coos i M ? ; " s And best of work . 3 Feature that has ! The State-\ M ; and endc ' n , ; a ~ i J | South Carolina J h j All work in ; Guaranteed to ; Fence also. W ? See us and we Jj Your interest is i ' | SOUTH CAROLINA | Phone 1558. : \ COLUMBIA, ! R. V. STILLER, Manager. I'd i i/iirtTTn Tin Mil! I J, UU 3 ^^so^mk m yO ^ j|^ ;.^ I $4?s3m0 I ^Fshoe i **? ^k 5 Our Uiatery l)epa | fresh, reliable goods?w ]! guarantee satisfaction. j | We pay highest prices fc \ t hulls at lowest prices. Com( II AgMts for Studebaker Wagoi < > Convenient wagon yard, x { | LAoaaaaaanaAaooaaaaj^aaooj 1 ^WWWwWW wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww% \ " - QUALITY You have probably bought many tl good, that cost a good price, but urn test of service soon, proved themselves ^ SL" It might have been shoes that so the sides, caps broke down, heels gav gave trot and soles were plated, wear, and fa | t% ft wear your n T. A. Opposite PostlOffioe, THE PRICES TELL J. B. FRIl Wholes* Grocers, F1 Fe We Want the Merchants, 1 ington County to Call and Purchases We Can Fill money. 1823-1825 Main Ldzington Pressing Club. Remember that the old reliable 1/ ington Pressing: Clnb is still in bu ness and is serving its patrons with t usual promptness and care. We gi special attention to the pressing Ladies skirts. Give us a trial. 11 Lem Box, Mgr STOCK I N M In is the strong |? i helped to earn !; | ! N | vide reputation i jj > rsements of the jjj I . Marble Works. ? * ! i M s either marble or granite | S | (satisfy. We sell iron jjj /'rite or call to 3 Ik! will see that H M ; protected. : - M MARBLE WORKS, 1 M f707 Main Street, j : S. C. S : : F. H. HYATT, Proprietor. J M ggttf BM?????? WLINOI CO. I 1 SWANSEA, S. C. : IS ' J 5 We carry everything in i| aeneral Merchandise. | ? You will find our store ^ S leadquarters for Shoes, clothing and Gents' Furnishings, Dry : 5 Goods and Notions, Nats, S " cit#i ; rtment is always full of 3 e only handle the best and 5 >r cotton seed and sell meal and 3 i to us before you sell. 3 is and Buggies?Best on the market. { with ample room for stock. 3 r SHOES! lings that looked ier the rugged ?" *?. /{. k worthless. an run over at e way, sewing :d against th se things, especially in foot e confident of getting the best quality foot aoney can buy, take advantage of the large stock constantly available for making pleasis at our store." jnt for W. L. Douglas Shoes for ir ;n, fl.BC BO YNE, Columbia, S. C, THE QUALITY SELLS DAY & CO., ile and Retail our, ed and Grain. Planters and Farmers of LexSee Us Before They Make Iheii Your Wants and Save Yoi Street, Columbia, S. C i - * ismng I'acjsie. The Bazaar has just received a com 8i" plete new line of fishing tackle, em b0 bracing hooks, lines, bobs of ever; v0 description, gigs, corks, corks, tro lines, poles, etc. We can supply you wants in fishing tackle if you cal quick. Columbia to Ail Booao Fionas. Columbia Record. "Get on the water wagon," will be the edict of the recorder in cases of drunks, topers and red noses who face the bar on the charge of intoxication. The McKanna Three-Day Liquor Cure has been adopted as the official course to the road of sobriety a9 the recorder says "Go and sin no more." Dr. O. E. Thomas, president of the Columbia institution, appeared before city council at a special meeting held at noon Wednesday. He agreed to have expert nurses . attend the patients and furnish medicines, and the city will equip ward9 on the third floor of the city hall where the inebriates will be sent from the court. Those in charge of the institution claim that three days' treatment will cure the desire for intoxicants and in a week patients will have been permanently cured of the whiskey habit, which some medical authorities claim is a disease. Columbia is the first city in the United States to take such a step in dealing with inebriates, and the experiment will be followed with