* AS WELL AS large ones are welcome here? yon need nofe wait until your business has assumed great propor- 8 i * ru E 1 l tions Deiore opening a vyji?ua.iJX5 Account, DO SO TO-DAY. 3 Our patrons regardless of the j amount of business done, receive every courtesy in all matters of business entrusted to us?and there is nothing in safe banking v we cannot perform. Talk it over with our cashier. ? = I CAROLINA NATIONAL B35JK, j COLUMBIA, S. C. I \ Try our Home-Made j Buggy Harness | ? ?B?utc x??aea?i * i ! * % j $15.00. Every set guaran- j ' - _ _ < .: ^ teea xo give sausiaeuuu. i All kinds Harness, Gears, jetc., in stock. Repair Work a Specialty. J E. A. Fellers, 933 Gtrvais St. Columbia, S. C. ROYAL RUBBI Wkh Lap Cemenl 1 Ply, $1.60; 2 Ply, $ CORRUGATED 111 CORTRIGHT HE1 Roofing tin in Rolls 14 SPECIAL PRICES O No. 7 Dixie with 15x16 No. 8 Colombia with 18: ^ No" 8 Model, Charter ev h LEEA.LORI Phone N 1519 MAIN STREET AIM R r factors. Pipes, Valves and Fittings, l :gtt Saw Cane Mills in stock. LOMBARD IRC COMPANY, Augusta, Co* i ,3 [GOOD S N J jj And best of work is t r\ Feature that has he j The State-wid i ! and endorse } 21 \ i_ : !| South Carolina } * H All work in eii | Guaranteed to sa ; B Fence also. Writ 0 See us and we w Your interest is 1 SOUTH CAROLINA I 1 2 Phone 1558. : : m> COLUB8B3A, | j 3 R. V. STILLER, Manager. : "I am t?!eased to recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as the best thing I know of and safest remedy for coughs, colds and bronchial trouble," writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold of Denver, Colo "We have used it repeatedly and it has never failed to give relief." For sale by All Dealers. stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive organs, regulate the bowels, and arc unequaled as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial districts their virtues are widely recognized, as they possess peculiar properties in freeing the system from that poison. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute.-? Emperor Francis Joseph speaks twelve languages. The kaiser is master of five languages besides his own. Nearly all the telephone companies of this country lo?t money at the start. MM For Watch and Jewelry Repairing go to Berkman where y^u are guai-anteed first-class work at reasonable prices. You can also safely entrust your eye troubles to me, as more than 30 years of practice in correcting all kinds of defective vision entitles me to y our confidence. ESTABLISHED 1879. 1418 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA. S. C. 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE. ER ROOFING t Caps & Nails. 2.00; 3 Ply $2.40. [OR ROOFING Lengfets || rAL SHINGLES and 20 inches wide. N COOK STOVES Oven at $5.50 ?16 Oven at $8.00 en 20x20 at 11.60 CK&BRO. II o. 498. COLUMBIA, S. C. EPA IRS! IBS, Bristle Twine, Babbit, &c., far any make j ENGINES* BOILERS and PRESSES ! airs for same. Shafting, Pofleys, Belting, In* i , Shingle, and lath Mills, Gasoline Engines j )N WORKS. AND SUPPLY ?? ?u * ? l xssxixxssxzzrmxxzrixxxxisijg stock f he strong ; ji lped to earn j jjj e reputation ; 3: ^ments of the ;jjj R _ ?1_ 1 TTT 1 M fiaroie vv orKs. g ther marble or granite t * i tisfy. We sell iron ;e or call to M ! ill see that 2 \ *! protected. ! MARBLE WORKS, jjj j ' M , | 1707 Main Street, : * i i s. c. 'is! i M I : F. H. HYATT, Proprietor. ! * ! ' W I jiMjiipaipRi i To Prohibit "Social Clubs" The following is taken from The Greenville Piedmont: Mr. John M. Daniel, representativeelect from Greenville county to the house of representatives, will introduce a bill at the coming session of the legislature to prohibit all social clubs. He made a statement to this effect this morning. Mr. Daniel said: "For some time I have had under consideration the matter of regulating social clubs in the city. I have reached the conclusion that these clubs represent a special privilege, and therefore only a certain class of our citizens. They work a hardship upon the masses, and I believe that I can be of assistance to my constituents by nsinc mv best energies and efforts in behalf of those measures that will be best for the majority of the people. "I am