Foley's Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, corTect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Prevent Bright's Disease and Diabates, and restore health and Strength. Refuse substitutes. Sold by all druggists Index to 2T*w Advertisements. Tonic Sale?W. D. Bates. Millinery?Langford & Backer. South Farm Lands. Citation, Est Andrew Davis. Citation, Est Vandy Jemerson. A Card Jo the Voters of Xeadngton County. As you are a ware I am a candidate for ?Jndge of Probate of Lexington county, and, owing to my time being so very ^limited, it has been impossible for me Tto-see yon all as I desired. I have made a clean, honest campaign upon any own merits, having made no tfalae or slanderous charges against my -opponent. I am seeking the office mpon my own merits and feel that I f _ i _ i. rtltl it 4Lm iuiiy competent to mi toe same or & would nob seek it at your hands. I am nothing but a laboring man, born i&nd raised on the farm,and have had to fight thehattles of life open-handed, il have had to work for everything 4hat I have gotten and have known nothing but 'hard labor all my life. I believe in notation in office, allowing every man the right to rise in life df he can merit it. All I ask of the people is to elect me for one term; try me and if I do not measure up to your expectations yon can turn me .down. The people^will not lose anything by electing me for one term. I want to serve you and serve you well. I will give a good bond; will keep the -office open six days in ?he week, and will look after the interest of the orphan boys and girls of the county, and " will see that they are not discriminated against. I will charge every one the same fee for the same work. The voters of Lexington county have given my opponent} Mr. George *S. Drafts, public office for twenty-six years, and, all things being equal, I am asking the people of the county of my Dirtn and where I nave speni thirtyeight years oi my life, to hoDor me with the office for one term. No one will be more gfceatful to you for your *4tind-snpport4han I will, and I will always remember you and thank you for whatever you see fit to do for me, .and if you elect me to tbe office that ' I am seeking, at the expiration of one term I will bring back to you the commission as you gave it to me, untarnished. i Again thanking you for your kind consideration on the 30th of August, I remain ever grateful! v to you all. 10OR HAYES. AiEasy Business The easiest business in this world is dry-goods; the reason is: customers want the staff as much as they want 4o .sell it; they come-in; look at the foods and buy. That's the whole business. Devoe comes next. It saves money, -and people like money. They like somebody else's more than their own; they like to make it more than to save it; they like t > keep it perhaps as well as to make it. Buildings run-down fast, without . paint; poor paiut is the same. Devoe is the means of stopping that leak; a big one. All we've got to do, to sell Devoe, is to show that a man saves money by using it. E Jewell, Corry, Pa, painted his house 5 years ago with a mixed paint; 14 gallons. Last spring he painted Devoe; 10 gallons. Saved ?15 to $20. The Xanfmann Drug Co. 17 Hoke Defeated "Little Joe" Hoke Smith was elected Governor ot Georgia yesterday over 4'Little Joe" Brown, present governor. Turkeys and other fowl are ready for the axe sooner and bring more in the market when eiven Pra$j?> Regulator (For 36 years called Pratti Poultry Food) It makes them grow quicker and bigger because it improves digestion, purifies the blood, keeps them healthy and saves loss from disease. It is also a remarkable egg-prodocer?makes hens lay all the year round. 