^W???J?? ??B??? The Lexington Dispatch Wednesday, Oct. 12.1910. G. ML. Harm an, Editor aod Publisher D. R. Haltiwanger, Assistant Editor. Entered at tne Post Office at Lexington, S. C., as second class matter. CIKCTJLATION 2.327. W. D. Bates' Big Sate. Perbaos no merchant of Columbia, ' '&as made greater strides along the line oc protrf?? during the last few years than has W. D. Bate9, the man who ""sells it-for less." During the last few weeks he has made a change in his store whica for convenience and ? attractiveness, is unexcelled. Going into business in Columbia a few years ago in a rented building Mr* Bates has gradually gr,?wn in favor "with the people until today he owns his own store house and carries a stock of goods second to none in the 'State. With no rents to pay Mr. Bates announces that he is in position Id aell goods cheaper than ever before. He is just back from the northern '?*? ?!???? nnrnhoapfj a hi Or OMUTKeiS Wiioic "t yvivuHv? SEo^k of good*. the latest out. all new ?nd pretty. You must go and see the bargains he is offering. Bates' success from the jump has been nothing short of phenomina'. Reared on the farm and being possessed with a world of pluck, energy and determination, he i9 always seeking those things which pleases his customers most. Bates has always made it rale to sell good9 at a small margin *>f profit, reah'Z'ng that it i9 far better to make quick sales and small profits ^fchan it is to have old goods on the shelves. Bates bought direct from the factories a big bill of domestics, long before the rise in cotton, and will now -save yoa money on every purchase, whether large or small. No joke in this, on his recent northern trip he certainly did scoop in thousands of 'dollars worth of reasonable goods at ^prices far below their real value, and beds offering these goxls at prices 1,1 "?? ???* Kia PrtmnofifnN to look tQM WliU uouou UM.O on.in amazement. Bates is a clever buyer, and has plenty of cash to back *urp his purchases. He has a $50,000 stock to make your selections from and you will find everything that is - new," stylish and up-to-date. BIG TEN DAYS' SALE. , >In order to give his thousands of ^customers tlie benefit of the many bargains he has recently acquired, ? Bates has decided to put on a big ten clay's sale. This Bale is now on. See the big advertisement on tne first page, and if you need anything now, or expect to need anything any time aoon, it will pay you to go to this big wale, and go at once, for when Bates announces that he is going to put on a special sale there is always a mighty *7ush, a stupendous race for his store, because it means a saving of many thousands of dollars to, the people. That tMs sale will outclass all previ? * ? *- * 3 sales is not aoaowu. It is not often that a merchant pots on a sale just at the right time?right the beginning of fall when trade in ?U fines is brisk, now too, just before , the county and state fairs. But Bates who purchased a lot of goods before the rise in price of all fabrics, can afford to give his customers the benefit of his buying genius. In this sale you can buy dry goods, notions, shoes, bats, ladies' suits, skirts, waists, millinery, mens' suits and pants, in fact everything for men, women and children. If you miss this %ag sale you'll lose money. Go to Bates and tell him that you read about his big ten days' sale in the Dispatch and its dollars to doughnut? that yon will get goods cheaper ' than you.havesiy?ibonght them be-' re. * Explanation* v On account of the very congested *-n. ." condition of onr columns, uuc w ??x. vertisingcoming in at the last minute, the Muller-LeFever wedding and other important news items go ever until' [ .; ' ' Jaext week, $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to If arn that there is at least t>ne dreaded disease that science has tieen able to cirre in all its stages, and that is Catarrh, ball's Catarrh Care is the'only positive dare now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a conatitntional treatment. Hall's Catarrh ' Onre is taken internally, acting directly ^ipon the blood and mucous surfaces of ' the system, thereby destroying the -foundation of the disease, and giving * 1 1 T-IT1 t V, o % 4he patient 'strengtn oy uluiuiu6 ' wttBtitntiGn and assisting nature in * doing i?E "work. The proprietors have so etftich faith in its curative powers Vthdt'SbQf offer One Hundred Dollars afity case that it fails to cure. Send ^orlist of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ?r -* It witl be unlawful to shoot partridges until after Nov. 15rh. Euntcs will bear this in mil d and stay within -the bounds of the law. Trespass Notice. , 'This is to notify all person* not to trespass on the lands of the undersigned b7 hunting, fishing, hauling ^?rood, or straw, making *oads or in *uiy manner whatsoever. The law 'will be rig'dlv enforced against a l violators of this notice. C. M. M?