close interest. Sas Gone Dry. "One of my cows is gone dry." "So? What ailin' her?" "Oh, one of them prohibition men came inter my barn an' dropped a pamphlet on the floor an' the cow et it," Those Pies Of Boyhood. How delicious were the pies of boyhood No pies now ever taste so good, what's changed? the pies? No. Its you. You've lost the strong, healthy stomach, the vigorous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood. Your digestion is poor and you blame the food. Wbat's needed? A complete toning up by Electric Bitters of all organs of digestion-Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bowels?Try them. They'll restore your boyhood appetite and appreciation of food and fairly saturate your body with new health, strength and vigor. 50c at Kaufmann Drug Co, Miss Nettie Lowman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lowman, of Irmo, is attending the State Summer school in Columbia. Mr. H. W. Powell can now be found at M. D. Harman's grocery, where he will be pleased to see his numerous friends. Children Teething* MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for over Fifty Yeaas by Millions of Mothers for their Children While Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Oct. 20-ly We were glad to meet Mr. A. Patterson, Jr., candidate for Supervisor of Richland county, while in Columbia last week. Mr. Patterson has been in charge of constructing the highways of Richland for a number of years and deserves a great deal of credit. I no ia o / ?!cnr?iY? (Tont.loman and will 11C/ xo a vxv vv& w*\/i*?vom i.... doubtless make a good run. I Honesty ? in Jewelry 9 "If it came from Sentz'g, you B know it's all right," is what one of our customers remarked to another the other day. When you bay Jewelry, you generally have to take the "Jeweler's word for it" whether it is good or not. That's just where our reputa1 tion for honesty and fair dealing counts. N And furtl ermore, we will|al- m ways give you your money back |j and ask no questions any time B you are dissatisfied with a pur- g !cnase. Special attention to mail orders, I {MRU SBNTZ, j i I JEWELER^ 11 I 1439 Main, Columbia, S. C 1 First Class Cental Work i Dr. L L TOOLE r 1608 Main Street, - Of '1 COLUMB I is almost the worst thing for I consumptives. Many of the I "just-as-good" preparations I contain as much as 20% of I alcohol; Scott's Emulsion I not a drop. Insist on having B A a rn mm fl scotrs tmuision I I FOR 8ALE BY ALL DBUGGI8T8 | The Aviator's Love-Song. I am waiting at your window With my whirring planes at rest, While the world i9 wrapped in slumber, And the moon is in the west. Wake, my love, aDd draw the curtain! Let us take our secret flight Where the comets flaming finger Points the way across the night. We will speed through silent spaces Where no eye can see our bliss, When my eager arm enfolds you, And you lean to meet my kiss. We will sail to meet the morning, And our honeymoon shall be In the palace of the rainbowCome, oh, come, and fly with me! Minna Irving. July Specials, Where ] Mimnangh'9 Greater Department store is begining the month with a lot =_ of "July Specials," just the things you always want and the prices are r right. 'Nough said. ... ti . it - jx After an it usually rains in goou r time. The Lasting Quality Of a Studebacarriage oi buggy is never in doubt. The material that goes into a Studebaker vehicle?plus the way it is made?insures a vehicle oi high quality, perfectly proportioned and easy running. The "know-how" which can ?... only be derived from a very long experience?nearly sixty years of expert skill and planning goes into every In Studebaker buggies you will find the best that money can buy. The choicest materials. The finest workmanship. The most approved styles. If you appreciate quality and satisfaction come in and let us show you some attractive Studebaker styles. J j Knotts-Dowling & Co. ma SWANSEA. S. C. Owners of Horses and Stock Attention! 