- flHHKBflQKBS3S9KfiHH&ODBjS I Honesty I in Jewelry I m I i "If it came from Sentz's, you 8 know it's all right," is what one || of our customers remarked to H i.v_ _i.i j ? ^ anoiner tuo uuutu uaj . n H Wlien you bay Jewelry, you E I generally have to take the "Jew- 1 x eler's word for it" whether it is 8 I good or not. 5 " That's just where our reputa- 8 8 tion for honesty and fair dealing 8 8 counts. E 8 And furthermore, we willfal- 8 8 ways give you your money back 8 8 and ask no questions any time 8 8 you are dissatisfied with a pur- 8 8 chase. .8 8 Special attention to mail orders, 8 I CHARLES F. SBNTZ, I I JEWELER, I I 1439 Main, Columbia, S. C I t CHICHESTER S PILLs! OUMONO BRAND tfADXBS i Ask 7?r ?ro*ctot for CHI-CHES-TER'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red &nd/j\ Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Bluett#) Ribbon. Taxb no other.. BayrfT*?v/ Bn?glrt mad ask for CHI-CHE8-TEE B V DIAMOND BRAND pills, for twentr-fi? years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS time fvfpywi4frf worth Trued Cw *-? I If nCnC tested AMAMAMABBAMAMAMAMAABMMAN wff WWWW WWwWWWWW WWW WW WW W WWW V IKNOTTS. DQV < m,w T??T? '.' VT* " r?r~?1 --** : pp" j ! ' $35?? f|S| \ I ilP\SHOF, I : , w" 1 ^WmRBRANDSHOL\e - : m*" are BETTER E Our (iiotery Departi 5 fresh, reliable goods?we 2 guarantee satisfaction. We pay highest prices for < hulls at lowest prices. Come tc 2 Agents for Studebaker Wagons i 2 Convenient wagon yard, w ?*ssae U *" -i sVj \ mg selections e Sole agent ? ?e ?.*?. T. A. ] Opposite Post Office, THE PEICES TELI J. B. FRID Wholesale; Grocers, Flo Fee We Want the Merchants, Pla ington County to Call and Se< Purchases. We Can Fill Y< i Honey. 1823-1825 Main Sti Owners of Horses and Stock Attention! When your horse has colic, give it a teaspoonful od the tongue of DR. BOYD'S SURE POP COLIC CURE, and then wait a few minutes and see how quickly the animal is relieved. Price 50 cents. * Dr. Boyd's Sure Pop Fever and Cough Remedy will relieve your horse of shipping cold, pneumonia and dis* T>-* CA temper, jtricu uu uemo. Dr. Boyd's Eye Remedy will cure inflamation oftheeye9. Price 50 cents. Dr. Boyd's Magnetic Ointment, nothing equals it for sore shoulders, cuts and scratches. Price 25 cents. Dr. Boyd's Horse Powders. This remedy is a thorough blood purifier, invigorator, digester, and a thorough worm eradicator. Price 25 cents. Dr. Boyd's Poultry Food. Aids digestion, gives strength while moulting, stimulates the hen to lay in winter when hen eggs bring the most. Price 25 cents. Dr. Boyd's Family Liniment is a great counter-irritant for all pains, and a preparation of great power when applied externally. Price 25 cents. For Sale by HARMA^'S BAZAAR, Lexington, 8, 0. HARDWARE Screen Doors and Windows, let Cream Churns, Refrigerators, all siz?s, Lawn Mowers, Rubber Hose, Mantles, Tiles, Grates, Cook Stoves and Ranges, Cutlerv and Tableware. t S. STEWART, 1526 Main St Columbia, S. C. (LING & GO. j SWANSEA, S. C. ?e carry everything in S leneral Merchandise. { fou will find our store eadquarters for Shoes, cloihing and ? tents' Furnishings, Dry ioods and Notions, Hats, 8 to. I nent is always full of ? only handle the best and 2 cotton seed and sell meal and J ) us before you sell. >nd Buggies-Best on the market. J II itli ample room for stock. % ? shoesT js that looked the rugged thless. run o?er at " ^ way. sewing ?*? *" 'ji: gainst th se things, especially in foot-r ?u: il. v... i.i ? j_ jLLu.ue.ui ui gelling uie uest ijutuiiy iuui ey can buy, take advantage of the large k constantly available for making pleasit our store. for W. L. Douglas Shoes for n :H, $l.oC BOYNE, Columbia, SC THE QUALITY SELLS AY & CO., and Retail ur, d and Gi'ain. vnters and Farmers of Lexv Us Before Tliey Make Their our Wants and Save You reet, Columbia, S. C | health and vitality for the | j [Scott's Emulsion I | is Nature's best and quick* I a est help. University Claim Sustained. Columbia?The Supreme court last week gave its reasons, in an opinion, for the confirming of a title to a certain piece of property here that was the cause of dispute between the University and the city schools. The case, of considerable local interest, had to do with the old academy that was here, this institution claiming the property in part known as "Gibbes' Green," however, the Supreme court issued a per curiam order j sustaining the University in its title tO tniB prupurL^ , itlKi ftavu iuu icaouuo | which arc technical points of law. 1<8;? Yoggmen Begin Sentence. Fred Cunningham alia9 Eddie Fay, and Frank Chester alias "Little Dick'* Morris, cwo of the three yeggmen who burglarized the Richmond, Va., postoftice on March 27, and got away with $S5,000 worth of stamps, were landed in the Federal prison in Atlanta, Ga., last week, where they were sentenced to serve ten years and pay a fine of $6,000 each, by the Federal court at Richmond. Fay is known as one of most desperato criminals in the world J and i9 said to bo worth half a million dollars or more. j South Carolina Sorrows Money. Columbia?The State of South Carolina has borrowed $200,000 for rnnnirg expenses for the year. The money was secured in New York and through the Palmetto bank of this city. The interest is 4 per cent., which is considered low. The rate last year was 3 per cent. It is estimated that the state will have to borrow $600,000 before the end of the year. Congressman Sherwood of Ohio, predicts that the next house of representatives