The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 05, 1910, Image 7

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ROYAL RUBI With Lap Cem< 1 Ply, $1.60; 2 Ply Calvinized CORRUGATED CORTRIGHT M Roofing tin in Rolls SPECIAL PRICES No. 7 Dixie with 15a No. 8 Columbia with No' 8 Model, Charter LEE A. LOF Phone 1519 MAIN STREET RWWVI 0 Rol VALL Largest and most varied st ^ close, ca S YOU NEED GOOD PAII ^ Picture Frame* Made to | Webb's 4 1627 Main Street iwwwvww GlNI lectors. Pipes, Valves and fittings, Light Cane Mills in stock. LOMBARD I COMPANY* Augusta, Ga* SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JUNE 2 N. B. These schedule figures sho the time that trains may be expected 1 arrive and depart, but the times state are not guaranteed. DEPASTURES FROM LEXINGTOI NORTHBOUND. 10:18 A. M.?No. 8, daily for Columb / and intermediate points connectii at Columbia for Spartanburg ai Asheville. Parlor cafe car Colui Vkin.t-.rk AcVtotrillA Arrivo Onlnr bia 10:50 a. m., Spartanburg 5: p.m., Asheville 9:15 p. m. *6:55 P. M.?No. 130, daily for Colui bia, Washington and the East al: connects at Columbia for Ash ville. Through Pullman sleepii car to New York. Pullman slee ingcar Columbia to Asheville. A rive Columbia 7.30 p. m., Was ington 10:40 a. m., New Yo: 5:00 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. *7:28 A. M.?No. 129, daily for Augus and intermediate points. Arrr Augusta 10:10 a iu. Pullman ca 5:44 P. M.?No. 7, daily for Augus and intermediate points. Arrr Augusta 8:35 p. m. Summer excursion tickets now c sale. For further information call c ticket agents, or E. H. Coapman, Washington, D. i H. F. Cary, G. P. A., Wasliingto D. C. J. L. Meek, A. G. P. Atlanta, Ga. Alex. H. Acker, T. P. Augusta, Ga. Patent Medicines. The Bazaar is making a spceial prii on all patent medicines. We are g ing to close out this part of onr bus ness, and you'll find most anythii you want here. Give us a call. * Harrnan'9 Bazfar. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIX County of Lexington. By George S. Drafts, Esquire, Proba Judge. Whereas.F. W. Shealy C. C. P. <fcG. made suit to me, to grant him Lette of Administration of the Estate of a: effects of Daniel Steel. These are therefore to cite and a monish all and singular the kindr< and creditors of the said Daniel Stf deceased, that they be and appear, 1 fore me, in the Court of Probate, to held at Lexington, C. H.. S. C.,on the 8 day of October, 1910, next, after public tion hereof, at 11 o'clock in the foi noon, to show cause, if any they ha* why the said Administration shou not be granted. Given under my hand, this 23rd d; > of August, Anno Domini, 1910. Geo. S. Drafts, -L. S.) Probate Judge. Lexington County, S. Published on the 24th day of Augm 1910, in The Lexington Dispatch. 4 Teachers9 Examination. All J AA'N!V./W frv t AO rtll o TO /*3 Tr All IV/ iravu.auu have no certificate will please ta notice that the next teachers' exan nation will bo held here on the 7th d of Cct., beginir.g at ft a. m. Please prompt. Respectfully, /A D Martin Co. Supt. Ed. Hhairwbalsam Cton*** *ri beaat:fie? the hftlr Promo:e? ft 2ax'iri?nl growth. J^rer F?iln to Bestore^ Gra; Cur** % :i> ft !iair_ljti';ii.g. X 3ER ROOFING ant Caps & Nails. , $2.00; 3 Ply $2.40. I IRON ROOFING Lenghts J* IETAL SHINGLES 14 and 20 inches wide. i ON COOK STOVES :16 Oven at $5.50 - - ? 