The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 30, 1910, Image 7

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Mrs. Bennie Harman, accompanied by Master Leone Harman sj ent last week with her parents Mr. an? A. r . Irvin Stack in the dutch fork. mam ??? GCWANS King of Externals Is the Original in the field of external remedies for all forms of inflammation snch as pneumonia, croup and colds. Nothing can approach Gowans. It stands supreme. . We have been selling Uowans ' Preparation lor Pneumonia and 1 Colds ever since it was put on the I market, and have found it one of g our most satisfactorv sellers. 1 CA UPENT PR BROS., 1 Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 8 Greenville, S. C , July 9. 1910. 8 BUY TO-BAY! HAVE IT if! THE HOME i All DruA^is(8 SI. 50c. 25c. j GOWAN fAEQiCAL CC.. DURKAM. W. C. 6afaetetd. and racncjr refunded bj ysor Druggist | usaaafl ??m?????? i Hexamethylenetstramine Is the name of a German chemical, one of the many valuable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetramine is reeogniz d by medical text books and authorities us a uric acid solvent and anti-septic lor the urine. Thus Foley's' iiauney Ivmeuy N' promptly at the first sign o: kidney trouble and avoid a serious malady. Sold bv all Druggists. : r s Trespass Notice. This is to notify all persons not to trespass on ih j lands of the undersigned by hunting or letting stock rem at large on our laud * outside the pas- > tore or in any manner whatsoever. I Ion? mill Ko 'fic-iHlv P(i fnTVPtl I JL XJTC? it?TV VK AAA /V * :0"fcV ?.%w- | against ail persons violating this | notice. I D. J. Taylor, B. T. Kyzer, D. M. Lucas, E. 0. Kneece. j Nov. 14?iw6p. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Lexington County. v Court of Common Pleas. Mrs. Ireme G. George, Plaintiff, a vs. ft,LShuler,James H.Price and Paul f J. Wessinger, Defendants. a ' Foreclosure of Mortgage. In obedience to the judgement of the Court herein, I will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, before the Court House door in Lexington, S. C, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in December next: 1. All that piece, parcel or lot of #land, situated lying or being in the k town of Bookland, County and State aforesaid, and having the following 4 boundaries and dimensions to wit: North by lot of Mi6s Annie F. Shnler and measuring one hondred (100) feet; I East by State Street and measuring J fifty-two (52) feet; South by Jot of said B. L. Shuler and measuring one bun- ? dred (100) feet; and west by lot of Miss Annie F. Shuler and measuring fiftytwo feet; said lot contains one warehouse. ; 2. Also one lot having the following 2 boundaries and dimensions to wit: North by R. t?. Shuler and measuring flity-two (52) feet; East by s R. L. * Shuler and measuring one hundred (100) feet; South by Augusta Street 1 and measuring fifty-two (52)feet; and West by lot of Miss Annie F. Shuler, r and measuring one hundred (100) teet; c *aid lot con ains one blacksmith shop.