will be Democratic by a majority of 346 to 45 Republicans. A Louisville, Ky., woman committed suicide last we erected for the storing of freight which is to be handled by the railway and the line of steamships that the company intends to ply on the Congaree river between this city and the coast. Charleston and Georgetown will be giyon a boat line to the city of Columbia. | Not only has the company been given the right to convey freight of all kinds but also mail and passengers. All powers to navigation companies have been named in the petition for a charter.?The State 2S. Wisdom Anyway. I was teaching a nf litfclp j7?rls i . n 1 one of them had the toochacho. Naturally for a time the conversation turned to teeth. The little sufferer thought perhaps it wa9 a wisdom tooth but I explained that she would not have one till she was grown. "Well, does everyone have wisdom teeth?" "Yes, why?" "I thought maybe if you didn't go to school very much the wouldn't grow!"?The Delineator for May. The Sentry's Error. An officer tells this good story: "A French sentinel in Algeria bad for colonel a very tall, lanky, round shouldered man. "This round shouldered colonel one night was making a quiet inspection. Passing the sentinel, he found, to his rage and indignation, that he was not challenged. So he returned to the man and roared: "Tou didn't challenge me!' " 'N-no, sir/ faltered the sentinel, saluting. " 'Well, why didn't you?' the colonel demanded. " 'Excuse me, sir,' said the sentinel, *but 1 thought?1 beg your pardon, sir?I thought you was a camel.'"?Paris Figaro. What She Should Have Said. Two colored women were standing on a downtown corner yesterdajr afternoon talking. "Miss Williams have came home,'* said one. The other laughed. "Ma goodness," she said. "Why don't yo' leahn yoh grammah?" "What did I say that wah gramraahlessr" asked the other. "You said 'have came.'" The first speaker was provoked. "Well, yo' knows so much about ?? iii in graramati, now tell me wnat snouia I V said ?" she demanded. "To' should 'a* said, *Miss Williams has came home,'" replied the other.?Denver Post. As Others Saw Him. A rather pompous looking deacon was endeavoring to impress upon the young minds of a class of boys the importance of living a Christian life. "Why do people call me a Christian, children ?" the worthy dignitary asked, standing very erect and smiling down upon them. A moment's pause, then a shrill little voice was heard to say, "Because they don't know you." Notico Of Teachers' Ezaaina tion And Other Matters. I desire to call to the attention of teachers and others who desire to teach the fact that the teachers' examination will held here on Friday, the 6th day of May, 1910, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. All applicants will please be on time and shall provide themselves with large* size paper and other necessary stationery. It will be well for all teachers to note that the State Hoard, of Education will submit questions pertaining to agriculture. So, it will be necessary to giyo some attention to this subject before the examination. Under the law, it is absolutely necessary that all teachers shall have certificates. It is a pleasure for me to announce also that there will be a summer j school here this year. In a subsequent issue of this paper will be given | the day on which the school will open, the length of the term and all othar necessary information. It is earnes,ly desired that all teachers of the county should attend the school, as [ its object is to give them, especially j u ?whnlpk;nme instrne- 1 [ .... j tion upon the manner and method of ! teaching, besides other vital subjects j that are taught in all schools, j I would be glad if the teachers of the county would let me know at their earliest opportunity how long a term they would like to have. Tne school can run six weeks or two months. Let me know which would be preferable. Very truly. A. D. Martin, County Superintendent Education. i i tmmmmmmm?mmmmm? Wj^^maWBO?1M imMMHMKtuiaaBMinauaKMMMniaMMBnaa FOOT Ifl Shoes for Comfort Shoes for Style Shoes for Wear Low Quarters, ? Slippers, ^ j Sandels. @ / SKk chea; and ( Lever,T ??^m?mmuo?p?mp IT | SOUTHERN K Unexcelled Dining C< ^ Through Pullman Sleeping ^ Convcnisnf Schedules o For full information as 1 Southern Rail V V/Uui;tui> ? 'f> J. C. LUSK, D. P. J. L. MEEK, A. G. P. A., At! ^ ^ e have them from the pest to the highest izes for men, women children. : Your Next Pair Be A ^ALK-OVER 50 and $4.00 HE SHOE MAN, IN COLUMBIA. * M Pfe urn m A A I i wry Shoes oods. Notions and Shoes s It is needless f or you :an save you money on evies is complete, and my q buy and sell turpentine. -than, S. C. " > y Lexington Friends I am ready to serve you iw one of the most comete stocks of shoes to be und in the city and at oney saving prices. My ^ m is always to give you le best for the least money. Farmers' heavy work ices a specialty. arman's Sboe Store 1725 Hain Street POSTOFFICE BLOCK COLUMBIA, S. C. staurant, oprietor, rsa! Bank COLUMBIA, S. C. t in Columbia. or Ladies and Gentlemen at all Hours?Night or Day ational Bank, , s. c. 1 States Government, the State lty of Richland and the City island $100,000 State or South Corporations and Individuals. in rmr SaTirxTq "T)fvnart,mttllfc. in AU. ? ~x- ? your business to yoar entire iNK, - - Columbia, S. C. ',000.00 J. P. Matthews. Cashier s ? w ;o rates, routes, etc j way Ticket Agent, or v . A., Charleston, S. C ^2$ ^ lanta, Ga. ^