w . DR. G. R. HARDING, THE OLD AND TRIED DENTIST, is at Lis, office doing good work at * moderate prices. Call to see him don't wait. Near Hyatt's Park, COLUMBIA, S. C. ev>A-n anH Pnol Room. AtUUCl uuv|/ ? ?? ? I am now located in the Lexington Dept. Store building, and am prepared to do all kinds of Tonsorial work. ' Give me a call. S. J. LONG, Lexington, S. C. __ J)R. RAT FISHER SOX. Dentist Prepared to do all kinds of Dental Work. Office over the Brookland , Bank. NEW BROOKLAND, - - - S. 0. TITM. W. HA WES, IT Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEW BP.00KLAND. 8. C. " "" ? D.ioinnoa Practice in au oourw A/UOlUvw ? November 1.19C5. o, k. efibd. p. e. drehk3. ?fird & dreher, attorneys at law, lexington c. h.. s. c. Will practice In all the Courts. Basins?.? olleirod. One member of the Jlrm win always be at ofilce, Lexington, 8. C. * T h. friok, ?j . attorney at law. CHifiN, s. C. Office: Hotel Marion, 4th Boom, Second Floor. Will practice in all the Courts Thurmond & timmerman, attorneys at law, will PRACTICE in all COURTS, Citizens' Bank b'la'g, Batesbnr&r, s. c. We vriii he pieased 10 moot those having iefral busi"? Pendle ton Street, i Street. ( ) I Office Telephone No. 1372. Residence Telephone No. 1035. WBOYD EVANS, .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. I I Columbia, S. O. Dr. f. c. gilmore, dentist. i 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. 0. Omcs Hours: 9 a. m. to 2 p. m.. and from j , 3 to 6 d. m. TfcR. D. L. HALL, V DENTIST COLUMBIA, S. 0. Lutheran Publication Building, 1625 Main St. Office hours S a. m.t to 5:30 p.^m Dec* 23, 1907- -6m ANNOUNCEMENT! I beg to announce that I have a firstclass shop at my place, near the Lexington Cotton Mill, and am prepared to repair Boilers and Engines on short notice. Can bore any size engine cylinder. I carry in stock a fnll snoply of mill supplies. I make a specialty of going out into the country to make repairs, and will answer a telephone calls promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Phone 413. j. j. rikard, T ? *?a n Dec8tf iiexingtjn, o. vy. V * ' A E. C. DREHER, Agent, |j FIRE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING j HOME INSURANCE CO., N. Y. i INSURANCE CO OF N. A., PHILA GERMAN-AMERICAN, N. Y. GLOBE AND RUTGERS, N. Y. < TEUTONIA, NEW ORLEANS. SOUTHERN STOCK FIRE, GREENS- ! BORO, NORTH CAROLINA. STRONGEST AND BEST OLD LIKE ! INSURANCE COMPANIES LOCAL AGENCY ! LEXINGTON, S. C. jj PARKER'S J hair BALSAM f (Tkzrwt ejvl beautifies the !?elr. 5 ^ }axurx!:t^ I "?i'P ili?eaw.? & hr.i- tailing. { yy SO^and jtl. DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twentj-fiyc; 1' years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. 1 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS &Yi, EVERYWHERE Sggg BILIOUS?l CONSTIPATED ?! HEADACHE? | for | SPEEDY RELIEF. v Kg Nearly Everybody I TAKE8 9 SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR | 1"iKt YOU!l[ T&s Notice, Town cf Leziag;t03J, S. On Taxpayers are hereby notified that by an ordinance duly enacted by the Town Council ox the Town of Lexington,'S. C , a levy of Ten (10) mills has been made on all the taxable property within the corporate limits of said town for municipal purposes for the year IP 10. The tax books wili be kept open by n I the undersigned, at iiis usual place or business in said town, for the collection of the said town, for the collection of the a/; . ivj, ; f. r*' .*> tf yiv.\ want rltfc^raVI^rntlne^hu'tla. IN-i*t\ Siiuiu??or Tnwi'i j,sTt';< .'.j S;jwius M -hizio v;r u> m fltW H3KE Srv.iHS MACjHNS CCWrAii? Ore: .j?e, Mn?s. Sir.*.-/ " vnnsrnach* ?r>. r-.:;-''* i-> stl: r?-ir>.ri j thr ? ? W Houi? 1. nini'* t... '.?