, raorsssxoKAx. CABDS. DB. 0. B. HARDING, THE OLD AND TRIED DENTIST, is at bis office doing good worn at moderate prices. Call to see him' don't wait. Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, S. C * v ' ^^ ^^^ SURVEYING I^aMOTTE & COVINGTON CIVIL ENGINEERS Cor. Main and Gervais Sts. Columbia, S. C. * jlOBERT MOORMAN. ' if Attorney-at-Law, Admitted to Practice in all Coorts in this State. Carolina National Bank Building, COLUMBIA, S. C. WM. W. HA WES, Attorney and Counselor at Law. * NEW BBOOKLAND. S. C. Practice in all Courts. Business f-olicited. November 1.1905, & X. XTXB2>. F. E. DBEHEB. ?FIRD & DREHER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON 0. H., & C. Will practice in all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm will always be at office. Lexington. S. C. JE FBICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, J. OHaPIN, & 0. Office: Hotel Marion, 4th Boom, Second Floor. Will practice in all the Courts. M: ? mHURMOND & TIMMERMAN, 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, Citizens' Bank B'ld'g, Bafcesburg, S. 0. We will be pleased to meet those having legal busiLess to be attended to at our office in the Citizens' Bank Building at any time. Respectfully, Wm. THURMOND. G. BELL TIMMERMAN, f A LBERT M. BOOZER, A. ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, S. 0. t Omcs: 1335 Main Street, upstairs, oppopite Van Metre's Furniture StoreEspecial attention given to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington county. Law Offices, ( ) Residence, 1529 1209 Washington < V Pendle ton Street. ~ SfnoAt f ) Office Telephone No. 1872. Residence Telephone No. 1036. \\r BOYD EVANS,*1 IT LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia. S. 0. \ * T\R. F. O. GILMORE, 1) DENTIST., 1510 MVnn Street, COLUMBIA, S. 0. Orncs Hocus.* 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and from stoSo. m. & nit. D. L. HALL, V DENTIST COLUMBIA, S. 0. i Lutheran Publication Building, ; 1626 Main St. j * Office hours 8 a. m.. to 5:80 p/m j ?eo* 28, 1907--6m ' j j&fN r j I * J j B. G. DREHER, Agent, FIRE INSURANCE. j representing NOME INSURANCE CO., N. Y. INSURANCE CO OF N. AM PHILA [ GERMAN-AMERICAN, N. Y. : CLONE AND RUTGERS, N. Y. TEUTONIA, NEW ORLEANS. \ SOUTHERN STOCK FIRE, GREENSSORO, NORTH CAROLINA. STRONGEST AND BEST OLD LINE INSURANCE COMPANIES LOCAL AGENCY LEXINGTON, S. C. I j THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CtROLIHA Ribbon. Takb xo othxsl. Bay o* tmf \/ Bnnbi u4 Mk for cni-OMES-TtK S V HHMRD BRAND PILLS, ior iwcui^-uw | jears-rcgarded as Best.Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS > time rvcpyu/urDP worth TRIED t? til I YlnkllL tested A young Russian woman, Mile. Bandurin, is superintendent of a big engineering firm. A graduate of the Woman's Technological institute in St. Petersburg, she is the only woman in Russia wh > has \ roved 1 er ability in practical work. " Every rat steals 60 cents worth of food every year. BILIOUS?! CONSTIPATED ?| HEADACHE?| FOR SPEEDYRELIEF. Nearly Everybody TAKES SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Tor YOU? TC ?./vw ntnnf tn rrcf nil f.VlP T1PWH Of | XI juu v\auu vu gw ... ... the county campaign, subscribe now to The Dispatch. $100 per annum; 50c 6 months; 25c for 3 months?in advance. Airex*y THE JEWELER 1508 Main St, Columbia, S. C. 9 REPAIRS WATCHES AiND JEWELRY ! MfllrflS Thfim finfld as Kew j iiiunw i iiviii ?? -- ? -MEDALS AM) BADGES ManufactureiT in Our Own Shops for Schools and Other Purposes. ??? x \ AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C THE WORLDS 6REATESTSEW1N5 MACHINE b J-IGHT RUNNING ^ tf yon want either a Vibrating Seattle. Rotary Shuttle or a Single Thread f Chain &TUeh\ Sewing Machine write to THE NEW HOME SEW1N& MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass. Many sewing machines are made to sell regardless ci quality, \>ut the Home is made to wear. Our guaranty ne . etr nms out. Sold by bathorrzed dealer* only, FOR SAS-K ?V W. P. ROOF, Lexiivgton, S.C. Sewing Machines. Tbe Champion New Home, New Acme and other new improved drop head machines; nicely finished in oak; easy running and perfect sewing; fnlly guaranteed; for sale at factory prices for cash, or on easv Davments. at The Bazaar. ti Rice B. Harman Taylor's Pteaie Aug. 6, Tbe annual basket picnic at the Elias Taylor old place, one mile south of Gilbert, will be held en August 6. Everybody incited to some with well' filled baskets. d 2wp I "I Am Glad"! H writes Mrs. Ethel Newlin, ft1 H of Liberty Center, In&, R? Eg ''that I began to take Car- B| m dui, for it has cured me, g? H and I will never forget it E* m "1 cannot praise Cardui m H too highly for what it did ?