The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, June 08, 1910, Image 7

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f ' g ??? TBOPSSSIOITAL CABDS. DE. G. E. HAEDING, THE OLD AND TRIED DENTIST, is at Lis office doing good work at moderate prices. Call to see him don't wait. Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, S. C. Barber Shop and Fool Eoom< T am now located in the Lexingtoc . Dept. Store building, and am prepared to do all kinds of Tonsorial work Give me a call. S. J. LONG, Lexington, S, C PR. BAT FISHEB SOX. Dentist Prepared to do all kinds of Dental Work. Office over the Brooklanc Bank. NEW BROOKLAND, - - - S. C. WM. W. HA WES, Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEW BROOKLAND, 8. 0. Practice in all Courts. Business roUoited. November 1.1965. * a. m. xnan. v. i. drehks. EFIRD A DREHER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON C. H.. 8. C. Will practice In all the Courts. Business , solicited. One member of the firm will always be at office, Lexington, a. 0. JH.FRICK, attorney at law, cbupin, 8. 0. Office: Hotel MarioD, 4th Koom. Socond Floor. Will practice in all the Courts. Thurmond & timmerman, attorneys at law, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, Citizens* Bank B'ld'g, Batesburg, S. C. v We will be pleased to meet those having legal business to b? attended to at our office In the C'tlzer.s' Bank Building at any time. Respectfully, WM. THURMOND. G. BELL TIMMERMAN. Albert m. boozer, attorney at law, COLUMBIA, 8. C. Ornofi: 1326 Main 8treet, upstairs, oppo?it< Van Metre's Furniture StoreEspecial attention given to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington county. George r. rembert attorney at law. , 1221 law range, Columbia, s. a I will be glad to serve my friends from Lex V' : 1 agton County at any time, and am preparec ^ .50 practice law in all btate and Federa Courts. Law Offices, ( ) Residence, 1529 1209 Washington < > Pendle ton Stroefc Street. ( ) Office Telephone No. 1372. Residence Telephone No. 1086 WBOYD EVAJNS, .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR Columbia. S. 0. ? ii DR. F. 0. GILMORE, DENTIST., r 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. O *v , Office Hocus.- 9 a.m. to 2 p. m.. and froir 2^ 3 to 6 o. in. flR. D. L. HALL, ? V DENTIS1 COLUMBIA, S. C. Lutheran Publication Building, 1626 Main St. Office hours S a. m.. to 5:30 p.'m Dec* 23, 1907- -6m ANNOUNCEMENT! I beg to announce that I have a >AM.^iuaa ut mv nlace. near the OiiVJ/ WIT ? J r r Lexington Cotton Mill, and am prepared to repair Boilers and Engines on short notice. Can bore any size engine cylinder. I carry in stock a fnll supply of mill supplies. I make a specialty of going out into the coun? try to make repairs, and will answer telephone calls promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Phone 413. J. J. RIKARD, DecStf Lexington, S. C. E. G. DREHER, Agent, FIRE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING HOME INSURANCE CO., N. Y. INSURANCE CO OF N. A., PHI LA GERMAN-AMERICAN, N. Y. GLOBE AND RUTGERS, N. Y. TEUTON!A, NEW ORLEANS. SOUTHERN STOCK FIRE. GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. STRONGEST AND BEST OLD LINt INSURANCE COMPANIES V II LOCAL AGENCY i. j LEXINGTON, S. C. j BR^SSSB PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM C1?ir.?<-9 ari beaut.fica the hair, frag lVo-notce a luxuriant prowth. ^>vpi' Fails to Restore Gray Cs?n>^*?'P^<n?*aiws &^ha:r_ tailing. OKBSTBSPILU OIAMONO ^7^:^ BRAND 4^jr vv~ /*/ ladies / "V-^r Ash yonr I>rv?re1?t for CHI-CHES-TER'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS In K^d and/|\ Gold metallic boxes, scaled with BlueC*// v Ribbon. Takc eo otjier. bay of *oo? yy DrnsRlat and OA it foe CHI-CHES-TLliS V DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-five years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIME C|/PDYWUPPf WORTH trued titninnCnt tested I BILIOUS?! ? CONSTIPATED ?l HEADACHE? : [II ' FOR I R? SPEEDJfKLIEF.g | Nearly Everybody I *^??TA K KS 9 SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR I w' Iwh?yotyoU?|| : Tas Notice, Tova of Lesiag- K toa, S. C. ? Taxpayers are hereby notified that by an ordinance duly enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Lexington, S. C.t a levy of Ten (10) mills has been made on all the taxable ? ?4-1.