< t. (>;:r t irar.ty ar.vtr ru:vftoltl by auzhoriml d?al^rn ooly, fos r.Aix BY W. P. RCOr, Lexington, S. C. Letter trcm Florida. To the Editor of the Dispatch: The trackers are about through shipping cabbage and are now* shipping tomatoes and cucumbers, and w ill soon be ready to ship watermelons and cantalopes. The orange crop is good this year. Corn has begun to silk and tassel | and the prospects for a good crop are fine. The oat crop is about harvested and the yield is better this year than last. We anxiously await the arrival of the good old Dispatch, and it's weekly i visits to onr home are a source of great satisfaction. | With best wishes to the Dispatch and it's force, I am 0. w. HARSEY. Wildwood, Fla., May 31, 1910. The shirt waists a great deal of starch in the coarse of a year. ... Pelion Eappennags. To the Editor of the Dispatch. Crops are quite small for this season of the year, due to the continued dry cool weather. There is some complaint of poor stands of cotton. The comet has come, and as yet, nothing of a serious nature can be charged up to the celestial wanderer. Rev. Wood It. Cordcr, census enumerator for this township has completed his task and the reports sent in. Mrs. Mary Hut-to, widow of the late Chas. Hat to, is sick at her home on route No. 1. Mr. OJlen Bnsby, the young man who had his arm so badly mash id in the machinery of the mil! of MoGiil Bros., that amputation was thought. nec?s?ary is doing nicely at presentPost office and Rural route Inspector Ciapp was here for a short while one day last week. He found everything in applepie order. McGiil Bros, are preparing to move their big saw mili p'ant from route 1, to a large body of timber they have purchased below Swansea, S. C. Mr. Scott Hutto, since the death of his father, has moved into the house with his mother. tit,.., n t? v,nnnmnpr has returned J.TJ.1 O. V. XJ. J. from a few days visit to her children in Columbia. Mr. J. Lemuel Berry has painted his residence, which adds much to its appearance. Those that desire to take ctock in the Bank of Pelion should see that , their names are among the stockholders. Ask the business men of this place about it. Mr. John E. Berry, whose mental faculties have been unbalanced for i sometime does not seem to get any better. Miss Emma Rister i9 spending some time with her niece, Mrs. J. D. Haltiwanger. SOCEERY. Pslicn, S. C., May 2S, 1910. The Conservation of Nature's Resources Applies as well to our physical state as to material things. C. J. Bndlong, Washington, R. I. realized his condition, and took warning before it was too late. He says: 4T suffered severely from kidney trouble, the disease being hereditary in our family. I have taken four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy, and now consider myself thoroughly cured. This should be a warning to all not to neglect taking Foley's Kidney Remedy until it is too late.'' Sold by all Druggists of Lexington Ilenry Drng store Chapin S. 0. Important Schedule Changes Southern Railway. Effective Sunday, June 5, 1910, the Southern Railway will inaugurate new trains numbers 41 and 42 between Columbia and Asheville, leaving Columbia 11:30 p. m., arriving Asheville 7 a. m.. returning leave Asheville 8:50 p. ni., arrive Columbia 5:30 a. m. With the inauguration of the Spring and Summer service, through sleeping car service can be had from all principal prints: Jacksonville, Savannah, Columbia, Spartanburg, Atlanta, Macon, New Orleans. ?Jemphis, Charleston, Chattanooga. Norfolk, etc. This service will enable those desiring a summer outing, to reach Asheville, Waynesville, Black Mountain and all Western North Carolina comfortably and conveniently. Summer Tourist tickets nov/o'i sale. For complete information and Summer Homes folder, call on Southern Railway agent*, or J no. L. Meek, A. <1. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. Alex. H. Acker, f. P. A , Augusta, (lit. | Excursion Bates Via Southern Railway From Lexington, | S. C. i KnAvuitf/>. T??nn. and Return. S1 0.00 Account of Summer Schools of the of the South, June 21-July 21, 1010. Tickets on sale June 19, 20, 21, 25, 20, July 2,9, 10, ami 10, with final limit I returning to readi destination not latj er than fifteen days from, but not in! eluding, date of sale. For further information, apply to Southern Railway ticket agents, or J. L. MEEK, ALEX If. ACKER, Atlanta. Oa. Augusta,. Qa. 1| writes Mrs. Mollie Mirse, m || of Carrsviile, Ky., "had jgj palpitation of the heart, M 2? and was irregular. || 2? "On the advice of Mrs. By P Hattic Cain I took 2 hotS ties of Cardui and it did fi| me more ^ good than any Jg Bun mpfliririia I PVPT* tnrAr IwB I "I am 44 years old 2nd ||| \ the change has not left M ' t me, but 1 am lots better |?] B since taking Cartful" || The Woman's Tonic ] 0] Cardui is advertised and 9 I |3 sold by its loving friends. Ig 1 9 The lady who advised JS I || Mrs. Mirse to take Cardui, ij S S3 had herself been cured of j m serious female trouble, by 9 ?j ig| Cardui, so she knew what |g M Cardui would da Pj t\ j| If Cardui cured Mrs. || gl Cain and Mrs. /v^irse, it Eg Pj 9 surely will cure you too, |p! !| || Won't you try it? ^ k . i Whits S:c]2 Whittlmgs. p T > the E.Htop of the Dispatch: The health cf cur town is excellent. j|j The grain crops in this community are fine and. there has been several pa reapers shipped hero. As labor Is so U scarce, farmers will have to buy cmpiemen ts to do theirwork. |j Mrs. Havord and little graud-daugh- w ter, of Newberry, are now on a visit to a Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Haigler. ? Mr. R. B. Shealy has gone to Pelion | as foreman of Rorer Bros, saw mill. ?2 Miss Blanche Williamson has returned from Columbia, where she ( spent several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Klegg. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shealy went to see the formers sister, Mrs. Bill Eargle, who i9 very ill. f On last Saturday Chapin and White * Rock crossed bats, which resulted in one of the m03thotly contested games that has been witnessed this season, | Although the score for each side was * numerous, still it was so near together | all through the game that interest was kept to a white heat. At the fifth inning Chapin fearing defeat, changed batteries, but to no avail, for the ! crack pitcher, was batted furiously. At eight and half inning the umpire refused to serve any further, on ac- j count of some disagreement as to rules, therefore, the game was called i with the score of 11 to 13, in favor of White Rock. With best wishes, I am, FEMININE, j Socialism. Columbia, S. C. May 25, 1910. Editor Lexington Dispatch: | Dear sir?Lena Marrow Lewis, one I of the greatest Socialist- in America, will speak in Columbia, S. C., on Saturdry night, June 11. She is sent hire by the National Organization a id all those who wish to knc.r mere about Socialism, the great burning " question of the day, should be preeei\ JOHN T. CRAPS. q TH" I ! ! I !! ? I ? I ^ I *' OOL D ry Goods. Clotliing, Rugs. Great Barga: I ciai reductions on come and s? fimumminiiibn wimiwu??.m mmmmm ! 100 Children's made dresKes at only : S clot 11 would almost cost that. I IfiO Ladies' Gingham and Cham bray J each. These ar<* well made and fit to ' i Voile Skirts. I A great showing of Voile Skirts fron each. Made in the latest over-skirt efh ChiiTon Panama Ski hO fine Panama Skirts, the best valm at only $i.!*.'>, special. TTnHftrskirtE. 