The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 04, 1910, Image 3

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r RED JACKI CYLINDERS A > Pitcher Sp No. 1 No. 2 No. a Fig. 48?A Deep Well Pui Fig. 40?Heavy force pumj for 1 1-4,1 1-2, or 2 pi] wind mill work at Prices on pipe and fittin make a specialty of fitting they leave onr shop. SE1 LEE A. LOR 1519 MAIN STREET 9 - ? - - _ nwwwwww I 40,000 Roll | WALL ? Largest and most varied stoc ^ . close, call f YOU NEED GOOD PAINT r Picture Frames Made to Or | Webb's / y # 1627 Main Street ?wwwwww r GINl factors. Pipes, Valves end Pfttiass, Light Sa Cane Mills ia stock. LOMBARD IF COMPANY, Augusta, Ca. There's just no getting away from facts. , When I stand Square on both feet and tell you 1 am selling better harness for less money than you ever paid before. I'm telling facts ?and I can prove it. Neighbor, don't buy a thing in I the harness line 'till you get my j? prices. Here are a few: 8 J Plow Collars at 30c. I Plow Bridles at 75c. I $2.50 Leather Collars at... $ 1.50. I LET'S HELP THE MULE WILSE W. MARTIN, I 1118 Plain St., Columbia, S. C. 1 lsBHMB9HHflHH90HHMPISPK9VBBMUS9BHXB SOUTHERN RAILWAY \ SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JUNE 20. ' ( N. B. These schedule figures show the time that trains may be expected to ' arrive and depart, but the times stated are not guaranteed. DEPARTURES FROM LEXINGTON. NORTHBOUND. 10:18 A. M.?No. 8, daily for Columbia and intermediate points connecting at Columbia for Spartanburg and Asheville. Parlor cafe car Columbia to Asheville. Arrive Colombia 10:50 a. m., Spartanburg 5:15 p.m., Asheville 9:15 p. m. 4 J:55 P.M.?No. 130, daily for Columbia, Washington and the East also connects at Colombia for Asheville. Through Pullman sleeping car to New York. Pnllman sleeping car Columbia to Asheville. Arrive Columbia 7; 30 p. m., Washington 10:40 a. m., New York 5:00 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. 7:28 A. M.?.No. lay, daily lor Augusta and intermediate points. Arrivo Augusta 10:10 a in. Pullman car. 5:44 P.'M.?No. 7, daily for Augusta and intermediate points. Arrive Augusta 8:1:5 p. m. Summer excursion tickets now on sale. For further information call on ticket agents, or E. H. Coapman, Washington, D. C, ; H. F. Cary, G. P. A., Washington, D. 0. J. L. Me*k, A. G. P. A Atlanta, Ga. Alex. H. \cker, T. P. A Augusta, Ga. nit ? v. a n C&WiAJg" MWWUiUVf, The Champion New Home, NewAcme and other new improved ? drop head machines; nicely finished in oak; easy running and perfect sew-in?; fully guaranteed; for sale at factory prices for cash, or on easy payments, at The Bazaar, tf Kice B. Harman ET PUMPS ND SUPPLIES out Pumps $1.25 each $1.50 each <fei 7^ QQ /%ll { i v* f U ^/CtV^JLL j f aps with cylinder at$4.00. >s, with cock spout, tapped )e for deep well, hand or $6.00 gs at lowest prices. We up pumps for wells before ID US YOUR ORDERS. ICK& BRO. COLUMBIA, S. C. fcVVVVVVWVVW-J Is of Select 5 PAPER \ k in the State, goods marked C and see us, J AT $1.15 PER GALLON. 5 At ^ - -1- - ^ oer uneaper man usowngro. * irt Store S Columbia, S. C. 4 ww*vwvvwv5 EPAIRS RtBS, Bristle Twioe, Babbit. &c.t far any make ENGINES* BOILERS and PRESSES epairt for same. Shaftin*, Pulleys. Belting, In> tw. Sbharle. and Latb Mais, Gasoline Engine* ION WORKS AND SUI^f^LV ID, HARMAN DEALER IN General Hercbaodise Staple Line GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, HARDWARE, ENAMEL WARE. TIN I WARE, ETC. - - I I Lexington, S. C. I Highest Prices Paid pr Old Scrap Iron of any kind, Brass and all kinds, Old Rags and Bones. Remember my place is opposite the Gibbes Machinery Co., Gervais St. Make no mistake and go elsewhere but come to the COLUMBIA JUNK CO., J. Orenstein, Prop. 805 Cerxais St. Columbia, S. C, HARNESS I carry a full line of homemade HARNESS, FARM GEARS, such as traces, names, bridles, collars, etc. Repair Work a Specialty. If you need anything in this line, s<"e me before you buy. I guarantee to please in every transaction. E. A. Tellers, 933 Sarvass S!. Columbia, S. C. Garden Seed. The Bazaar has just received a fresh shipment of Ferry's and Crosman's reliable garden s^ed and will be pleased to hav? you call for vonr wants in this line. Results guaranteed. 