=etze. t?wpi R. B. Barre. P G W. 13 1630 MAIN 8THEJ Solicits a Shart nillAFB IAI nn AV UHiiticn ira vcR-Mi. Kidney Diseases Are Too Dan-1 I. erous fcr Lexington People to Neglect. 1 The great danger of kidney troubles j is that they get a firm hold before the j sufferer recognizes them. Health is ; gradually undermined. Backache, nervousness, lameness, soreness, lumbago, urinary troubles, dropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease follow in merciless succession. Don't neglect j your kidneys. Cure the kidneys with j the certain and safe remedy, Doan's Kidney Pills, which has cured people j right here in Lexington.^ L Hall, S. Aid.iii Street, Lexington, S. u., says: "I suffered from kidney trouble for s-vera I years and theie were severe ! pains in my back. The kidney secrej Lions were at times copious, while at others scanty and I could hardly void them. I grew weak, lost flesh could not sleep well and was nervous and irritable. I finally procured Dean's Kidney Pills at the Kaufmaun Drug Co. and began using them. I can s-ay that I never took another remedy that gave me so much relief. I am not as yet cured, but Doan's Kidney Pills nave helped rne to such a great extent that I have no hesitation in recommending them to other kidney sufferers." 21 For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. 1 Mr. .T. Thos. Monta. one of onr old est subscribers who has always been | prompt in paying, was in town vester- : day and called in and payed for his paper another year. I Plenty of fresh air, I sleeping out-doors and a [J plain, nourishing diet are I all good and helpful, but I tire most important of I Scott's Emulsion I It is the standard treat* ment prescribed by physicians all over the world for this dread disease* It is the ideal food-medicine to heal the lungs i and build up the wasting body. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS < Bend 30c., name of paper and thia ad. for > oar beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch-Book. Each bank contains a Good Luck Penny. ^ * SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St, N. Yi i ] { [ji mm THE 1 Can be equally s at this, the Soi | and best : JIMITIIil 1 Any article yo i the furniture I found here and I VANMETR 1 UNDERTAKERS 2E CAL! UNION NATI Columbi Dire* A. F. LEVER JOS. NORY J. H. M. BEATY C. L. KIBI G. P. LOGAN J. W. NOR' AARON DAVID D. A. SPD LOBE DBT GOi ^ronsrcsiTOiT, ?T, ) of Your Valued Patr Haltlwanger-Kleckley. f Invitations have been received in | Lexington to the marriage of Miss 1 Nola Haltiwanger and Mr. Job. S. | Klecktey, to be solemnized in St. | Paul's Lutheran church, Columbia, 011 i the evening of October 19, at 5 o'clock. ] Miss Hairiwanger is well known in < Lexington, having resided here for a < number of years. For some years she { has been the popular head of the coat i and suit department of Mimnaugh's 4 store in Columbia, and numbers her J friends by the score. Mr. Kleckley is < a native of this county, but has re- < sided in Columbia for several years, j where he holds an importaut position ( with one of t ie railroads. 4 _ i Roof's Millinery Opening. I The milline y opening at \V. P. J Rooi's last week was very largely at- < tended by the la iies of Lexington and J surrounding sec ion. Miss Brown, the ( attractive milliner in charge, had < everything in apple-pie oider, and the J showing made was exquisite indeed. { The hats at Root's are models of the < greatest fafhion marts of the world, J and you'll have no trouble in being { suited if you go there. The prices are < most moderate. Go to W. P. Roof's J before you buy your millinery. , .. . 1 4 4 A Reliable Medicine- J Not A Narectic. j Get the genuine Foley's Honey and < Tar in the yellow package. It is safe J and effective. Contains no opiates. < Refuse substitutes. Sold by all Drug- | gists. < i Ginnery Notice. After the 15th of October I will run i my gin only on Tuesdays, Thursdays < and Friaays. I will continue this J until November 1st. i J. W. BOCTTNIGHT, < 2w51 Ballenfcin e, Sr. CI, j < EL N. Kaminer & Co. i Attention is directed to the new ad- J vertisement of H. N. Kaminer &. Co., , in this issue. They are calling epeeial ; < attention to the arrival of their new ! ] fall goods. You will find their stock |< fresh,, clean and up-to-date.. Their ;I prices are as low as you will finer aoj- ! J where. Call to see them before-you < buy. |J Show Your CocnJ |j Mr. k B. Wingard, general soper- < intendent of the Lexington County- ] Fair, wants every man and boy In the -< t' county who are in the corn contest to < bring ten ears each of the corn grown J by the contestants this yeaav~ The |( corn will be given a place in thfiTHeld :< crop department and the superintend- "J entr requests that each of the confess- , bants place a card on the corn; giving < the name of the corn. Do not'men- J Lion the amount of fertilizer used- nor ) . the number of bnsbels raised. Doubt- < less this will prove interesting to Farmers who attend the fair and wiii ? in no way effect the corn sbow> to- be held here in December, at which ^ime ? the different prizes will be awarded. -j La Eye Glasses;. ; *?? The optician from the A. Hawks taj Company, of Atlanta, Ga>, will" Ife at I r. S? Sease's store, Gilbert,.