 1911, and tho having claims will file satae proper attested to the undersigned as a^mi istratxix of said estate. CORA SHARPE, Admrx. Nov. 30, 1929?3 w7p 3* V* ' j n-l*-'.' I er you want ai nishlngs, Etc, want and the Cravenette Coats it $5.98 Pain Hnofo rr**av fan kirtvn Klua a va.ii i vAiau>j gittjf j wu) w that sell for *12.50, *C QO ill one to a customer at f u.30 ! Fur!f o put off buying your Furs? You hy not get it now? Our stock is ipply your wants in Fur aet or prices are right hi Ladles' Suits. suits worth $15, $18 and $20, 5 long as they last. One lot of rs and fancies. These gt>n flO $30. Will sell them y : BY MAIL ?M??????M??? "WANTED.?10,000 Acres cheap unimproved Land near Railway, between Miles Mill and Monetta,?Johnston Realty Compaq, Johnston, S. C. FOR SALE?One good one-horae spring wagon at a bargain. Apply to x J. D. Cockerell, corner Lumber and Main street, Columbia, S. C. ?w P NATION W WE 1908, with 1 9, We Had ), We Bad e |j IWotto: "3 ^ = r Ci^ WE carry t LINE MMHBBmnBBBM H KODAKS,FILMS, PAPER *7 ?? es | SHIPMENTS FREQ1 he- M INSURE |8 Send Us Your 5 | THE R. L. BRY " If COLUMBl ????Mi???a?? lything In D for Men, Wc nnino 2c mnti pi tvv icj & tyii Ladies' Sidi Five hundred ladies' Mohair, Serges and fancies ( prices unheard of. If you i time to get it These skirts , them at a low price and we \ wise. Millii Special prices will be gi partment this week on all oi patterns and patterns fron \I/\Ttr i? ir/\ii knva nnf rrnl llUWj u. jfuu JuaT^ UUL gui ui do so. We can supply you] we are receiving daily new j ####6565? Trespass Notice. This i9 to notify all persons not to hunt, fish or trespass in any manner^ whatsoever on the lands of the undersigned. The law will be enforced rigidly against all persons violating this notice. D. J. Caughman. w7p C. W. Caughman. A I BANK Hi GROW || leposit of $46,914.44 |g| . . $11,!WS $108,050.00 * Safety Before Profit" wn| MAN^Ij jj AND OTHER SUPPIES. | UENT, g^' if rrnrcw ESS! ivi rn.?j^ii uwuj m Order Today gj| < AN 'COMPANY | :a, s. c. m ry Goods, N< >men and O t everyttme 1 Bargains skirts?Panamas, Voiles, )f all kinds will be sold at "V want a skirt \.now is the must be sold. We bought are going to sell them like . ? izxmm?mmmmmmMsmmmKsZ icry ven in our Millinery De1 our French and Hew York 1 our own work rooms, at hat now is the time to r wants and at a small cost goods for this department Mr. J. M. Stuart of Columbia Mimnaugh popular clerk in the clothing department spent Thanksgiving with his 9i9ter' the Misses Stuart. i I HUNT'S CURE Guaranteed Cure for all SKIN DISEASES AT ALL DRUG STORES 50C. A. B. Richards Medicine Company, Sherman, Texas. ' MMMnaHaaMaaHlf For Sale by J. R. I^ANGFORD, Swansea, S. C. THE GEOI | IS THE I! ^ : ;lj The Georgia Beauty ling buggies seve^1 ya f This price is iur the stc || It is built tasty and si ||[ Come and see it; yoi 11 We still sell the Had |:| j Also some good surries Ii plete line of Single Hai price. Come and see the G< j Gregory ' 1HS-1115 Hampto i & j j j; OUE otions, Shoes, rildren Mimn 9 $25 Ladles' Ciricul Coats at This is just the coat you 1 When you use a Caricule or Pli cold. There is a great satisfacti fort wearing them, $20 and $? Ladies' S We have just received a lai man tailored suits in fancy and find in this shipment of suits r new. You have not seen such Come see these suits for yourse find in this lot of suits some wo; worth $40. Will sell for Petticoat Ss Ladies' black and fancy Pel sists of 75 samples, black and ft $6, $6.50 and $7 for COLUMBIA. 1892. Lexington LEXINGTON, Capital, Surplus and Undi 5 per cent, interest paid bein computed semi-annually received. Commercial accounts also j Ample facilities for handl account will be appreciated. Safefr"7 deposits boxes for r( W. P.] mbbh?u?? I Bank of | : : : CHAP] ? The Bank Thai g Thi9 bank aims to give you go< a checks for you?furnisTi drafts i g always glad to assist you in bu9i Pj with this bank, which makes a m po9itors. Our certificates of def n We cordially invite the farmer B their banking with us. 0 J. S. WESSINGER, President. RCIA BEAUT BEST BUGGY M/ $65.00 is ihe h+st u'-r*oj vaiue m Colu >1 i i i ..ocuia this is the Desi Duggy wt iel-tired buggy. With rubber ti yiishly, made of the bestmaterk 1 will be as strong in its praise a kney and Babcock, as higher gr > and other medium grades in s rness, and can interest you in sc sorgia Beauty at your first oppc n Avenus . GUARANTEE MEANS SOME! Ml Clothing, ?& augh has || le and Plush II $10 | 1 ivant for a cold day. mp*. ish Coat you never get ion and com- $10(1(1 !5 Coats for ipill.llU uits. ?? ' rge shipment of ladies' HS solid colors. You will lew styles; something suits in Columbia yet. If. You will |?nr rth $35, some imples ||l / tticoats. The lot conincies, worth $4.98 If s. c. jg r 1910.. wings Bank, S. Cj vided Profits $35,000.00. on savings deposits, interest . Deposits of $1.00 and over riven snecial attention. ing your business, and your mt, $1.00 per year. ROOF President and Cashier IMMWMMWMB??B?C??I r Chapin 1 iN, S. C. : : : | I Aecanosnodates I Dd services. We ca3h out-of-town & for sending money away. We are ? nes9 matters. Make your deposits g point of good treatment of its de- ? >osit bear interest at 5 per cent. j| s as well as the business men to do I J. F. HONEYCUTT, Cashier I t ' Y BUGGY | ^DE FOR | mbia. We have been sel- j;j > > i have ever sold for $65 j;! res it sells for $85. j!; lis, by skilled workmen. !;? ^ s we are. j!; , ades, having a full stock. j;j itock. We carry a com- !|i unething at a reasonable |l| irtunity. |;j a?o?rtJ^t?aagw. ? biiiii'm teo??mc?? Columbia, S. C, HING I "r ??maL^wm*0