I Honesty | In Jewelry | "If it camrt from Seniz's, yon ^ J know it's all rig-it," is what one j| | of our customers remarked to h ! (another the other day. |1 When yon bay Jewelry, yon 1 generally have to take tho 4'Jew- 3 Ieler's word for it" whether it Ls g good or not. || That's just where our repnta- ra tion for honesty and fair dealing B counts. S And furthermore, we willjal- Jg ways gire yon your money back B and ask no questions any timo u yon are dissatisfied with a par- r ohase. jf, I Special attention to mail orders, 11 VvSAAAAAAAiV^ > CHARLES P. mi, I JEWELER, | ww?? iwii.ijiia? ?HEST1R SPILL* DIAMOND BRAND yg9^o&' t^LDIUQ t "V-^T Ask yomr IPrnegUi for chi-CHKft-thr'S a DIAMOND BRAND PILLS ia RJto &nd/j\ Gold metallic boxes, scaled with Bluet*// Ribbon. Taxs no othkz. Buy rf T?*r\/ kmgcSat an* ask for CHI-OILES-TER S V DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-Jto) years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS time pvprywufpp worth Tried kiCnl nnCiiC tested tfSOnMSSOOtOSSMMOMi 1 Kins, D01 a tmvc;iiV!U i? *' -***" 1 IsfSi?Si? 5 >12 \ V7iA ?? I '1 ! I IF"-SHOE, 1 ! -Jw'VFAS HUM shoes' 1 X^'lEKTTER i I Our Oiotery Depart | fresh, reliable goods?we | guarantee satisfaction. We pay highest prices for J hulls at lowest, prices. Come 1 Agents for Studebaker Wagons !g Convenient wagon yard, \ QUALITY You have probably bought many thii jood, that cost a good price, bat unde Ml of service soon proved themselves wc It misrht hare been shoes that soon the aides, caps broke down, heels (rare g*T* ** < and ?>le? were plated. fTo guard wear, and be < wear your 1110 and choice 6 to ing selections Bole agent T. A. Opposite Post Office, THE PEICES TELL J. B. FRIE Wholesale Grocers, Flc iec We Want the Merchants, Ph hiffton County to CaU and Se Purchases. We Can Pill I Money. 1823-1825 Main St Owners of Horses and Stock Attention! "When your horss has colic, givo it a teaspoonfnl on the tongue of DR. BOYD'S SURE POP COLIC CURE, and then wait a few minutes and see | how quickly the animal is relieved. Price 50 cents. Dr. Boyd's Sure Pop Fever and Cough Remedy will relieve your horse of shipping cold, pneumonia and distemper. Price 50 cents. Dr. Boyd's Eyo Remedy will cure inflamation of the eyes. Price 50 cents. Dr. Boyd's Magnetic ointment, nothing equals it for sore shoulders, cuts and scratches. Price 25 cents. Dr. Boyd's Horse Powders. This remedy is a thorough blood purifier, invigorator, digester, and a thorough worm eradicator. Price 25 cents. Dr. Boyd's Poultry Pood. Aids digestion, gives strength while moulting, stimulates the hen to lay in winter | when hen eggs bring the most, Prica 25 cent*. ! Dr. Boyd's Family Liniment is a great counter-irritant for all pains, and a preparation of greatpower when applied externally. Price 25 cents. For Sale by HARMAN'S BAZAAR, Lexington, S. O. HARDWARE ~ Screen Doors and Windows, Ice Cream Churns, Refrigerators, all sizes, Lawn Mowers. Rubber Hose, Mantles, Tiles, Grates, Cook Stoves and Ranges, Cutlery and Tableware. (W. 5. STEWART, 1526 Main St Columbia, S. C. W?CO. I SWANSEA, S. 0. { We carry everything in General Merchandise. You will find our store I leadquarters for Shoes, clothing and ? Gents' Furnishings, Dry : Goods and Notions, Hats, ? Etc. ? ;ment is always full of only handle the best and cotton seed and sell meal and io us before you sell. ? and Buggies?Best on the market. | vith ample room for stock. o o oosoeoo ? ? i SHOES! og8 that looked _ * the rugged >rthle?? l run o??r at way, sewing against th se things, especially in foot"ionfldont nf trftttiTur tha best nnahtv foot ney can buy, take advantage of the large ck constantly available for making pleaaat our store. ; for W. L. Douglas Shoes for n m. $1.50 BOYNE, Columbia, SC THE QUALITY SELLS AY & CO., and Retail mv, *d and Grain. inters and Farmers of Lexw Us Before They Make Their rour Wants and Save You reet, Columbia, S. C " So'sr Typhoid Is Spread By Flies. That the typhoid fff-rm is carried by flies has been abundantly proved. Only passing observation in following a typhoid epidemic in a family or county neighborhood is necessary in order to locate tine source cf the scourge. A painstaking, conscientious housewife who, herself, was a victim of a family epidemic some time ggo, gave me a bit of history bearing upon this point: A brother, returning from a distant city, developed fever shortly ? P4-.