The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, June 29, 1910, Image 7

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t * TEOFESSIONAL CABDS. DB. a. B. HABDING, THE OLD AND TRIED DENTIST, is at his office doing good work at moderate prices. Call to see him ^ don't wait. Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, S. C. | Robert moorman. Attorney-at-I,aw, I Admitted to Practice in all Courts in this State. Carolina National Bank Building, COLUMBIA, S. C. WM. W. HA WES, Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEW BROOKLAND.S. C. fraotice in all Courts. Business solicited. November 1.1906. C P. CAUGHMAN, * m Veterinarian, t KENTUCKY STABLE, 1306 Assembly St.. Columbia, S. C. Phone 541 or 786. & X. KFIBD. F. K. DBEHSB tfFIRD <fc DREHER, k JD ATTORNEYS AT LAW, j LEXINGTON C. H., S. O. ; Will practice in all the Courts. Business olicfted. One member of the firm will always be at offloe, Lexington, 8. C. JH. FRICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. o rs uttatmh, 0> v?. ( Office: Hotel MarioD, 4th Koom. Second Floor. Will practice iu all the Courts. Thurmond & timmerman, attorneys at law, r WILL PBACTICE IN ALL COURTS. Citizens' Bank B'ld'g, Batesburg, S. 0. We will be pleased to meet those having legal business to be attended to at our office (a the Citizens' Bank Building at aoy time. i Respectfully, | WM. THURMOND. I j Q. BELL TIMMERMAN, Albert m. boozer, attorney at law, COLUMBIA, 8. 0. Omoi: 1316 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Van Mftre's Furniture StoreEspecial attention given to business entrust^ ed to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington Bounty. Law Offices, ( ) Residence, 1529 1209 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street. ( ) Office Telephone No. 1372. Residence Telephone No. 1036. Wboyd evans, lawyer and counsellor. Columbia, S. 0. Dr. f. o. gilmore, dentist., 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. O. Orics Houns.- 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and from 3 to 6 d. m. Dr. d. l. hall, dentist * columbia, s. 0. Lutheran Publication Building, 1626 Main St. Office hours 8 a. m., to 5:30 p.'m Dec* 23, 1907- -6m ANNOUNCEMENT! I beg to announce that I have a firatclass shop at my place, near the Lexington Cotton Mill, and am prepared Boilers and Engines on short notice. Can bore any size engine cylinder. I carry in stock a fnll supply of mill supplies. I make a specialty of going out into the country to make repairs, and will answer telephone calls promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reasonable. "" Phone 413. J. J. RIKARD, Dec8tf Lexington, S. C. E. G. DREHER, Agent, FIRE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING UAM* IMCUMMCE CO.. M. Y. INSURANCE CO OF N. A., PHILA GERMAN-AMERICAN, N. Y. GLOBE AND RUTGERS, N. Y. TEUTONIA, NEW ORLEANS. SOUTHERN STOCK FIRE, GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. STRONGEST AND BEST OLD LINE ^ INSURANCE COMPANIES LOCAL AGENCY LEXINGTON, S. C. THE UNIYERSITYOF SOUTH CAROLINA Varied Courses of Study in Science, Liberal Arts, Education, Civil and Electrical Engineering and Law. College Fees, Room, Lights, etc., $26; Board $12 per month. For those paying tuition $40 additional. The health and morals of the students are the first consideration of the faculty. 43 Teachers Scholarships, worth $158. For catalogue write to S. C. MITCHELL, Pres Columbia, S. C. CHICHESTER S PILLS* DIAMOND BRAND <?""" Ji/^i LADIES 2 A*k X*ir Drajcftot for CHI-CHES-TER'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and/^ Gold metallic boxes, sealed with BluevO# Ribbon. TAKO no other. Bay of joar Y/ inggM and ask for CIII.CHEft.TfiR 8 V BIAMOKD BRAND PILL8, for twent^-fiio , years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS gSS, EVERYWHERE t^teo BILIOUS? I CONSTIPATED ? HEADACHE? * FOR SPEEDY RELIEF. K. Nearly Everybody TAKES SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR |waYoTYou-?