ROYAL RUBBI With Lap Cement 1 Ply, $1.60; 2 Ply, $ Calvinized CORRUGATED IF CQRTRIGHT ME1 i-:- "D^n^ 1 a KOOIing L1I1 ill XVUiis at SPECIAL PRICES G No. 7 Dixie with 15sl6 No. 8 Columbia with 18 No" 8 Model, Charter ov LEEA.LORI Phone N 1519 MAIN STREET f 40,000 Roll: I WALL ^ Largest and most varied stock ^ close, call i S YOU NEED GOOD PAINT F Picture Fram e c Made to Off ? Webb's A ^ 1627 Main Street GIN5 . m - of i <^^^m mm v and Rcl lectors. Pipes, Valves and Fittings, light Sa* Cane Mills in stock. LOMBARD IR< COMPANY) Augusta* Ga* ? r SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JUNE 20. N. B. These schedule figures show the time that trains may be expected to .arrive and depart, but the times stated are not guaranteed. .DEPARTURES FROM LEXINGTON. NORTHBOUND. 10:18 A. M.?No. 8, daily for Columbia and intermedial e points connecting at Columbia for Spartanburg and " Asheville. Parlor cafe car Columbia to Asheville. Arrive Columbia 10:50 a. m., Spartanburg 5:15 p.m., Asheville 9:15 p. m. t6:55 P. M.?No. 130, daily for Columbia, Washington and the East also connects at Columbia for Asheville. Tlirough Pullman sleeping car to New York. Pullman sleeping car Columbia to Asheville. Arrive Columbia 7:30 p. m., Washington 10:40 a. m., New York 5:00 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. '7:28 A. M.?No. 129, daily for Augusta and intermediate points. Arrive Augusta 10:10 a in.' Pullman car. 6:44 P. M.?No. 7, daily for Augusta and intermediate points. Arrive Augusta 8:35 p. m. Summer excursion tickets now on sale. For farther information call on ticket agents, or E. H. Coapman, Washington, D. C, H. F. Cary, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A Atlanta, Ga. Alex. H. Acker, T. P. A Augusta, Ga. | G. W. LINDLER, Chapin, S. C? Has an up-to-date line of COFFINS AND CASKETS On hand, at prices to suit everybody. Prices range from $1.50 up to $50.00. Call on me and I will save you mouey. I am prepared to furnish a hearse whenever desired in connection with my unertaking business. Jan. 2. 3m ' M. D. HARMAN1 DEALER IN | General Merchandise j Staple Line B GROCERIES. CANNED I I GOODS, HARDWARE, 1 I ENAMEL WARE, TIN* I I WARE, ETC. .... J 1 Lexington, S. C. I I "l ER ROOFING t Caps & Nails. 2.00; 3 Ply $2.40. ION ROOFING Lenghts jj ML SHINGLES and 20 inches wide. IN COOK STOVES Oven at $5.50 xl6 Oven at $8.00 en 20x20 at 11.60 ICK&BRO. o. 498. COLUMBIA, S. C. s of Select | PAPER \ : in the State, goods marked ^ md see us, J AT $1.15 PER GALLON. J der heaper than Elsewhere. t rt Store $ - - Columbia, S. C. r kWWWWWV%^ E PAIRS MBS. Bristle Twine, Babbit, &c., for any make ENGINES, BOILERS and PRESSES >airs for same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, In* r, Shingle* ana Lain wins, uosoimc liixnk^ ON WORKS AND SUPPLY 9 & SEE SYLVAN BROS. FOR Jewelry, Diamonds, Sterling Silver, Watches, Cut Class, Art Goods All new and absolutely beautiful goods. Come in whenever you have an opportunity. Ramember We Only Handle SOLID and GENUINE Goods. If Not Convenient To Come In, SEND In Your MalL ORDER, Which Always Has Our Personal Attention, With a Guarantee To Please. Always Glad To See You At SYLVAN BROS., Jewelers, Silversmiths and Opticians Cor. Main and Hampton Streets. COLUMBIA, S. 0. FOR SALE?CHEAP? Lot of Flue piping 18x4; .4 Boilera 20x2?Good for water-works; Chains in all sizes and lengths; Blocks and tackles; pulleys; 2 sets ; car wheels, and all kind of iron wheels?all at astonishing bargains. BY THE Columbia Junk Go., J. Orenstein, Prop. 805 Cervais St. Columbia, S. C. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING For Watch and Jewelry Repairing go to Berkman where you are guaranteed first-class work at reasonable prices. You can also safely entrust your f *e troubles to me, as more than 30 years of practice in correcting all kinds of defective vision entitles me to } our confidence. B. H. Berkman ESTABLISHED 187>. 