therefore opposed to granting to any class a special privilege that the masses cannot have. "I have nothing against the club in itself, except that it tends to cause young men to spend for pleasure (in order to keep up with a certain class) money that could be spent to better advantage if the club did not exist. "Dr. T. R. League and myself have decided, and will propose a measure to regulate the clubs, and if necessary to abolish them throughout the state." There is little danger from a cold or from an attack of the grip except when followed by pneumonia, and this never hapx>ens when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. For sale by All Dealers. Five hundred students at the Georgia Technological school in Atlanta have joined classes in Bible study. Dennis 0,Nea!, c^f Waycross, Ga., hurt his toe on a we^d. Blood poisoning set in and he died of lockjaw. "I do not believe there is any other medicine so good for whooping cough as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. Francis Turpin, Junction City, Ore. This remedy is also unsurpassed for colds and croup. For sale by All Dealers. ? After eluding the officers for nine years, James Stoggs, of Lonoke, Ark., indicted for murder, has voluntarily surrendered. Emil Gerlock, a German farmer of Madison county, Alabama, was killed by his partner, Ki9er, in a fight. For pains in the side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Liniment and bind it on over the seat of pain. There is nothing better. For sale by All Dealers. Andrew Ball, of Clinton, Va., shot and killed his brother and was in torn slain by the son of his dead brother. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the yonnpest child. The old and feeble will also find them a mo9t snitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestion and f or regulating the bowels. For sale by All Dealers. Thirty-nine killings have occurred in Bibb county, Georgia., in the past twenty months. Concealed pistole used in 35 instances. Shall Women Vote? It they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true remedy for women. For banishing dull, fagged feelings, backache or headache, constipation, d;spelliug colds, imparting appetite and toning up the system, they're nnequaled. Easy, safe, sure. 25c at Kanrmarn Drug Co. The Louisville and Nashville railroad reports the most prosperous ye; r in its historv. How's This? .We.offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that c-ninot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the Inst 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. W.u.piyn, Kjxnan Makyin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, ubio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly u]>on tlie blood ami /vf rln gt'cffc.m muijuur- Miliaria vl i monmls sent fr o Price M><*. per bottle. Sold by at! Drnugisrs. Take ffali & iaitiilv Pills tor constipation. The guarantee fund lor Atlanta's spring grand opera reached ?36,d:H). Mrs. Charles W. Morse refused to believe that tire announcement from Washington that her husband would not be given a pardon was official A New York heir to an estate wcrth $3,000. OOP married his mother's former maid. parker's hair balsam C1**nwr* t>C8l.,t't"ici Uie btlr. J?fil'N?'r**r y^its to Bc-6tcrc Gray jgffiffiv-llu.r to its Youthful Color. Cuit-B walp <: baif taljiug. TAX NOTICE Swansea, Wed. Thurs. Nov. 23, 24. Pelion, Friday all day, Nov. *25. Crout's Store, Wed. even. Nov. 30. Addy'fl Store, Thurs. morn. Dee. 1. G. F. Keisler'9 Store, even. Dec. 1. Brookiand, Saturday all day, Dee. 3 The hours for closing the tax books will positively be at 11 o'clock for the morning and 4 o'clock for the afternoon for these appointments. The balance of the time at Lexington Court House until December 31st, 1910, after which time the following penalties will be added by the County Auditor and collected by the County Treasurer: On January 1st, 1911, 1 per cent, penalty will be added to those who have not paid. On February 1, 1911, an additional 1 per cent, will be added to those who have not paid, making 2 per cent, for Feb. An additional 5 per cent, will be added on Mar. 1st, making 7 per cent, penalty to be paid by those who have not paid by March 1st, 1911 Books Will Close Mar. 15, 1911. LEVYFor Statu Purposes 5% Mills For Ordinary County Purposes ... 