| mmmammmmmmmmmaJ Trespass Notice. This is to notify all persons net to hunt, make roads or pi t lis, or allow sticktcroara at large or trespass in any manner whatsoever upon our lands adjoining, as the law will positively be enforced against all trespassing. J. W. FRICK, Mrs. A. M. SEASE, John J. BICKLEY Jun. 13-4w-36-p. If you want to get all the news of the county campaign, subscribe now to The Dispatch. $100 per annum; 50c 6 months; 25c for 3 months?in advance. THE JEWELER 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C. REPAIRS WATCHES JEWELRY Makes Them Good as New MEDALS A3D BADGES Manufactured in Our Own Shops for Schools and Other Purposes. AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C THE WORLDS GREATESTSEWino MACHINE HT RUNNING ^ If ron want either* VlhmtingShnttlo. Rotary HhuUloor a Sinel-- Th'vati fC/iain &<7c/7J Sewitig Machine write to THE KEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass. ftlartv sewing machines are made to sell regardless cf Quality. hut the Xt'W If OlllO i? made to wear. Our guaranty never runs out. V. ui><lii\r.?i>ll rtonl?>r?l On 1V. rOK SAUt BY W. P. ROOF, Lexington, S.C. Barbecue at Chapin. We will furnish a first-ctdss barbecue and refreshments at Chopin on campaign day at that p-a^e. All who wish to enjoy a good dinner and to hear the speakers will be there. SUMMER & BOOZER. Watermelons will not be seen on the local market so soon this year. That is the home-grown varieties. The crop is very late and it will be the middle of July before melons will be plentiful. The Conservation of Nature's Resources Applies as well to our physical state as to material things. C. J. Badlong, Washington. R. I. realized ins condition, and took warning before it was too late. Hesays: 4'1 suffered severely from kidney trouble, the disease being hereditary in our family. I have taken four bottles of Foley's Kidney mid now consider myself thoroughly cured. This should be a I warning to all not to reglect taking ; Foley*8 Kidney Remedy until it is too , late.'' Sold by all Druggists of Lexington Henry Drug store Cnapin S. 0. * Talk about a newspaper haying a public duty to perform and an editor having to labor for his principles; this krnd of talk is cheap when others stand back with a lukewarm neutrality, reaping the profits while the editors receive the cussin\ Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will brace up the nerves, banish sick headache, prevent despondency and invigorate the whole system. Sold by All Druggists. The average man, when he sees a watermelon thumps it to see if it is ripe. Every man thinks he can tell if a watermelon is ripe by thumping it. He learntd the art in stealing them. Lame shoulder is almost invariably caused by rheumatism of the muscles aDd yields quickly to the free applica- tion of Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment is not only prompt and effectual, but in no way disagreeable to use. Sold by All Druggists. m , s When a man says you are too smart a to be fooled, look out; he is getting I ready to spring a new one on you. c Patent Medicines. The Bazaar is making a spceial price on all patent medicines. We are go- 4 ing to close oot this part of onr busi- s ness, and you'll find most anything I you want here. Give us a call. r Harman's Bazaar. r I Round Trip Excursion Rates * Via The Southern Railway From Batesburg. S. C. Monteagle and Sewanee, Tenn. and * Return $13.30: Account Opening week, July 1-7, 1910; Monteagle Bible ( School, July 15 25, 1910; Monteagle Sunday School Institute, July 2S-August 15, 1910. Tickets on sale June 30, July 1. 15, 16,22, 23, 29, 30 and August s 12, 1910, with final limit returning to ( reach original starting point not later ( than September ot 1910. g Knoxville, Tenn., and return $10: ' Account Summer schools of the South t June 21-July 21st, 1910. Tickets on g sale June 19, 20.21, 25, 26, July 2, 9, a 10, and 16, 1910, with final limit c returning to reach original starting ( point not later than fifteen days from but not including, date of sale. j Tuscaloosa,Ala.,and return $17.95 b Account Summer School, University 1 of Alabama, June 9, July 20, 1910. Tickets on sale June 8 to July 5, 1910, f with final limit returning 15 days from but not including date of sale. Ex- c tension of limit until September 30,by depositing ticket and payment of $1 00 additional. Chicago, III. and return $27.20: Account Triennial Conclave, Knights ^ Templar, August 8-13, 1910. Tickets on sale August 4,5,6 and 7,1910.Tickets limited to reach original starting point not later than midnight August 17, p 1910, but may be extended to reach original starting point not later than September 6, 1910, by depositing tick- j cts not later than August 17, 1910 and a payment of 50c additional. J Boston, Mass.,and Return $33.00: * Account National Educational Associ ation, July 2-8, 1910. Tickets on sale + June 26-July 2nd, 1910, with final lim- + it returning July 14th, 1910. Extension of final limit may be obtained bv 1 depositing ticket and payment of $1.00 additional. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. and Return $32.20: Account International Convention B. r. P. U. of America, July 7-lo. 1910, Tickets on sale Julv 4, 5 and 6th, 1910 only with final limit returning to reach original starting point not later than midnight July 15, 19J 0. Extension of final limit to August 14th by depositing ticket and payment of $1.00 additional. Chattanooga, Tenn., and Return $14.55: Account National League of Postmasters, October 12-14, 1910. Tickets on sale Oct. 10 and 11 and for trains scheduled to arrive Chattanooga bafore noon 12th. Final limit returning to reach original starting point not later than midnight Oct. 17, 1910. Extension of final limit to Oct. 31st may be had by depositing ticket and payment of $1.(0 additional Detroit, Mich., and Return 527.15: Account Grand Lodge B. P. O. E., Ju Iy 11 17, 191U. TiCKets on saie juiy 7 to 11 inclusive with final limit returning to reach original starting point not later than midnight July 21, 1910. Extension until August 20, 1910 by deposit and additional payment of one dollar. Chattanooga, Tenn. and Return $11 Account Armv, Manoenvers, Chicamauga National Park, July 5-Angust 2, 1910. Tickets on sale June 110, July 1, 10 and 11 1910 only, with final limit returning to reach original starting point not later thau lo days from but not including date of sale. In addition to the above, there are now on sale round trip summer excur9i n tickets to numerous other points. For farther information, apply to Southern Railway ticket agents, or J. L MEEK. ALEX H. ACKER, Atlanta. Ga. Augusta, ua. j I For His Sake | H "My husband begged me ? m totakeCardui,"\vriter^vtat- g gi tie L. Bishop, ofWaverly, | H Va., "and for his sake I a- & | greed to try it. Before I had re H taken 1 bottle, I felt better. I "Before taking Cardui I |g suffered miserably every || month and had to go to fl bed until it wore off, but p now: I am all right" fij IGARDUI The Woman's Tonic I You know Cardui will I help you, because it has B I helped others who were fl in the same fix as you. fl It is not only a medi- fl fl cine for sick women, but B fl a tonic for weak women. fl Being made from mild, B 1 gentle, vegetable ingredi- fl fl ents, it is perfectly harm- fl 9 less and has no bad B B after-effects. m n Cardui can be relied || B upon to help you. ? B At all druggists. B JDoctcr Shot From Amhtish. Dr. C. E. Kinsev. a prominent phy ician of Walterboro, was shot fron ,mbush and seriously wounded by Jo< ^reeman, a negro, who made his ee iape. Glad to Recommend Them. Mr. E. Weakly, Kokorao, Ind., says 'After taking Foley's Kidney Pills, th evere backache left me, my kidney lecaine stronger, the secretions natu al and my bladder no longer painei ne. I am glad to reccommend Foley' Sidney Pills." In a yellow package >old by all druggists of Lexiugton,Hen y Drug Store, Ohapin, S. C. It takes a foman just as long to dn ler hair in a dry town ,19 elsewhere. Slemson Agricultural Cclleg Examinations. The examination for the award o cholarships in Clem9on Agricultura College will be held in the Count; 3ourt- House on Friday, July 8th, a i a. m. Applicants must fill out prop sr for as, to be secured from the Coun y Superintendentof Education, befori hey will be allowed to stand the ex iminations. For detailed information tpply to the Superintendent of Edu ;ation, or to the President of Clemsoi )ollege. Applicants for admission to the Col ege, but not seeking for the scholar hips, will also stand entrance exami lations at the court house July 8th. The scholarships are worth $100 am ree tuition. The next session of the collegt pens Sept. 14th, 