-V- V. ?nt r-i*T, An nnl r>rer1 ujnman tllUCl 1113 IV^LUl ii. **UU1MVV?V/?VU ff was employed to care for the patient. A door from the ?dck room led lo a porch, which also famished entrance to the dining room, quite a usual arrangement in country homes. Vessels used in the sick room were left to stand for hours without attention upon this porch. Flies swarmed here by hundreds, finding easy accsss at one* to the diuing room. Within three weeks four more cases of typhoid developed in this household. For a period of eight months there was one or more members of the family ill with fever. With the type of service such as this untrained, ignorant negro woman was capable of giving, with the waste from the sick room emptied into an open vault, easy of access to flies, and located in such a way as to render water contamination almost a certainty, there is every reason to expect a return of the epidemic to this family at any time. To read the history of a typhoid epidemic in any and every section of this land is to recognize the housefly as the chief factor in the spread of the disease.?Mrs. F. L. Stevens, in Raleigh (N. C.) Progressive Farmer and Gazette. Commander Julius A. Pratt Post No. 143 Dept. 111., G. A. B. Mr. Isaac Cook, Commander of above Post, Kewaoee, 111., writes: "For a long time I was bothered with backache and pains across my kidneys. About two months ago I started taking Foley Kidney Pills and soon saw they were doing just as claimed. I kept on tafeincr thfim and now I am free from backache, and the painful bladder misery is all gone. I like Foley Kidney Pills so well that I have told many of my friends and comrades about them and shall recommend them at every opportunity." All Druggists of Lexington?Henry Drug Store Chapin S. 0. Want to ICarry. Says an elderly man in his farmers garb, "I want a little piece in your paper: Wanted a woman who can cook, wash, iron, milk four cows an' manage a market wagon.1' "Shall I state wages?'1 "Wages nothin1"I want to marry her.11 Man wants but little here below.?Engefleld Chronical. - ?^1^^ Will Promote Beauty Women desiring beauty get wonderful help from Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It banishes pimples, skin eruptions, sores and boils. It makes the skin soft and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures sore eyes, cold sores, cracked lips, chapped hands. Best for burns, scalds, fever sores, cuts, bruises and piles. 25c at Kaufmann Drug Co., Derrick's Time StorA. Sandel Druer Store. O F C7 A Good Suggestion. Thi9 is the season of the year when many people think they have the privilege of plowing up the public roads, to the great discomfort and inconv?' nience of the traveling public. If some of these violators of the law were prosecuted and heavily fined; it would put a stop to the practice. It is against the law to plow into the publio roads, and our oftioials should take the matter in hand and prosecute those who are guilty of such a reprehensible practice. ?Bamburg Herald. Not Sorry For Blunder "If my friends hadn't blundered in thinking I was a doomed victim of consumption, I might not be alive now," wfites D. T. Sanders, of Harfodsburg, Ky., "but for years they saw every attempt to cure a lung-racking cough fail At last I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The effect was wonderful. Ti. - ? nt'nnnnJ fUft /1ATI(yVi T Q Til XL ftUUU OLUppcvx UiJ^ v-uuf,.! A v.