18x16 Oven at $8.00 even 20x20 at 11.60 RICK&BRO. No. 498. COLUMBIA, S.C. ?11 lis of Select | PAPER % ock in the State^oods marked ? ,11 and see us, *3* J IT AT $1.15 PER GALLON. ^ Order heaper than Elsewhere. t Art Store | - Columbia, S. C. # k/wwwwwvwi* REPAIRS ^S, RIBS, Bristle Twine, Babbit, &c., far any make Gin ENGINES, BOILERS and PRESSES Repairs for same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, In* Saw, Shingle, and Latb Mills, Gasoline Engine^ IRON WORKS AND SUPPLY _____ ..... KJ l.J I J t| SYLVAN BROS. ? I FOR i Jewelry, Diamonds, ff. s ! Sterling Silver, i Watches, Cut Class, la , ig Art Goods id q- All new and absolutely beautiful Q* j Koods. Come in whenever you have 10 ; an opportunity, n- ' Remember We Only Handle SOLID so J and GENUINE Goods. If Not Oone" | venienfc To Come In, SEND In Your p* | MAIL ORDER, Which Always Has j' ! Our Personal Attention, With a Guarh* i an tee To Please. Always Glad To ; See You At SYLVAN BROS., ta Jewelers, Silversmiths and Opticians re J Cor. Main and Hampton Streets, r. i nAT TT1TDT K O n fa : wuiuuuui, o. v. ce : ? m ; Our Clubbing Offer. >n It is with pleasure that we announce to our readers that we have again made arrangements with the publishn' ! ers of Home and Farm whereby we A j can give that most excellent paper in A | connection with The Dispatch for J 25c. a year. This means that you can i secure both papers?The Dispatch and I Home and Farm?for only $1.25. No ! better offer has ever been made by J any newspaper in the country. The ce : Home and Farm is published twice a ?~ j month and is without doubt one of u" j the best farm papers published. Send | in your renewals and new subscrip| tions now. Cash must accompany the j order. : |good i >rs || ; d- I 15 And best of work is 3d ;*M j jei i! j Feature that has h be | jj: The State-wi( :a- Si and endors f?- j | a j ? ldjiS; South Carolina ^ ay jsj 1... ' ! J All UTAi'l/ iv* r\ Q ' U> VYUil\ ill C I i Guaranteed to s ' *! jiSi Fence also. Wr '! 5 i ho i 3 See us and we ke 1 m ai- j 3 Your interest is av I in be ! I !j I =- t=-=^ : jlj SOUTH CAROLINA i *4 HI _ ! S Phone 1558. : 1 : F COLUMBIA, ! i h R. V. STILLER, Manager. : : T Ni j . j Some men can solemnly state the ; fact that two and two are four, an i j there will be those so thoroughly partisan as to declare it the utterance of a newly discovered truth. ! For More Than Three Decades Foley's Honey and Tar lias been a household favorite for coughs, colds, and ai merits of the throat, chest, and ! lung5*. Contains no opiates. Sold by | all Drnggis-t. I Sneakiugr about "horse sense,'' the i. C7 | mule knows more in a minute than a horse can ever learn. A Generous And Charitable Wish "I wish all might know of the benefit I received from your Foley's Kidney Remedy," says I N. Regan, Farmer, Mo. His kidneys and bladder gave him so much pain, misery and annoyance, be could not work, nor sleep. He says Foley's Kidney Remedy completely cured him. Sold by all Druggists. Mr. Roosevelt says he believes in anions that are properly conducted. Let the most rabid opponent of trades unionism make the definition of "proper conduct" and he will also fa vor the unions. QUEEN OF ACTRESSES ^PRAISESPE^IHIA.! j "/ am glad to wnte my endorsement of the great remedy, Peruna. 1 do so most heartily. Julia Marlowe. J Any remedy that benefits digestion strengthens the nerves. I The nerve centers require nutrition. If the digestion is impaired, the nerve centers become anemic, and nervous debility is the result. i As Others saw Mim. A rather pompous looking deacon 1 tvas endeavoring to impress upon ! the young minds of a class of boys I the importance of living a Chris- | tian life. j "Why do people call me a Christian, children?" the worthy dignitary asked, standing very erect and smiling down upon them. A moment's pause, then a shrill little voice was heard to say, "Because they don't know you." Joint