1418 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE. The present steam railroad mileage in continental Europe is 149,491. Russia, including the Siberian railway, leads with 45,117 miles, followed by Germany with 36,701, and Fiance with 24'964. The general per cent of increase in 1909 was 1.11, compared with 3.6 in 1908. Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during September. Be prepared for it. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. For said by All Dealers. A nervous-looking man walked into a grocery store with his baby on one arm and a kerosene can on the other, placed the can on the counter and said: "Sit there a moment, dear." Then holding the baby np to the dazed clerk, he added; "Fill this thing up with kerosene." I There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be iucurable. I For a great manv years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure, mannfactored by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ~ - - * ? i? i? ?tat9 are eaten oy tne xiauvca vi northern Australia. For bowel complaints in children j always gi e Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil. It is certain to effect a cure and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. No physician can prescribe a better remedy. For sale fcy All Dealers. I . ? . | China is at last to have a properly standardized currency. Safe Medicine For Children Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and effective medicine for children as it does rot contain opiates or harmful drugs. Get only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Sold by all Druggists. It is rumored that a new trank lino is being projected from Chattanooga, Tenn., to Tallahasse, Fla. South-West Gear gia Farm Lands Level improved farms from 40 to 10,000 acres each. This one is a bargain, 5,000 acres, 1,000 acres of fine timber, 2 good water powers, nice residence, 30 tenant houses, good school on farm, all lies well and fine land. $16.00 per acre. We also have some fine timber land, water power propositions, and business openings. W. S. 8 G. W. ANDREWS, 34-36 Planters Bank Building AMER1GUS, GEORGIA. Sold by ail druggists J We Want To j Buy Your I Hides, Skins, Furs, | | Wool, Tallow, and all g | jj kinds of Junk, Scrap | i Iron, Brass, Copper, j | Zinc, Old Rubber, etc. J Highest Cash Prices J 1 Paid at all times. j? SWilseW. Martin, 1 700 Lady and 1118 Plain Si., | I COLUMBIA, S. C. I P Reference: Palmetto Nat'l. Bank. I Our Clubbing Oiler. It is with pleasure that we announce to onr readers that we have again | made arrangements with the publish- [ era of Home and Farm whereby we ; can give that most excellent paper in connection with The Dispatch for | 25c. a year. This means that you can I iw.ti, ?onftrc?Tho Hianateh nnd I nrtUIC UUUM |Jl>pvi ? ?..x> .. . Home and Farm?for only $1.25. No | better offer has ever been made by any newspaper in the country. The J Home and Farm ia published twice a I month and is without doubt one of I the best farm papers published. Send in your renewals and new subscriptions now. Cash must accompany the order. Why Suffer From Eczema? A Georgia Han Tells His Experience. I was afflicted with a very bad case of Eczema for twenty-five years, which was in my feet, legs and hips. Through all this time I tried different remedies and doctors' prescriptions, obtaining no relief until I used your . . HUNT'S CURE . . One box (50c) cured me entirely, and though two years have elapsed I have had no return of the trouble. Naturally I regard it as the greatest remedy in the world. Yours, J. P. Perkins, ' Atlanta, Ga Manufactured and Guaranteed by