The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, April 06, 1910, Image 3

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| There | to a F< n Hi?i a I man The mer< materials to < sis requires knowledge, of a fertilize] source from plant food is Each im It Koyster goo with a view < the plant frc until harvest is not over! time and si other. T w years experie H every bag. * rt TffAO! E -fc O P ' fag * BEGIJ V y Sold by reliable <3 y the S 0 r C Bnvcb 4 t o vjt v H V NORFO fe FROST PROOF i if GUARANTEED TO & FROM THE ORIGINAL . Ortb^i Otowd. X rorliort I lj-. TRADE MAI II Paid In Capital Stock $30,000 i We grew the first FROST PROOF PLA 1 Bstisfiedcustomera. We barerrown and sole V Southern state* combined. WHY? Because c Order now; it is time to set these plants la yo the ones that sell for the most money. We sow three tons ot Cabbage Seed Write for free catalog: of frost-proof planti tion about fruit and vegetable growing. Pri< 6,000 $1.50 per thousand; 5.000 to S.000 #1.25 per Youngs Island. Oar special express rate on p Wm. C. Geraty Co., Bo: ? LJ A, V? *> | 40,000 Rol | WALL v? t Laigest and most varied st< T close, ca ^ YOU MSED GOOD PAIN ^ Picture Frames Made to ( $ Webb's j ^ 1627 fSain Street lectors. Pipes, Valves imf Fittings, Light Cane Mills in stock. LOMBARD I COMPANY, Aususta, Ga. ^ vSS'jN'3^' 9f ' | SOUTHERN ^ Haexceiled OIni /k Tferoagh Pullaiaa Siee #81 W>i ) waMwui . ?? dS For full mformatioi jit consul t nearer t Sou tb e~ W J. C. LTJSX. /||\ J, L. KEEK. A. G. P. j V V v-> Is more * 3 ertilizer I nalyses 1 n i mixing of N obtain analy- j| no special N The value ft ' lies in the | i which the F| obtained. f| gredient in s P| ds is selected - y of supplying | >m sprouting rf . The plant g| fed at one p tarved at an- p enty-five f| nee goes with p EMAim D oh> ?~ | bJV? R STEREO j Rj lealers (broagjumt | loath. D ir Guano Co. | ;LK? VA. . K CABBAGE PLANTS ATISFY PURCHASERS,1\ IBBAGE PLANT GROWERS. "^J| succession. * / Tb. F*rlU.l **- A kui. Uur _ ' PLAT DUTCH / / iMllNdVtriRr.w OuIwcMoe.W to|WM4UwOAbbf.y I OoT ? E? Established 41 Years. NTS la ISiS. Kow have over twenty thousand I more csbbaco plants than all other persons In the rar plants must please or we eend your money back, ur section to set extra early cabbage, and they are (\ap coacMl Also crow full line of Strawberry PCI oCaolHJ Plants, Fruit trees and ornamentals, s of the beat varieties, containing valuable inforraa*>s on Cabbage Plants:?In lots of 500 at $1.00; 1,000 to thoEfana; 10,000 and over $1.00 per thousand, f. o. b. . lants is very low. s 345 Youngs Island, S. C. lis of SeSec^ | PAPER ' , I >ck in the .State, goods marked 3r ii snd see us, \ IT AT 31.15 PER GALLON. ^ >rder Cheaper than Elsewhere. ^ Art Store $ Columbia, S. C. ^ pajuvmiijaxjaabkiaai mtjy -j uwliubm?? ^ qbod tr33^ B* B i c fMi o 5, RIBS, Bristle Twine, Babbit, &c., far any make in ENGINES, BOILERS and PRESSES Repairs for same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, InSaw, Shingle, and Lacb Mills, Gasoline Engines RON WORKS AND SUPPLTT RAILWAY. 1 ing Car Service, W. ping Cars on a!! Trains, fss on local Trains. ^ i as to rates, routes, etc D Ticket A trout or D. P. A.? Charleston, S. C Atlanta, Ga. ^ ?&!?tr X.. ^ v Vk* V ^ WHAT'S THE USE. What's tb$ use of runt in;; when there's time enoush to walk? It is hurry that brings silver to your hair. What's the use of sighing when there's time for cheerful talk? It is worry tint brings on the lines of care. , What's the use of weeping ovtr milk i -i i t :ii - Jft I mat nas ceeu sy meu i Other cows are fading in the pastuie lot. What's the use of gro?ning when the world with joy is filled? You are bet-er off with many things forgot. What's the use of grumbling as you toto yoi r heavy load? Loui omplafniiig never made a burden li^rht. What's the use of growling at the roughness of the road? It brings no better rest when cometh night. Wnat's the use of mourning o'er mislakes of other days? Time so spent is tut another big nistak?. What's the use of shutting out life's beauties from your gaze? Look, and get the joy of flowers in your wake. What's ihe use of striving for the things not worth your while? Fodom's apples turn to ashes on your lips. What's the use of frowning when you have a chance to smile? Joy is always within reach of flngerlipp. What's the u*e bewailing that you have no chance to shine? There are duties lying 'round on ev'ry hand. And the man who does his duty near