25 lb. bag $2.50, smaller sizes from 25c up. MIS UpM Lbs KM* wiH quickly rid four poultry and houses of this pest?it is safe and sure. Why don't you try it? MM R?P Cure is what you need to cure cases of real roup. Acts quickly, surely? when other remedies fail. 25c package. Mta Head (Jet Obi Limit for little chicks, sure and quick. Excellent for scaly legs too. It will sare chicks for you. There's a Pratt remedy for every disease of poultry and livestock? every one vou can depend on. Ask us aoout them. ' UUIHMM 8RU6 COMPANY . * . / H SHERIFFS SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. You will please take notice that H. A. Lorick will sell for cash, to the highest bidder at Lexington Court House, S. C-, on Monday the 5th day of September 1910, at eleven o'lock in the forenoon, the following described property, to wit: One bay coach Stallion now in his possession bought of W E. Tood,. ftrnvpiincr salesman for Messrs. J. Crouch & Sod, with principal place of business at Lafayette in the State of Indiana, sometime daring the year 1905, in County of Richland, S. C. That the aforesaid sale is to be made to pay for the board and feed of said stallion which is long since past dne, and which you and the other stockholders refuse to pay. You are requested to be present on the day above mentioned for said sale. H. A LORICK. August 9,1910. t. ' Sheriffs Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, nm-VTV (Sir T.UTTTTffiTnw. A A V_r A. V,, In the Court of Common Pleas. George R. Norris, Plaintiff V8. R. T. Sox, Harris Shall, and E. A. Beall Company. In obedience to the decree of the Hon. J. W. Devore, Presiding Judge, in the above stated case of date August 5th, 1910, I will sell to the highest bidder, at public outcry, before the court bouse door in. Lexington, S. C., on the first Monday in September next, daring the usual hours of sale, the fol? lowing described tracts of land, in the order hereinafter mentioned, to wit: LOT NO. 1. Ml that lot, piece and parcel of land, situated, lying, and being in the town of Brookland, County of Lexington, and State aforesaid, and having the K/Min/iripa onrt <)imonsrnn<3 t,n iVUVTVU'g wit: The South fronts on Shull Street and measures thereon seventy feet (70); the West binds against lot of T. 0. Connelly, and Measures two hundred and eighty feet and six inches, (280-6); the North binds against, lands of A. D. Shull and measures seventy feet (70); and the East binds on Williams Street, and measures two hundred and eighty feet and six inches (280-3). The same being conveyed to k F. Sox by A. D. Shull, on the 9th day of November, 1896, and recorded in book of deeds, R. M. C. office, Lexington County on the 27th day of December, 1899, in book R. R., page 154. lot no. 2. All that piece, parcel or lot of land, lying and being in the town of Brookland, County and State aforesaid, and having the following boundaries to wit: on the North by lot of Witt, whereon it measures one hundred and fifty feet (150,) more or less; on the East by State Street, whereon it measures fifty feet (50) more or less; on the South by lot of D. K. Sox, whereon it measures one hundred and fifty feet ? (150) more or less, and on the West by lot of M. H. Witt, whereon it measures fifty feet (50), more or les9. Terms: One-half cash, balance on a credit of twelve months with interest thereon from day of sale, at 8 per cent per annum, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of the premises sold, with leave to the purchasers to pay all cash. Purchasers to pay for papers. P. H. Oorley, Sheriff Lexington County. August 15, 1910. Melton & Belsor, Plaintiffs Attorneys. TIT TT CM A ii. XT/vn.ia W. XI. ouarp, iui iwxno, Shull and E. A. Beall Company. Clerk's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Joseph