^ limifo properly WIUUU tUC WIJhivi?n.u "UJI to , of said town fcr municipal purposes for the year 1910. The * ".x books will be kept open by the undersigned, at his usual place of 8e' > business in said town, for the collec be tion of the said town, for the collec- yj] tion of tho said taxes so lened, from May 4, 1910, to May 30, 1910, both in- ba elusive, after which time a penalty of ea five (5] per cent., will b? added and lrr the books kept open until June 15, 1910, ' for the collection of delinquent taxes ? and penalty. > Tax executions will be issued against all defaulting taxpayers after June 15, 0q ' 1910,"to enforce the payment of all unpaid taxes. C. E. LEAPIIART, *i Treasurer of Town of Lexington, S. C. M April 19, 1910. if > THE JEWELER 1508 Main St, Columbia, S. C. ? REPAIRS ; WATCHES I 12 j AND re JEWELRY: 26 20 Makes Them Good as New ft' ???????????? Jl MEDALS | A?iD pc BADGES: , of Ti : ManufacfiureiT in Our Own K! te Shops for Schools and ^ Other Purposes. * tic N i AVERY, The Jeweler ??c 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C m: CI It TSfcWORLDS BftEATESTSEiViau hiACHlNE ^ RUNN!^^ ^ s~> ?ri :3z$L ^.Jmrnm^ <** ?. ~'? rj~yf >7^'. ,* pa. ' ; - si tfrou wanteithera Vr'?mlln? Shuttle. H^t:vry bbuiUe or a Hingl* Thread f < 'hair, H\yh[ on ttewing M oniDu wrnti 10 HC! Vtt Kav HOME Srv/!8G WACHiuE COMPAQ bei Ora; ^e, IWasip. j Jitrty ravine mruh* s?re nwrfr to s^l! repar ?lr?s rr no Qiiniiiy, ">i't the T?oW XXotiie is mru'e to \*? >r. HI Our ?i:aranty never runs out. KciiS Ly KUiLonned dealer* oniy. J . ?T.8 SAUt &Y *^0 J. W. P. ROOF, Lexington, S. C. Carolina's Corn Exposition. Building upon the proved premise at the South is \!the real and natural rn belt of the United States," the ate of South Carolina, under the ausces of E. J. Watson, commissioner agriculture; A. H. Hudson, presisnt of the South Carolina Corn Breeds' association, and a 8tate commis>n, has projected a corn exposition b ) held in Columbia, December 5-8 the present year. he Conservation of Nature's Eesources Applies as well to our physical state to material things. C. J. Budlong, ashington, R. I. realized his condi- | >n, and took warning before it was g 3 late. Hesays: "I suffered severefrom kidney trouble, the disease i ing hereditary in our family. I have < ken four bottles o* Foley's Kidney jmedy, and now consider myself oroughly cured. This should be a ' irning to all not to reglect taking dey's Kidney Remedy until it is too te.'* Sold by all Druggists of Lexingn Henry Drug store Cnapin S. 0. "What," the women folks all say len fathe* scolds, "is he grumbling out now?" Neighbors living next door to a baby ten lie about his smartness as much its parents. 0,860 ACRES LEVEL FARM LAND In South West Georgia, Yon ought to have a level farm in a cdon that is desirable to live in, the f st of roads, good schools, land is ea- t y cultivated, makes from 10 to 20 < les of cotton and plenty of corn to C ch plow. Prices very reasonable. All > iproved. Write for list. Your ex- i - - ' A \- 1 -1 A nses paid to see tniB iana u you uuj i Dm us. i We have some excellent bargains to ter you. t L S. 8 G. W. ANDREWS, ; 34-36 Planters Bank Building AMERICUS, GE0R6IA. ! ound Trip Excursion Bates * Via The Southern Railway From Columbia. S. C. c onteagle and Sewanee, Tenn. and ( efurn $13.75: Account Opening J pek, July 1-7, 1910; Monteagle Bible 1 jhooi, July 15 25, 1910; Monteagle J mday School Institute, July 28-Au- * ist 15, 1910. Tickets on sale June 30, t lly 1,15, 16,22, 23, 29. 30 and August 1 , 1910, with final li ?returning to ? ach original start: h point not jater c an September 5t xJlO. ( ashville, Tenn., and return $ 15.55 ] ccount Array manoenvers, Juno 19, 8 , 1910. Tickets on sale June 18, 19, i . 22, and 23, 1910, with exceptions, nal limit returning to reach original 1 arting point not later than midnight me 28 1910. c tioxville, Tenn., and return $8.95: Dcount Summer schools of the South me 21-Juiy 2lst, I9iu. ncnets on le June 19, 20. 