^ now in better health than I have had for years. This wonderful life-saver is an unrivaled remedy for coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhages, whooping cough or weak lungs. 60c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Kaufmann Drug Co , Derrick'9 Drug Store. Sandel Drug Store. Girl Swallows Noodle. At Taylor, Tex.,?A needle that Lillian Walther, a 5-year-old girl of the Sandeval community swallowed two years ago, was extracted by surgeons from her spinal column. The needle gave the girl no pain until last week. Tuesday she fell from the porch at her home. Later she complained of severe pains in her back and it was thought she had fractured her spinal column. Examination showed the r>?>e?flir? at.ipkinrr in her snine. It is thought the noodle worked through the girl's body and in the fall last week was driven into the spine. The needle was extracted and the girl is doing well. Subscribe to The Dispatch. 1 is almost the v/orst thing for P I consumptives. Many cf the ?j ! SI "just-aa-gcoa preparations m ; | coni?in as much as 20% of |j j |j alcohol; Scott's Emulsion |j | H not a drop. Insist cn having @ j g FOB 3A-LB FY ALL DBIJOQIST3 B&ilroad Crossing1 Law. Commission Calls Attention to Changes By Recent Acts. The railroad commission hu reoeired many queries as to the kesping up of railroad crossings. Reference to the recent acts of the legislature shows that the law in regard to the duty of overseers at railfoad crossings was amended. The aot follows: Section 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of the state of South Carolina, that section 1,378, of volume 1, code of laws of South Carolina, 1902, be, and the same is hereby amended by adding between the word "company" and the word "and" on line 4 of said section, the following: "And when the track of a railway company now or hereafter crosses a public road shall cause sach railway company to construct and maintain the approaches to said grade crossings on a grade not to exceed 5 per cent, and that the highway shall be on a level grade for not loss than twelve feot on either aide of the centre line of said railway," so that said section, when so amended, shall read as follows: Section 1,378. It shall be the further duty of snch overseer to cause each railroad company to construct and keep in good repair the roadbed of all public roads across the roadbed of said railroad company, and when the track of a railway company now or hereafter crosses a public road shall cause such railroad company to construct and maintain the approaches to said grade crossings on a grade not to exceed 5 per cent, and that the highway shall be on a level grade for not less than twelve feet on either side of the central line of said railway; and if any railroad company, being duly warned by the overseer of the proper district, by leaving a writtea notice with any station agent of said railroad j company, shall neglect or refuse to construct or repair such roadbed to the acceptance of the overseer, shall f >rfeit not exceeding $50 nor less than $30, to be reoovered by an action at the anit of the township or connty board of commissioners before a magistrate of the oonnty, and the money so collected shall be paid by ths magistrate oolleoting to ths county treasurer, and the money so paid over shall become a part of the county road fund; 1 and every fire days such railroad com1 pany, after be^ng duly notified, shall neglect or refuse to construct or repair said road, shall be deemed an addi; tional offence against the provisions of this section. Approved the 23th day of February, A. D. 1910. Shall Women Vote? If they did, l illions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the trae remedy f fcr women. For banishing dull, fagged feelings, backache or headache, constipation, dispelling cold9, imparting appetite and toning up the system, they're i , unequaled. Easy, safe, sure. 25c at Kaufmann Drug Co., Derrick's Drug Stare, Sandel Drug Store. Trade of