61 Ws LilOLER, Chapin, S. CHas an up-to-date line of uurtins ARU uAdRcia On hand, at prices to suit everybody, Prices range fmm $l.o() up to $50.00. Call on me and I will save you money, I am prepared to furnish a hearse when' { ever desired in connection with my unj ertaking business. Jan. 2. Sir FOR TO^ND UVE^^ A torpid liver deranges the whole system, and produces 1 3JCK HEADACHE, ? Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rhea ntotism, Sallow Skia and Piles* ! There is no better remedy for these common diseases than E)R. TUTT'f i LIVER PILLS, cs a trial will prove fake No Substitute. : The Weather. Us farmers in the country, as the sea- 1 sons go and come, Is purty much like other folks?we're : apt to grumble some ! The spring's too back'ard fer us, er too for'ard?ary one? We'll jaw about it anyhow, and have our way er none ! The thaw's set in too Euddent; er the frost's stayed in the soil Too long to give the wheat a chance, and crops is bound to spoil. The weather's eether too mild, er too outrageous rough, Ane altogether too much rain, er not half rain enough ! I Now what I'd like and what you'd like is plyne enuff to see: It's jest to have old Proveddence drop round on you and me 1 And ast us what our views is first, rei garin' shine er rain, i And post 'em when to shet er off, er ( let her on again ! And yet I'd ruther, after ali?ccnsidern other chores 1 I' got on hand, a-tendin' bo^h to my > affares and yours? > Id ruther miss the blame I'd git a-rul> ing things up there, I And spend my extry time in praise and gratitude and prayer. ) ?James Whitcomb Riley. i _ . Will Promote Beauty Women desiring beauty get wonderful help from Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It banishes pimples, skin eruptions, sores and boils. It makes the skin soft and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures sore eyes, cold sores, cracked lips, chapped hands. Best for burns, scalds, fever sores, cuts, braises and piles. 25c at Kaufmann Drug Co., Derrick's I Drug Store, Sandel Drug Store. S. T. Brown, a motorman, and W. H. Bryson, a conductor, of the Atlanta, Ga., street railway, were held up by three negro highwaymen Saturday night of last week. Brown was shot to death and Bryson was fatally wounded. Chamberlain'8 Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear the sour stomach, sweeten the breath and create a healthy appetite. They promote the How of gastrio juice, thereby inducing good digestion. Sold by All Druggistt. Mrs. Hetty Green, owing to her advanced age, is soon to retire from active business operations in New York. Old newspapers for sale at The Dispatch office at 10c hundred. Subscribe for the Home and Farm 1 now?only 25c a year until the first of : May. i State Pensions. The total number of pensioners in 5 this State is 9,554 and the total nnmbor last year was 9,537, showing an increase of seventeen over last year. The total amount appropriated for pensions was $250,000, but it seems ?< that there was a small balance left ; over from last year and the suT*\ appropriated this year is $251,166. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain's Liniment drives away the pain at once and cures the complaint quickly. First aoplication gives relief. Sold by All Druggists. 1 Mrs. Providence Mascari, suffering from leprosy, was discovered in a New York tenement last week, occupying a three room flat containing five children, two men and their wives. More than 4,700 pounds of frozen ? eggs were dumped into the North river, {New York, last week, by the Federal food inspection bureau, as not being fit for huraau food. Old newspapers 10c hundred at The , Dispatch office. 