Colum This store is alw? the good Our Suit Department Is Full of Values Now is the time to buy the clothes you will wear this year. A visit to our Suit Department will convince you that it is expensive worry to bother with dressmakers when everything you want I can be had here so much better and so much cheaper. From the ordinary house dress to the * _ ? j (dazzling afternoon ana evening aresses we can please you, for "it's merely a matter of coming to Mimnaugh's to get what you want at the right price." June Sale of Millinery Though millinery buying has been taking away many beautiful hats from this store, our workrooms have been busy, and at this near midseason we offer you a selection larger, no doubt, than most stores have at their "openings." But we advise you to delay no longer. The hats are going fast?they are such I creations as to compel purchasing. Visit our millinery department and select your hat ADnrD DV A/TATT IWIVL/L/IV D I iviniu PENCIL AND SCISSORS. ? ; . Go to Henry Drug ? Wayside Notes Gathered Here and s. c., to have your ej glasses. Examinatio There by a Dispatch Man. ?,80 handle a m ? t - patent medicines, je^ Mr. R. L. Lybrand, president of the etc. Bank of Swansea, was here Monday on business. T /-n * t /-i t? i j- ^r* J* C. Glover, of Mr. J. C. Reynolds, a leading zner- ; leading merchant of th: chant of Swansea, was here on Mon- , hightoned christian gs day- | here on Friday. 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any i The grass, as well as case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. j growing very fast, am Misses Pearls and Rath Clarke have j ??J^ battlin? wit gone to Aiken to attend the commence- g Mi'*p , rl t tl ment of St. Angelas A:ademy. ed daugVer of Mr ar Be sure and attend L. Hallman's Clarke, has returned 1 barbecue at Gilbert, on Saturday, July for the summer vacaiio) 9t. .U , ? U . T MiSS MaU. ? All of the speakers will be at L. the guest of Miss Rosa . TT-Jllman'a at. fhlherfc on Satur- \ loff gv V W _ V ^ ?? ? >"? C l*U\A AVX W V. day, July 9th. Sumter. Capt. G. A. Lucas, the popular piano ]\jrs jj Haltiwan man of Aiken, spent a few days here burg, i9 spending some this week. on, Mr. D. R. Haltiwa: 5 or. iJ?8e9 J'^66" wilJ? .cur?any Mr. John Shuler. < case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. 8pent Sunday in Lexing Albert M. Boozer, Esq., a leading Mr> Arthur Jones, attorney of the Columbia bar, was here ^as among the promirn Monday on matters of a legal nature. lar young business men Mr. Lucius Bickley is quite ill with upon court on Saturday fever at the home of his parents, on e. joneS) 0f Bj Depot 9treet. ^ prince of good men, cat The State campaign will be held in urday to hear the argu Lexington on Wednesday, July 6. Glenn case. # Dr. W. T. Brooker, one of the most Mr. W. M. Swartz, of popular physicians in the county, Lowrance Co., of Co came up from Swansea on Monday. Sunday in town witn Mr. Leopold Krentzlin, of Washing- frauds, ton, ha9 been visiting relatives in Lex- Mr. J. A. Whitten ington during the past week. manager of the Whitb Misses Caro and Ruth Efird return- !; ?*\ of Batesburg, spei ei on Saturday from a delightful Lexington, fortnight's visit to relatives and Mr. M. E. Rutland friends in Newberry. merchant, farmer and i Mr. W. -Noah Lucas, one of the best *ier farmers on Scouter creek, and a good wniiy ;UUIUlayman, always prompt in his dealings, Our good friend, W sure did not forget the printers, while George, of Alabama Cit here Monday. few days with his moth Large Early Jewel (red) and Golden George, last week. Queen (yellow) tomato plants, large Dr Je?e AIex cliftQ and productive varieties, hardy plants, in the treatment of disc 25c P6r hundred. ear no^e and thrmt The Kaufmann Drug Co. faufmrnin Drug Co!' c Hon. and Mrs. Frank W. Shealy day, the 25th. Read 11c spent Sunday at the home of the lat- We Inve an interest) ter's parents on Hollow creek. tion on the annexation The Rev. J. Monroe Kneece, of. Ai- citizen of the Fork, wh ken county, has been called to the in our next issue, pastorate of the Baptist church here. He has the matter under advisement. . ? a^? ??, hear friend, Henry Jake Ri Dr. J. B. George, a prominent drug- re-elected snperintende * ' - * * 1T<1? Dflimro I i-? gist 01 u-ainesvme, iria., a(jcin manager 01 Liie jtros days in Lexington last week, the guest gee(j 0ii Miu Henry , of his brother, Mr. Frank George, and gentleman