The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, July 06, 1910, Image 7

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* j TBOPBSSIOSTAL GAUDS. 4 DR.G. R. HASHING, THE OLD AND TRIED DENTIST, $ Is at his office doing good work at Jf> , moderate prices. Call to see him don^fe wait. Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, S. CRobert moorman. Attorney-at-Eaw, Admitted to Practice in all Courts in this State. k Carolina National Bank Building, COLUMBIA, S. C. WM. W. HA WES, \ Attorney and Oonnselor at Law. NEW BBOQKLAND. S. 0. Practloe in all Courts. Business solicited. November 1.19G5. FP. CATJGHMAN, ? Veterinarian, KENTUCKY STABLE, 1306 Assembly St.. Columbia, S. C. Phone 541 or 786. a If. XK&D. ?.?. dukh?b' IjIFIRD <fc DREHEK, LA ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON 0. H., 8. 0. WUI practice In all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm will always be at office, Lexington., 8. C. * T H. FRICK, V . ATTORNEY AT LAW. OHAPIN, S. 0. Office: Hotel MarloD, 4th Boom. 8econd Floor. Will practice in all the Courts. qiHURMOND & TIMMERMAN, 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, Citizens' Bank B'ld'g, Batesbnrg, S. C. I We will be pleased to meet those having legal business to be attended to at our office (a the Citizens' Baak Building at any time. ?. Respectfully, Wm. THURMOND. G. BELL TIMMERMAN, A LBERT M. BOOZER, A ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, 8. 0. Omcnt: 1836 Main Street, upstairs, opposite * Tan Metre's Furniture StoreEspecial attention given to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington oounty. | 1 I . - ' Law Offices, ( ) Residence, 1529 1209 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street. ( ) Office Telephone No. 1372. Residence Telephone No. 1036. WBOYD EVANS, .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. P?" ? OOLU3IB1A. S. 0. t DR. F. 0. GILM0R2, DENTIST., 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. O. Office HO'JBs.- 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and from 3 to 6 p.m. _______ Dr. d. l. hall, DENTIST COLUMBIA, S. C. i Lutheran Publication Building, 1626 Main St. j Office hours 8 a. m., to 5:30 p.'m Dec? 23, 1907- -6m 0 ANNOUNCEMENT! I beg to announce that I have a firstclass 9hop at my place, near the Lexington Cotton Mill, and am prepared to repair Boilers and Engines on short notice. Can bore any size engine cylinder. I carry in stock a fnllsunply of mill supplies. I make a specialty of going out into the counk try to make repairs, and will answer telephone calls promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Phone 413, J. J. RTKARD, Dec8tf Lexington, S. C. E. G. DREHER, Agent, ^ FIRE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING HOME INSURANCE CO., N. Y. INSURANCE CO OF N. A., PHI LA GERMAN-AMERICAN, N. Y. GLOBE AND RUTGERS, N. Y. TEUTONIA, NEW ORLEANS. SOUTHERN STOCK FIRE, GREENS- j ^ BORO, NORTH CAROLINA. I STRONGEST AND BEST OLD LINE INSURANCE COMPANIES ' LOCAL AGENCY LEXINGTON, S.C. theuniversity of t SOUTH CAROLINA Varied Courses of Study in Science, Liberal Arts, Education, Civil and Electrical Engineering and Law. rveioflrA ppAS. Room. Lights, etc., vvuvf,^ $26; Board $12 per month. For those paying tuition $40 additional. The health and morals of the students are the first consideration of the 0 facnlty. 43 Teachers Scholarships, worth $158. For catalogue write to S. C. MITCHELL, Pros Columbia, S. C. CHICHESTER SPILLS. DIAMOND BRAND fPnl LADT2S I <~r Atk yonr I>rorirf*t for Cni-CHES-TER'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILuS in Rr.o and/A Gold metallic boxes, scaled xvith Blue(0 ^ Ribbon. Take NO OTirn. Buy <iF yoiir V/ S. Drarctst end csk for CSII.CMil6.TKU8 v DIAMOND BliAND Pll.LS, for twcntr-fivC? years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY All DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE SS BILIOUS?! CONSTIPATED? HEADACHE?) T3? *** FOR SPEEDY RELIEF. ? Nearly Everybody SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR TIKTYOUJI HHHHnni Trespass Notice. This is to notify ail persons nrt to hunt, make rosds or pfths, or allow st >ek to roam at large or trespass in any manner whatsoever upon cur lands adjoining, as