the United States with its non-oontiguous territories aggregated |172,000,000 in the year just ended. . against about $64,000,000 a decade ago. In addition to the $172,000,^00 worth of merchandise there was received from Alaska $18,000,000 worth of gold of domestic production. Foley Kidney Pills are antiseptic, tonic and restorative and a prompt corrective of all urinary irregularities. Refuse substitutes. All Druggists of Lexington?Henry Drug Store Chapin S. (\ Use of tobacco is universal in the Orient, and the word cheroot and its use come from Madras. The first cigars seen by Columbus were wrapped with corn shucks. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear the sour stomach, sweeten the breath and create a healthy appetite. They promote the flow of gastric juice, thereby inducing good digestion. Sold by All Druggistt. Saved an Iowa Man's Life The very grave seemed to yawn before Robert Mad sen; of West BnrliDgi ton, Iowa, when, after seven weeks in the hospital, four of the best physicians gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Electric Bitters. For, after eight mouths of frichtfnl sufferincr from liver trouble and yellow janndico, getting no help from .other remedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medicine completely cured him. Its positively guaranteed for Stomach, Liver, or Kidney troubles and never disappoints. Only 50c at Kaufmann Drug Co., Derrick's Drug Store, Sandel Drug Store. mmmmm jaiimhiw . v " *<&*&> JL MSTOi P Shoes for Comfort 1 Shoes for Style i! Shoes for Wear ! | ; Low Quarters, J ' Slippers, | Sandels. iilPSi i /k Wft hn h Letpi Lever,T" 8 ? L. ???wm?mmsumiimm?MI HIIBMII T MI IM??>BMO?a? i i i m n i m ? ? >? in Great Bargains m I Notions and S I hire a large stack of Dry Goods I that I am offering at great bargains. ] to go elsewhere, come to Ethan, I can s ?ry purchase. My stock of Groceries j prices will please. I manufacture, buy ... . . H J. ; and pay mgtieat prices ior cruae. H. STEELE, Etl "pen iyij AVIMCS uhi: 5.0UNT uu. f\ found A y?DV jjffl# the be Parlor Rest BEN DAVID, Propr 1320 UAI8 ST. 0pp. Palmetto National 0 Best cooking and finest Restaurant in For I Special Rates by the Week. Meals at al The Palmetto Ml COLUMBIA, S. WE ABE A Depository for the Un?ted Stat of South Carolina the County of of Columbia. WE OWN |400,000 United States Bonds^and Carolina Bonds. WE SOLICIT Aoconnt3 of Banks, Firms, Corpc WE PAY Four Per Cent, on deposits in our terest calculated quarterly. WE PROMISE Our best efforts to transact your satisfaction. PALMETTO NATIONAL BANK, CAPITAL $250,000.0 Wilis JoNBS, President. J. P i SOUTHERN RA1 r.fJ Unexcelled Sining Gar S Through Pullman Sleeping Cars Convenient Schedules on Le For full information as to ra /aw consult nearest Southern Railway t n r ttcxt "n *d a n O , If) ?J U oil, XJ. A , Ai, V J. L. MEEK, A. G. P. A., Atlanta &&& oron sc i. r... aBoaara i mmmmme < waw?opi?? ? ? >.*.L^i jtv'M'-%\ rv* 2?'.y I b-P^ ^ ftSJSWa-iT I u::o thr?m frnm iViP S * w VAA^Al.4, A* V/AAA * * * ^ 1 to the highest, for men, women Ten. Your Next lir Be A LK-OVER and $4.00 SHOE MAN, GOLUHBIA. 1 , Wl.1 Ispy Goods, hoes . Notions and Shoes [t is needless f or you iave you money on evL8 complete, and my and sell turpentine. ? lian,S. C. exingtoo Friendi n readv to serve you >ne of the most comtockj of 9hoes to be in the city and at r saving prices. My i always to give you st for the least money, i) ere' heayy work t specialty. ian's Sboe Store , '26 Main Stmt rOFFICE BLOCK >LUMB1A, 8. C. 1 aurant, ietor, lank COLUMBIA, S. 6. . Columbia. ^adies and Gentlemen 1 Hours?Night or Day onal Bank, c. eg Government, the State Richland and the City I I I100.00U State of South ? irations and Individual*. Savings Department, inbusiness to your entire - - Columbia, S. C. o Matthews, Cashier [LWAY. ervice, ^ ; on all Trains, )l( icai Trains, ^ ites, routes, etc Ticket Agent, or harleston, S. C , Ga. J/ ^^hk*