and we alw* other relatives. Ins success. Mrs. J. R. Bouknight, of Leesville, Three prominent g( is visiting in Lexington, the girest of Augusta?Messrs. Sand her sister, Mrs. Dr. P. H. Shealy. ber of city council; ] Mr. R. B. Barr, a model farmer, and wholesale dry goods one of rhe best men in lower Fork, G. C. Schanpele, assist* dropped in Monday while here as juror fire department?were at court, and paid for his paper an- having come over to h t>cher year lor which he 1 a3 our thanks, trial. Some Season; bia's L lys bright and interesting s you want at the righ Stylish and Serviceable Silks You must see our line of Sedo Silks. This quality of goods is 27 inches wide and will make an excellent dress, while at the same time it is serviceable. The price is only, yard, 75c. We are selling 24-inch Foulards that most stores would charge you 70 cents for, for only, yard 59c. Rajah Silk, 27 inches wide and the regular $1.00 quality, is offered for only, yard, 89c. In 36-inch Taffetta, in soft-finish foulard patterns. This piece of goods is the latest creation for Spring frocks. The quality of this goods is the best; the price only, yard, $1.39.Summer Wash Skirts. These are all new, just came in, and you will And your size here. White Linene Skirts at $1.00 to $2.50. Brown Linen Skirts, excellent quality, $4.98. White Linen Skirts, wide range of styles and qualities, every one the best at the price asked, $2.50 to $7.50. Robert moorman. Attorney-at-Taw, res tested for Admitted to Practice in all n free. We Courts in this State, ine of drugs, Carolina National Bank Building, relry, paints, COLUMBIA, S. C. Attention is directed to the legal Batesbnrg, a card of Robert Moorman, of Cclumb ; , at town aod a ^r. Moorman is one of the leading 'litleman was lawyers of the Columbia bar, and renneman, was & ,arRe clientage from tMs j the r-mr? ' county. He is a thoroughly reliable ; 1 the farmers pieman and clever, h the mighty Dr. P. H. Siierly leaves tomorrow for Glenn Springs, where he goes to tie accomplish- attend a meeting of the state board of id Mrs. B. D. dental examiners of which he is a Tom Winthrop member. The State Dental associate tion will meet at Glenn's next week, ?f Saluda, was and Dr. Shealy will be absent for about Rauch, for the fen daj's. n Monday for Mrs. E. J. Lawson, of Columbia, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. ger, of Bates- W, D. Dent, this week. user6 Solicitor Timmerman has purchased ? a new Hudson automobile, one of the Batesburg, best cars made. ?fcon* Mr. Jas. E. Dunbar, a leading of Batesburg, farmer of tho Pelion section, was in int and popu- town one day last week. in ntitpndancft _ # ~ " Mrs. J. C. Fort, of Feiion, received a shipment of about 300 black bass for itesburg, that her pond from the United States govne up on Sat- eminent, through Congressman A. F. ments in the Lever. > . i T . , s Mr. W. E. Harman has returned to Augusta, hi9 father, Ool. M. D. Harmoia, spent man> having sufficiently recovered to relatives and permit him t0 leaye> the popular County Auditor Dent has completed en Dry Goods b*s ^ax book for the year 1910 and has it Monday in forwarded his abstract to the comptroller general. There is a large in,, . i crease over last year, which is a cred, the popular lt to the auditor. *eal estate man | ; for a short j ? 1 Killed By Lightning. ?Ray id R. j Mr. Ralph Heron, a prominent y, Ala., spent a ; farmer of Johnston, 21 years old, was er, Mrs. D. L. ; k-lled by lightning at his home on | I Mo. day afternoon. The young man n, a specialist ! was walking from the barn to his resales of the eye, \ idence when he was struck at the lot will be at the I gate. i>lrs. tierrin saw mm iun aim m next Satur- j ran t0 his a*d, but life was extinct. )tice elsewhere, j ? "? oommnniea-1 Crop Conditions. question from a ! ich will appear I Crops have come out wonderfully j (luring the past week. From all secJ tions of the county comes the news that our old that the corn crop is fine and, while lwl, has been | cotton is usually small,it has a good nt and general ! c.'lor and is growing rapidly, perity Cotton j . i^rejoiceover' Judge Dantzler Passes Away. Judge Chas. G. Dantzler, for the mtlemen from Past eiSht years judge of the First juy Beaver, mem- dicial circuit of South Carolina, died B. Pollock, athis ,10me in Orangeburg on Monday merchant, and morning, after a long illness, at the int chief of the a^e of 56 