21, 25, 26, July 2, 9, , and 16, 1910, with final limit turning to reach original starting * ?int not later than fifteen days from it net including, date of sale. iscaioosa,AlaMand return SI 9.05 ^ 2Count Summer School, University Alabama, June 9, July 20, 1910. ckets on sale June 8 to July 5, 1910, I itb final limit returning 15 days from a it not including date of sale. Ex- r nsion of limit until September 30,by I positiag ticket and payment of $1.00 a ditional. f. Louis, Mo., and return S26.30: t jcount American Medical Associa- 1 m, June 6-10 1910, and account First Uional Convention, American Woan's League, Junfe 8-16, 1910. Tick- i s on sale June 3 to 8 inclusive with I :al limit returning not later than I idnight, June 20, 1910. I a T?nn and return SI 5. I aiiaiivv^w| vi?iwj?- _ ___ 5: Account National Travelers' Pro2tive Association, June 13-18, 1910. rkets on sale June 11, 12 and 13,1910 ly with final limit returning to reach iginal starting point not later than days from, but not including, date I sale. iheville, N. C. and Return $6.80: I and ack Mountain, N. C. aud return '.45: Account Southern Students nference, Y. W. 0. A. and Y. M. C. , June 17 26, 1010. Tickets on sale ne 14, 15 and 16, 1910, only, with fl1 limit returning to reach original trting point not later than midnight ne 30, 1910. icagc, 111. and return $28.00: count Triennial Conclave, Knights mplar, August 8-13, 1910. Tickets sale August 4,5,6 and 7, J 910.Tickets lited to reach original starting point t later than midnight August 17,0, but may be extended to reach giiial starting point not later than ptembor 6, 1910, by depositing ticki not later than August 17, 1910 and ymcnt of 50c additional, lattanooqa, Tcnn., and return 1.40: Ac count American Institute Banking June 8-10, 1910. Ticket* sale Juno ti and 7 and for trains leduled to arrive Chattanooga,Tenn fore 3 p. m., June 8, 1910. [n addition to the above, there are w on sale round trip summer exourn tickets to numerous other points. For further information, apply to nthem Railway ticket ng?-ms, or f L. MEEK, * ALEX H. ACKER, 1' Atlanta. Oa. Augusta. Ga. I * * i "I Am G!af f I writes Mrs. Ethel Newlin, M I of Liberty Center, Ind., Ee fi ''that I began to take Car IUU1, lor 11 Ildb CUICU IIIC, fi&S and I will never forget it |? "I cannot praise Cardui yt too highly for what it did B for me. Before I began m to take it, I was very K bad color, suffered great H pain and weighed only B 105 pounds. Now I have B a good color, do not suffer B and weigh 125 lbs." Hi ICARDUI The Woman's Tonic 9 Beware of strong, nox- D ious, mineral drugs, that B sink into your system, B g like lead to the bottom of B a basin of water. B 8 Cardui is purely vege- H | table and contains no fl B poisonous minerals, or H | dangerous drugs. |9 H It is perfectly safe and |S m harmless, for use by old |3 I and young, and may be 9 taken, as a tonic, for R| H months, without any possi H m ble harmful effect Try it B That Lesington Bridge. Attention is respectfully called to the act that a few days ago that mud.alked of river bridge in Lexington I ionnty was relet at the price of $11,)00, or $6,COO less than the price ?.t ,vhieh it was actually let about a year igo by a former supervisor of Lexirig,on. A Greenwood concern, the southern Highway Bridge company 'busted" the game by offering to do :he work for $11,000. Thus Lexington jonnty was saved $6,000.?Greenwood [ndex. One way not to have a good time is ;o sDend most of your time looking for i t. * Zlcmson Agricultural College Examinations. The examination for the award of scholarships in Clemson Agricultural College will be held in the County Jourt House on Friday, July 8th,. at ) a. m. Applicants must fill out prop ;r for us, to be secured from the Coun:y Superintendentof Education, before hey will be allowed to stand the extminations. For detailed information, ipply to the Superintendent of Edujation, or to the President of Clemson College. Applicants for admission to the Colege, but not seeking for the scholarihips, will also stand entrance examilations at the court house July 8th. The scholarships are worth $ll">0 and ] ree tuition. The next session of the college >psns Sept. Htb, 1910. COST AND COURSES OF STUDY. (1) Agriculture. (2) Agriculture and Chemistry. (3) Agriculture and Animal Indusry. (4) Chemistry and Geology. (5) Civil Engineering. (6) Mechanical and Electrical Ensneering. ' tov m T_ 3 A (i) xextiie mausiry. Cost:- per session, including Board, sundry, Heat, Light, Uniform and ill fees, $118.70. Books and all other niscellaneous supplies, about 120.00. far students who pay tuition, $40.00 additional. For catalog and information, apply o W. M. RIGGS. f Acting President. Dry