The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, August 17, 1910, Image 3

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TB07E3SI02TAL CARDS. ! DR. G. E. HARDING, THE OLD AND TRIED DENTIST, is at his office doing good wore at moderate prices. Call to 6ee him don't wait. Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, S. C 1 SURVEYING LaMOTTE & COVINGTON CIVIL ENGINEERS Cor. Main and Gervais Sts. x | Columbia, S. 1 Robert moorman. Attorney-at-Law, Admitted to Practice in ail Conrts in this State. Carolina National Bank Building, COLUMBIA, S. C. ;*C run. w. HA WES, If Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEW BBOOKLAND. 8. C. Practice in all Courts. Business solicited. November 1.1905. c. x. xrian. r. s. dbehkb. 77 FIRD & DREHER, XA ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON 0. EL. S. C. Will practice in all the Courts. Business lj./ljj iwamKa. Af tha firm will ftl. quo:I?U. VUO U1UUIWA V* vwv war* be at offloe, Lexington. 8.0. T H. FRI0K, j . attorney at law. OHAJflN, A 0. Offloe: Hotel Marion, 4th Boom, Beoond floor. Will practice in ail the Courts. fthurmond & timmerman, 1 attorneys at law, j WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS. Citizens' Bank B'ld'g, Batesborg:, S. 0. We will be pleased to meet those having legal business to be attended to at our office ut the Citizens' Bank Building at any time. Respectfully, Wa. THURMOND. G. BELL TIMMERMAN. / Albert m. boozer, attorney at law, * COLUMBIA., 8. 0. ** ?- ? ? at^oet onnopit? I J aj T ? THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA Varied Courses ol Study in Science, Liberal Arts, Education, Civil and Electrical Engineering and Law. College Fees, Room, Lights, etc.. $26; Board $12 per month. For those paying tuition $10 additional. The health and morals of the students are the first consideration of the faculty. 43 Teachers Scholarships, worth $153. For catalogue write to S. C. MITCHELL, Pres Columbia, S. C. . % CHICHESTER SPILLb ^ DIAMOND BRAND &*$?** s%t& e*>* ^ * LADIES \ "V-^r Ask yonr l>ro|rjrf*t for CHI-CHZS-TER'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and A\ Goz.d metallic boxes, sealed with Blue\4?/ Ribbon. Take no other. Bny oF 70ar RnwjKist 8nd ask for Cai-ClIES-TEli 9 V DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-five years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS '< TRIED EVERYWHERE TESTED ( .. < ' "" ' 1 Overseers, Notice. ; All road overseers in the county are hereby ordered to work their respective sections at once. It is especially desired that all rocks of any consequence trees, and obstructions of any kind be removed from r.he roads. e L. J. LAXGFORD, ] Uv.uniy aupeivisor. 1 4w 1 VfUVKi lOJV UfUU U-IVVI, .. , ~wm-~ > . Yan Mare's Furniture StoreEspecial attention eiv^n ro business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington county. Law Offices, ( ) Residence, 1539 4309 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street. ( ) Office Telephone No. 1372. Residence Telephone No. 1036. WBOYD EVANS,"1 LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia, S. 0. I a i DR. F. 0. GILMORE, DENTIST 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. CJ. Orncs Hours: 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and from 8 to 6 o. m. T\H, D. L. HALL, " TYENTIST COLUMBIA, S. 0. Lutheran Publication Building, 1624 Main St. Office hours 8 a. m., to 5:30 p.*m a Deo* 23, 1907--6m ' / ?a?? E. C. DREHER, Agent, FIRE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING ? HOWE INSURANCE CO., N. Y. , INSURANCE CO OF N. A., PHILA ' GERMAN-AMERICAN, N. Y. GLOBE AND RUTGERS, N. Y. TEUTONJA, NEW ORLEANS. . SOUTHERN STOCK FIRE, GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. * STRONGEST AND BEST OLD LINE j INSURANCE COMPANIES l LOCAL AGENCY J LEXINGTON, S. C. 5 I 'Every Month' I |g writes Lola P. Roberts, of ?| ||j Vienna, Mo., "I used to be H 9 sick most of the time and |i gj suffered with backache and ||| H headache. My Mother, who || jij had been greatly helped by pi gl the use of Cardui, got me l| ? two bottles, and I have Egg 9 been well ever since." 