100 fine hifh-^rado Heather Blooni 9Se. Worth ?!.50. Millinery. 100 fine I>ress Hats made of horne 1 med with flowers and buckles, at < Worth $5.00. 4- =5=5 ggiiwi ii wwiiwij>iiiM^wiwi^um*^wv^in?J??w THE SOUTHS FURNITURE Was Never Mor We are showing t of the most up-to-d Grade Furniture evei It is not neccessarv f< in the Furniture Line I home and take chances transit. We have broug your door-Our prices ? goods. Polite clerks wil through and you will nc FAME !3l3-!9 Main St. [JNDERTAJ JUST RECEIVED AT OLD PRICES a large lot of men's light-weight- soft Farm Shoes, also a lot of single soled Brogans for Farm and out door work. A large lot of Ladies' everyday Shoes suitable for a farmer's wife and daughter to keep their feet dry. A large shipment of Ladies' and Men's Low Cut Shoes for early soring, in all leathers. These Shoes were bought before prices advanced. E. P. ? F. A. DAVIS 710 JUiiaSt Columbia. S. C ^Buy | Sterling Goods fr Sterling .silver, cut glass, fine 3.! china, clocks. A fine stock always on hand for you to Hc select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry or Silverware. Good watch work and best ?c b< eve glasses. L v b If yon can't come, send for r? it | re our catalogue or teiepuuuejuuj a order to ua. II. LAMOTTE & CO, JEWKLKKS, S) 1424 Main Columbia, S.C hone 984 pl indrnont and! Old Mill cigarette .nij-ons wanted.^ I will redeem these t c-sh. Tl?op "R. Herman. rjrMmmmmmmaeaammmmmmmmmmBsmmmmamKmammammm k ^Tf"--T"r PgMMKMWnMBttMPWBBBHBIIBl ! ?g?Ul .UMBIA, S. C. and Millinery; Matting ins to be had here. We all summer wear. It \ ?e for yourself. G-reat 1 $1.00 each. Th?* Clothing > . We have started a ( onuses at wear on t-tree;. ^laace. over tt) do I!;iConn l $7.SV> to I ??u? our ?i j rts. 1,000 j/iec.'s ,'itMneh > voti ever saw. , _ 1,000 yards of Aproi 2,000 yards light Ca Skirts a I only 100 Hoi] 9Glhs. to the roll, at j 9x12 Art Squares at mir braid, trim- We have all the bar mly $2.1)8 each. on RIGHT NOW. LAEGEST I : HOUSE 1 e Attractive I I he largest assortment g ate patterns of High g shown in the South. 3 jr you to order anything I hundreds of miles from 8, of having it damaged in ? ht ah of the \mt lines to S ire as attractive as our ? 1 be pleased to show you B >t be importuned to buy. 1 [EES Columbia, S. C. BBgBBgBgBEB oa?ca^35a.-aS5HSi a Shingle Mill, *d power feed shingle mill on the roar- ; )00 to 15,000 shingles per duy, -1 to 10H. P.; . Carriage hag automatic return motion. ; iT GOODS - BEST PRICES" \ e us for close price ^uotatious. 'PLY CO. - - OOM'MBIA.S. C.j BAEBECUE. I will furnish a tirstclass barbecne itli refreshments at Stoedman, *8. O,, i the first Saturday in July 1910. ume and enjoy the day with your lands and hear the candidates, i H. Cromer Oswald When a barber gets out of one irape he gets into auother. The aeropiane chaaffenr has some xcuee for feeling uppish. 4 If yon are net satisfied after using a<>rding to directions two-thirds of a ittle of Chamberlain's Stomach and iver Tablets, you can have your money ck. The tablets cleanse and invigotie the stomach, improve the digestion, 'gnlate the bowels, (live them atrial id get well. Sold dy All Druggists. No. The milky way was not causnd ns yonr job printing of all kitnls. . .. ? ? A runabout wagon is greatly to be - eierrea lo a ruuuwa) wnt:. ? have made spevill pay you to Bargains. j ????? warn mrntmummm I and .fc'urnisnmg's. 'ut Price Sale tm our flue Suits. I W?< don't wait nuri! auuim^r is p on ri_ciit now. *w>.\00 Suit** ;U 5.00 Suits at s. Jea Island, Sea Iss!;iii?l at "*** HI 1 (tinghams at ^cg 1 ico, best goods, at 011)3 5c g is of Best Matting. ; 25c. yard for this sale. jfJ $4.50 each. j gains you are looking for. (V>me| I =?=#