the law will positively be enforced against all trespassing. J. W. FRICK, Mrs. A. M. SEASE, John J. Jun. 13-4w-36-p. If you want to get all the news of theteounty campaign, subscribe now to The .Dispatch. $100 per annum; 50c 6 months; 25c for 3 months?in adI vance. |JHE JEWELER 1508 Main St., Columbia, 3. C. REPAIRS WATCHES AiiND Makes Them Good as Hew MEDALS ! AS I) BADGES Manufacture" in Our Own Shoos for Schools and r_ Other Purposes. AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C THE WORLDS GREATESTSEWiiio MACHINE ^UGHT' RUNN^ ^ If ro.i want either a Vlbmltnc Shuttle. Ftolnry biiuttle or a Sia^lo Thrvad [ Chain &xitck] St-vin^ M.?*hiuc vrito to THE NEW HC'IWE SE;Vft8 MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass. ftiar.y?e\v?ns: machines arc made to sell regardless f f Qtirlity, the XotV liome is made t.> wct. Our guaranty never runs out. Soiti by authorized dealers only. I OK SALE BY W. P. ROOF, Lexington, S.C. Barbeci e at Cliapin. We will furrfsh a first-clays barbecue and refreshments at Cli pin on campaign day at 1 hat place. All who wieh to enjoy a good dinner and to hear the speakers v ill be there. RUMMER & BOOZER. i I i raj "I know what is good fcjj Kg for young and old peo- m Kg pie," writes Mrs. Clara jfl ?|S Dykstra, a trained nurse || i 19 of South Bellingham, Sg ! 1| Wash., "and will say that m H I consider Cardui the best p| M medicine for eirls and m I women. It makes them S| feel like new persons, re- B| lieves their pain and reg- % ulates womanly troubles, m "Both my daughter and I ? received great benefit" The Woman's Tonic H As a medicine for fe- B8 m male trouble, no medi- g| id cine you can get has the R H old established reputation, H B that Cardui has. K |l Fifty (50) years of sue- SB H cess prove that it has H n stood the greatest of all &| ra tests?the test of TIME B3 M As a tonic for weak wo- B| M men, Cardui is the best, be- fi] ?B cause it is a woman's tonic. K Eg Pure, gentle, safe, re- Bjf J liable. Try Cardui B Bound Trip Excursion Bates Via The Southern Railway Prom Batesburg. S. C. Monteagle and Sewanee, Tenn. and Refurn $13.30: Account Opening week, July 1-7, 1910; Monteagle Bible School, July 15 25, 1910; Monteagle Sunday School Institute, July 28-Au- J gust 15, 1910. Tickets on sale June 30, July 1. 15, 16,22, 23, 29, 30 and August 12, 1910, with final limit returning to reach original starting point not later than September 5< 1910. Knoxville, Tenn., and return $10: Account Summer schools of the South June 21-July 21st, 1910. Tickets on sale June 19, 20.21, 25, 26, July 2, 9, 10, and 16, 1910, with final limit returning to reach original starting point not later than fifteen days from but not including, date of sale. Tuscaloosa,Ala.,and return SI 7.95 Account Summer School, University of Alabama, June 9, July 20, 1910. Tickets on sale June 8 to July 5, 1910, with final limit returning 15 days from but noi including date of sale. Extension of limit until September 30,by depositing ticket and payment of Si.00 additional. Chicago. III. and return $27.20: Account Triennial Conclave, Knights Templar, August 8-1 v, 1910. Tickets on sale August 4,5,6 and 7,1910.Tickets | limited to reach original starting point j uofc later than midnight August 17, 1910, but may be extended to reach i original starting point not later than | September 6, 1910, by depositing tick- i ets not later than August 17, 1910 and j payment of 50e additional. RActnn Maae. anH Qpirirn S33.00: 1 Account National Educational Associ ation, July 2 8, 1910. Tickets on sale June 2(>-July 2nd, 1910, with final limit returning July 14th, 1910. Extension of final limit may be obtained by j depositing ticket and payment of $1.00 j additional. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. and Return $32.20: Account International Convention B. Y. P. U. of America, July 7-lo, 1910, Tickets on sale July 4, 5 and 6th, 1910 only with final limit returning to reach original starting poir.t not later than midnight July 15, 1910. Extension of final limit to August 14th by depositing ticket and payment of $1.00 additional. Chattanooga, Tenn., and Return $14.55: Account National Leapue of Postmasters, October 12-14, 1910. Tickets on sale Oct. 10 and 11 and for trains scheduled to arrive Chattanoo? 