* 3. All that piece, parrel or lot of * land, situate, lying and being in the I town of Brookland, County or Lexing- 1 tin and State aforesaid, aDd having | liUC lUlJUWllJg ui'uuuttiica aiju uiujcu" sions, to wit: North fronting 011 Meeting Street and measuring thereon thirtyfive (35) feet; East by lot of R. I?. Shuler and measuring thereon I seventy-two (72) feet; South by land j ? ofM. H. Witt ar.d measuring thirtv ! ? five (35) feet; aiid We^t bv lands of M. J Jjj H. Witt and measuring seventy-two ; ? (72) feet; said lot contains one dwel- ! (} Hng. i A Terms: All of the purchase money i W to be paid cash. Purchaser to pay for i ill papers P. H. CORLEV, J H Not. 14,19)1 Shtr'ff. f$ W. H. Sharpe, Attorney for Plaintiff. '? W. W. Hawes, Attorney for certain vy defendants. : ([! r1ammm mm hpswmmrnmuimmmtmmmmmmmmmKmm | HARM r ^ f" ^ REAL ESTATE ANO iNSiJRANCE ? LEXINGTON. S. C. Wanted | 8 or 10 Farms of 50 to ; 150 acres. For Sale. . 11 acres on the Augusta road 2 miles from Lexington, 8 acres cleared, 3 room cottage. 2 lots in the town of Gaston, S. C. 140 acres near T.Macedon, 22 acres open land, lumber on ground to build dwelling. 100 acres near Holleys Ferry, 30 acres open, 4 room house, barn J ? ?1 ana si><tuit;H, pi en lj naioi. One acre lot, 7 room dwelling in the town of Lexington?terms easy. 1-2 acre lot, Broom dwelling in Lexington?easy terms. One lot in Batesburg 84x200 feet, 4 room cottage. 125 acres 4 miles from Lexington, 40 acres open land, 4 room house, good pasture and plenty water. Several vacant lots in Lexington. 30 acres one mile, from Lexington, timbered. 73 acres, a part of which is in the incorporate limits of tha town of Lexington, dwelling, ; barn and stables?good terms, j I have valuable lots in Columbia for sale. If you have a farm, town lot or timber to sell write or call to see me. 234 acres on the Southern Railway bptween Edmur.d and Macedou, 50 acres in cultivation j 30 acres in pasture, plenty j j water, plenty oak timber, 3 . some pine, 4 room dweiling, I 1 barn and stables, land will raise ? ?11 Tri-n^a of nrroin !: CUILUIJ mi JB.iuvo vi f^ioiu. 4 acres at 'Macedon, Store Building, 3 room dwelling, stock of goods. 300 acres on Black Creek about 3 miles from Pelion,gocd quanti- j ty of pine timber, plenty oak, I hickory and dogwood, land good \ for cotton and all kind of grains, J plenty water, fin#1 pasture," could ] get 3 horse farm on place. ' 110 acres 5 miles from Lexing- | ton, 40 acres in cultivation, 7 | room dwelling, barn and stable9, i plenty water, near church and I ' school, R. F. J)., telephone. g 96 acres 2 1-2 miles from Lex- I ington on the two north road. 5 97 aereB near Lexington. \ 71 acres 3 miles from Swansea, 40 cres in cultivation, 4-room dwelling, >lenty water, land good for cotton nd grain. Write or call to see me AT THE HOME NATIONAL BANK, Lexington, S. C inr tifr moi wtt wt juo i Perhaps we ought t tchievement. But, you knc nore he wants.'' This bein n soliciting new business; 8 ire so well equipped to han Citizen's Bank Batesbur HHHBaBamBBBBanBBanB I BROOKLAr ^ UFIM n&vv Dnvvi vj We Want your business. His A your money with us until you n times a year. i J. C. CUIGNARB, Vice-President. : HEZ3BP3BC ?- TMa47J 4/Wn TT^TT j | $12,000 W< P ' $Ckf? SI 3 [ I" f?rB$Si I V 9 V M vtif a ?i z ? and buy Sb< must be so buying Sho / FARMS FOR SALE A Few of the Many Farms we Have for Sale, Ask About Them. 182 Acres, J. H. Cogbnrn Place, on LoDg Cane Road, new ten room house, Price $25.00 per acre. 173 Acres, Marion Dorn Place, in Sain/In. Hnnntv n room home, other buildings. Price $25 per acre. . 50 acres near Fruit Hill, 2 good buildings and ginnery, all for $2,500.00, one half cash. 64 acres between Jonhston and Edge field, 2 room house and barn. Price $850.00. 