| 9 for me. Before I began |g S| to take it, I was very || jui Viarl r>nlr*r cnfforpH crrAat Kh. Ivuu vviu; | wMuvivu vu% qb pain and weighed only ffi 105 pounds. Now I have |? a good color, do not suffer g| and weigh 125 lbs." B iCARDUl The Woman's Tonic |gl Beware of strong, nox- B MS ious, mineral drugs, that G S sink into your system, B 9 like lead to the bottom of 9 B a basin of water. - / - B .; jg Cardui is purely vege- B 9 table and contains no B 9 poisonous minerals, or B 9 dangerous drugs. W& 9 It is perfectly safe and || 9 harmless, for use by old 19 9 and young, and nry be K H taken, as a tonic, for B H months, without any possi- G B ble harmful effect Try it B Round Trip Excursion Rates Via The Southern Railway From Batesburg. S. C. Monteagle and Sewanee, Tcnn. and j Return S 13.30: Account Opening week, July 1-7, 1910; Monteagle Bible School, July 15 25, 1910; Monteagle Sunday School Institute, July 28-August 15, 1910. Tickets on sale June 30, July 1. 15, 16,22, 23, 29, 30 and August 12, 1910, with final limit returning to reach original starting point not later than September 5< 1910. Chicago, lil. and return $27.20: Account Triennial Conclave, Kuights Templar, August 8-13, 1910. Tickets on sale August 4,5,6 and 7,1910.Tickets limited to reach original starting point not later than midnight August 17, 1910, but may be extended to reach original starting point not later than September 6, 1910, by depositing tickets not later than August 17, 1910 and payment of 50c additional, Chattanooga, Tenn., and Return $14.55: Account National League of Postmasters, October 12-11, 1910. Tickets on sale Oct. 10 and 11 and for trains scheduled to arrive Chattanooga bafore noon 12th. Final limit returning to reach original starting point not later than midnight Oct. 17, 1910. Extension of final limit to Oct. 31st may be had by depositing ticket and navmenfc of el.CO additional ??? X"-~*r ? v - - - In addition to the above, there are now on sale round trip summer excursion tickets to numerous other points. For further information, apply to Southern Railway ticket agents, or J. L. MEEK, ALEX H. ACKER, Atlanta. Ga. Augusta, Ga. I SUMMED RATE SALE I I ! As Listed 0 One $300 Piano $185 I One $400 Piano $215 | These are new and in g beautiful mahogany cases, so write us quick if you desire one of ihese bargains. ORGAN BARGAINS. Some second hand organs taken in exchange for pianos I from $20 to $35. A limited number of u I slightly used forfeited $90 I r a - x .? - organs irom $40 to #00. Easy terms?to responsible parties?will be made 011 any of the above instruments. Pianos and organs fully warranted. Some other excellent bargains in pianos always on hand. MINE'S IB HOUSE H2P Main St. Columbia. S. C. | [Electricl Bitters Succeed whew everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses* they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testif ed. FOR KfDffEY,LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE It ur the best medicine ever sold j ?:v ove* Sr thnijjgist's counter. BARBECUE NOTICES. Barbecue at Pine Ridge. I will furnish my annual barbecue with refreshments at Pine Ridge on campaign day, which will be on August 13th The public cordially invited to come. pd$l D. B. SHEALY. Barbecue at Swansea. We will furnish a Firstclass Barbecue and Refreshments at Swansea on 1 ? - a T-y _ i campaign day, August i?. rjveryuuuj cordially invited. Good dinner at reasonable prices. TEFCOAT & CROUT. Barbecue at Irmo. We will furnish a first-clas* barbecue and refreshments at Irmo on campaign day, Aug. 10. Speakers will be on hand to discuss the issues of the day. All invited to come and enjoy a good dinner and have a good time Come One, Come All. i M. L. WARNER, s35tf } F. W. DERRICK. Barbecue at Felion. We will furnish a first-class Barbecue at Pelion on August 17, campaign day. All are invited to attend. Come one. ? Come all. Hutto & Laird. DnvVaATia of TTiltftn ilAl U6VUV MV vwMt I will furnish a first class barbecue with refreshments at my place one mile west of Hilton, S. C. the 27th of Aug. 1910 Candidates and the public are cordially invited to come, a good , time for all. JohnH. Wessinger. Barbecue at Gaston. I will furnish a first-class Barbecue with refreshments at Gaston on campaign day, August 19th. Everybody | cordially invited to come and hear the | candidates ard enjoy a good dinner at i reasonable prices. A. F. Guingard. Barbecue at Pelion. I TTT? ?111 (nmlnU n fii>nf./ilQOo K O tViPPTI VV t? W ill 1U1 111 OLA CO LA L Ml** wv#s?vj with refreshments, at Pelion on campaign day, August 17th. The public cordially