1910. COST AND COURSES OF STUDY. (1) Agriculture. (2) Agriculture and Chemistry. (3) Agriculture and Animal Indus ry. (4) Chemistry and Geology. (5) Civil Engineering. (6) Mechanical and Electrical En ;ineering. (7) Textile Industry. Cost per session, including Board jaundry, Heat, Light, Uniform ant li fees, $118.70. Books and all othe ni9cellaneous supplies, about $20.00 tor students who pay tuition, $40 0* idditional. For catalog and information, appl] o W. M. RIGGS, f , Acting President. Ifitz cc ? ^ 1 1 ry Lrooas, uioxnir Rugs. Qreat Bar cial reductions c come anc ICO Children's made dresses at o cloth would almost cost that. 100 Ladies' Gingham and Cham! each. These are well made and fi Voile Skirt A great showing of Voile Skirts each. Made in the latest over-skii Chiffon Panama 50 fine Panama Skirts, the best at only $4.95, special. tt_ j u iiueranii i 100 fine high-grade Heather B1 98c. Worth $1.50. Millinery, 100 fine Dress Hate made of ho: med with flowers and bnckies, Worth $5.00. 4 I THE SOTJTH'S I FURNITURE Was Never More We are showing th of the most up-to-da Grade Furniture ever I It is not neccessary foi in the Furniture Line lr home and take chances o transit. We have brougb your door-Our prices ar goods. Polite clerks will through and you will not VANME1 131319 Main SI. [JNDERTAKI 1 ^ ^U1 their advantag n" OUI *S*I10 ; I dress or every day wear. We carry Shoes, besides We "GIVE" you thi Farmers' "SOLID LEATIIE | Specialty of. : E. P. & F. A ft 710 Main St. Coli jiiO,ON) ACRES LEVEL ^ I FARM LAI I In South West Georgia 1 Yon ought to have a level farm in a e . section that is desirable to live in, the e - best of roads, good schools, lan A is easily cultivated, makes from 10 to 20 I bales of cotton and plenty of corn to i each plow. Prices very reasonable. All j 3 improved. Write for list. Your expenses paid to see this land if you buy from us. * We have some excellent bargains to i offer you. ( W. S. & G. W. ANDREWS, ' 34-36 Planters Bank Building ' j AMER1CUS, GEORGIA. 1 L _ _ 0 Large Early Jewel (red) and Golden Queen (yellow) tomato plants, large j and productive varieties, hardy plants, P 25c per hundred. con The Kaufmann Drug Co. c jlumbi^s. c. lg, and Millinery; Matting, gains to be had here. We m all summer wear. It w I see for yourself. Great B nly 81.00 each. The Clothing i >ray dresses at $3.50 We have started a Cu t to wear on street. Now is your chance. 1 ;s. over to do this. Come from ?7.95 to $14.50 only $12.98, and our $15. it effect. g Skirts. 1,000 pieces 36-inch S value you ever saw. 1,000 yard9 of Apron 2,000 yards light Cali Loom Skirts at only 100 Rolls SOlbs. to the roll, at 2 , 9x12 Art Squares at $ rae hair braid, trim- We have all the bargi at only $2.98 each, on RIGHT NOW. I ^mmmmammmmmmmmm B "I.I IIHilU iARGEST | HOUSE i Attractive | e largest assortment te patterns of High shown in the South. you to order anything ndreds of miles from >f having it damaged in it ah of the beet lines to e as attractive as our be pleased to show you be importuned to buy. fRE'S :RS Columbia, S. C. OXFORDS NO STRAP PUMPS ngton friends will find it to ;e when in our city to see before buying; for everything that is good in 5 best for the least money. R" work shoes we make a . DAVIS, I umbia, S. C. 3 d Boiler-Feed Pumps result of years of experience, r'.s are stronz and durable. Write lor prices to Supply Co., Columbia, S.. C toiling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fine bina, clocks. A fine stock liways on hand for yon to select from. Keep us in mmd when wantng anything in Jewelry or Silverware. Good watch work and best jye glasses, If you can't come, send for >ur catalogue or telephone your )rder to us. H. I ACHICOTTE & COJEWELERS, IA9A Main fJftlnmhiA. 8.C k AJV * WM*mm mm w y Pnone 934 iedmont and Old Mill cigarette pons wanted. I will redeem the? ash. Ttice B. Harman. |Q?S^' , Art Squares and have made sperill pay you to argains. md Furnishings. it Price Sale on our fine Suits. Ve don't wait until summer is on right now. $20.00 Suits at .00 Suits at $10.?8. ia Island. ea Island at 5c Ginghams at 5c co, best goods, at only 5c i of Best Matting. :5c. yard for this sale. >4.50 each. fiinq vou are looking for. Oome ?'.J)j