PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. G. R. HARDING, THE OLD AND TRIED DENTIST, is at his office doing good worn at moderate prices. Call to see him: don't wait. Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, S. C SURVEYING LAMOTT & COVINGTON CIVIL ENGINEERS Cop. Main and Gervais Sts. Columbia, S. C W gOBETR MOORMAN. f ' II Attorney-at-Law, Admitted to Practice in all Conrts in this State. Carolina National Bank Building, COLUMBIA, S. C. WM. W. HAWES, Attorney and Counselor at Law. SEW BBOOKLAND. 8. C. Practice in all Courts. Business solicited. November 1.1906. V a M. XT1RD. ' r. K. DHEHKB. jHFIRD & DREHER, ?j ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON C. H., 8. C. Will practice in all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm will always be at ofSloe, Lexington. 8. C. JE FRICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, * CHAF1N, S. 0. - ? - " Office: Hotel Manor, 4in noom, oowuu floor. "Will praotioe in all the Courts. . / Thurmond & timmerman, attorneys at law, WILL practice IN all courts, Citizens' Bank B'ld'g, Batesburg, s. c.W? will b? pleased to meet those having legal business to be attended to at our offlne ui the Citizens' Bank Building at any time. Respectfully^ ^ THURMOND. Q. BELL TIMMERMAN. v Albert m. boozer, attorney at law, columbia, 8. 0. Owncb: 1S3? Main Street, upstairs, opposite Van Metre's Furniture 8tore. Especial attention given to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington eounty. ? ? t ??_____________________________ I Law Offices, I ) Residence, 1529 1209 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street. ( ) Office Telephone No. 1872. Residence Telephone No. 1086. Wboyd evans, .lawyer and counsellor. Columbia. S. 0. < t\b. f. 0. gilmore, u dentist., 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. 0. Ovvxcs Houbs.- 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and from 2 to 6 d. m. Dr. d. l hall, dentist columbia, s. 0. Lutheran Publication Building, 1626 Main St. Office hours 8 a. m., to 5:80 p.^xn Deo* 28,1907--6m a ?? f| E. C. DREHER, Agent, f FIRS INSURANCE. ! representing ! none insurance con n. y. ?a a* m mil a CERMAN-AMERICAN, N. Y. CLOSE AND RUTGERS, N. Y. TEUTON!A, NEW ORLEANS. SOUTHERN STOCK FIRE, CREENSBORO, NORTH CAROUNA. STRONGEST AND BEST OLD LINE INSURANCE COMPANIES LOCAL AGENCY LEXINGTON, S. C. TNE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA Varied Courses o! Study in Science, Liberal Arts, Education, Civil and Electrical Engineering and Law. College Fees, Room, Lights, etc., $26; Board $12 per month. For those paying tuition $10 additional. The health and morals of the stu dents are the first consideration or the l faculty. 43Teacher8 Scholarships, worth $158. For catalogue write to 8. C. MITCHELL, Pros Columbia, S. C. CHICHESTER SPILL! DIAMOND BRAND ^ O TflT>TP Q J Ask T?T Draiwtet for chi-chbs-ter's A diamond BRAND pills in Rkd *nd/j\ , Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue<0> Ribbon. Taxb ko otxxkb. Buy of 70mr UngsM sad uk for cw-chks.tlk 8 * diamond BBAXD pills, for twenty-fioe years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS time ri/FBYWUCRF worth tried lv Cn I vvncnK. tested Georgia Humor. The humorous editor of the Upson County Ga. Parrot grinds out the following: "His horse went dead and his mule went lame, and he lost six cows in a poker game; then a hurricane came on a summer's day and blew the house where he lived awav, and the earthquake came when that was gon6 and swallowed the land that the house was on; then the tax collector came 'round and charged him | - * ? i up with the hole m the grouna." i BILIOUS? CONSTIPATED? HEADACHE? "* FOR SPEEDY RELIEF. Nearly Everybody TAKES SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR |whNyotYOU.?[ nBHBBj If yon want to get all the news c the county campaign, subscribe noT to The Dispatch. $100 per annum 50c 6 months; 25c for 3 months?in ac vance. t THE JEWELER 1S08 Main St, Columbia, S. ( REPAIRS WATCHES AND ' JEWELR1 Makes Them figod as Wei MEDALS AKD BADGE! Haefenlft^iPAfT In Aiir flw I OTailHIWlHI VV in ??i ? / Shops for Schools and Other Purposes. AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. < THE WORLDS SREATESTScWin5 MACHINE RUNNI^ ^ If rou want eithera Vibrating Shuttle. RMarj Shuttle or a Single Thread f Chain Stitch] Sewing Machine write to THE NEW HOME SEWINQ MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass. Many sewine machines are made to sell regardless cl Quality, '>ut the New Home ib made to wear. Our guaranty never runs out. Sold by authorized dealers only. FOR SALS BY W. P. ROOF, Lexington, S.C. Seeing Machines. Tbe Champion New Home, Ne^ Acme and other new improve drop head machines; nicely finisl ea in oak; easy running and pei feet sewing; fully guaranteed; fc sale at factory prices for cash, or o easy payments, at The Bazaar. ti Rice B. Harm an The tax on tobacco netted $51,887 178 for the United States treasury du: ing the year 1909. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure an case of kidney and bladder trouble n< Katrnnrl fko *aa?li nf moilinina V \ n,u/l l/VJ \'1IU VUV iVVfVil VI mrvJiVJUV, llini cine can do more. Sold by all Druj gist* Fsire'Core"! H "I would like to guide |g| H suffering women to a sure ?