47 acres of the MarkToney land, has 4 roon house, barn and pasture, price $6300.00 183 acres 2 1-2 miles of Johnston, 9 room house, 2 houses, several barns and 200.000 feet of timber, price $60 ber acre. 465 acres near Trenton, 8 room j home and 8 houses, large barns, price j $30 per acre. 112 acres 11-2 miles of Johnston, new 6 room home, barn stabies, good land price $7,500 330 acres 2 1-4 miles of Johnston 8 room home, 4 other houses, big investment at $20 per acre per acre. 120 near Velma, in Salud3 County 5 room home, tenant house and barn, price $12.50 217 acres 6 miles of Batesburg has 3 houses 100.000 feet of timber $15 per acre. 18 acres 2 1-4 miles of Johnston, 4 room home, barn and stables, $1500.00 cash. TeiS Us What You Want, We Have it ; Johnston Realty U) JOHNSTON, S. C. x n ni m i mi mi ! ! ?? ??? HMBBBBBIM Ramon's English Cough Syrup, one of the best medicines for a oold and cough, at Harman's Bazaar. Sep? ;o be satisfied with present >w uthe more a man gets the true, we are then justified O ' ? . tnd especially so, since we die it. of Batesburg, 'g, aS. 0. sSD BANK/i .KAND, S. C. H our desire to please. Leave Jjfc eed i* We pay interest four rfvVl L. S. TROTTI, W. n &vt J rrcsiucm U^gJiBB?-nr^ ?" " "* 'UML'JJW srth of Shoes. F re stock of Shoes oes at your pric< id quick, Oppos es HERE I^IOW. DnBHBHHHHRaBTIMaMHnnBBaaBnicaBMI The P&ce Y Where Your Dolh Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, i Etc., in Great variety and too nu the Fall and Winter trade. Sacri: Greatest Bargains All we ask is that you call t THE ST i ALEX 919 Gervass St. gniBMBMniii ^MiTOwmBPatM BWjgzgaaMEBBgamgn ' t? /r*. ? "iwT-sr^ -r~i 'ivsv | stay !W^ not buy yous- 81 Clothing arJ Shoes ?rc We handle the Goodw and Children m all Sea For Men and Beys we LPeters Shoes, wMcra a a new Pair." Give us ; rear. -2firniam h i I HOUSES, MULES I ? I am now in the % ing up mules a] J purposes for ni] g have same on the * in North, S. C. I \ SEE ME B K MnBannunanaananKiniaaiEKaaMaBnE i ^ Dealers In Horse; I w ???????a?ma? i? > >? wa?nm? nshmmnnmmnhrwcuii m jjl ?obmpumutc *1 a.tctw' jw?omm?bdw gTOBPTgaw J* . MlHl or fiie next 20 days w< at, and! below cost. Gc q, Remember this st 'tunify to save mofie^ !" "I" C^S^iis MA,N STREET pos Cl ??????IT???WW?>? W?WWW Ml J ? ' oi3 are Looking For ir Does Double Duty i Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Caps, merous to mention here. Stock full for fice sale continued. ::::::: in Every Department < con tic* Anr nri/->nc iirlH rla A t>no+ V LlVV V7U1 piiwo YY J.JLL UV IUW A V^Ol. \R STORE, ? fOUB, Proprietor, > COLUMBIA, S. C. |ES - ?. | ?y Goods, Notions, Millinery, I tm us. Our prices are right. \ ear Shoes lor Ladies' Misses | tfeer, every pair guaranteed. -I handle Bnrt & Packard and I re guaranteed "Good wear or >: a trial. Free wagon yard in i i ??? tmm i II ? ?Btme? HI iyrrar n C P. H. STALLINGS, NEW BROOKLAND, S. C. 1 1,11? TTT~r I I TTTM iuuuuvm%H\uun AND LIVERY STABLE j western markets buy- 5 ad horses to suit all $ T customer and will ? market at my stables J ^ EFORE YOU BUY \ ? >101, worth, s. e. I s, Mules Livery Siahfes. ^ 5 of3 Jv iV J\ j I * J krzS)/ s? I ; !? m&^7 ?|7 ;| ock B/Jfl 11 f by I O * E9 i 2 % TOFFfCE BLOCK | 3LUMB8A, SOUTH CAR0L8NA. 1 ' i I, Mu , ^ ^