f f THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. t ?= & Bepresentatitre Newspaper. Botrers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Bounties Like a Blanket. WkM=====z ? f #VOL TTTT LEXINGTON. S. C., WEDNESDAY MAY 4, 1910 ' 27 }[. & ^ I MC 5? I DEPOSIT IT I WHEN iYOU HAVE A SUEPLtJS, WITH HOME NA OF TO DEPOSITORS We offer the best i time deposits and i TO BORROWERS We furnish the "n estate security at < : First Class Dental Dr. L L. TOO 1608 Main Street, f C0L Polios School Closes Frid The school at Pelion closes on Friday evening, after having a successful term. An elaborate ' gramme, which will donbtl lss both interesting and entertaining been arranged for the occasion, i large crowd is expected. L . log. " * Prof. A. O. Carson, oftheUnivi of South Carolina, will delivei v annual literary addr988. Hon. W Sharpe has also been invited anc accepted an invitation to make a dress. The exercises will begin o'clock, and the public is cordial: vited. LET US 1 it (11/ yf E? C. Di Outfitters lor Men and ( "W. I l?a<> MAIN 8TRI Solicits a Sha >I?EY $ BORROW IT $ WHEN $ IN NEED. S FROM THE kTIONAL BANK LEXINGTON security with liberal rates of interest on javings accounts. eedful" at all times on personal or real cheapest rates and on easy terms. Work at Reasonable Prioe These are My Prices: Best Plates (rubber base) $10. Gold Crowns $5. Bridge Work (per tooth) $5. i Logan Crowns (pivot tooth) $3. Teeth Extracted (painless) 25c. and 5( Teeth Cleaned 75c. and $1. Silver Fillings 50c. to $1. Gold Fillings $1.00 to $2. TREATING TEETH EXTRA. >LE, - Surgeon Dentis Opposite Thomas' Drug Stor UMBIA, S. C. >ay. Ho Likes Suck Surprises. next . It's an old saying: the best adv< ^ioamonl' io o nlooaori nnif.Mnoi1 IIOUIU^UV ID Ct |/*VWOVV? vur very - It happens to us continually in tl way: A man bays Devoe for his hou pro- ?he has painted it once in three yes orove *or a <*og's-age, aD(* thinks he kno1 p what he wants?bays 30 gallons, a: ?' has ija9 jo left. md a He sees right-off that 20 Devoe is much as 30 of anything else. He lik that; it comes quick; it is a surprie and he tells of it. The best adverth srsity ment is a pleased customer. r the ? Three years roll round. There isi T jT a sign that his house paint; he doi ' ' paint it. Next year he don't paint : I has This comes slow; it is a surprise; b ,n ad- he has got used to it. Still the be at g advertisement is a pleased custorrH . . 12 The Kaufmann Drug Co. ly in- . , , j i Subscribe for The Dispatch. SHOW YOU The best line of Clothing in Ameri ca for the price, | "Griffon Clothes." \ We are agents for Walkj Over and Crossett Shoes, M Stetson and No-Name Hats. f In our Furnishing Department you will only find the best. We sell the best makes at the same price as others. reher & C?.s Boys. Lexing ten, S. C - - J v . * iLOBE DRY BO( 3:. SET, re of Your Valued Patr The County Convention. The Lexington County Democratic convention was held in the court house on Monday with nearly every precinct in the county represented. County Chairman D. F. Eflrd, in a ringing speech, announced the purpose of the meeting, its duties, etc. Upon motion of Col. E. L. Asbill, of Leesville, the Hon W. H. Sharpe was elected temporary president. Upon fabino the nhair Mr Shame thanked "" '"B ?- ~ 1? the convention for the honor conferred upon him. For more than twentyfive consecutive years Mr. Sharpe has been identified with the interest of the county in political affairs. He has held various offices and has served a number of terms in the house and in the senate. State Senator Crosson ( / was elected temporary vice-president; ( I Jame9 B. Addy temporary secretary; L. W. Wise temporary assistant sec- 1 retary, and Capt. John G. Guignard treasurer. All of these officers were subsequently made permanent. _ Upon motion of Dr. R. H. Timmer? man, of Batesburg, the Hon. D. Frank Eflrd was unanimously elected county chairman, a position he ha9 filled for < the past two years with conspicuous * 1 ability. Hon George Bell Timmerman non inated Col. D. J. Grflfith for re-elec- . < n0 tion as a member of the State execu- \ u tive committee. The mention of Col. < 00 Griffith's name broughtforth a storm i 00 of applause from the convention. The ] 50 genial Col., as he rose to respond, was < . visibly affected and feelingly did he < thank the people of his home county j 00 for the continued confidence reposed 00 in him. Col. Griffith although a resi- < q0 dent of Columbia now, being super- J intendent of the state penitentiary, , still belongs to the old Lewiedale dem- 1 . ocratic club and never fails to attend J its meetings. There is no more pop- . 