Norwood, Assignee, Plaintiffff, against. John W. Kyzer, Defendant. FORECLOSURE. In obedience to the Decree of the Court herein, signed by Hon. Ernest, Gary, Judge Presiding, on the 20th day of June 1910, I will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, before the Court House door in Lexington, S. C., on the first Monday, the 5th day ot September, 1910, during the legal hours of sale, the following described tract of land, to wit: All that lot, piece and parcel of land situate lying and being in the town of Cayce, in the County of Lexington, and State aforesaid, and bounded as follows, to wifo On the North by McDuffie Street, East by lot number Ninety as shown on plat of the lands of Luther J. Friuk, South by land of Cayce Land and Improvement Company and on the West by lot number Ninety-three, property of McDuffie, being in shape a rectangle, measuring on the Northern and Southern boundaries one hundred feet, and on its Eastern and Western limits each one hundred nd fifty feet.- Being described as lots numbers Ninetv-one and Ninety-two on a plat of the lands of L. J. Frink made by E. H. McCullough, Engineer, dated March 30th, 1907, and recorded in the office of Clerk of Court for Lexington County, and being the premises csnveyed to J. J. Kyzer by L. J. Frink. Terms of of Sale: CASH, Purchaser to pay for papers. Frank W. Shealey. C. C. P. & G. S. August 15th, 1910. Logan & Edmunds I PUff,. Efird & Dreher. ( Fltft 9 AMyy 9 W. W. Hawes, Defendants Atty. N otice?Barbecue. We will furnish a first-class barbecue on August 25oh Campaign day, at Samaria, S. C. Come one, come all and n; ye a good time. Respectfully, C. R. Q.uattlebaum & Bros. ANNUAL REPORT ?OF? E. L. WINGARD, Treas., LEXINGTON COUNTY, S. C., For the Fiscal Year, commencing Jan. 1,1909 and ending Dec. 31, 1919. Office of County Treasurer, Lexington, S. C., July i9, 1910. To Hon. George W. Gage, Presiding Judge, Court General Sessions for Lexington county, S. C. Dear Sir:?In conformity with the requirements of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, No. 197, approved December 23, 1889 A. D., I have the Honor to submit the following report of the transactions of this office for the fiscal year, commencing Jan. 1, 1909, and endiEgOecember 31, 1909. U/vh t-r* 1 1 tr VCiT ICDUCVtlUJlj E. L. WINGARD, Treasurer of Lexington county. COUNTY CLAIMS. No. Name. Nature. Amt. 1 J G Blckley, capt convefc 25 00 2 C L Meetze, sal capfc eg 28 50 3 Dr AT Hut to, post mortem 5 00 4 L 0 Hutto, serving warants 3 90 5 L 0 Hntto, cony lnnatic 19 91 6 S B Hiller, gds salary eg 25 00 I 7 Jas H Fields, gd&bookkeeper 8 00 8 R H Cox, sal ^ c g 13 33 9 L W Harman, hauling on rd 9 00 10 Chas K Derrick. 44 44 31 00 11 W W Bickley, gd c g 18 33 12 H E Harman, hauling on rd 2 25 13 Geo Derrick 44 44 29 80 14 Henry Wise 44 44 2 00 15 Adam Corley, allow pauper 5 00 16 L P Lowman, gd c g 21 30 17 Fred Herndon, wk on c h 4 75 18 S D Fulmer, sal, supplies ph 74 42 19 W B Roberts, hay for eg 14 07 20 Wm Rawl, al pauper 2 00 21 S C Penitentiary, clothing for convicts 20 27 22 Meetze & Son, supplies o g 24 00 23 Dr J R Langford, ex lun 5 00 24 J C Swygert, five mules for county chaingang 1,300 00 25 M E Rutland, two mules for county chaingang 500 00 26 Lorick & Lowrance, sup eg 39 20 4* it n r\o AP Z( vd U?