9 PADHIII sunnuui The Woman's Tonic ICardui is a gentle tonic fa for young and old women. gg| It relieves and prevents lM pain. It builds strength. It IS feeds the nerves. It helps |S the whole system. Kg, Made from harmless roots and herbs, it has no || bad after-effects, does not || interfere with the use of 11 any other medicine and can || do you nothing but good, fl TiyCarduL It will help || tm<i Vaiii* Haalar calfc ii SOrJ n y vut * vw uvaivi ?>vua A to ? J9Lirei?y THE JEWELER L508 Main St, Columbia, S. C. REPAIRS WATCHES AND * JEWELRY Makes Them Good as New MEDALS AND BADGES OanufactureiT in Our Own Shops for Schools and Other Purposes. WERY, The Jeweler 1503 Main St., Columbia, S. C i.;; um 6aaTEsrsti?53 umm tf ron warteitbera Vibrating Shuttle, RotAry buatlie or a Single Thread f Chain Stitch} Sewing M tchine write to r?E NEW HOME SEWING MACKlriE COMPANY Orange, Mass. Mary sewing machines ore made to sell regardless ct Quality, *>nt the XetV Home is xr.nde to wear. Our guaranty never runs out. SojJ by authorized dealers oaiy. KGE SALS BY I W. P. R33F, Lexi^glo.T, S C. 0AWV1M ?A 7^ ? A'U TM *A uu w .wiiVOiiAuwa. The Champion New Home, New | \cme and other new improved j 3rop head machines; nicely finish- I 3d in oak; easy running and perfect sewing; fully guaranteed; for jale at factory prices for cash, or on 3asy payments, at The Bazaar. tf Uice B. Ilarman G-ardsn Seed. The Bazaar has just received a fresh I hipment of Ferry's and Crosman'sre- j iabie garden s^ed and will be pleased :o hav1 you call for your wants in this line. Results guaranteed. Swansea Letter. To the Editor of The Dispatch. Swansea's progress continues and her enterprises still pushes to the front. Mr. Reynolds is putting in a system of three seventy-saw gins. Mr. W. B. Rast is also putting in another plant of three gins to the gins of his already running, and added to the two that Langord & Derrick own t at the water mill, make up the total I of eleven gins in town and Madam Rumor says that Swansea last season ginned more cotton than any other place in Lexington county. Ly brand & Ly brand have started their two-story brick store and Jake Sightler's new house will soon be painted. With the upbuild we have had our misfortunes. A few days since lightning struck the steeple of the Baptist church and tore all the weather-boarding and ceiling from the entire end and badly shattered the blind* and weather-boarding of steeple. It shivered the comer upright post of one corner and scattered the splinters all around and over a little bird's nest and neither of toe little birds were hurt or disturbed in their airy home. He careth eyen for the little sparrows also. A few years ago I was coming down the Lexington public road and '.'riving | hastily to make Mr. Joe Reeder's, at the historic Cross Roads, before the" approach of a big, angry looking cloud, and met "old uncle John Ham> mond" out on the road and, saluting him, said I could not chat as that cloud looked very bad. The old mw said: "Oh! it can't rain ' till God gives those little creatures notice to shut in," pointing with his walking stick to the little aunts running around as easily as if no danger was near them at all. I saw the force of the argument and entered into a ciiat with the old gentleman and in a few minutes he said: "See now, the clouds are all gone arid the little ants are still busy on their rounds." Another little vacant chair is now in our,town. Diphtheria a few days since took from us the little boy of ueorge vvimams, una anotner iittie pilgrim lias returned to its nome to be forever at rest and free from care and vexations and. its little troubles. The other children were forbidden to go on the street a aay or two to avoid any other cases. Science and experiments, I believe, have decided that to try to avoid is almost useless, as the germs are everywhere in the air and will only attack and prosper in the little throat with suitable conditions for its ravages. Tiie examinations by experts and trialtists have about demonstrated that one little mouth and throat mayj have these j germs