1321 When your horse has colic, give it a teaspoonful on the tongue of DR. gg, BOYD'S SURE POP COLIC CURE, and then wait a few minutes and see how quickly the animal is relieved. Spe Price 50 cents. Dr. Boyd's Sure Pop Fever and Cough Remedy will relieve your horse of shipping cold, pneumonia and distemper. Price oO cents. Dr. Boyd's Bye nemeay win cure inflamation of the eyes. Price 50 cents. Dr. Boyd's Magnetic Ointment, nothing equals it for sore shoulders, cuts and scratches. Price 25 cents. Dr. Boyd's Horse Powders. This remedy is a thorough blood purifier, invigorator, digester, and a thorough worm eradicator. Price 25 cents. Dr. Boyd's Poultry Food. Aids digestion, gives strength while moulting, stimulates the hen to lay in winter when hen eggs bring the most. Price 25 cent9. Dr. Boyd's Family Liniment is a great counter-irritant for all pains, and a preparation of great power when applied externally. Price 25 cents. For Sale by HARMAN'S BAZAAR, Lexington, S. C. _ & [ at Reasonahie Prises ^ These are My Prices: g Plates (rubber base) ?10.00 Crowns $5.00 ;e Work (per tooth) S5.00 n Crowns (pivot tooth) $3.50 i Extracted (painless) 25c. and 50c. i Cleaned 75c. and $1.00 r Fillings 50c. to $1.00 Fillings $1.00 to $2.00 TREATING TEETH EXTRA. , - Surgeon Dentist, I iposite Thomas' Drug Store, IIA,!S. c. Shoes for Comfort Shoes for Style Shoes for Wear Low Quarters, Slipmrs, Sanaels. ? /k * / che? All: Lever,T Great Bargains i Notions anc I have a large stack of Dry ( that I aon offeiiag at great bargaii to go elsewhere, come to Ethan, I ery purchase. My stock of Gro:e prices will please. I manufacture and pay highest prices for crude. H. STEELE, I /TdOpen i P] A SAVINGS, ^ACCOUNT j v/EAffft; M^ -r*-V? , ,? , 'arlor He: BEN DAV9D, P 1 MAIN ST. Opp. Palmetto Natii it cooking and finest Restaurai 1 icial Rates by the "Week. Meals The Palmetto A COLUMBIA WE ABE A Depository for the Un'te of South Carolina the Ooa of Columbia. WE OWN $400,000 United States Boi Carolina Bonds. WE SOLICIT Accounts of Banks, Firms, WE PAY Four Per Cent, on deposits terest calculated quarterly WE PROMISE Our best efforts to transact satisfaction. PALMETTO NATIONAL Ri CAPITAL ?25 Wilis Jovss. Preside nt. "Rollins' ^uts for you ^ E o t hi n C ^ vsm Summer is now ker< fortable Suit you are Trousers and Hats. Ladies, Gents and Chi just received for the s _ __ . ..:i can suit }uu m ^juuut, A shoe to fit the too them before buying, purchases of Clothing substantial Shoes. or. H. GO Phone 1766,1105 1107 COLUMBIA jTEAR T? W AT C 11 < c nave mem irom xne ipest to the highest, sizes for men, women children. t Your Next Pair Be A I ^ALK-OVER 50 and $4.00 HE SHOE MAN, IN COLUMBIA. 1 In Dry Goods, I Shoos joods. Notions and Shoes as. It is needless f or you can save vou money on eviries is complete, and my , buy and sell turpentine. Ethan, S.C. Ay LexingtoD Friends I am ready to serve. you ihw one of the most compete stocks of shoes to be ound in the city and at ; noney saviDg prices. My dm is always to give you he best for the least money. Farmers' heavy work ihoes a specialty. lam's Shoe Store 1725 Main Street POSTOFFICE BLOCK COLUMBIA, S. C. staurant, roprielor, mat Bank COLUMBIA, S. C. I it in Columbia. for Ladies and Gentlemen at all Hours?Night or Day i mtional Bank, L, S. C. sd States Government, the State nty of Richland and the City ids and $100,000 State of South , Corporations and Individuals, i in our Savings Department, in ; your business to yoar entire ILNX, - - Columbia, S. C. 1 0,000.00 J. P. Matthews, Cashier l ? e, and it is time to select the comto wear. See our line of Suits, Ve carry a select lice of Shoes for dj ldren. See our new line of Pumps, reason. They can't be beat. We y and price. t, not foot to fit the shoe. See We can save you money on your , Shoes, Hats and Furnishings, and urims a f Washington St., S. 0.