ISpe< ft I ii m I This store is alwa the goodi Our Suit Department Is Full of Values Now is the time to buy the clothes you will wear this year. A visit to our Suit Department will convince you that it is expensive worry to bother with dressmakers when everything you want can be had here so much better and so (much cheaper. From the ordinary house dress to the dazzling afternoon and evening dresses we can please you, for "it's merely a matter of coming to Mimnaugh's to get what you want at the right price." I June Sale of Millinery Though millinery buying has been taking away many beautiful hats from this store, our workrooms have been busy, and at this near midseason we offer you a selection larger, no doubt, than most stores have at their "openings.'' But we advise you to delay no longer. The* hats are going fast?they are siicli creations as to compel purchasing. Visit our millinery department and select your hat ORDER BY MAIL riSOIL A2TB SCISSORS. Go to Henry Drug SI Wayside Notes Gathered Here and s. c., to have your ey< _ . glasses. Examination There by a Dispatch Man. al80 handle a {ull lic ? = patent medicines, jew J. Frank Wingard has returned from etc. the University of South Carolina to ??^^ spend his vacation here. Dr D R of 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any among the prominent ph case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. week Mr. J. S. Wessinger, the popular . . , , , . _ , , ,, ^ f * Tresspassers m the vie and able president of the Bank of Friek and others wiil pl, Chapin, has been attending court this otice pQblished e WGGk * govern themselves accoi gar If you are not coming to court We ackuowledge receip next week, send your dues by a neigh- .. ? _ _r bor. It will be appreciated. mai1 from D. B. lumbia, oil subscription. Geiger Brothers, of New Brookland, m L L Lown> one o{ will accept thanks for renewal of their ; subscribers, has paper another year They are clever his reEewa, tQ The Di gentlemen and good citizens. Mr9. C. E. Younginei 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any snhserihprs and al case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. oldest sab8Cribers and al _ . , sends us a dollar for re Miss Eunice R. Wessinger has re- j)j8Datck turned home after a delightful visit to friends in Greenwood, Greenville, ^r* ^zer' on< Walhalla, Due West and Clems on. subscribers, while in to1 AtClemson she was the guest of Mrs. dr?PPed in and Paici bii L. A. Sease. lor mother year. Mr. J. C. Fulmer, near Counts' are requested to st Ferry, kindly remembered the pririters wi^ Prayer meeting at with a dollar for another year. He is Corley place next Sunda one of our first subscribers and always Everybody invited, prompt, for which we feel greatful. FOR SALE?One hog 1 about 100 lbs iust rieht juargr ru^i'_y jnwci i iru; etuu vjuiucji ? ? Queen (yellow) tomato plants, large Apply to Matthew Harn: and productive varieties, hardy plants, 2 Lexington s. 0. 25c per hundred. The Kaufmann Drug Co. Glenn, city Mr. j. Sol Doolev, on Lexington Batesburg, is attendinf xu r. 1 j. j . j Glenn is one of the most route 4, was the first to stop in and . ,, , .. at i in the county, numbenn renew his paper Monday morning. Mr. Dooley is one of our best truck } tie score. farmers, residing three miles below 28thwprepared to todenfc here. Dr. l. Prof, and Mrs. h. w. Barre, of Magistrate f. p. Sheal Clemson, are visiting the former's with his friends here thii parents, Mr. and Mrs. w. w. Barre, ~Mr. Kinsler Roof spt on College Hill. night and Sunday with Mr. F. Hamp Hendrix, one of Lees- friends at Chapin. ville's most progressive citizens, was w A Qooner ( here attending court this week. was here on Monday.' MAoov*a T. W WI'BO onrl AT orli^icHn UlCooio* u ?? ?? JOV auu # Hutto, of Pelion, are attending court, 0 win Stroll the former on the grand jury and the ur^'13 amon? *ke P?I latter an the petit jury. attorneys this week. Messrs. J. O. Wingard, Roy Wes- ^r* Frank Kneece, singer and Willard Kyzer have re- P?Pular an(* very efficien turned from Clemson for the summer wa9 ^ere 011 matters of b vacation. ^ay. We are requested to state that the Mr. Fred Hegmann, oi annual Children's Day exercises of Mt substantial citizens of th Hebron Sunday school, will be held on our thanks for a load of' the 3rd Sunday evening, June 19th, scription. He is one of t beginning at 4 o'clock. men in the county. 