> 28 J L Eargle, haul on rd 2 00 2d W P Roof, sup for p b 25 63 30 " 44 sap for c g 290 51 31 44 44 sup for county 35 93 32 B R Harm an, wk Agusta rd 3 12 33 Cook & Wingard, lumber 1 98 34 H E Hannan, sup for eg 12 90 35 B S Mack, one wagon 55 00 36 B L Reeder, cony pauper 7 50 37 H M Wingard, sup for p h 14 90 38 44 " sup for c g 34 25 39 Scott Hendrix, sup for p h 18 50 40 44 " sup for p h 7 75 41 Dr E P Derrick, sup for c h 1 75 42 Noab Hall, haul Agusta rd 3 40 43 W D Dent, sal and pstg 34 33 44 Geo S Drafts, 2 cases lunacy 10 00 45 G M Harman, printing 46 70 45 L L Long, shop wk c g 1 00 47 B D Clark, salary coroner 14 50 48 D E George, sup for eg 35 90 49 P H Corley, serving warnts 17 95 50 44 44 furniture 64 00 51 " " dieting prisoners 89 40 52 M M Buford, arrest prisoner 13 90 1 53 Mathews & Bouknight, four mules for county etc 1,046 90 54 A D Martin, sal pstg etc 45 20 55 Em'l Long, claying Aug rd 347 83 56 O W Caughman, wood c h 12 00 57 RH Caughman 14 " 7 60 -1 58 Lenus Warner, gd c g 12 00 59 L J Langford, sal supr 75 00 60 Jno Kaminer, bldg bdg 21 50 * 61 C 0 & 8 E Amiok, lumber 16 62 u fi?2 Telftnhnne Co. S D Fnlmer i share of stock for co p h 20 30 63 W L Taylor, work 2 66 i 64 D T Weed, sap for c g 4 00 < 65 S J Wigger9, lumber 26 98 ( 66 J D Bickley 44 12 75 ? 1 67 S D Fulmer, sal steward p h 47 75 1 68 A B Bachman & B B Swy- S gert, mag and constable 74 05 t 69 H M Wingard, sup for eg 154 96 t 70 " 44 supforco 14 80 1 71 Mathews & Bouknight, sup 28 00 ? 72 So States Sup Co, sup jail 5 50 73 Dr W T Brooker, p m ex lun 10 CO < 74 Dr E P Derrick, sup for c g 7 10 75 Henry R Weed, rignfc of way 1 for public road 15 00 76 Jno W Fry, bridge 35 25 ] 77 Sim J Miiler, wk on jail 6 00 ; 78 A D Martin, sal and pstg 52 35 79 Frank W Shealy, p9tg c c c 31 12 80 J E Chalmers, informing on gamblers 10 00 81 Frauk W Shealy, sal 2 mos 58 32 82 4* " sup for ch 5 25 j 83 C O Brown & Bro, sup c h 6 00 J 84 Lorick & Lowrance, sup 1 97 85 Cook & Wingard, lumber 15 44 88 Meetze & Son, tools 4 65 i 87 44 44 sup for p h 31 35 * 88 44 44 sup for eg 49 38 ? 89 W P Roof, sup for jail 1 08 i 90 W P Dent, sal and pstg 35 33 1 91 A N Dreher, ferriage eg 4 35 1 92 W C Weed, gd on c g 16u i 93 Jas H Fields, gd c g 32 30 < 94 Geo R Fields, sup tor c g 4 40 i 95 Davis & Co, sup for eg 38 00 i 96 L L Long, Bhop wk for eg 29 50 97 Dr L M Mitchell,disect'g &c 10 00 < 98 P J Mack, expns etc c g 2 20 99 W E Black, sal co bd of ed 3 00 1 lltA "R T~) nio?t col otn oai? 17 sn xvv jlj JL/ V/au wu* wi A I VV 101 Vasco Miller, sweeping c h 3 00 102 T W Dreher, co bd of ed 3 80 i 103 B D Clark, boarding two jury panels, 2 cases 90 75 101 W H Bickley, beef for p h 5 SO 1 105 " 44 44 eg 5 55 106 G A Derrick, sal as mag 31 25 107 S C Penitentiary, envt wag 81 49 < 108 E Long, lumber 22 80 ] 1C9 J H Koon, damage to plow 2 25 < 110 J L Eargle, lumber 15 03 < 111 D F Efird, lumber 32 28 I 112 M W Shull, juror bill 2 90 | ] 113 Hiller Bros, lumber 32 23 114 Dr J J Wingard, disecting Garfield Hutto 15 00 115 Lorick & Lowrance, sup eg 51 50 116 WD Quick, sup for eg 8 70 117 Scott Hendrix, sup for c g 6 00 118 Lorick & Lowrance, sup co 447 00 119 Dr E P Derrick, professional for jury 8 00 120 P J Mack, sal capt eg 75 00 ! 121 Carl Mack, gd at c g 17 10 122 r Jtt uox, ga at c g 20 uo 123 W VV Bickley, gd at c g 25 00 12-4 S B Hiller, gd at c g 25 00 125 W F Taylor, claying road 44 50 126 J W Bouknight. lumber 4 80 127 J P MeCartha, sal gd c g 46 66 128 C W Caughraan, wood oh 15 00 129 O B Steele, shop wk fore g 14: 130 S C Penitentiary, env cloth 31 50 > 131 P H C.jrley, serv warrants 20 40 132 J L Shealy, allow pauper 6 00 133 K L Wingard, Sal. as Co. Tra. 65 66 134 L J L-ingford. Sal. bs Co. Sup. 75 00 135 Connelly & Corley, Tools 4 80 136 R H Jennings, Treasurer, Insurance premium 66 67 187 Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., Co. C H books &c 172 S8 138 P H Corley, dieting Prisn's 5! 20 139 44 44 44 serving witnesses in Saluda Co. 19 70 140 P H Corley, wood for c h 11 00 14d 44 " 44 terv b warrants 12 00 142 41 44 44 44 4 4 etc 20 20 143 44 4 4 44 4 4 14 13 30 144 44 44 expenses at jail 8 70 145 W Q Roberts, hiring hands on public road 5 70 146 H Z Adams, Lumber 41 77 147 Wellington Harman, horse 1 75 (Continued next week) Tutt's Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpkl liver deranges the wbok system, and produces SICK HEADACHE, ?. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rhea j mutism, Sallow Skin and Piles There is no better remedy for thes common diseases than DR. TUTT* LIVER PILLS, as a trial will provt Take No Substitute. A Monstrous Melon. Mr. H.&l. Meetze has the thanks of the entire office force for a monstrosity in the shape of a watermelon. It was one of the largest we have seen this reason and it was of delicious flavor. Mr. Meetze ss a progressive and clever farmer. He lives t.wo miles from the conrc house, and would that we had some of Bill Edmund's wings so that we could fly to his fine melon patch three times a day. Voters Boiling Springs 1. The Boiling Springs Democratic club will hold the coming primary elections at John A. Shealy's. Resolutions. To the Lexington Dispatch: At a regular convention of Swansea Lodge, No. 139, held August 15th, the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas the order known as the Knights of Pythias i9 non-political and non-sectarian in it's dealings with men and, Whereas an article has appeared in The Lexington Dispatch, over the signature of Dr. George R. Harding of Columbia, S. C., in which he calls on and appeals to every member of the Knight9 of Pythis in South Carolina, in an indirect manner to support a certain aspirant to the office of Governor of South Carolina, therefore resolved, 1st. That Swar ^ea Lodge. No. 139, K. of P. goes on record as denouncing such conduct on the part of any K. of 1 P. in infecting politics into our order. 2nd. That copies of these resolutions be sent the Columbia State, the Evening Record and the Lexington ' Dispatch, with the request that they j be published. J. R. Langford, K. of R. and S. rHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Lexington.. By George S. Drafts, Esquire, Probate Judge. Whereas, Alice Davis made suit to me, to grant her Letters of iVdministration of the Estate of and sffects of Andrew Davis. These are therefore to cite and adnonish all and singular the kindred and jreditors of the said Andrew Davis ! leceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of ProMite, to be held at Lexington, C. H., 3. C., on9 day of September, 1910, next, ifter publication hereof at 11 o'clock in j he forenoon, to show cause, if any they j lave, why the said Administration j hould not be granted. Given under my hand, this 23d day )f Aug. Anno Domini, 1910. Geo. S. Drafts, (L. S.) Probate Judge, Lexington County, S. C. | Pablished on the 24th day of Aug. ! j L919. in the Lexington Dispatch. 2w j rHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j County of Lexington. By George S. Drafts, Esquire, Judge. Probate j Whereas, E. J. Etheredge made sui 1 ;o me, to grant him Letters of Admin- ? stration of the estate of and effects of Vandy Jemerson. . These are therefore to cite and adnouish all and singular the kindred | ind creditors of the said Vandy Jemer;jn, deceased, that they be and ] ippear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Lexington C H., C., on the 8th day of Sept., 1910, next, after publication hereof, at 11 5'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 23rd day Df August, Anno Domini, 1910. ^ Geo. S. Drafts. (L. S.) r Probate Judge, Lexington County, S. C. Published on the 24th day of Aug., , 1910, in The Lexington Dispatch for ' 1 weeks. 