Gagr? The shooting, tearin by excitement of the r pain. Sloan's Liniment, a stops neuralgia pains a that feeling of numbn paralysis, and by its t muscular tissues, give: j ate relief. / * One Applicat Mr. J. C. Lee, of iioo Ni 0 4i I advised a lady who was a gr< ment. After one application th< | r "with it since." ^ 1 blO ir fit Li nil is the best remedy f( Joints and Sprains ar At All Druggists. Pric Sloan's Treatise on the B DR. EARL S. SLOA .' - - HMHHUn Highest Prices Paid for Oid S Iron of any kind, Brass and kinds, Old Rags and Bones. t>nmcmKo? mtr rlftrtpi is nniOsitn t **' 't* Gibbes Machinery Co , G rvaW Make no mistake and go elsewl bat come to the COLUMBIA JUNK CO., J. Orenstein. Prop. 805 Gerxais St. Columbia, S V ^===EE >. $ % ! W: S;"" - Ki , ?: 5 * I . . 1 * * ? : ! \ , \ N V \ ' . . J . V > ' ' > * ii iJUiJ^nB?wrM??wmmmmmmm?? | Stops i Pains k\ g pains of neuralgia are caused lerves. Sciatica is also a nerve l soothing external application, t once, quiets the nerves, relieves ess which is often a warning of onic effect on the nervous and > permanent as well as immediO", ion Relieved the Pain* nth St., S. E., Washington, D. C., writes: ? iat sufferer from neuralgia to try Sloan's Linii pain left her and she has not been troubled an's . tneni flh )r Rheumatism, Stiff IjKI? I e 25c., 60c. and ft.00. V.: I ifgljll I orse sent Free. Address ^ K 1 N, BOSTON, MASS. 1 crap I WHEELWRIGHT AND BLACKSBSlTf a'l We are prepared to do any kind o: repair work on buggies, and wagons > the rubber tires put on in short notice. Iiere Horseshoeing a Specialty, We solicit a share of your patronagi and guarantee satisfaction. J. E. RAWL & COMPANY. '* At Rawl Old Stand. Lexington, S. C > I e Farmers To Organize Saturday. On next Saturday, the 9th, the farmers of Lexington county will organize a County Corn Growers' Association. That such an organization will be of vast interest to every farmer in the county is a foregone conclusion, and it is hoped that every farmer in the county will try and be at the meeting. Much interest has already been manifested in the greater growing of corn, but it is the purpose of those in charge of the government demonstration work, to further arouse the interest of the people in growing more and bett>r corn. With the many prizes already offered for the largest yield of corn, and with the very large number who have already signified their intention of making an effort to gain the prize, it seem9 certain that the yield of corn " * ?i~n? ; 4-K;q I will oe very matermuy xuureciacu tiixo year. The meeting will be held in the court house, beginning at 11 o'clock. Enumerators Appointed. The following enumerators have be^n appointed to take the cen9U9 for thi* cmnty, beginning on April 15th: Black Creek Township?Wood Recorder, Pelion. Boiling Springs Township?Ioor Hayes. Lexington. Broad River Township?Edward L. Eleazer, Chapin; John A. Lever, Chapin. Bull Swamp Township?Samuel J. Derrick, Swansea. Batesburg Township?John B. Towill, Batesburg. Chinquepm Township?John B. Towill, Batesburg, Congaree Township, including Brookland?W. R. Lowe, Brockland; excluding Brookland, M. G. Caughman, Brccklard. Fork Township?Webster W. Amick, Irmo; Wm P. Cline, Jr, Irmo. Gilbert Hollow?"Willie E. Long, Gilbert; R. Kirk Donley, Gilbert. Hollow Creek Township?Miss Eunice R. Wessinger, Lexington. Lexington Township?Geo D. Hays, | Lexington; J. W. Addv, Lexington. i Platte Springs Township?J. R. Lang- I ford, Swansea. Saluda Township?Appointee not yet ! commissioned. Mr?. Shaaly Has Resigned. Mrs. E. L. Shealy has resigned as postmistress at Summit, effective on April 1. The office is now in the store of R. 0. Shealy & Co., and Mr. R. O. Shealy is postmaster. ^ C L 1 ?r Una bftrl r?*-? nr? -.M13. lido uau an uuuiuncii service of nearly 25 years, and the of fice ha9 been in the family for 36 I years. ? FINAL DISCHARGE. > This is to notify aJl persons that I will apply to Geo. S. Draft9, Esq., Judge of Probate for Lexington County, South Carolina, on the 6th day of 3 May, 1910, for a final discharge a9 administrator of the estate of Dr. M. Q. Hendrix, deceased. W. P. ROOF, . 