5i Bax*gai kin's L ys bright and interestin 3 you want at the rig] Stylish and Serviceable Silks You must see our line of Sedo Silks. This quality of goods is 27 inches wide and will make an excellent dress, while at the same time it is serviceable. The price is only, yard, 75 c. We are selling 24-inch Foulards that most stores would charge you 70 cents for, for only, yard 59c. Rajah Silk, 27 inches wide and the regular .^1.00 aualitv. is offered for only. ! -r *1 ? J / ? . yard, 89c. In 36-inch Taffetta, in soft-finish foulard patterns. This piece of goods is the latest creation for Spring frocks. The quality of this goods is the best; the price only, yard, $1.39. Summer Wash Skirts. These are all new, just came in, and you will find your size here. White Linene Skirts at $1.00 to $2.50. Brown Linen Skirts, excellent quality, $4.98. Whits Linen Skirts, wide range of styles ,and qualities, every one the best at the price asked, $2.50 to $7.50. ilium mimni ^bsbbbkb^BBBM bmh ???? Don't forget to bring or send youi x>re Chapin, dollar for The Dispatch when coming ? tested for to court. free. We Miss Eva Dunning, a charming little le of drug9, Miss of Columbia, is on a visit tc elry, paints, Misses Annie Lou and Iceoline Harman, Mr. Ernest Livingston, the populai ?manager of the L. D. Cullum Gk>'s Pelion, was buggy and carriage repository at Batesysicians here burg, was here thi9 week in attendence upon court. Ernest i9 one of our owr unity of J. W. bo>*sease read tres Stenographer Anderson, of Edgefied ;lsewhere and and Mr. C. M. Yarn, of Swansea, art dingly. the guests of G< M. Harman durinj >t of $1 through court. Shull, of Co- If you need anything in the furnitun or undertaking line always see Scotl Hendrix, His prices are right and it if our promptest useless to go eisewnere. our thanks for Mr, T. B. Kernaghan, one of thi atch. most popular business men of Bates one of our burg, has been attending court thii ways prompt, week. newal of The Mr. W L. Rawl, leading lumber deale: of Batesburg, was here for a day o: b of our first two this week. wn this week Think of it, 4 quarts rice for 25c,pur( 5 subscription honey at 10c pound, Georgia cane syrup 50c a gallon! Any and everything li groceries always at tight prices. Se< ;ate that there us and let us supply your wants anc the old Nancy yon will be pleased. W. P. Roof. y at 4 o'clock. Fresh sugar cured hams from 8 to 10 pounds each, just received at M. D. for sale weight Hasan's Grocery, for barbecue. Dr. J. \V. Sandel was confined tc ian, R. F. D. his room for several days last week, 33-lwt-pd. hut we are glad to say he is able to b electrician of out a?am" r court. Mr. Readers, allow us to call ycur atten' " tion to the general line of merchandise j, . all new and fresh, no old stock to select g his friends from. Dry Goods, Notions,Shoes,Hats, Standard Hardware, Groceries, Cockruesday June Ranges, Ice Cream Freezers, etc. il work e are read-v to your wants all the L TOOLE time at lowest prices. H.N. Kaminer & Co. 3^week^n^^11^ M'lss Annie Ranch, daughter of Mr. jnt Saturday Wesley Rauch, is quite ill at the home relatives and ^er Parento oli Hollow creek. If it's Groceries j'ou want, remember that H. M. Wingard sells the best that )f Batesburg, the market affords at right prices. Try him on your next bill. Mrs Willie Rvvvirert has moved from ler, of Bates- """"" i . ... Main street to the Harman residence )u ar visiting ^ie rear court house, where she is conducting a boarding house. Batesburg's j)r> \y l Kneece, of Baxter, was it postmaster, here on matters of business Monday, usiness Mon- one 0f the most successful physicians in the county. le of the most Miss Hattie Hook has returned home is section, has after a fortnight visit to friends at wood on sub- at Sumter and Bennettsville where he yery best she attended the Slate Missionary convention. EBHHBEHBRBBBRS9SHBBHnHR9RBHnHHHBB sis Every 13s g with the latest styles, lit prices, and why go el Good White Goods. Our white goods department i3 always replete with special values for you. 34-inch Flaxon Lawn, plain, the yard, 25c and 35c. 36-inch checked Flaxon, yard 25c. White Madras for skirts and ladies' suits, the yard 12?