|| |?j cure for female troubles," |g |g| writes Mrs. K. fc. Mercer, Eg || of Frozen Camp, w. Va. g S3 "I have found no med- I| B Icine equal to Cardui. I M B had suffered for about K BQ four years. Would have l| 9 headache for a week at a jj? H time, until I would be B S3 nearly crazy. I took Car- ?g Q dui and now I never have ni SI the headache any more." H The Woman's Tonic I The pains from which raj many women suffer every IS month are unnecessary. ||| It's not safe to trust to ||1 strong drugs, right at the gi time of the pains. B Better to take Carduf H for a while, before and ?? after, to strengthen the g? system and cure the cause. B Tu:? ?o conciKlo tit* 'I BOB A lilo Id Hit; 0V1101U1V| UE * B scientific, the right way. H Round Trip Excursion Rates Via The Southern Railway j# From Batesburg. S. C. Monteagle and Sewanee, Tenn. and Return $13.30: Account Opening week, July 1-7, 1910; Monteagle Bible School, July 15-25, 1910; Monteagle Sunday School Institute, July 28-August 15, 1910. Tickets on sale June 30, July 1.15, 16,22, 23, 29, 30 and August 12, 1910, with final limit returning to reach original starting point not later than September 5< 1910. Chicago, III. and return $27.20: J Account Triennial Conclave, Knights [ Templar, August 8-13, J910. Tickets L on sale August 4,5,6 and 7,1910.Tickets limited to reach original starting point not later than midnight August 17, m 1910, but may be extended to reach original starting point not later than September 6, 1910, by depositing tickets not later than August 17,1910 and payment of 50c additional. Chattanooga, Tenn., and Return $14.55: Account National League of Postmasters. October 12-14. 1910. Tickets on sale Oct. 10* and 11 and for trains scheduled to arrive Chattanoou ga bafore noon 12th. Final limit reJ turning to reach original starting j point not later than midnight Oct. 17, 1910. Extension of final limit to Oct. 31st may be had by depositing ticket and payment of $1.(0 additional II In addition to the above, there are now on sale ronnd trip snmmer excursion tickets to numerous other points. For further information, apply to Southern Railway. ticket agents, or J. L. MEEK, < ALEX H. ACKER, Atlanta, Ga. Augusta, Ga. Must Soad Money. All persons sending in announeec ments for candidates must send the Cash with the announcement, other= wise it will not appear. The fee is $5 . for all offices, except county eommhI sioner and magistrate, which is $3. This is positive. In a Pinch, use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, The antiseptic powder to shake Into vour shoes. It cures hot. ti-ed. aching. swollen, sweating feet, and m?kes walking ea y. Takes the sting 0"t of corns and bunions. Over 30.000 testimonials. Sold everywhere. 25cts. Don't accept any substitute. Notice Subscribers, A Bine X on your paper denotes vou are in arrears. A Red X shows that your subscription expires in the issue crossed. Reader, if you are behind with your paper send your dollar by mail if "you are not coming to town. Every dollar helps to pay necessary expenses. Patent Medicines. The Bazaar is making a spceial price on all patent medicines. We are going to close out this part of our business, and you'll find most anything r you want here. Give us a call. Harman's Bazaar. "Tipping college boys wno serve as i waiters at summer resorts is starting them on the road to bribery and peijury," said Professor Robert P. Sibley, of Lake Forest university, in a farewell address to seniors. - 'Foley Kidney Pills Have Cured Me' ^ The above is a quotation from a letter " written by H. M. Winkler, EvansvilleM{ l" Iud. "I contracted a servere case of r* kidney trouble. My back gave out and >r pained me. 1 seemed to have lost all n strength and ambition; was bothered with dizzy spells, my head would swim and specks float before my eyes. I took = Foley Kidney Pills regularly and am now perfectly well and feci like a new man. Foley Kidney Pills have cured r" me." Sold by all Druggists. ? * ha1ShBkS1 jL MCImmm Rpd tx~aatixiei via Mir. H rtomaiu A luxuriant growth. W^W5?- jm N?r#r 7aili to Beitor* Oratf 7- HEWt^-"?8El K?ir to lta Youthful Color. * aeaip Jiwiiw * btir falling. Kta.apu to order anything I reds of miles from aving it damaged in II of the best lines to s attractive as our pleased to show you importuned to buy. RET ^ Columbia, S. C. XFORDS1 J CTOJItD 9IIMDQ I 9 U I 11*48 I vmi V on friends will find it to /hen in our city to see IN" before buying; for erything that is good in >st for the least mon ey. work shoes we make a DAVIS, bia, S. C. ersible Ratchet i?r$b i buying this the best and onfy Three Ratchets in one, taking lk Drills?Long and Short Feed. IEAPER: ASK FOR PRICE. .SUPPLY CO.Cohnnbia,S.C. irling Goods terling silver, cut glass, fine 1a, clocks. A fine ertoek ays on hand for yon to ct from. Ceep us in mind when wantanything in Jewelry Of rerware. ?ood watch work and glasses, f you can't eomfc, send fop catalogue or telephoneyoui cr to us. , LACfilCOTTB & CO JUiW tULi >A Main Columbia, S.C Phone 934 Urt Squares and ,ve made spe. pay you to gains. [ Furnishings. ice Sale on our fine Suits, ion't wait until summer is right now. 120.00 Suits at Suits at ?10.?8. [sland. sland at 5c ghams at 5c best goods, at only 5c ' Best Matting. yard for this sale. i each. you are looking for. Come =E=j