A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., Sherman, Texas. Sold by J. R. Langford, Swansea,S. C. Sterling silver, cut glass, fine china, clocks. A fine stock always on band for you to select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry oj Silverware. Good watch work and best eye glasses. If you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephone your order to us. P. H. LACBICOTTB & CO.. JKWGLEH^, 1424 Main Columbia, S.C | Phone 934 ' C. 0. Kenny Co. SELL THE BEST AMERICAN REFINED SUGAR AT COST We inipi rt and roast every pound of Ccffee sold by ns. Roasted 14c to 35c. Green 10c to 20c. Fine Teas 25c to 80c. Rice sold at Cut Prices. Pure Baking Powder 20clb; 10c>^lb. Walter Baker's Cocoa 20c % lb. Walter Baker's Chocolate 20c M lb. PHONE 157.1639 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA. S. C. I BILIOUS?] I CONSTIPATED ?| HEADACHE? | I IFOR I SPEEDYREUEF.J Nearly Everybody I TAKES i SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR 8 i w5otYou? Si J Not a Drop of Alcohol What is a "tonic"? A medicine that increases the strength or tone of the whole system. What is an "alterative"? A medicine that alters or changes unhealthy action to healthy action. Name the best "tonic and alterative"? Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from ? < ? * i J - 11-1 J- !t_ AT 1_ | alCOilOl. ASK your own uocior ail aooui it. rsever laxe a | I medicine doctors cannot endorse. J^CAyerCo.,Lowell,Mass. | Without daily action of the bowels poisonous products must be absorbed. Then you have Impure blood, biliousness, headache. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Pills for constipation. ??????? Wheelwright, Blacksmith and General Repair Shop I make a Specialty of making Horse Shoes and fitting s same to crippled feet. I also treat diseased feet. I beg to announce that I have given up my automobile repair shop and will devote all my time and attention to my general repair work. JLu Xi. XONG. LEXINGTON, S. C. j SUMMER SPECIALS J g In preparing for your vacation trip we make the '// I following suggestions. WRITING PAPER: Kinds to meet all needs, 25e to 31.00. FOUNTAIN PENS: Indispensable to complete writing c.qmpment $1.25 to $10. CAMERAS: To preserve the memories of the trip. $1 00 to $35 00 CAMERA SUPPLIES: Everything needed to take and make pici ures. LATEST BOOKS: To while away those lazy restful hours. Our stock is complete, varied, fresh and up-todate. Our clerks will meet your needs promptly and I courteously. We shall appreciate an opportunity to serve you and have you know us. THE BRYAN COMPANY nnni/ OTnnr Iduuiv oiunc | COLUMBIA. S. t. I the old reliable If in need of the very best in HARNESS and SADDLERY, selected by an old experienced "Kentucky Horseman" call on us where you will find the greatest variety to select from of all grades, best, medium and cheap. We use the Best Leather and employ the best workmen. Guarantee our work to last longer than any on the market. ]Dsa/XZjLS5 Co., 1517 Main Street Columbia, S. C. * First Glass Dental Work at Reasonable Prices These are My Prices: _ ' i J ffiilW. Best Plates (rubber base) $10.00 Bridge Work (per tooth) $5.00 fx* iSSTCPtt V . Logan Crowns (pivot tooth) $3.50 Iff} iftjB Teeth Extracted (painless) 25c. and 50c. W|>ii _^r Teeth Cleaned 75c. and $1.00 ^5* Gold Fillings $1.00 to $2.00 TREATING TEETH FXTRA. Dr. L. L. TOOLE, - Surgeon Dentist, 1603 Main Street, - Opposite Thomas' Drug Store. COLUMBIA, S. C. | South^GeorgiaFarms | ^ I have several thousand acres level cotton and corn 1 tads, in Ijjjj \j& farms ranging from 30 acres to 3,000 acres. Price from ^ $").00 to $20.00 per acre, according to location, grade and im- ??| pros-ements. Business established over 40 years. If in teres red, write | WADE H. POWELL, | ^ Feal Estate Agent. - - BLAKELY, GEORGIA. ||