without injury to itself and yet transmit them to its little unconsjious, innocentplaymate, whose little throatlet is in a better condition to receive and fasten this dreaded visitant. One of the first lines I learned in physiology was that a healthy, robust human being Is almost immune against disease. He is like a well tor- J tifled citadel in which to garrison within is at all times able ?o repel the assaults from without. The weakest places in the fortress always are first to receive the attack from a skilful assailant. General cases of typhoid fever have been in and around Swansea. Mr. Thomas Stabler has been a severe sufterer from it and several of his family have been prostrate with it.. Mrs. George Moore has been sick for some time but am glad to say she is much better now. Crops are good, bad and indifferent. Tue large rains have badly damaged crops generally and they arc slow to respond. I have seen very few fields of well-filled corn and the gathering at harvest time will disappoint many a jolly farmer. The lady visitors of our town have been legion?too numerous to mention. Tne campaign will soon open and the candidates will be as thick as the evil spirits. Spectator. Swansea, Aug. 8. For Quick Relief From Hay Fe^sr Asthma and summer bronchitis, take Foley's Honey and Tar. It quickly relieves the discomfort and suffering- and the annoying symptoms disappear. It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages of rhe head, throat and bronchial tuhes. It contains on opiates and no harmful drugs, Refuse substitutes. Sold by all Druggists. Columbia Negro Wins. Thomas C. Dykes, a Columbia negro, living at 171.0 Taylor street, won the second prize for the best ver^e on baseball dope, as offered by the New York World of last Sunday. Theie were 0,701 contestants. Notice Subscribers, A Blue X on your paper denotes von are in arrears. A Red X shows that your subscription expires in the issue crossed. FOR SALE:?Cheap, one light spring waron, newly repaired and peiniert. In got/d condition. Rice 11. Human. i Round Trip Excursion Rates Via The Southern Railway From Batesburg. S. C. Chattanooga, Tenn., and Return St4.55: Account National League of Postmasters, October 12-14, 1910. Tickets on sale Oct. 10 and 11 and for trains scheduled to arrive Chattanooga bafore noon 12th. Final limit returning to reach original starting point not later than midnight Oct. 17, 1910. Extension of final limit to Oct. 31 sf, mav be had bv deDOsitiner ticket and payment of $1.(0 additional In addition to the above, there are now on sale round crip summer excursi ?n tickets to namerous other points. For farther information, apply to Soutltern Railway ticket agents, or J. L. MEEK, ALEX H. ACKER, Atlanta. Ga. Augusta, Ga. BARBECUE NOTICES. Barbecue at Swansea. Wo ftimiaVi n Firot.olnRa Rarhp. cue and Refreshments at Swansea on campaign day, August 18. Everybody cordially invited. Good dinner at reasonable prices. TEFCOAT & CROUT. Barbecue at Hilton. I will furnish a first class barbecue with refreshments at my place one rnile west of Hilton, S. C. the 27th of Aug. 1910 Candidates and the public are cordially invited to come, a good time for all. John H. Wessinger. Barbecue at Gaston. I will furnish a first-class Barbecue with refreshments at Gaston on campaign day, August 19th. Everybody cordially invited to come and hear the candidates ard enjoy a good dinner at reasonable prices. A. F. Guingard. Barbecue at PrieeviUe. I will furnish my annual barbecue with refreshments at G. F. Keisler's Store in Priceville, on campaign day, August 27th. There will be seven balloon ascensions, in addition to the candidates speeches. Come one. come ail and enjoy a good dinner. Emanuel Price 4w-4-lpd. I3B3E3EBgBB3S8gffimHgaaBa5^3 g SUMMER BATE SALE 1 As Listed | One $300 Piano $185 1 One $400 Piano $215 | These are new and in beautiful mahogany cases, | Iso write us quick if you de- g sire one of these bargains. | ORGAN BARGAINS. I Some second hand organs E i taken in exchange for pianos | from ?20 to ?35. I A limited number of I slightly used forfeited ?90 B organs from ?45- to ?65. fl Easy terras?to responsible a parties?will be made on any of B I the above instruments. a Pianos and organs frlly war- H ranted. s Some other excellent bargains ff in pianos always on band. 0 ilMiisi ? 