Council Meeting. There will be a meeting of the joint council of Bethel charge held - at White Rock on Saturday, Oct. 8th, at 10 o'clock a. m., sharp. Members of this council will please be prompt in meeting, as matters of importance will be presented. Jno. C. Swygert, Chairman. I IG. D. Kenny Go. i SELL THE BEST AMERICAN REFINED SUGAR AT COST We import and roast every pound of j Coffee sold by us. | Roasted 11c to 35c. Green 10c to 20c. j Fine Teas 25c to 80c. | Rice sold at Cut Prices. Pure Baking Powder 20clb; 10c }4 lb. S Walter Baker's Cocoa 20c % lb. j Walter Baker's Chocolate 20c lb. I PHONE 157.1639 MAIN ST., ! flf.T TTH/fDT A S P I w>, v/. :xmxxxixmmxmmixxir:jg| stock:? : I1 : H j "" iSl the strong j * , elped to earn i I; i H ! ie reputation jtj! ements of the 101 l h i j N j Marble Works. 1! N ! X I > i ither marble or granite | i atisfv. We sell iron ! I; %. H . ite or call to El .. . si viil see that s? protected. 15! ! * ' MARBLE WORKS, tj H : 1707 Main Street, jj! : s. c. gi > 1 : F. H. HYATT. Proprietor. ;g j LARGER AND BETTER I THAN EVER BEFORE s e ) Annual State Fair at Columbia i Oct 31, Nov. 1, 2, 3 and 4. i "Especially Low Railroad Rates. Fin< ! Attractions. Everybody Is Going to Attend Tliis Year. Great Side-Shows and Exceptional Exhibits. ? For more than forty years the South r'ar-nlinp AeriVnltnrnl anrl Mpphnnirnl Society has stood for that which is best ^ and most progressive in the industrial and agricultural life of South Carolina. The association will this year give its forty-second annual fair. There are a great many features, as the people of this State know, to the annual fair. But chief among these are the gathering in Columbia once a year of the representative citizens of the State and the display of the best products of the State. President John G. Mobley of the association has had the hearty co-operation of the large membership in making this a record-breaking fair. With general prosperity throughout the State, and the promise of special attractions the fair this year will be unusually well attended and the exhibits particularly good. The fair opens in Columbia October 31st, and will close Friday night, November 4/ One of the special features of this year's programme is that the grounds and-buildings will remain open at night.vThis will give many an ) opportunity of seeing the exhibits and spending the evening pleasantly on the grounds, where they have heretofnro Vmon nnahlp tn <1r> srv Thf grounds will be kept open on the evenings of November 1, 2, 3, until 11 o'clock at night, and the price will be one-half of the usual admission. Of 1 course, the purpose is to make the evenings worth while and have all of I the midway special features in full. 1 The premiums are more general and attractive than usual, and it will be j worth while for those intending to make exhibits to communicate with Mr. D. F. Elird, secretary, Lexington, , S. C., for premium lists. * The races this year will bo hotter than ever before, and that means that they will be unsurpassed in the South. The racing committee has arranged an 1 attractive list of purses. For the harness stakes over $4,000 has been offered, and the running events, now quite popular in this State, have 12 prizes of $100 each. The conditions ( can be learned from the premium list. I On account of a large number of ; shows secured through the efforts of the officers the old midway will overlap its former bounds and special efforts have been made to secure the best and cleanest attractions. ' A full day may be put in on this alone, and the visitors will feel fully repaid even should they see nothing else. Q All