334 Mills For Constitutional School Tax... . 3 Mills Special County 34 Mills For Koads . , . l>? Mills Total 14'4 Mills Special School Levy Pis. No. 15 6 Mills Special School Lew Dis. No. is 4 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 25 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis No. 34 2 Mills Special School Kevy Dis. No. 37 2 Mil's Special School Levy Dis No. 42 3 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No 75 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. fit! 5 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. S3 2 Mills Snecial School Levy Dis. No. 3 Mills J Special School Levy I>is. No. 35 2 Mills Special School Levy Lis. No.79 2 * ills Special School Levy ' is. No- 23 2 Mills Special School Levy Lis No 71 2 Mills Special School L^vy I)is. > o. lfi 2 Mills Special school Levy Dis. No. 17 2 Mills Special School Levy Lis. No. H3 2 Mills Special Sc ool L ' tin.' body. Hair or Eyebrows falling ??*. ft?*i;injr, watery blisters or open humors. Hisiags or pimples of E?*/C^mn. B"i!<. Sw.?lling>. Eating Sor-s. tak- B B. B. It kid- the poison, j n:ak?"S the b'ood pure ;,nd neb. eompMely j crmnging The .-mire, o -ly in:*' a eb-ari. healthy udition healing <-yiTv sore or pimple and stopping a--h?.-s. pains and ib-hing. earing th- \vorsr. of Blood Poison. hhe.ti?na.tism >rE*X"!na. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM B. B. B.i is pb'-oant and sab* to rake; "onip- sed of j pare Botanie ingredient. It purities and j en riches rhe blov Kaur'msir.n Drr.^Co. an-5 Derrick'sl'rui: s*'-r?. Notice Traspassers. This is to notify all persons not to hunt, fish, allow stock to trespass on fields, cut wood, or to trespass upon the lands of the undersigned, in any manner whatsoever, as tin- law will be enforced aganstali such violation. C. P. Bundrick. P. E. Eargle, J. \V. S toud em i r c, R.Stoadeime Nov. 15-4w6p. For Rent. I offer for rent the valuable farming land known as the Fox plantation? open land tor four horse farm. Apply to J. J. Fox. B? I * CrROj ?o I! ?*tlie ?5 Columb 55 | j line of ever 09 j | and sells at 1< fV| | j i a clever man 55 i j vgg i j giving his ci jJ5 ! | | good to eat. | Trade with fVJ I j j will trade wit ?? especially an: 03 . | j j share of the I j ! j a call will coj |5ff . j .here to please Ifti ! ! I Highest pri gjfcl ! I ! produce, Chic Ij'l Geese, etc. ! fifl| | | ' sell, and ft Qg j j | groceries. THE POPULj j|^| Cor. Lumber and Main ?? First Class Dental Work 1 ^old Dr. L. L. TOOLE. 1608 Main Street, - Op COLUMB y Real Estat< The following property at, One farm of 65 acres, 30 o cultivation; 20 acres re; from graded school bui One farm containing 62 ac half mile from Swanse; Thp most desirable lot for houses and lots in the reasonable, address Durham-Nil SWANSE yv. $ Jin 000 Pnll' Jk TVjVV v | WALL f Largest and most varied stock close, call a J YOU NEED GOOD PAINT r Picture Frames Made to On > Webb's A ^ 1627 Main Street ??*3C*3?*3? !?3|3 CERIES g leading grocers of 6? ia, Handles a select W# ^thing in groceries 55 Dwest prices. He is 53 and takes pride in 68 istomers someimng u him ome and you S3 h him again. He is fjS xious for a liberal jJJ? jexington trade, and avince you that he is Cg ces paid for Country sS kens, Eggs, Turkyes, fjy) 3ee him before you or your wants in Cf| fiS ?? ?XR GROCER 0^ i. - Columbia. S. C. ea at Reasonable Prices T1333 are M / Pricas: Plates (rubber base) flo.OO Crowns $5*00 e Work (per tooth) $5.00 I Crowns (pivot tooth) $3.50 Extracted (painless) 25c. and 50o. Cleaned 75c. and $1.00 Fillings 50c. to $1.00 Fillings $1.00 to $8.00 TREATING TEETH EXTRA. , - Surgeon Dentist, iposite Thomas' Drug Store. II A, S. C. I b For Sale and near Swansea, S. C: f which is cleared and in ?dy for the plow, one mile lding on automobile road :res and a good one, one a. business building, and 3 ; town. Price and terms sholson, Co A, S. C. .WWWWVWVJI s of Select 5 PAPER ? in the State, goods marked ^ .lid see us, ^ AT SI.15 PER GALLON. A der he a per than Elsewhere. & rt Store J Columbia, S. C. i