>c. Colored Madras, 36-inch, imported goods for shirtwaists, children's and ladies' dresses and suits, the yard, 18c. We have just received a new line of col ored Lawns at, the yard, 5c to 12c. EMBROIDERY AND LACES. i i i i i n l _ 1 a great opportunity is nere in j^moroiaery and Laces. We have just received a new and large line and name special prices. i HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES. All shades of Human Hair Switches. It makes no difference what you want in artificial hair, we have it, and at the price you are thinking of paying. 5,000 yards of French Ginghams, all new patterns in plaids, stripes, voiles, fancy tissue, chiffon lisse, etc. The prettiest line you eyer saw, and they are cheap. Horses, Mul< > j FARM I There is no better time to buy ; Old Hickory and Hackney. These are lea< i 1113-1115 Hampton Avenue OUE GUARANTEI ~ i Dr. Andrew B. Drafts, of Hender- Ds&th Of M sonville, N. C., visited his mother Mrs. Laura Fii during the week-end. Fink! died at hei See here, we have bargains in shoes on June 5, that will astonish you. They are going ,, p; . fast and as long as they last at 50c a pair. Come quick aucl select your pair Rev. Henry A. ? at W. P. Root's. ville, and was w Mrs. J. W. Holland, of Washington, beloved by many nee Miss Annie Shuler, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I Mrs. W. P. Roof. Lexington at on( Remember, you can find some of Georgia about fo the Xery Jbe9tJ pa-tent. medicines at th h gjnce , greatly reduced prices to close out the . stock, at Harman's Bazaar. Mrs. hink was of the Methodist For Sale. faithful to her ch m ? j c f u * i a woman of mos Ten head of fine shoats, weighing . from 40 to 60 pounds each. Also two anc* aer entire 11 sows with pig. Good stock. Also good. She was i one good milch cow with young calf, mother and true Apply quick to e Aus(jn Smjthj behind her an ag Pelion, S. C., Route 1. era* children. T i a^TiLt I You always find sewhere? 4 We Sell "Modern Clothes" for Men and Boys of the latest styles and patterns. You will find our prices right. We have a complete line of gents' furnishings, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Hosiery, Underwear, Etc., all at prices to please the trade. Men's Hats In hats we carry everything in the latest styles, in soft felt, Panamas and straws from the cheapest to the highest. When you get ready to buy your Hat come to Mimnaugh's. SHOES!! SHOES!! All the latest styles and leading makes in Spring and Summer Shoes. We have them for men, women and children, from the very best dress shoe to the cheapest that's good in substantial farm shoes. COLUMBIA, S. C. > ^ ^ es and Mares largains ave a few good acclimated mules >es ready to go to work tomorrow. have a few good mares, tock of buggies and wagons the largest in the South, VVM\jviiw pour wagon and none better than the Mitchell, ders in the wagon business. Coiumhia, S. C : MEANS SOMETHING rs. Laura Fink. extend our heartfelt sympathy, and lk wife of Mr G A. ma>*tJie great comforter bind their r home in Stil'esboro," broken henrts' a,ld in the comillS . at a ripe old age. >,ear9 reunite them in that "House daughter of the late not made with hands, eternal in the Smith, of near Lees- heavens. ell known and much * ? r people of this county, p**"1- wi'i a?rtte ihnk were residents of i |C I !L Li THE COUCH| ; time, but moved to 3AND CURE THE LUNGSg >rty year9 ago, where B 1 made their home. _ B#f?I a life long member WITH y 3 f church and was ever a w f lurch vows. She was MlllW ElB? I it lovable character,! RJivtlwWvIj 9 fe was spent in doing rgn J^QUCHS I i noble wife, a fond | | 1 n^OLDS Trial Bottle Free| , ^ friend. She leaves B AN3 ALL THROAT AND t.UWG TROUBLES. | :ecl husband and sev- 9 GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! 'o each of them we | OR MONEY REFUNDED. j