&. G.,. 8 iwo days, Monday and Tuesday^ Get. 24th a cleared, 3 room cottage. | 2 lots in the town of Gastonr ) s. c. 297 acres 2 1-2 miles from Barr, , near the Augusta Road, 40 acres t open land, 3 rocm cottage, ten- ? ant house, plenty water?terms [ very easy. > 140 acres near Macedon, 22 [ acres open land, lumber on , ground to bnild dwelling. i 100 acres near Holleys Ferry, > 30 acres open, 4room house, barn | and stables, plenty water. > One acre lot, 7 room dwelling [ in the town of Lexington?terms [ easy. i 1-2 acre lot, 3 room dwelling in [ Lexington?easy terms. \ One lot in Batesburg 84x200 feet, ? 4 room cottage. 1 ? 125 acres 4 miles from Lexing- , ton, 40 acres open land, 4 room i house, good pasture and plenty j water. > Several vacant lots in Lexing- > ton. | 30 acres one mile, from Lex- ( ington, timbered. 73 acres, a part of which is in > the incorporate limits of the > town of Iexington, dwelling, J barn and stables?good terms, > answer qnick.. > I have valuable lots in Colum- [ bia for sale. i If vou have a farm, town lot or timber to sell write or call to see me. If yon need a good farm > let me know and if what I have > don't snit you I'll get one that [ will. > Write or call to see me [ ; AT | THE HOME NATIOHAL BANK, j> Lexington, S. C | Stockholders Meeting* rhe Annual Meeting of the StockIders of The Columbi? Newberry & urens Railroad Co. will be held in ? President's Office at 12.00 o'clock c. 18th, 1910. T. H. Giobes, Secrecy. 2w50 | Meal and Hulls. I ; have a car load of cotton seed :al and hull9 at lowest prices. See for your wants in this line. M. P. GEORGE, at Depot. ? For Sale. I ! have for sale at all times the very _ ?t brick of all kinds. Get my prices 'ore you buy. Will sell in any antity. L. L. LONG, i0 . Lexiiifirton. kS. C. Don't forget to make an exhibit : t i county fair. PUSH PARKER'S glgggs HAIR BALSAM UaBK^iJEm Ctcamet and beautifies the hair. flH Promotes ft luxuriant growth. >JI| Never Fails to Restore Gray : Yiyijf= Hair to its Youthful Color. Cum aealp dijeaeee A hair jelling. 5flMM MMMMI 39S9C9CaC9fi9QI In ifMWMMJCT Basacasaeacacat 05 The big Sale at Stalling n& Those who haue not v Bfi doing so. Prices will i ping here anc D5G5c5C5C5C5C5< ?P- H- S ? NFW BROOKLAND. isS8388SSSSS8 .G-EJDE3, j?lg? COLUMBIA, t?a. O. npt Attention. O^aKO*- # uiuuimg I w At and below cost to close out as I am $jj going out of this branch of business. Here are bargains for you 4 $ ' w SHOES?for everybody, Men, Women -ge and children that wear to satisfy every 3 one. The prices are popular , M FURNITURE?See my stock, as I have W iust received a car ot' selected furniture, and prices are "ali right." See me before you buy HARDWARE?I have a full lice of hard- *] ware; the Disc Plow, Turn Plows, Middle ' Breakers, Disc Harrow, Pittsburg Welded fencing, in fact anything you may need in this line GROCERIES?Always in stock, fresh and the best at right prices % | GIVE ME A TRIAL. J. S. WESSINGER, ' I CHAPIN, S. C. i " BfG STOCK NEWT ' \ Dry Goods,. Shoes, Men's Hats, 1 i Hardware, just arrived for 1 Fall and Winter. ^?? We cordially invite our friends and patrons to make an inspection of these goods before buying elsewhere Millinery IE Millinery!! OUR STOCK OF MILLINERY IS THE LARGEST, BEST SELECTED AND MOST UP-TO-DATE IN THIS SECTION. WE CAN PLEASE THE MOST FASTIDIOWB WOMAN: IN STYLES AND | MAKE THE PRICE IN REACH OF THE 1 MOST ECONOMICAL BUYERS I - OUR MILLINER WHJCTAKE PLEAS- rSSB URE IN SHOWING YOU THROUGH. R. W. FRICK & COl i CHOPIN, - - - SOUTH CAROLINA. I J fog Casings Having maefe arrangements with one of the largest Butcher- Supply Houses in the country, I am. prepared: to sell casings, from one pound up, at prices that are right. : : : , Tr 0aary the quality D> rCvHVOj grocer : 937 Gervais Street, Columbia, - South Carolina JTINUEDl Ba^QQraQQG0696a69Ca s' Stors will be continued until Sat. Oct. 15. C? isited our store during this sale will profit by emain the same until Oct. 15. Do your shop- Qfl I save money. Our line is complete. Qf) M I JTALLINGSf s. c. ^ D3SSSSSSSSSSS38SSS3SS8SSS