invited. Zenker & Yonce. ow-41 Haye's Barbecue. I will furnish my annuaj barbecue with refreshments at my place on the Southern Railway one mile from Gilbert campaign day, August 15. Everybody invited. Music will be furnished by a band and the photograph man will be on hand. Passenger trains will step both way9 to take on and let off passengers. Meat9 prepared by expert cuist. Special attention given to ladies and children. Come and enjoy the day and hear the candidates. IOO,R HAYES. Barbecue at Cbapin. We will furnish a first-class barbecue and refreshments at Chapin on campaign day, August 12. All who wish to enjoy a good dinner and to hear the speakers will be there. SUMMER & BOOZER. Barbecue at Hilton. I will furnish a barbecue at Hilton on campaign day, 11th of August, 1910, with refreshments. Public invited to come and hear the speakers and enjoy a good dinner. mnw T w ATT-ot AxrriTTiR r 6w44 A. Taylor's Barbecue. I will furnish my annual barbecue this year on campaign day, August 16. There will be amusement for all. Let everybody come out to hear the candidates and enjoy a good dinner. 4w-p-41 A. TAYLOR. Barbecue at Irene. We will furnish a barbecue ^at Irei e on August 6th. Candidates will address the people and a good dinner will be served. George Kyzer, 3w40 B. B. Pound. The raisin contans more sugar than the original grape. IFITZI COI Dry G-oods, Clothing. Rugs. Great Bargg cial reductions on /^rwnc-i a rl a ij uwiiiv uuu. k? J 100 Children's made dresses at only I cloth would almost coat that. I 100 Ladies' Gingham and Chambra^ | each. These are well made and fit tc Voile Skirts. j A great showing of Voile Skirts frc leach. Made in the latest over-skirt el Chiffon Panama Sfc I 50 fine Panama Skirts, the best vali I at only $1.95, special. Underskirts. j 100 fine high-grade Heather Bloor 193c. Worth $1.50. Millinery. 100 fine Dress Hats made of horse I med with flowers and buckles, at I Worth $5.00. %? ? (THE SOTTTH'S LARGEST I FURNITURE HOUSE I Was Never More Attractive I I We are showing the largest assortment 1 of the most up-to-date patterns of High 1 Grade Furniture ever shown in the South. I It is not neccessary for you to order anything i in the Furniture Line hundreds of miles from 8 home and take chances of having it damaged in j transit. We have brought ah of the best lines to your door-Our prices are as attractive as our goods. Polite clerks will be pleased to show you through and you will not be importuned to buy. VANMETRE'S I 1313-19 Main St. UNDERTAKERS ^s.c. j i oxfords I WtOm and strap pumps I ^ur ^exing^on fiends will find it to II their ad vantage when in our city to see jj our; 4fcI^HOESS" before buying; for I dress or every day wear. We carry everything that is good in Shoes, besides We "GIVE" you the best for the least money. Farmers' "SOLID LEATHER" work shoes we make a Specialty of. E. P. a F. A. DAVIS, 710 Main St. Columbia, S. C. The Prudential Monthly income Policy is the te( Door seoarting Comfort From | COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO. . . Columbia, S. C | maurices] -UMBIA, S. C. , and Millinery; Matting. Art Squares and lins to be had here. We have made speall summer wear. It will pay you to ee for yourself. Great Bargains. ?1.00 each. The Clothing and Furnishings. dresses at ?3 50 ^ave started a Cut Price Sale on our fine Suits. > wear on street. Now i9 your chance. We don't wait until summer is over to do this. Come on right now. ?20.00 Suite at >m *7.95 to $14.50 on^ $12.98, and our $15.00 Suits at $10.?S. ffect- Sea Island. lirt-Rr 1,000 piece9 36-mch Sea Island at 5c Lie you ever saw. , 1,000 yards of Apron Ginghams at 5c 2,000 yards light Calico, best goods, at only 5c n Skirts at only 100 Rolls of Best Matting. 90lbs. to the roll, at 25c. yard for this sale. 9x12 Art Squares at $4.50 each, hair braid, trim- We have all the bargains you are looking for. Come only 12.98 each. 0n RIGHT NOW. On whch side wil| your family be after your death? j. t. coleman' Mgr. ALFRED J. FOX, Special Agent, Charleston, S. C. ' LEXINGTON, S. C. THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, Incorporated as a stock company by the State of New Jersey John F. Dryden, President. Home Office, Newark, N. J FOR ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shingles, Etc., Write or call on N. H. DRIGGERS, nnr TnrmA O/^TTTTX n A "DOT TAT A UULi U1V1 JDiil) uvy u ixx vxxivv/juxxi a* E3TIMATES CHEERFULLY FIGURED. MARKET PRICES PAID FOR SHINGLES AND LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. ^ggjT USE P. P. P. PACKING lasts longer. It creates less friction. Cy It is a money saver. We carry a large stock.