1 WEDDING PRESENTS tl I Diamonds, Jawelry, Watches and Sterling Silver When in need of a present do not forget that we have the largest, best and most beautiful line of goods suitable for presents in the State. We sell them at the lowest | price goods can be sold at. And ? we want you to remember we ? have only genuine solid qualities, fei All rrnnds wp hpII are guaranteed ' | in every way. J | If you cannot come in send ! | your orders by mail. Mailorders ' ( 2 have our personal attention with ! a a guarantee to please. i ? Try us and you will never be j | | disappointed m our goods. ! | SYLVAN BROS. | Jewelers. Columbia, S. C. Obituary. Died in the eighty-fifth year of her age, Mrs. Mary Taylor, who was a daughter of Henry Miller, and about 1S50, married Henry Wingard and moved to Arkansas, who there soon died, leaving her with one child. She came back here and after this t arr d Amos Taj lor, who in November, iSG^ died at Coosawhatchie, S. C., leaving her a widow again with three child-en. She was a faithful member of the n J..* K vnovj o ,1/1 Drtpix?!/ uiiuion Iui uiiwij Jtou mill finely joined the M. E. church, at Boiling Springs and remained a faithful member until death, when she was buried at her church, surrounded by many sorrowing relatives and friends who gave evidence of her being a good woman. Rest mother, thy work is done. Lou? Staple Cotton. An effort is being made by the department of agriculture to encourage the growth of loEg staple cotton and to tins end seed have been furnished to 2,000 farmers in the State. The growth of long staple cotton means a great saving in freight rates, both to the producer and the manufacturer. The textile plants of the State are desirous that the farmers discard the short staple for the long staple cotton. Commissioner Watson and Ira W. Williams, State agent for the United States farm demonstration work in this State, have been urging for some time the growth of the long staple and are using every means of interesting the farmers. Shall Women Vote? If they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true remedy fcr women. For banishing dull, fagged feelings, backache or headache, constipation, dispelling colds, imparting appetite and toning up the system, they're nneqnaled. Easy, safe, sure. 25c at Kaul'mann Drug Co., Derrick's Drug Stare, Sandel Drug Store. Used Stock of Sun. Spartanburg, April, 29?Dan Belcher, a well known white man of Valley Falls, was struck in the head by Jeff Whitesidrs. colored, las week and seriously wounded. The negro was arrested and lodged in jail* White9ides and Be.cher got into an altercation and Whitesides, who was armed with a double barreled 9hotgun took the weapon and clubbed Belcher in the head with the butt of it. For More Than Three Decades Foley's Honey and Tar has been a household favorite for all ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. For infants and children it is best and safest as it contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. None genuine but Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Refuse substitutes. All Druggtsts of Lexington?Henry Drug Store Chapiu S. 0. The Southern Railway has announced an increase of wages to its employees of 3*4 cents per hour. The trial of Dr. B. Clarke Hyde, for the murder of hi9 wife's uncle, Col. Swope, which ba3 been in progress for the last two weeks, at Kansas City, Mo., will probably continue a montb longer. The testimony of the prosecution so far is showing up strongly against the defendant. Never hesitate about giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to children. It contains no opium or other narcotics and can be given with implicit confidence. As a quick cure for coughs and colds to which children are susceptible, it is unsurpassed. Sold by All Druggists. 