approaches the divine, In good time the world will see? and understand. ?The Commoner. $100 Beward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science Lus bee. able to cure in all its stages, and that i is Catarrh. Hall's Cf.tarrh Cute is the only positive cure now known to the meaical lratemity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cuie is uken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the e? nstitution and assisting nature m doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that tuey offer One Hundred Dollars forauy case that it fails tu cure. Send fur list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, 4^^.. The summer school for teachers will be held at Wofford college again this year, commencing June 21st and ending July 19th. Forced To Leave Home. Every ear a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked With coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is co.-tiy ui;d not always si re. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed and I gained -IT pounds in weight. Its surely the King of all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives arid health to it. Its positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Asthma, Croup?all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free at Kaul'aiaim Drug Co. Derrick Drug Store. Sandel Drug Store. ? ? ? ? ? ? The negro State fair is to be held in Columbia this fall, and the buildings and grounds of the white fair society will be used. The dates for the colored fair are November 7-12. ... ? The Sound Sleep Of Good Health The restorative power of sound sleep can not be over estimated and any ailment that prevents it is a menace to health. J. L. Southors, Eau Claire, Wi9., savs:?' For a loug time I ha\e been unable to sleep soundly nights, because ot pains aero s my back and soreness of my kidneys. My apnetite i was very poor and my general tion was much run down. I have been taking Foley's Kidney Pills but a short time and now sleep as sound as a rock. I eat and enjoy my meals, and my general condition is greatly improved. 1 can honestly recommend Foley's Kidney Pills as I know they have cured me." Sold by all Druggists of Lexington; Henry Drug store, Ohapin S. C. ? -<GE? The people of St. Matthews are en- j deavoring to form a c nnpany and build a cotton mill. It is proposed to build a factory to cost ?100.000, and outsioe capital will be asked to invest in the enterprise. ? Watch For The Cornet. The lied Dragon of the sky. Watch the children for spring cough sand colds. Careful mothers keep Foley's Honey and Tar in the house, it is the best .' /l iirf<r?nl !/mi nrirl cnpn +V?r croup where the need is urgent and irn- ! mediate relief a vital necessity. Centum* no opiates or harmful drugs, lie- ( fuse substitutes. iSold hv all Druggists of Lexington; lienrv Drugstore, Oh&uin S. C. * ' Child Deeded Four Time?. A little baby girl, aged three years, has been deed four times in its life, in Charleston. Her mother, Mrs. Askcrgen, deeded the baby when only a year oid to the Salvation Army. Th? Army deeded it to Mr. and Mrs J H. Scott, and they have now deeded it back to the Army and the Arrcv will deed the little girl, Dorothy, back to her mother. Her mother said she conld not, stand the bt partition. The father deserted Mis. Asker^enin afew months after a mcrriago. Double Tragedy. At West Brook, Conn., angered because he was called "a big fa: Dutchman," Herman Gunther, a farmer, shot and fatally wounded Charles McVeigh, a neighbor, and then committed suicide by ihooting himself in the head. Advice t? the Aged, Age brings infirmities, 3uch as sluggish bowels, weak kidneys and bladder and TORPID LIVER. have a specific effect on these organs, stimulating the bowels, causing them to perform their natural functicr.s at in youth and IMPARTING VIGOR to tae kidneys, bladder and LIVER. They ore adapted to old and ycung. Lexington leasing Club. Remember that the old reliable Lexington Pressing Club is still in business and is serving its patrons with the n9ual promptness and care. We give special attention to the pressing of Ladies skirts. Give ua a trial. tf. Lara Sox, Mgr. "I" ? ?bmbbb I I I THERE^S JUST NO GETTING | j AWAY FROM FACTS. When I stand square on both feet 3 and tell you 1 am selling bettor ft j harness for leas money than you g I ever paid before. I'm telling facta S ?and I can prove it. 8 Neighbor, don't buy a thing in B the harness line 'till you get my | prices. Here are a few: ? | Plow Collars at 30c. | Plow Bridles at 75c. 1 !