44 | j Special Freight Notice. j Commencing August 1st. the freight <; warehouse of the Southern Railway Company at the Lexington depot will s be closed at o o'clock p. m., every day c sxcept Saturday, when it will be closed at 3 p. m. Will positively not T be opene^ for anyone after these * hours. J. S. ROWELL, l\v Agt. Southern Railway Co. j Agent for Dermozone. Kev. s. if. snumpert is rne aurnorized agent for the Dermozone Manufacturing Co., Columbia, S. C., incorporated and chartered by the State of South Carolina. Any contract made i by Mr. Shumpert with druggist or others will be recognized by said j company. * DERMOZONE M'F'G CO. TELEGRAPHY We are unable to supply the demand for competent Operators. Threemonths < course comple tes you under our expert . Management. Positions guaranteed, or no tuition charged, v rite for catalogue. Charlotte Telegraphy School, Charlotte, N. C. J /V ???????????? ^ CALL.AT UN ION Mr ATXON AL BANK Columbia, S. C. Directors A. F. LEVER JOS. NORWOOD N. H. DRIGGERS J. H. M. BEATY C. L. KIELER E. G. COOK G. P. LOGAN J. W. NORWOOD W. P HAMRICK AARON DAVID D. A. SPIVEY E W.WILSON ^ if I Bank of Chapin 1 I: : : CHAPIN, S. C. : : : The Bank That Accmomodafes This bank aims to give you good services. We cash out-of-town checks for you?furnish drafts for sending money way. We are always glad to assist you in business matters. Make your deposits with this bank, which makes a point of good treatment of its depositors. Our certificates of deposit bear interest at 5 per cent. We cordially invite the farmers as well as the business men to do their banking with us. 1 BROOKLAND BANK, 1 M NEW BROOLKAND, S. C. | fife We Want your business. It is our desire to please. Leave 5K1 m your money with us until you need it We pay interest tour ^ jw times a year. Xh n J. C. CUICNARD, L. S. TROTTI, $ Jfl Vice-President. President 1 South 'Georgia Farms | ^ I have several thousand acres level cotton and corn lauds, in ^ I&i xarms ranging rrom 30 acres to 3,000 acres. Erice varies from gg !|Sf $5.00 to $20.00 per acre, according to location, grade and iin^ provements. Business established over 40 years. If interested, write I WADE H. POWELL, ? m Real Estate Agent. - - BLAKELY, GEORGIA. 9 f GOOD STOCK] H i 3 J; ? N ' * 31 And best of work is the strong 5 N ' I * 3 Feature that has helped to earn j * M 3 The State-wide reputation ? m n 5 and endorsements of the ! : _ s si South Carolina Marble Works. \ 2 * N J N ' J ? All work in either marble or granite ! N * S Guaranteed to satisfy. We sell iron 2 K 2 , Fence also. Write or call to n 3 y M 3 See us and we will see that 2 2 M S Your interest is protected. 2 2 2 3 ? N ! SOUTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS, \ M '5 A * 3 Phone 1558. : : 1707 Main Street, 2 5 COLUMBIA, : S. C. J K | N 51 R.:V. STILLER, Manager. : : : F. H. HYATT. Proprietor. * N 2 M. s*fcl, ^inrSSTTI gia Farm Lands R I Level improved farms from 8 liU ? lUuI 1 tO to 10,000 acres each. I 1 rhis one is a bargain, 5,000 j lr?- J icres, 1,000 acres of fine tim- g Hides, Skins, Furs I rer, 2 good water powers, 11 w^i ^ u 9 , 9 i lice residence, 30 tenant 1 ' Tallow, and all I louses, good school on farm, I kinds of Junk, Scrap I ill lies well and fine land, j g Iron, Brass, Copper, I 5MK (Minor Qpro WPfllsn nflVG ! & r?. _ ' I ?1U,7 7- i! I i uid Rubber, etc. >ome fine timber land, water ; H__ Dower propositions, and busi-} 1 t7", =, 7, 7 _? . = less openings. j Hlghest Ca-h Pr'ces i V. S. 8 fi. W. ANDREWS, IPa"1 at a"'imessr* I Wilse W. Martio, r ?? \ I 700 Lady and 1118 Piain St., n c inuce ii v r I cm iimria s. n Da fa WlllfWf nil Va va d ~- ? v Graduate Veterinarian. S Out-of-town calh promptly B Reference: Palmetto Nat'l. Bank. I COLUMBIA, S. C. 1 ? ^ * 1^ BARKER'S "AIR BALSAM BStmSiSag^S aal PI?tTi,g' beautifie# the Send us your orders for job work. se^piii A triul will convince you of our supe- | cS^fp??&? liof laoiinics. I at_Pmgp?ta