Saves an Iowa Man's Life. The very grave seemed to yawn before Robert Madsen, of West Burlington, Iowa, when, after seven weeks in the hospital, fonr of the best physicians gave him np. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Electric Bitters. For, after eight months of frightful suffering from liver trouble and yellow jaundice, getting no help from other remedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medicine completely cured him. Its positively guaranteed for Stomach, Liver or Kidney fw\nKlco onH noro* rlioannftiilt'S. Onlv V4VUVAVO BUU 12V V Vi UipW|/^V4M ? ?' 50c. at Kaufmann Drug Co. J I Land Sale. 200 acres Rood greyland, north of Leesville. 110 acres in cultivation well watered, 3 tenant houses, lies well and located on public road. Price $8.40p.' Terms to suit purchaser. 48 acres, 40 in cultivation, new 4 room dwelling, 2 room tenant bouse, barn, good well of water. Price $1,500, terms satisfactory. Situated 3 miles south of Leesville. , i DR. E. C. RIDGELL, j Batesburg, ? - - S. C. * VI _ ine THE - i Where Your \ Clothing, Gent's Fu Etc., in Great variety the Fall and Winter to Greatest Bar All we ask is thai A%i ** i n?> % ; k ?, ^ * ' * , ' ' r jfc -v,- - - 919 Gervais S ... a_j M I *, i.1 V i t f \j I' { ' ' I IT \ i a: 4 \ i i 1 *; - | Clothing At and below cost to close ont as I am going oat of this branch of business. Here are bargains for yon SHOES?for everybody, Men, Women and children that wear to satisfy every one. The prices are popular FURNITURE?See my stock, as I have just received a car of selected furniture, and prices are "all right." See me before you buy HARDWARE?I have a full line of hardware; the Disc Plow, Turn Plows, Middle Breakers, Disc Harrow, Pittsburg Welded fencing, in fact anything you may need in this line GROCERIES?Always in stock, fresh and the best at right prices GIVE ME A TRIAL. J. S. WESSINGER, | CHAPIN, S. C. Place You are Looking For STAR STORE Dollar Does Double Duty rnishings, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and too numerous to mention here. Stock full for ide. Sacrifice sale continued. ::::::: gains in Every Department. t you call to see us; our prices will do the rest. STAR STORE, ALEX AYOUB, Proprietor, it. -I- COLUMBIA, S. C. ' - irr " i S ; , f Diioniro iif?nnii( DUUUILO, HHUUI1C We have in stock the best line we have ever carried, including our prices. FARM IMP We have the most complete lii shown on the market. Includi rows, grain drills, stalk cutter 11 AM A WtW* udcu un iuu ia,i in. W- P- ROOF, LEXINGTON, - 1 BARBER SHOP I am prepared to execute anything in first-class manner in the tonsorial line. Sham razors and clean towels. Hair tonics, mole and wart killer, for sale. Guaranteed to kill or remove moles or warts without leaving scars. A. B. SUMMER, CHAPIN, S. C TO THE PEOPLE OF THE DUTCH FORK; I want to inform vou that if you are needing anything in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Groceries or Hardware that I am here to please you and guarantee my goods and prices. Cive me a trial when you come to Chapin and be convinced. For Cotton Seed meal and Hulls you will find it to your interest to see me before you buy. cnTpifs^1W m wiiii iji i hi ibpwhpi? I |Bjj H1NEH1EIET I Pan "hppnimllv Wftll SfiTVftd IV CbXJL W J ? ? ? at this, the South's largest I and best : : : : : I I FIiKMTI RE STflML Any article you require in I the furniture line can be I found here at the right price I VANMETRE'S j IIWRTMHK *313-19 Main St. I | unuLiii/iiiLiiu Columbia, S. C. .v^1- | j ^ K * :?: . i f 1 *> ! HARNESS. ETC. of Buggies and Wagons that ? all the leding makes. Get le of farm implements ever ng plows, harrows, disc hars and everything that can be GENERAL MERCHANDISE S. C. * Alfred J. Fox, I REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE LEXINGTON. S. C. Wanted 8 or 10 Farms of 50 to 150 acres. V ^ _ rur aaie. 11 acres on the Augusta road 2 f ' miles from Lexington, 8 acres cleared, 3 room cottage. 2 lots in the town of Gaston, S. C. 140 acres near Macedon, 22 acres open land, lumber on ground to build dwelling. 100 acres near Holleys Ferry, 30 acres open, 4 room house, barn and stables, plenty water. One acre lot, 7 room dwelling in the town of Lexington?terms easy. 1-2 acre lot, 3 room dwelling in Lexington?easy terms. ; One lot in Batesburg 84x200 feet, 4 room cottage. 125 acres 4 miles from Lexirgton, 40 acres open land, 4 room house, good pasture and plenty water. Several vacant lot9 in Lexington. > 30 acres one mile, from Lex-, ington, timbered. 73 acres, a part of which is in the incorporate Jirait9 of tha town of Lexington, dwelling, barn and stables?good terms, I have valuable lots in Columbia for sale. If you have a farm, town lot or timber to sell write or call to see me. 234 acres on the Southern Railway between Edmund and Macedon, 50 acres in cultivation 30 acres in pasture, plenty water, plenty oak timber, ? some pine, 4 room dwelling, barn and stables, land will raise cotton and all kinds of grain. 4 acres at Macedon, Store Building, 3 room dwelling, stoci of goods. 300 acres on Black Creek ab out 3 miles from Pelion,good quantity of pine timber, plenty oak, hickory and dogwood, land good for cotton and all kind of grains, plenty water, fine pasture, could get 3 horse farm on place. 100 acres 5 miles from Lexington, 40 acres in cultivation, 7 rnnm ? TT V?41^? k/MA ii OiAU av?*rivoj plenty water, near church and school, R. F. D., telephone. 96 acres 2 1-2 miles from Lex- ' ington on the two north road. 97 acres near Lexington. Write or call to see me at THE HOME NATIONAL BANK.S Lexington, S.C ^fli