I GOOD STOCK 1 1 IE | |<| |: And best of work is the strong j| - ~^J} Feature that has helped to earn iijj J Hie State-wide reputation jS j and endorsements of the jjj j j !j| South Carolina Marble Works. ia| | ' All work in either marble or granite jjj; | jij Guaranteed to satisfy. We sell iron . . P Fence also. Write or call to t2j- t See us and we will see that |j. |j Your interest is protected. jgj' " | SOUTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS, |j S Phone 1558. : i 1707 Main Street, jj2| COLUMBIA, : S. C. |j ^ R. V. STILLER, Manager. 2 2 F. H. HYATT, Proprietor. jHi ] aw?wi 1 ii e?^b??e?wrri . .l? . ... ... tMI0H?eOOO9COMO99OO0?d?tm? ?00C99M?t999?9?fO0et0 1 0 inn B LI HfCO. * j 1 SWANSEA, S. C. Is S We carry everything in | t | headquarters for I c J ^jkShoes, clothing and { ! SHOE, Cents' Furnishings, Dry % I ! ??sr " 8a,s'!! Our Ui^ery Department is always full of * | fresh, reliable goods?we only handle the best and | f * guarantee satisfaction. J ? ? ? - --ii j j __n 1 i n * We pay nignest prices ior cotton seea ana s?u meai una 9 bulls at lowest prices. Come to us before you sell. 2 1 Agents for Studebaker Wagons and Buggies-Best on the market. ? J s Convenient wagou yard, with ample room for stock, 2 | 2 ? HMW??WHHiHHfH?HHHHIW?< 2 QUALITY SHOES! You hare probably bought many things that looked good, that coat a good price, but under the rugged test of service soon proved themselves worthless. * It might have been shoes that soon run over at I ' Ae sides, caps broke down, heels gave way, sewing I gave ?wit %nd soles were plated. 2Uu&w5 0 g fTo guard agaiaat th 66 thingb, etpecially in footwear, and be confident of getting the best quality foot wear your money can buy, take advantage of the large and choioe stock constantly available for making pleading aeleo&ons at our store. Hole agent for W. L. Douglas Shoes for k rn, $1.50 T. A. BO YNE, Opposite Pott Offiee, - . * ; Colombia, SC i, ? ' f. * : ; 1 THE PEICES TELL THE T1LITY SELLS J. B. FRIDAY & CO., i P Wholesale and Retail 8 i Grocers, Flour, FftAfl OH(i frlifll.l'n I We Want the Merchants, Planters and Farmers of Lexington County to Call and See Us Before They Make Ihcir Purchases. We Can Fill Your Wants and Save You Money. , 1823-1825 Main Street, Columbia. S. C ???? ?^ Lszingtoa Pressing Club. i Fishiag Tacis.c. Rfimpmbor that the old reliable Lex- \ The Bazaar has jn<-t received a com ington Pressing Club is still in bu3i- j plete new line of fishing tackle, em- \ iiess and is serving its patrons with the i bracing hooKs, lines, bobs of every usual promptness and care. We give description, gigs, corks, corks, trot special attention to the pressing of j lines, poles, etc. Wo can supply your Ladies skirts, (live us a trial. j wants in fishing tackle if you call 1 tf. Lora Box, Mgr. | quick. I ? Screen Doors and Windows, ! | Ic- Cream Churns, | I Refrigerators, all siz\s, j | Lawn Mowers. I Rubber Ilose, 1 i Mantles, Tiles, Crates, Cook Stoves and Ranges, I Cutlery and Tableware. 1 " i f, Ui j sh 528 Main St. Columbia, 3. C. w No, Alonzo, a trustworthy person lay not have anything to do with a re *UPt. 8C Glad to Rsooaitaead Then. Mr. E. Weakly, Kokorao, Iud., says; 'After taking Foley's Kidney Pills, the evere backache left me, my kidneys jt lecame stronger, the secretions nam- . al and my bladder no longer pained , ne. I am glad to reccommend Foley's J Lidney Pills." In a yellow package. >old by ail druggists of Lexiugton.Heny Drug Store, Cliapiu, S. C. a ? C Some people ask you to do them a is ayor as if they were doing it to yen. ^ O Lame shoulder is almost invariably 5au>ed by rheumatism of the muscles ind yields quickly to the free applica;i n of Chamberlain's Liniment. This liiiment is not only prompt and erf to- v ;ual, hut in no way disagreeable to use. t3 bv Ail Drusryists. ^ * _ZZ , e< w One good thing about a boy's going tlhrough college is it never has fco hap- p 3en but once. a h The reason a girl can fall in love so f] juick is she's trying to beat all the g >ir\s doing it. C "It cured me," or "It saved the life S >t my child," are the expressions you lear every day about Chamberlain's 'olie. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is true the world over where this raluable remedy has been introduced f *o other medicine in use for diarrhoea " ?r bowel complaints has received such tl general approval. The secret of the a access of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ^ md Diarrhoea Remedy is that it cures, ioid by All Draggists. 0 There is in the United States 240,- lc KX) m.les of railways. v ? ? v, Honesty 1 I in Jewelry I * If it came from Sentz's, you S D know it's all right," is what ono | of our customers remarked to B jr another the other day. B When you bay Jewelry, you R generally have to take the "Jew- E eler's word for it" whether it is 1 m good or uot. j| 'mat's just wnere our repuia- u q tion for honesty and fair dealing fl counts. S A$d furthermore, we will [al- | ways give you your money back ^ and ask no questions any time you are dissatisfied with a pur- j*1 ohase. p1 Special attention to mail orders, CHARLES F. 8ENTZ, \ JEWELER, n 1439 Main, Columbia, S. C ci Chicago News: And all the world , * >ves to laugh with a laugher. 3Hief a. Rummer Cold Mav Do. 1,1 IV ** ?? w I I ?-J ? w w . | A Brimmer cold if neglected is just as { ,pt to develop imo bronchitis or pueu- ** aonia as at any other season Do not leglect it. Take Foley's Honey and gr ?ar promptly. It loosens tho cough ai oothes and "heals the iulimned air pun- , ages, and expels the co'd from the J vet em. Sold bv all druggists of De: tjgton, Henry Drug Store,Chapin,S C. L pT'HE best recommc | A vehicle can have ? guaranty that it will * satisfactory service, . It is a ^ Easy _ < RunanS 1 Vvei; V M"-=ei v (NOTTS-DO WUNG & ( 53 taken by people in tropi- jj cal countries all the year g round. It stops wasting and j keeps up the strength and vitality in summer as well o c? unnfaii UU f? UAVV1 M ~ gBHBBiBBffll " i Moved Barter Stop, Dave Means, the well known colored trber of Columbia, has moved his op to Wright's Hotel, where he will i glad to aerve his Lexington friends heu in the city. Foley's Kidnev Remedy may be givl to children with admirable results, does away with bed wetting, and is commended for use after measles and arletfev(r Sell by all druggists of = v'ngton, Henry Drug Store, Cbapin, C. * - Tho Metropolitan Cafe i one of the best in the State. Spec1 attention is given to ladies in an legant parlor. You will find everyii:ig neat and up-to-date. The best ) eat the market affords at a'.l times rith prompt service. The same mangement has also opened the Capital afe, opposite the opera hou e, which i conceded to be the best place in the ily for ladies and ger.ilemen. Quick iivico and reasonable ;ricoq. Go nd try them and you will bo pleased. Scared Tnto Sound Health. Mr. B. F. Kellev, Springfield, 111., rites: "A year ago I began to be roubled with my kidneys and bladder, "hich grow worse until I became alarmi at my condition I suffeied also nth dnli heavy headaches and the aeon of my bladder was annoying and ainful. I read of Foley Kidney Pills "'I .. 4 a1.!mm f U/m-vi r? ^ntrr it?A/\lro ho uU cents. Dr. Boyd's Family Liniment is a reat counter-irritant for all pains, nd a preparation of great power when pplied externallv. Prion 25 cents. For Sale by IIARMAN'S BAZAAR. exington, S. C. i nidation that any ]& , the strongest | give its purchaser jj is the fact that f jpmnrgnfi II 'I [| ' ami Will Out- |j \ WIIIIl wearany 1 "Cheap" J Wagons. 20., Swansea, S, C ULifff KM- y . -fu.gj.a iva^r^r^^'UtUiXL^i.iJ ?tjcrnw A > ? ' irwwnm wwtr; '?orvfflniwN,>j ?! ? 11 I mm \mm i i TPy* Ve have them from the japest to the highest, sizes for men, women i children. et Your Next Pair Be A \ WALK-OVER >.50 and $4.00 < Hi SHOE MM, IH G0LUH3I1 mwmpqnnB?on mam \ wmemwnv. ? ? mm imi m iv tlanta, Gra. * * Starts* *>!?&!?