1? e m.t w.,?i ga uaiore liuoii 1^1 u. nuai juum acturning to reach original starting point not later than midnight Oct. IT, 1010. Extension of linal limit to Oct31st may be had by denositing ticket and payment of ?1.(0 additional Detroit, Mich., and Return $27.15: Account Grand Lodge B. P. 0. E., July 11 IT, 1910. Tickets on sale July 7 to 11 inclusive with final limit returning to reach original starting point not later than midnight July 21, 1910. Extension until August 20, *1910 by deposit and additional payment of one dollar. Chattanooga, Team, and Return $11 Account Army, Mauoenvers, Chicamanga National Park, July 5-August 2, 1910. Tickets on sale Jane 30. July 1, 10 nnd 11 1910 only, with final limit returning to reach original starting point not later than 15 days from but not including date of sale. In ado it ion to the above, there are now on sale round trip summer excursi n tickets to numerous other points. F.?r further information, apply to Rout hern Railway ticket agents, or J. L. MEEK, ALEX H. ACKEFv, Atlanta, Ga. Augusta, Ga. Tor Sale. One 8 If. P. Ajax portable engine, in J first class condition; nas noon ust-w | four years. Also 1 Gibes shingle mill and fixtures, everything in first class condition guaranteed in every respect: will sell at a bargain for cash or on easy terms. Apply to J. HOLLIIC COMA LAND Ell 85if Chapin, S. C. To Storm Chickamauga. | Chattanooga, Tenn., June 30.?Spe- 8 cial: Throughout the month of July I the God of Battle will hold sway at j Chickamauga Park, where twelve j thousand militiamen from Tennessee, | Mississippi. Florida, and North and I South Carolina, with two thousand j regulars, will engage in mimic war- ] fare. The battles of the civil war | which made this section historic will | be fought over, and, while the fighting J will be bloodless, it will lose none of 0 its spectacular features. A new fea- | ture which is sure to attract many to G the maneuvers will be the use of the | war aeroplane. The war department 9 expects to get valuable information as jl to the usefulness of air fighting craft I during these maneuvers. In order to enable their patrons from all over the South -to witness these most thrilling sights, the railroads of the Southeastern Territory have granted very low rates which will make the trip bo low in cost as to be in the reach of any one. Full information as to rates may be obtained from any railroad agent in the South- I eastern territory. Partners in Saint Making. A certain writer has said that no newspaper which took truth for its H standard would make a pecuniary sue- ! cess. The press might return the com- I pliment by remarking that no minis- E ter who told the truth about his con- S gregaticn, aliyeor dead, would occupy the pulpit much longer than on Sunday afterward. The press and clergy go hand in hand with the whitewash brush, rosy spectacles magnifying little virtues and kindly throwing little deformities into oblivion. The pulpit, the pen and the gravestone are part- S ners in saint making.?The Gaffney I Ledger. ? James W. Wadesworth, a wealthy | citizen of Charlotte, committed sui- g cide last week by shooting himself. 1 His brother ended his life in a similar | manner at Greensboro last year. S The Italian laborer who was run 1 down and hurt by President Taft's g automobile driven by the President's = son, Robert Taft, a few days ago, will likely die from his injuries. Two men fought a duel on the streets of Cleveland, Ohio, last week and several bystanders were hurt. Reader, if 3-ou are hel.ind with your paper send your dollar by mail if you 5 a-e not coming to town. Every dol- * lar helps to pay necessary expenses. . SOGSOENTS WILL And when they do?they hurt. HUNT'S LIGHTNING OIL is the cne instantaneous relief s and cure for all wounds,bruis- b es, sores, cuts, sprains and * abrasions of the skin. It forms b an artificial skin covering, ex- e eludes the air instantly, stops ^ pain at once. There are many f oils, but none like HUNT'S. The action is different, and the effect o as well. . . HUNT'S E 9 I LIGHTNING VIL I Always have it in the house. Take it with you when yon travel?you never can tell when HUNT'S LIGHTNING OIL maybe most needed. 