years. He was one of the here last week ablest and most popular judges on the 1 1 *- >- - -I?i- I ear the Glenn DencI\anQ ais ueaui 13 ue' plorea. ible Values at eading ; with the latest styles, t prices, and why go eh Good White Goods. Our white goods department is always re- i plete with special values for you. 34-inch Flaxon Lawn, plain, the yard, 1 25c and 35c. 36-inch checked Flaxon, yard 25c. i White Madras for skirts and ladies' suits, < the yard 12-lc. Colored Madras, 36-inch, imported goods ] for shirtwaists, children's and ladies' die*s:s and suits, the yard, 18c. We have just received a new line of col ored Lawns at, the yard, 5c to 12c. EMBROIDERY AND LACES. 1 A great opportunity is here in Embroidery < and Laces. We have just received a new and , large line and name special prices. HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES. All shades of Human Hair Switches. It makes no difference what you want in artificial hair, we have it, and at the price you are thinking of paying. ________________ i 5,000 yards of French Ginghams, all new patterns in plaids, stripes, voiles, fancy < tissue, chiffon lisse, etc. The prettiest line \ you ever saw, and they are cheap. j lUGHV THE GEORGIA I ij IS THE BEST Bl 1 I $6! j The Georgia Beauty is the best bugj j: j ling buggies several years and this is tfc ;'|| This price is for the steel-tired buggy. It is built tasty and stylishly, made o Come and see it; you will be as stroi We still sell the Hackney and Babco jj Also some good surries and other me plete line of Single Harness, and can i: ;f price. if Come and see the Georgia Beauty a || 11 S3 1115 Hampton Avenue OUE GUARANTEE M??i????ia???????? M?? ?MBB?BH????IM?i? Big Thirty Day Sale. Unclai: Alex Ayoub, the well known Ger- List of letters vais street merchant, in Columbia, has for in this office f put on a big oO day sale at his store. June 20,1910. A twenty thousand dollar stock of dry Ladies: Miss C goods, notions, shoes, hats, clothing, Gentlemen: IV etc.ha9 been put on the market at al- Hasker Sexon, Mi most unheard of reductions. Readtne J. E. Murry, big advertisement elsewhere; note the These letters ^ wonderful prices, and they are not dead letter office even an index to what he proposes to delivered before. ??/MI nloca mn?.ohnnd?aA . auuw juu ui jii^i| ituuvc* jjira^c acij Go at once to Ayoub's; go whether date of list, you have a heavy pocket book or-not. S. The opportunity presents itself; will you take advantage of it? ? Prof. William I A trout measuring more than 2 feet quite a large sing: in length passed through the water of the young folk wheel of Mr. Noah Lucas' pond last Bethel church, week and was caught. The family and Sunday in Ju feasted on trout for several meals. appointments. Store. I You always find sewhere? 4 We Sell "Modern Clothes" ?orMen and Boys of the latest styles and 3atterns. You will find our prices right. We have a complete line of gents' furnshings, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Hosiery, Underwear, Etc., all at prices to 1 olease the trade. ? Men's Hats 8 In hats we carry everything in the I atest styles, in soft felt, Panamas and straws from the cheapest to the highest When you get ready to buy your Hat ;ome to Mimnaugh's. SHOES!! SHOES!! All the latest styles and leading nakes in Spring and Summer Shoes. We have them for men, women and children, from the very best dress shoe ;o the cheapest that's good in substantial Farm shoes. a COLUMBIA, S. C. BEAUTY BUGGY | JGGY MADE FOR j _________________ i yy value in Columbia. We have been sel- :j te best buggy we have ever sold for $65 ;! With rubber tires it sells for $85. jjj f the best materials, bv skilled workmen. \ ng in its praise as we are. ijj >ck, as higher grades, having a full stock. fj dium grades in stock. We carry a com- j;| nterest you in something at a reasonable J ' i 4 .t your first opportunity. j;l ) Wf I |J Cczurrtbia, S. C j |;| MEANS SOMETHING !i| i _ ' < ned Mail. Ccleman-Krentzlia. remaining uncalled Mr. John Julius A. Krentzlin, of or the week ending Washington, L). C , and Miss Joan Coleman, of Columbia, were united in J. D. Cnappclle. marriage last Wednesday evening, Ir. Ben Binder. Mr. June 15th, 1910, in Columbia. The r. Edmond Roberts, j groom is well known here, having many relatives in Lexington. He is Vill be sent to the a son of Mr. J. A. Krentzlin and is T... 1 - - 1 1A1A i f ?io^! tr nArvnlnw fTU /-* Imo ic q