1A9P Main Ql Hnlifmhia 5 P ? IITfa' ' IflUIII V It VVIMIUWIM^ V? VI B| aBBHBBMEWBBaaBMMBaagil Piedmont and Old Mill cigarette j coupons wanted. I will redeem thes in cash. Ttice B. Harman. j coi Dry Goods, Clothing Rugs. Great Bargi cial reductions or come and s 1100 Children'9 made dre99e9 at onl} C'oth would almost cost that. 1100 .Ladies' uingaam ana unamora each. These are well made and fit t< Voile Skirts. A great showing of Voile Skirts fr< | \ each. Made in the latest over-skirt e j Chiffon Panama SI 150 fine Panama Skirts, the best val at only $4.05, special. Underskirt^ 100 fine high-grade Heather Bioo jj 98c. Worth $1.50. : Millinery. 100 fine Dress Hats made of horse mod with flowers and buckles, at [ Worth $5.00. L hi iwiiww?n?f mmvmnht THE SOUTH'S LARGEST I \ FURNITURE HOUSE I Was Never More Attractive I I We are showing the largest assortment of the most up-to-date patterns of High Grade Furniture ever shown in the South. It is not neccessary for you to order anything I in the Furniture Line hundreds of miles from home and take chances of having it damaged in transit. We have brought all of the best lines to your door-Our prices are as attractive as our goods. Polite cleiks will be pleased to 6how you through and you will not be importuned to buy. VflWMFTRR'S I | B AAAV ABA AS A AAAA IV | I 1313-19 Main St. UNDERTAKERS Columbia, S. C. I 1^ A SUMMER OXFORDS AND STRAP PUMPS Jr** M Our Lexington friends will find it to their advantage when in our city to see oui.i before buying; for ! dress or every day wear. We carry everything that is good in Shoes, besides We "GIVE" you the best for the least money. Farmers' "SOLID LEATHER" work shoes we make a I Specialty of. | E. PE & F. JL DAVIS, I I 710 Main St. Columbia, S. C. | The Prudential [?{Monthly Income Policy is the 5 [ ^^k$?'\ Door separting Comfort From / Poverty. On whch side wtJ| your fam\iy be after your death? j. t. coleman mgr. ALFRED J. FOX, Special Agent, Charleston, S. C. LEXINGTON, S. C. THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, Incorporated as a stock company by the State of New Jersey John F. Dryden, President. Home Office, Newark, N. J ~ I FOR ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shingles, Etc., Write or call on N. H. DRICCERS, COLUMBIA, - SOUTH CAROLINAESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FIGURED. MARKET PRICES PAID FOR SHINGLES AND LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. ?BBOf ,W"I| St nBWWPWW wnWTTOmPWaBWWWBWW?I aasa?> THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR "sol "eaaasz- ?i?j? , Machinery Tools -*? ML"g-J?_ m**? ; c >g '-r eg) If you do nor see whar you want gfTT 2 write us. We handle any ami ? .?.x^ ffj all. Everything in machinery | supplies. Columbia Supply Co., fTWlTT CBsi^a ?0 ^ ?23 Wot 6i>mi? St. COLOMfflA.8.6 ISMMWBWMWBBMBWMPBWWMHWSBHil I? I W HI !! 11IH?il IM I IBI'IHI II iMIBB^?3? LmutTIL'" "i'"iT MAURICES] LUIV1BIA, ?>. U. ill , and Millinery; Matting. Art Squares and ||| ains to be had here. We have made spe- III l all summer wear. It will pay you to ||| see for yourself. Great Bargains. jji " each. The Clothing and Furnishings. Hi y dresses at $3 50 We have started a Cut Price Sale on O'w fine Scit8.|j| o wear on street. ^ow *s y?ur chance. We don't wait until summer islll over to do this. Come on right now. $20.00 Suite atlf | $7.95 to $14.50 outy $12.93, and our $15.00 Suits at $10.98. Ill **cct- Sea Island. |![ arts. Ill 1 1,000 pieces 3G-inch Sea Island at 5e||| no x-/-\n s;^\r. I fftl 1,000 yards of Apron Ginghams at ocir 2,000 yards light Calico, bc9t goods, at only 5c ui Skirts at only 100 Rolls of SGSt Slatting. OOlks. to the roll, at 25c. yard tor this sale. 9x12 Art Squares at $4.50 each, hair braid, trim- We have all the bargain? you are looking for. Come only ?2.93 each. 0n RIGHT NOW. -Jy a?M?M?IIWIM<CI?IWBrlWMW?MnWIUIWWIIWll IHIIH IMIJItl III I a? umMu