of the railroads are going to sell special excursion tickets for the State fair this year. / There will be the usual spirited games of football and other numerous attractions. w , , Why Suffer From Eczema? A Georgia Man Tells His Experience. I was afflicted with a very bad j case of Eczema for twenty-five years, which was in my feet, legs and hips. Through ail tiiis time I tried different remedies and doctors' prescriptions, obtaining no relief until I used your . . HUNT'S CURE . . One box (50c) cured me entirely, and though two years have elapsed I have had no return of the trouble. Naturally I regard it as the greatest remedy in the world. Yours, J. P. Perkins, Atlanta, Ua Manufactured and Guaranteed by A. 8. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., Sherman, Texas. Sold by J. R. Lanpford, Swansea,S. C. Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, tine china, clocks. A fine stock always on hand for you to select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry 01 Silverware. Good watch work and best eye glasses.' If you can't come, send for nnr PiitalnoriiP nr fp]pr>hrmP VOllT I VU4 VWVUIV^UV V* fcVAV^'*?Vf J V j order to us. P. II. LACHICOTTE & CO.. I JKWELEIW. 1424 Main Columbia, S.C | Phone w'J4 j FOU SALE:?Cheap, one light spring i ,> T?tr^n. newlv repaired and paiioed. In good condition. K'o< B. Ilnrinan I Not Coughir Yet you may cough tomorrow! when it comes. Ask your do< Cherry Pectoral in the house. ' or cough first appears you ha hand. Your doctor's approval set all doubt at rest. Do ; I No alcohol in this cough medicii Xm?irmmo?n 1 1 i i IBI?m-i?www Robust health is a great safeguard against al constipation will destroy the best of health. anlr^nii Yfiicciwi ignif uiawnaim G I make a Specialty of makii same to crippled feet. I also I beg to announce that I ha1 repair shop and will devote al my general repair work. XJ. Xj LEXINGTC i I _ _ I Get Y SCHOOL : ?ac( SCHOOL ST | ?Fro: I COLUMBIA. I? We've been headquartei century. THE OLD I If in need of the very SADDLERY, selected by a tucky Horseman1' call or the greatest variety to selec best, medium and cheap. 1 and employ the best wo work to last longer than ar 11517 Main Street First Giass Dental Work _ Dr. L. L. TOOLE, 1608 Main Street, - Opp COLUPvlBI I soutti^georj ^ I have several tlicasaud acres le *5* 1'arrrs ranging from .*>0 aerts to .>J ^ >'.'.00 to $20.(0 per acre, at e- rd;n< ^ provements Basine>s established n | wade a.: ^ Real Estate Agent. JA. ? ig Today? Better be prepared for it ctor about keeping Ayer's Then when the hard cold ive a doctor's medicine at I of its use will certainly [is he says. He knows. ie. J.C.A yer Co., Lowell, Mass. ttacks of throat and lung troubles, but Ask your doctor about Ayer's Pills. ???????? ith and eneral Repair Shop lg Horse Shoes and fitting treat diseased feet. / ^ ye given up my automobile 1 my time and attention to O *3" Cr. IN, S. C. ] our I r I JPPLIES s. c. :s for three-quarters of a | RELIABLE best in HARNESS and n old experienced "Ken1 us where you will find it from of all grades, We use the Best Leather rkmen. Guarantee our ty on the market. Columbia, S. C. at Reasonable Prices hese are My Prices: ares (rubber ba*e) $15.00 rowns $5.00 Work (per tooth) $5.00 Crowns (pivot tooth) $3.50 Extracted (painless)... 25c. and 50c. Cleaned 75c. and $1.00 Fillings 50e. to $1.00 filings $1.00 to $2.00 TREATING TEETH J- atka. - Surgeon Dsn fist, tosite Thomas' Drug Store. s. c. pa Farms | v/i cotton and corn land?, in g|j| i>00 acres. Price varies t'roni r :o Jocatic r. jrrade and im- fj^i ver 40 years. It'interested, write IM POWELL, | BLAKELY, GEORGIA. S