25 ctsand 50 cts bottles. For Sale by J. R. Langford, Swansea. z A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., q Sherman, Texas. a s hi COL Dry Good s, Clothing, Rugs. Great Barga cial reductions on come and s? 100 Children's made dresses at only cloth would almost cost that. 100 Ladies' Gingham and Chambray each. These are well made and lit to I Voile Skirts. 1 A great showing of Voile Skirts fror leach. Made in the latest over-.shirr etT i Chiffon Panama Ski r\ Knof 1 iij IBS i;(i tine l'anama oiiiiLB, me uvou iu^u' I g | at i. nly 3 '-.0 >, special. . 11 Underskirts. n|| 100 line hi^h-nrade Heather Bloom IjfllHc. Worth 31.50. ||| Millinery. OS ^ine ^ros9 Hats made of horse 1 MSmedwith llowers and buckles, at < Mi Wort a ?5.00. !iW ?uw ni?muw SCVSJ i ii.i i ?? m tun uimiii n THE SOUTH'S L FURNITURE Was Never More We are showing th< of the most up-to-dat Grade Furniture ever i It is not neccessary for in the Furniture Line hi home and take chances ol transit. We have brough your door-Our prices an goods. Polite clerks will I through and you will not VANME^ 1313-19 Main St. UNDERTAKE ^Asumneb their advantag OUT dress or every day wear. We carry Shoes, besides We "GIVE" you the Farmers' "SOLID LEA THE Specialty of. E. P. & F. A 710 Main St. Coli ?? ! 1111? n !! ! ! LI ?im in fii IP rr^Ti A g aosaaasm 1ga-s^"?i=a=?, f&E=<gS=?"~ S2^=. S $g=J3jgS> !?*=?? ??%. CJ. KMWWmgTl?1?gTTB%flM? f , -jTinatTTF""-*-1 * * 11 * ?r-mmsnst ? - - - - - ?? iO,000 ACRES LEVEL Q FARM LAND I In South West Georgia c; Yon ought to have a level farm in a a action that is desirable to live in, the g( est of roads, good schools, land is eaily cultivated, makes from 10 to 20 ales of cotton and plenty of corn to i) ach plow. Prices very reasonable. All g mproved. Write for list. Your ex enses paid to see this land if you buy rom us. e We have some excellent bargains to ffer you, 0 O. SO. ANDREWS,1 ? 34-36 Planters Bank Building ? AMERICUS, GEORGIA. t Large Early Jewel (red) and Golden Jueen (yellow) tomato plant9, large nd productive varieties, hardy plants, Pi 5c per hundred. couj The Kaufrnann Drug Co. iLl Cj .UMBlijs. c. and Millinery; Matting, ins to be had here. We 1 all summer wear. It w 3e for yourself. Great B< $1.00 each. The Clothing a t co ca We have started a Cut dresses at $3.50 wear on street. No'v is y?llr chance. V over to do this. Come c n $7.95 to $14.50 only $12.0S. and onr $!5.( ect. J ge. its. 1,000 pieces 36-jneh Si e you ever saw. ^ 1,000 yards oi Apron ( 2,000 yards light Oaiic Skirts at only 100 Soils 90lbs. to tiie roll, at 2/ 9x12 Art Squares at _ , iair braid, trim- J We liav* an tne carga jiily ?2.i?S t-ach. J on RIGHT NOW. ? iiiwwii r riiiwntitnr rr-in ~i ~i~n ttttw r ir-rr if wf' ARGEST I HOUSE Attractive 1 3 largest assortment | e patterns of High I shown in the South. 1 you to order anything mdreds of miles from f having it damaged in t all of the best lines to 3 as attractive as our be pleased to show you be importuned to buy. ruE's Columbia, S. C. ' OXFORDS ?D STRAP PUMPS lgton friends will find it to e when in our city to see before buying; for everything that is good in best for the least mon ev. 11" work shoes we make a . DAVSS, I imbia, S. C. | THE PLACE TO BUT YUUK I Machinery Tools Right Kind Right Prices If you do nor sec what you want write us. We handle any and ; all. Everything in machinery ; supplies. Columbia Supply Co., 823 West Gsresis SL COLUMBIA. ?. C. Sterling silver, cut glass, fine bina, clocks. A fine stock J ways on band for you to sleet from. Keep us in mind when wantQg anything in Jewelry or ilverware. Good watch work and best ye glasses. If you can't come, send for ur catalogue or telephone your rder to u$. II, UliiTTl 4 CO. JKWELERS, 424 rdain Columbia, S.C Phone 934 edmont and Old Mill cigarette x>ns wanted. I will redeem thea ash. Rice B. Harman. mm miviih-jh? hwumctp?i?mm g in Art Squares and rave made speill pay yon to irgains. ,nd Furnishings. ; Price Sale on our fine Suits. ,Te don't wait until summer is j >11 rifdit now. $20.00 Suits at | )0 Suits at SlO.f-8. a Island. ^ a Island at 5( lingh:v:ns at 5; a-, best goods, at only 5( of Best Matting-. ic. yard for this sale. Lr>o each. in you are looking for. Com