IMpfl 1 Otto Paul, Milwaukee, Wis.. / Says Foley's Honey and Tar is still v more thar the best. He writes us, "All I j#iardly able to attend to my nouse^^MPvork. About three months Ralrt hv nil ?]eftler?. Price 50 scents. Foster-Milburn Co , Bi ffalo, S-|?j'New'York, sole agents for tLe United vf States.' Remember the name?Doan's?and r-]g^take no other. i7t TV? N " ^'WrTHBBTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, * * County of Lexington.. George 3. Drafts, Esquire, Probate * . judge. Whereas, Sim L. Hendrix made wuit to me, to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate of and ^effects of Geo. B. Bickley These are therefcr? to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and ^creditors of the said Geo. B. Bickley, deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Pro|lJ-~%6fce, to be held at Lexington, C H.f m S. C., on 17 day of November, 1910, next, after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration | should not be granted. v __ Given under my hand, this 2 day of Nov. Anno Domini, 1910. Hp Geo. S. Drafts, (L. S.) Probate Judge, Lexington County, S. C. Published on the 9th day of Nov. ' tflin In T^TimrtATi Oifinfttr>h 3 Ilinnery Notice. ovember 1 we will only ran n Wednesdays, Thursdays ys of each week. Snelgrove Bros. v 4? 3) Fine ? mum n..., i:i.. DcilWHl Ten | The plant sacrificed to t Sale begins pr it?you find it alv? you will buy then man, no man can Success in every < Ifcvhiie tne over-ca ? You have dree y .Y PRESENTS T and the first tick* The terms of s to pay for papers D. C. FLYNN. 5O miles to hear 1 Remember the Administrator's Sale. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the late residence of Paul E. Lowman on Monday, November the 21st, beginning at 11 o'clock, a. m., one or two mules, cattle, mower, rake, harrows, plows, and other agricultural implements, under order of the Probate Court. Malissa Lowman, Administratrix of the Estate of Paul E. Lowman. 2w3 Hexamethylenetetramine Is the name of a German chemical, one of the many valuable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and anti-septic for the , urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy promptly at the first sign of kidney t.rnnhiA and avoid a serious malady. Sold by all Druggists. | Notice of Final Discharge. This is to notify all persons that I will apply to the Hon. Geo. S. Drafts, Judge of Probate for Lexington County, South Carolina, on the loth day of November, 1910, for a fiaal discharge as guardian of the estate of Sarah B. E. Bawl, minor. Mrs. S. E. Bawl, 4w4 Guardian. I BIG STC Dry Goods, Sh Hardware, ji Fall anc We cordially invite < I to make an inspec before buyii I Millinery!! I OUR STOCK OF Ik! I /' LARGEST, BEST J MOST UP-TO-DATI WE CAN PLEASE I TEDIOUS WOMAN I MAKE THE PRICE j MOST EC0N02* f OUR MILLINER W J URE IN SHOWIN< R. W. FRI I CHAPIN, - Fmi a. am Building i i Small Farms ation known as tb be highest bidder i omptly at 11 o'clock. 1 'ays there, steadily inc: i the dav they are'sold be a leader who does n< calling is accomplished .utious wait in vain. imed for years oi ownii STILL BE GIVEN AW J 3t out of the hat gets fi: ri 1 rv rt /\v* /\ 4-T-\ i CL1C7 aio UHO UliliU. UCLOI1, , the jolly old Auctionei lim. Be on hand Novei i highest bidder gets this ????????????????J? I' III JVT tUaOUMMMBI V Bring or fend your dollar for The ? Dispatch when you come to court. | [GOWANSlj I Kingof Externals 1 1 Accepted by. the Mothers | of America as the one and I only external preparation I that positively and quickly | GURES all forms of Inflammation or Congestion snch as Pneumonia,Croup, Coughs, Colds, Pleurisy^ I \r; Since Gowans Preparation has i been introduced here it has gained | a strong foot-hold in man.v ot our best families whom I know are giv- m ing you advertisement right along * without solicitation. It always a makes good. Weidling & Son, Tiffin, Ohio. Druggists. ( BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME < All Dru**Uur friends and patrons 4 tion of these goods < rig elsewhere ( - i Millinery!! ] LILLINERY IS THE * SELECTED AND 4 3 IN THIS SECTION. 4 ! THE MOST FAS- | IN STYLES ANJD * { IN REACH OF THE Z 1ICAL BUYERS * ILL TAKE PLEAS- J 3r YOU THROUGH. - J CK & CO. 'j SOUTH CAROLINA. v: 4 i irrm mi i*w I ,? ? AND > Four and a Hi e Jim Caughman pi it Leesville, 8. C., o III Ji 1 if*Ti in ??? 8 i lianas rhis is your golden oppor reasing, often donbling ii at Auction. Be sure to 1 3t reach out and grasp oj by intelligent, personal i lg a farm or a fine town 1 \Y FREE ON THE DAY rst choice, the second tic balance in one and two 3 * will cry this sale. He is nber 15th and enjoy the. 3 land. The date is TUESI CLOTHES AND SHOES ( Why not buy your Dry Goo< Clothing and Shoes from us. We handle the Goodwear She and Children in all leather, e^ For Men and Boys we handle Peters Shoes, which are guar a new Pair." Give us a trial, rear. p. ' HWWWW WW w-v^ w I HORSES, MULES AMI | ? I am now in the west f ing up mules and h ' purposes for my cu I . have same on the mai J in North, S. U. > -s- SEE ME BEFORI * ' J. A. LIVIN6STI * Dealers In Horses, Mule . WVWVV\WVVWVWW%1 ; ; A ' MBBnaHHOHnHUBBEBn all Miles From Leesv .ace riglit at Salem Lutheri n tunity?Land is the foundation of fc i value in a year. Land or lots wil Duy the first lot put up?be a leader jportunities of this hind v/hen tl endeavor, the active go rapidly to t ot, this is your opportunity. FIVE OF SALE. Every one attending the :ket second choice and so on. ' ears, with interest from day of sale s as full of jokes as a circus clown, a laugh of your life. DAY MORNING, Nov. 15th, at llo'c !\ as, Notions, Millinery, Our prices are right. >es for Ladies' Misses irery pair guaranteed. > Burt & Packard and anteed "Good wear or Free wagon yard in H. STALLINGS, NEW BROOKLAND, S. C i III I II III ?II W? BBBBBIl II11 !! II !K?B?B? k/VWWVWVWV*WW> ) L1VEBY STABLE j ;ern markets buy- J orses to suit all $ stomer and will ? ket at my stables 5 ^ E YOU BUY -s- Ji [)J|, WORTH, S. C. | >s Livery Stables. f /vwwwwwwwwd I LE rable in the tile. S. . I an Church, will be 1 \i*f*nT>?iO* ttymi oc?nnr\t lncc I ^ /i. OUlIUOt J \S UL ^CKliiXV U A. >-/ H I never sell so cheap as | . Never follow the other | iey present themselves. | i he front ranks of success, ELEGANT AND COST! sale will get a ticket free, i at 8 per cent, purchasers ,nd it will pay you to com 3 I lock at LEESVILLE, S. C. J =?1