& The Lexington Dispatch. W Wednesday, June 1. 1910 I. 0. 0. F. Lodges Consolidated At a joint meeting of Pelican and Dixie lodges, Odd Fellows, in Dixie fcall on Thursday evening last, by a * unanimous vote, it was decided to consolidate. In the future the order %*r?7i Ko nr?nHnf?t,pd under the head of V* i*A W ?v.%, Dixie lodge. At a meeting to be held j on the 16th day of June, an election I of officers for the next ensuing year j will be held. This means that Lexington will have one of the strongest lodges in the State, Children Teething MKS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for over Fifty Yeaas by Millions of Mothers for their Children While Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens < the Gams, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Oct. 20-ly At The Grand. The enlertaiments at tne Grand Theatre, in Columbia are growing better and better with each succeeding day. Manager Davenport i9 sustaining his reputation for securing the best that is going, and Columbian's are showing their appreciation of his successful efforts. The house i9 crowded every afternoon and night by old and young, all eager to hear the new features. The finest vaudeville, the best figures the best dancers, and the best of every kind of amusement can always be found at The Grand. t I The more you eat Quaker Oats the better your health ! will be. . Practical experiments with athletes : show Quaker Oats to be the greatest strength maker. . Packed in regular size packages, and in hermetically sealed tins for hot climates. 56 ! I fp??? ?????? 6, i : ever car- times we carry t t in Shoes Ladies' headwea: m. Every- want it is needles; and straw full line of flowers prices will satisfy DEPARTMENTS ith clean, fresh goods. 1 st margin of profit. We ] pply your wants at right ^ WWWVWWVWWWVWWWVA/VWWNAA/VW" iUAETERS. YOU ABE ALWAYS WEL( OOF. =South C rWWWWWWWV^ t would be without it." ^ onrl XT idri atTC ^ ajJLU f the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and \ times with perfect Safety and without 0 Dr. Hilton's Life For the ? eys are all speedily remedied by this J g the sksn clear and velvety?makes 1 its effects. ^ .ve no room for doubt even on the part < ? Mpation, Billiousness, Bright's Disease, J ^ idneys and Urinary Organs. ) ^ y it is. That is why you should keep ? irgy? Dr. Hilton's Life for the Liver J d nervous? Dr. Hilton's Life for the \ uaranteed by ^ tuipai&y J arolina. \ Ask For It By Name, J /WVWWWWWWV cording to Fash3e care and econr patronizing this 999 linery. ry Department at all ;he leading stvles m r. If it's a hat you s to go elsewhere. A and trimmings. The your pocketbook. We buy in large have a full line of prices. 30ME A.T THIS STORE. / My " **'1 w wai iq? jjj