$2.50 Leather Collars at... SI. 50. I LET'S HELP THE MULE | uiumumww infill i 11 i n wMwrmm tj VVILSE W. MARTIN, 1 I| 11 IS Plain St., Columbia, S. C. j? Si W I li II. illlil I | DEALER IN | | General MercHise I i Staple Line | GROCERIES, CANNED f GOODS, HARDWARE, j ENAMEL WARE, TIN- j I WARE, ETC. | Lexington, - S. C. | fiiiCHBra SPILLS Diamond BRAND \&' "T?l 6'..v;'s3 ->. ^ TL- J LADIES I J -k i>rn:rel*t for CUT-CIIES-TER'S A DIAMOND ;..<ANr> pills ia P. no andAA flom metallic boxes, sealed with BlixevO) Ribbon. Takk NO OTHER. Bnr oF 7 our V/ I:rurrjc'f't end onk for Clil-CULS-TLU S V DIAMOND B11AND PILLS, for t\vnty-five ycara regarded r.s Eest, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS jSjg, EVERYWHERE ^!HU ia Wi LiiBLEB, Cliapin, S. C.. H?ls sn op-ro-dat-e iiuo of COFFINS AND GISXETS On hand, at prices to suit everybody. Prices range from $1.50 up to $50.10. Oall on mo and I will save you momy. [ am pre pared to furnish a lit nrsGwht uever desired in connection with my en* j trtaking businetis. Jan. 2. 8xn | Alcohol to CI I Ask your doctor how often he pres ! stimulant for children. He will proba I rarely. Children do not need stimi how often he prescribes a tonic for tl ably answer, "Very, very frequently about Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilk young. Follow his advice. He knows. JTi r-? ?a?pa enaaa tcsrt -*-? The first great rule of health ? " Daily movement of the this is not so. Then ask him about Ayer's Pills. 1704 and 1706 MAIN ST, III ?INVWNXW?B!nTI?SamMM bpm ? mi mam*mmr in mmmmmmw i Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, I Art Squares and \ Spring and Sum We are ready to show you, when ii> < of Goods in our line to come to our store of Goods ever shown in this city. We 1 merit and you won't have to pay more than you would for merchandise that lias Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Departmenl Linen Suits, Shirt Waists 50c to $2.60; ] Waists ?4.95 to ?8.50 each. Millinery Department will be in full full line of ready-to-wear Hats for ladies' selection of Dry Goods in stock at the lo for men and boys. This is the place to Y we have a grand lot of special suits bougl in price. Roys' Wash Suits from 65c to ?2.00 to ?5.00. Special bargains for c See us for your money's worth. Wheelwright and Biaeksmli We are prepared to do an Wheelright and Blacksmith B ^ hoeing, etc. AUTOMOBILE EEPA We make a specialty of repg and guarantee every job. All t our care will be promptly execut Long & Rich LEXINGTON, S. Have Your Picture: | Save your Pictures, | Mottoes and Certificates I them framed. We give I the best possible workm 11 highest grade mouldings, | assortment of mouldings tc | and the finest glass mac | prices reasonable. | COLUMBIA. THE OLD RE If in need of the very best i SADDLERY, selected by an old i tiickv Horseman" call on us ^ the greatest variety to select froi best, medium and cheap. We us< and employ the best v.orianen 1 4/ work to last longer than any 011 t ]Os&wJLgS 1517 SVtain Street D? Yqu ^ppreoi If you do, take every precau a long one. and t DR. HILTO i Life ?2t Liver ?? f H *1 M V ? ? v w It cures Constipation, Indigestion, , Kidney Troubles, five cases that shor FOB SALE BY ALL DBUGGISTS. THE MURRAY DRUC CO., C lildren: ;cribes an alcoholic Jbly say, "Very, very ulating." Ask him I lem. He will prob-S h" Then ask him I i as a tonic for the! C. Aycr Co.,Lowell, Mass. g : bowels." Ask your doctor if Sold for nearly sixty years. (Mil I il i II? ? IIIIIIIIBI?H COLUMBIA, S. C. ^iHinsry, Plaiting Rugs mer Wear m CJ1 Columbia, and in .search for the best selection landlo only goods of for these good Goods no vralue. t.?Skirts, Wash find "Tet and Evening Shirt swing by Easter. A and children. A grand west prices. Clothing )uy your bpnng fcuit, it at a great reduction ?2.00; Wool Suits from >ur Lexington friends. JJ .J .JSP \h RepaL* Shop y and all kinds of Repairing, HorseIRING tiring Aut< -biles rork entri,.< .!.' i to ed. tardsou _C. s Framed r Diplomas, ? by having \ : customers \ anship, the | the largest | r $ > select from Sfj ie and the (1 hi i f A j s. c. i $ la BSSBKSSSSSSSE*SHSKIMSai LIABLE in HARNESS and experienced "Iven'here von vrili find V 11 of all tirade*-, e the Lest Leather Guarantee our* he market. i ^ Columbia, S. C. iate Life? tion to make it ;ake N'S Kidnevs. Stomach, Liver and ten Life. WHOLESALE BY toluiTibia, S. C. .1