1 'ular gentlemen in the county today rhan F> .T drifflih. 0 The following were elected delegates a to the state convention which meets in Columbia on the third Wednesday in this month: Congressman A. F. k Lever, George Bell Timmerman, G. A. Guignard, E. L. Asbill, Jas. B. Addy, E. U. Shealy, W. Q. Jackson and J. iT" B. Wingard, with the following as # ^ alternates: Dr. D. M. Crosson, Isaac .! "8 Edwards, Jos. L. Amick, Dr. J. L. 86 Shuler, J. S. Huffman. irS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. nd The following are the members of the executive committee: as Crouc's Store?W. H. Hendrix. :t.8 Brookland?G. A. Guignrrd. |0; Ballentine?E. T. Ranch. )el Lexington?B. H. Barre. Leesviile?F. H. Hendrix. i Summit?F. P. Shealy. Oak Grove?R. E. Miller. It. Irene?J. P. Wilson. ,ut Swansea?W. L. K. Johnson. ;st Pool's Mill?C. C. Justus. Pino Dirlnro_T W A mio.lr i A, ItlU V* M ? A A. *41 A A Piney Woods?J. J. Frick. Brook?J. Ansel Caughman. Irmo?Dr. J. L. Shaler. Boiling Spring No. 1?J. A. Shealy. ? Hollow Creek No. 2?G. F. Keisler. m Pond Branch?John M. Sharpe. Gaston?M. L. Pound. ISteadman?A. B. Quattlebauin. Nate's School House?J.S.Huffman. Spring Hill?L. H. Eleazer. Fo k's School House?J. Chapman. Delingo?J. E. Buff. Hollow Creek, No. 1?T. E. Rawl. Batesbnrg?Geo. B. Timmerman. White Rock?E. U. Shealy. Hilton?J. E. Epting. Chapin?G H. Shealy. Peak?O. L. Mayor. Sandy Run?J. K. Rncker. St. ftfathew's?J. D. McCartha. Samaria?Isaiah Howard. Pelion?L. W. Wise. Rishton?B. F. Berry. Lewiedale?W. T. Craps. Edmund?W. H. Sharpe. Deserved Promotion. The Dispath learns with pleasure of the promotion of Mr. J. B. Rhnde Meetze to the important position of I manager of the Armour Packing Co , at Columbia. This is a deserved pr< motion and a compliment to the ability I of Mr. Meetze. He is a Lexington bay, being a son ol the late John H. Meetze. He began his business career with the firm of Meetze. & Son, and has only been with the Armour Company for about two years. That he will continue to "make good," goes g. without saying. I Mrs. Lavinia Hsndriz. a Leesyille, May 2.?Mrs. Lavinia I Hendrix died at her home in LeesI ville last night at 11 o'clock. She was I buried this afternoon at 5 o'clock. | Mrs. Hendrix was 71 years old She I was the mother of Frank, Walter and 1 Hamp Hendrix and Mrs. Lamb Matb|| ows and Mrs. Jesse Hendrix, all cf S Leesville. m | Mrs. Hendrix was one of the earlim est settlers of Leesvilie, and had a jf large circle of friends throughout Lexffl j ington county. Ml ! 0 ? I Dental 3JTotic0. 9 j I will he at. Chapin, S. on Thurs J | day and Friday, Mnv 12ll? and 13th, i prepared to do dental work. Those j wishing to do so may take advantage J of this opportunity. \ 2\v Dr. L. L. Toole. )DS COfflPAN , Jie., onage. Polite and Pro Death of Mias BTleeklev. I This entire community was shocked on Friday by the announcement of the death of Miss Amanda Kleckley. She had been in feeble health for several months, but not until Monday did her condition become serious. Mjss Kleckley was |nearly 70 years old dnd for the iast 35 years had made her home with Hon. and Mrs. Geo. S. Drafts. She was of retiring disposition, unassuming in her manner, and had a large number of friends. Brief Services were held at the Drafts hotel on Friday afternoon, conducted by her pastor, the Rev. J. A. Cromer, after which the body was carried to the Drafts burying ground about four miles from Lexington for interment, a large party accompanying the body to its last resting place. Mr. Edwin G. Dreher, the popular clothier and gents' furnisher, spent Sunday in Columbia. Alfred J, Fox,! Real Esiafe i and Insurance, ; i r nvTrnTnw . fi f! I =? I ] FOR SALE t i 135 % acres, lj miles from Gil- j ' beri, enough timber to build > | . dwelling and outhouses, plenty > i water. | | 235 acres, 3J miles from Ed- > i mtmd, plenty oak and tie timber. | | One lot 84x200 with 4-room > i cottage fronting on Hill street } | and Summerland ave, in town of i | Batesburg, S. C. ? < 1 8 h. p. engine and boiler, 1 | j 50 saw gin, conenser and