11? i i. *"15tg 15111'' i^eiiiner, a notorious Boston character, charged with being a "steerer" for the fake faro bank of New York, which fleeced Geo. W. Coleman, bookkeeper of the National City bank of Cambridge, Ma9S., out about $2C0,000, was arrested last week. Thirty-eight dead i9 the result of a coal mine explosion in the Mulga mine of Birmingham, Ala., district, last week. Foloy Kidney Pills contain in concentrated form ingredients of established thereapeutic value for the relief and cure of all kidney and bladder ailments. All Druggists of Lexington?Henry Drug Store Ohapin S. C. | [Prince Tsai Tao, chief of the staff of the Chinese Imperial army, and a large party of army officers, arrived in San Francisco last week 011 a tour of the world, seeing the various army organizations of this country and Europe. The estate of Mark Twain is estimated by his publishers as being well above the million mark. His bouks and short stories were the best sellers among the products of American authors. Foley Kidney Pills are antiseptic, tonic and restorative and a prompt corrective of all urinary irregularities. Refuse substitutes. Ail Druggists of Lexington?Henry Drug Store (Jhapin S. 0. Tho Homo and Farm. The time for securing the Homo and Farm, the Soutli's leaning farm paper, tor the small sum of 25e, in connection with The Dispatch expires on the 31st of ??Iay, alter which date the price will be 5Uc. lietter sena in renewals now. Does Nod Ayer's Sarsaparilla does not you feel better one day, thei is not a strong drink. No r There is not a drop of aicoh even gain that comes from We wish you would ask knows. Trust him. Do as h llfL-i ?^ A ?- ntii. } ? ? n*ii _ rt. vviidi arc nyer s mis : Liver mis. no years. Do doctors recommend them: Stock Foi We are prepared to sell y market at lowest prices, by Ji highest market for all f If you have any ready prices for delivery at once. G tract for steers. We guarante Columbia S J* Ei DAB*. 1037 Lincoln St Fi+7m! a d v 1704 and 1706 MAIN ST, Dry Goods, Notions, CI Art Squar Spring and I We are ready to show yoi of Goods in our line to come tc of Goods ever shown in this ci merit and you won't have to ] than you would for merchandi Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Linen Suits, Shirt Waists 50c Waists ?4.95 to ?8.50 each. Millinery Department wi] full line of ready-to-wear Hats selection-of Dry Goods in stoc] for men and boys. This is th we have a grand lot of special in price. Boys' Wash Suits fi ?2.00 to ?5.00. Special bar? See us for your money's wortf Wheelwright and Bl We are prepared t Wheelright and Black hoeing, etc. AUTOMOBII We make a specialt and guarantee every jot our care will be prompt Long & LEXING Have Your Pi I Save your I Mottoes and Ce I them framed. I the best possibh I highest grade moi | assortment of moi 1 and the finest g I prices reasonable. I THE BRYAI I COLUMBIA. THE OLD I \ If in need of the v SADDLERY, selected I tucky Horseman" call the greatest variety to s< j best, medium and cheap i . and employ the best work to last longer than i 1517 Main Street : St imuSatel stimulate. It does not make ii as bad as ever the next. It eaction after you stop using it. o! in it. You have the steady, I a strong tonic and alterative.! your doctor about this. Hel e SayS. J. c. A uer Co., Lowell. Mass. I w long have they been sold? Nearly sixty ' Ask your own doctor and find oaU ??mi aama?n? * Fattening ou beef cattle for fattening for lly 1st, and will pay in the fall at cattle. r for sale now let us quote best all and see us before you cone to please you. Stock Yards BY, Manager. Colombia. S. C. iurice's, , COLUMBIA, S. C. othing, Millinery, Matting es and Rugs Summer Wear a, when in Columbia, and in search ) our store for the best selection ty. We handle only goods of pay more for these good Goods ise that has no value. Department.?Skirts, Wash and to $2.50; Net and Evening Shirt 11 be in full swing by Easter. A 5 for ladies' and children. A grand k at the lowest prices Clothing e place to buy your Sj < ng Suit, suits bought at a great ? action rom 65c to $2.00; Wool Sui *Vom Sains for our Lexington li.mds. i. lacksmith Repair Shop o do any and all kinds of smith Repairing, Horse,E REPAIRING y of repairing Automobiles >. All work entrusted to ly executed. Richardson TON. S. C. ctures Framed Pictures, Diplomas, g rtificates by having ? We give customers | 3 workmanship, the | uldings, the largest i nldings to select from 1 lass made and the | M COMPANY S. C. I m ? i RELIABLE ery best in HARNESS and i iy an oldexperienced 'kKenon us where you will find dect from of all grades, . We use the Best Leather workmen. Guarantee our any on the market. 3 Columbia, S. C.