4w26 Administrator. W. P. Deale General M LEXINCTO " '1 No. 9296. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE HOME NATIONAL BANK OF LEXINGTON, AT LEXINGTON, S. C., IN THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, MAR. 2d, 191C. RESOURCES. Leans and Discounts $86,740 08 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured None U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 25,000 CO Premiums on U. S. Bonds 1,000 CO Banking house, Furniture, and Fixtures 7.000 00 Other Real Estate Owned.. 1,400 00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 8,743 89 Due from approved Reserve Agents 8,248 29 Checks and other Cash ^ Items 2,330 80 Notes of other National Banks 70 00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels, and Cents 100 68 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie '. 2,022 05 Legal-tender motes 2,905 00 Redemption Fund wich U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 1,250 00 Total $141,870 79 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $25,000 00 I Surplus fund 1,000 o0 i Undivided Profits, less Expenses andH, S. C, j?o?mmi m AS WELL AS large ones are welcome here? you need not wait until your business has assumed great proportions before opening a Checking Account, DO SO TO-DAY. Our patrons regardless of the amount of business done, receive every courtesy in all matters of business entrusted to us?and j there is nothing in safe banking ! we cannoc perform. Talk it over ! with our cashier. I > I | CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, COLUMBIA, S. C. SKjw? ewyi ^rhOSkin, Psmoles. Fki^L/ B, B. B. Cures *heve Troubles, Also Eczema and Rheumatism. For twenty-five years Botanic Blood B:ilm (B. IJ. B.) has h'M>u curing yearly thousands of sulTereis from Primary, Secondary or Tertinary Blood Poison, and all forms of 1 ( Blood anil S5?in Diseases. Cancer, Rheuma* I tism end Eczema. We solicit ihe most < b- I stinate re Throat, Pimplo?, Corper-cil- j ored Snots Ulcers on any part of the body, < Hair or Eyebrows falling out, Itching, wa- j t-ry blisters or .open humors. Risings or | pitnpbsof Eczema. Boils, .Swellings, Fating i Sores, take B. B JB It kills the prison, makes ihc b'ood pure and rich, completely | c anging the entire body into a e'ean, healthy condition healing every sore or ' * I pimple and st'-pping all aches, pains and j itching, curi'g t ho worst case of Blood Poi- I son, iihcumatism or Eczema, BOTANIC BLOOD BALM (B. B. B.) is ple-'sant and safe to take: eomp"sed of : pure Botanic ingredients. It purifies and en riches Hie blood DRUGGISTS, $l PER LARGE BOTTLF, \ with directions for hdme cure. , S >ld in Ivxincton by Kaufmann Drug Co . and Derrick's Drug Store. J i??????? BMBa CTMD??PHI RMBOMnMaan FAMOUS REMEDIES Popular and Efficient Household Medicines Sold on Morii nnlv. VIM J Andes' Great Prescription Recommended for Catarrh, all forms of Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Bladder Troubles and purification of the Blood. 85c Andes' Wonderful Oil Used externally and internally, recommended for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache Toothache, Earache, Backache, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Pleurisy, Diarrhoea, Cramps and all aches and pains. 40 c THE KAUFMAN DRUG O MPANY, Sole Agents for Andes' LEXINGTON, - - - - S. C. ^ a| | mm|| m mimm pw>*.7r-ii fim ?i?>?w?n?nrnL.TTi..i SELL THE BEST AMERICAN REFINED SUGAR AT COST We import and roast every pound of 1 HofTec sold by up. Roasted 11c to 35c. Green 10c to 20o. Fine Teas 25c to 80c. Rice sold at Cut Prices. Pure Baking Powder 20c lb; 10c % lb. Walter Baker's Cocoa 20c % lb. Walter Baker's Chocolate 20c yz lbPHONE 157.1639 MAIN ST COLUMBIA, S. C. Dr. Boyd's Sure-Pop Colic Cure !or stock, and his entire line of reliable veterinary remedies for sale at The Bazaar % 0 vf ; r 0