press, 1 > ] thresher No. 8. > < 105 acres 4 miles from Steed- [ < man, 30 acres open land, 5room > | dwelling. ; t 72 acres near Styx on Southern J i railway company, 30 acres in ul- > ( tivation, 3 room house, deep well > | and good orchard. | i One-half acre lot in Lexington, ( ( 3 room dwelling. > j 29 4-10 acres near Lexington, | timbered. > acres near Saxe-Gotha > mills, 0 room dwelling, outbuild- g ing, good orchard, plenty water. | 194 acres near Saxe Gotha Mills | 105 acres one mile from Lexing- i ton depot; 75 acres cleared; young P ' 1 - wins t-liPAn orVl r I Ui UIitli U) UCCH a uuo vaaavmqm < place; fruit never fails. i j - 20 acres near Lexington. > < One lot in town of Lexington. | ] One lot on Main street of Lex- > | ington; good building. ( 45 acres,3 miles from Lexington, < 9 acres open land. Plenty water. > ] 3 acres, good dwelling near [ < Lexington. > 1 87 acres, 2 miles from Macedon, > J 22 acres open land, new bam, \ ( enongh lumber on ground to ? ] build 4 room dwelling, clay soil. 1 \ 100 acres, miles from Maced- | ( on, 30 acres open land, some pine i ] timber, plenty water, nearly all 1 j clay soil. | i 79 acres, 1} miles from Maced( on, 36 acres "open land, 4 room | dwelling, barn and stable9, good > < pasture and plenty water, gray > J soil. | j One No. 3 J. C. Steele brick mill > ( 280 acres four miles from > ( Steedman on Black Creek. | I ? j J Write or call to see me ! i AT | ! THE HOME 3 birveauii DAASftf NAIBUNAL DMnn, i \ ) < ) | Lexington, S. C j < > < > ! The American Live Stock ! ] insurance Company > I j Insures Horses, Mules and [ j Cattle against Fire, Lightning, M < Accident and Sickness. For ? i rates apply to | < ALFRED J. FOX, ! i jj Lexington, 5. u. | % ? '. ? '. * .'* ' -m i . I ^.Gr E3IES., COLUMBIA, N. C. mpt Attention. Oot/)h#?r ARE WE JUST1I Perhaps we ought to achievement. But, you know 1 more he wants." This being ti in soliciting new business; and are so well equipped to handle Citizen's Bank i Batesburg, 1892. Lexington Sa\ LEXINGTON, Capital, Surplus and Undividi 5 per cent, interest paid on being; computed semi-annually. D received. Commercial accounts also give Ample facilities for handling account will he appreciated. Safety deposits boxes for rent, W. P. ROC IJm Bank of < : : : CHAPIN, The Bank That Ai Thi9 bank aims to give you good se checks for you?furnish drafts for s always glad to a9si9t you in business tirifh <-hia hank. whieh makes a noin Ipositors. Our certificates of deposit We cordially invite the farmers as 1 their banking with U9. ^ J. S. WESSINGER, President. f brooklani NEW BROOKL/ Iw We Want your business. It is out m your money with us until you need times a year. W J. C. GUIGNARD, JjV Vice-President. ?a^?? I Plant Your Doll They will yield a sure har SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, | good or bad, and, if the "KAli the principal as well as the int mediately had. Only a small amount is n< i Let us start the Saving Habit I THE STATI COLUMBIA Wm. Barnwell, President. John T. Melton, AI 11 'nsur I V 1 00 es*'m2 Absoiutei cost is lo* J. T. COLEMAN Mgr. AL Charleston, S. C. THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE Incorporated as a stock company John F. Dryden, President. . .? ; . j * # - ". * IED? be satisfied with present 'the more a man gets the rue, we are then justified especially so, since we it. if Batesburg, s. c. 1910. dngs Bank, s. c. id Profits PQO.OO. savings deposits i terest deposits of $1.00 over m special attention, your business, and youi $1.00 per year. IF, President and Cashier l Chapin I S. C. : : : I ccommodates I irvices. We cash odt-of-town 8 ending money way. We are a matters. Make your deposits H t of good treatment of its de- B bear interest at 5 per cent. fl well as the business men to do 8 J. F. HONEYCUTT, Cashier % YHban jC i md, s. c. m _ - _i ..... /h i aesiro 10 picdso. l.m*d yisi it We pay interest four Hi L. S. TROTTI, President ars With Us 1 vest of interest in our I whether the season be 1 MY DAY" should come, | erest earned, can be im- 1 seded to open an account. jj \ for you. j? E BANK | s. c. | Geo. L. Baker, Vice President: m Cashier. w Prudential ance policy contains ites. Every item is y guaranteed. The V. FRED J. FOX, Special Agent, LEXINGTON, S. C. COMPANY OF AMERICA, by the State of New Jersey Home Office, Newark, N. J , > >? ' i * ,