Goods, Clothing Rugs. Great Barg cial reductions or come and i 100 Children's made dresses at onlj cloth would almost cost that. 100 Ladies' Gingham and Chambra each. These are well made and fit t Voile Skirts. A great showing of Voile Skirts fr leach. Made in the latest over-skirt e | Chiffon Panama Si bO fine Panama Skirts, the best vai at only $1.0."), special. Underskirts. ilOO fine high-grade Heather Bloo 93c. Worth |1.?V). TWilliDPrTr 100 fine Drees Hate made of horse med with llowere and buckles, at j Wort i ?5.00. I THE SOTJTH'S LAI FURNITURE \A/qq ISJpvpr IVTnre f I We are showing the 1 of the most up-to-date Grade Furniture ever she It is not neccessary for yo Bin the Furniture Line bund home and take chances of lit transit. We have brought al your door-Our prices are as goods. Polite cleiks will be ] through and you will not be i vanmet: 1313.19 Main St. UNDERTAKER! in,, i inmii u i mi IIIUIIIII II j JUST RECEIVED I AT OLD PRICES I a large lot of men's lightweight soft I Farm Shoes, also a lot of single soled [ j Brogans for Farm and out door work. | A large lot of Ladies' every day Shoes |{ suitable for a farmer's wife and I daughter to keep their feet dry. A large shipment of Ladies' and Men's Low Cut Shoes for early spring, in all leathers. These Shoes were boaght before prices advanced. E. P. & F. A. DAVIS | 710 Miia St. Columbia S. C Don't Experiment M| IBl P" IPkjf1 Use the old reli- R|J B EfffC able roofing that T?d?MarkB^u.s.p*t.oi has been the stand- Eft ?* I I ard for 16 years. F6 ail COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., C | Sterling Goods 1, Come a friends Sterling silver, cut glass, fine 35 I china. clocks. A fine 8tOCk I always on hand for you to select from. of Coim Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry oj Silverware. tombstc Good watch work and best an^expe eye glasses. rhorou^ J ? butanes If you can't corue, send for our catalogue or telephoueyoui | if yor order to 11s cording oraer to us. bottle r H. LACHICOTTE & CO., B2 JEWELERS. 1424 Main Columbia, S.C * *hone 934 Send us We a? iedmont and Old Mill cigarette . coupons wanted. I will redeem these m AuSc in cash. Ttioe B. Uaraan. hand. LUMBlis!?^ and Millinery; Matting. A ains to be had here. We ha 1 all summer wear. It will see for yourself. Great Barj 7 SI.00 each. The Clothing and y drosses at ?3.50 We havc 8tarted a Cut Pri o wear on street. ^T?w is y?ur chance. We d< over to do this. Come on r om $7.95 to $14.50 onIy $12.98, and our $15.00 Si 1ect- Sea I: ilr*s- . _ 1,000 pieces 36-mch Sea Is be you ever saw. 2,000 yards of Apron (iing 2,000 yards light Calico, t m Skirtfi at only I 100 HoliS of SClbs. to the roll, aL 25c. y 0x12 Art Squares at $4.50 hair braid, trim- We have all the bargains ; only $2.98 each. 0n KIGHT NOW. MtfMBUKTOTMIOi'W I ffimBBaBgggBBBggEBtGEST | HOUSE \ttractive | largest assortment | patterns of High | >wn in the South. ? u to order anything jf reds of miles from 6 iviug it damaged in g 1 of the best lines to B i attractive as our jjj pleased to show you fij mportuned to buy. Bj reT I 5 Colombia, S. C. f Weather-Proof rlU Fire-Resisting y Will not melt, rot, ^9 crack or rust. COLUMBIA, S. C. BARBECUE. furnish a firstclass barbecue freshmeuts at Steedman, S. 0., first Saturday in July 3910. nd enjoy the cay with your and hear the candidates. H. Cromer Oswald Carolina LffaiUo "Works. South Carolina Marble Worl* nbia, i-? one of the oldest and liable firms in the country, and ery deserving of the patro? age civing. T7e would ad>ise our lo consult them before buying mes of any hind. Mr. R. V. manager of the company, is rierced monument man and is :hly reliable. Give them yonr s. i are lit t satisfied fafief using aftto directions two-thirds of a f Chamberlain's Stomach and ablets, yon can have your money The tablets cleanse and invigo1 stomach, improve the digestion, i the bowels. Give them atrial well. Sold Dy All Druggists, yonr job printing of all kinds. most hate to meet a stranger ist; we ho hate to shake his hot a^-vne.-T. ig -U'g-j JL~?la-LJ irt Squares and ve made spa- | pay you to ?ains. Furnishings. ce Sale on our fine Suits. on't wait, until summer it ight now. $20.00 Suits at nits at $I0.l'S. sland. land at 5c hams at 5c est goods, at only 5t Best Matting. ard for this sale, each. you are looking for. <\>mc ====== ^aMMnasKoanW ?- * -y ,, -5