#PrTSHU,Wir>s^wci STWV S. B. McR COLUMBIA, IBnBflBiiBMaaHBMMranwuaMn * We have the largest * Uoeo Uoll fi-rtnHn T |>, V( W V mm Guns and sportin 4 descriptions, Au1 General Bepair S Carolina. : Our prices are the Write for what i when in the city i r a a v. COLUMBIA Parlor He BEN DAVID, I EST TO SKYSCRAPER. Best cooking ana finest Bestauri Special Bates by the Week Meal , 9mu m 1 ,, RED JACKE i CYLINDERS AN [ Pitcher Spo No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Fig. 48?A Deep Well Pump Fig. 40?Heavy force pumps, for 1 1-4,1 1-2, or 2 pipe wind mill work at Prices on pipe and fittings make a specialty of fitting uj they leave our shop. SENI LEE A. LORD 1519 MAIN STREET I COLUMBIA CF TEE STORE TEAT SELLS FC RETAIL Floor, Bseon, Lard and We carry evavything in the chl&e aim is to please, Trj you will be convinced. Corner Plain and Assembly COLuSlftSEA, QUALITY You have probably bought many thing; ? -- *- ^ good, that coat a good price, dux uuuer test of service soon proved themselves wort It might have been shoes that soon 2 the sides, caps broke down, heels gave v; gave and <*>les were plated, fTo guard ag wear, and be coi wear your mone; and choice stock ing selections at TAP dim m " 0ji o&if t P >st OiHce, THE PEICES TELL J. B. FRID Wholesale aj Grocers, Floi Fee* We Want the Merchants, Plat 4/naton County to Call and See Purchases. We Can Fill To Money. 1823-1825 Main Stre AASTER, - S. C stock of fishing Tackle g good.3 of all AfYiftWloti finf^ f /UJUAV >7i.AVw H I hop, in South j J J lowest : : rou want, and give us a call. CcMaster, L, S. C. staurant, Proprietor, COLUMBIA, S. C. mt in Columbia. For Ladies and Gentlemen ? s at all Honrs?Night or Lay T PUMPS D SUPPLIES ut Pumps $1.25 each $1.50 each $1.75 each s with cylinder at $4.00. with cock spout tapped for deep well, hand or $6.00 i at lowest prices. We > pumps for wells before ? US YOUE OBDERS. r*i? s. DDA urvix unv. \ COLUMBIA, S. C. iOCERY CO., )E CASHAT WHOLESALE PBICES Sugar our Speslaltiss ) Grocery line, and cur f us before you buy and f Streets, near Market, * n a < m SHOES! > that looked the rugged "c? \^fj" rl'*-K Csiy^tts nil user at """" ,*\rv*A ?1 v ay, sewing ' JL^Vf\\ ainst th so things, especially in footifident of getting the best quality foot y can buy, take advantage of the large constantly available for making plecsour store. Dr W. L. Douglas Shoes for n :c, $1.51) IOYNE, Columbia, SO THE QUALITY SELLS AY & CO., id Retail ar, i and Grain* iters and Farmers of Us Before They Make Their ur Wants and Save You >et, Columbia, S. C FOOD FOR A fEAR Mea': ?Wi lbs Milk 2-10 r,ti Butter ICC ib<-. Rggs "itoz. Vegetables aC< lbs Tills rcpzv?*ento 3 r*a rafWa rny zi iLir) for 3. "isar Eut come people eat and eat and grow thinner. Thiy means a defective digestion and unsuitable food. A large size bottle of , , Scott's Emulsion equals in nourishing properties ten pounds of meat Your physician can tell you how it does it FOE SALE BY ALL DRUGGIST8 Send 10c., nam? of paper and this ad- for oar beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch-Book. TWh bank contains a Good Luck Penny. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St. New York "Wouniei At Altar Bridogreca Sills Father Of Bride. Houst >r, Texas, March 18.?As the priest was about to comi lete th9 ceremony that would have made the daughter of Stephen Pace the wife of SalvadoreGaifTre, Pace broke into the church and shot at Guiffre three times. The third bullet wounded Guiffro and, lying at the foot of the altar, ho raised a gan and inflicted a wound on Pace from which he died three hours later in a hosffltal. The spectacular attack threw the wedding guests in:o an uproar. Partisans of both men were about to engage in battle, knives flashed and guns were drawn, when the cool-headed priest and the plucky girl,' who was almost a bride, raised their voices. The priest sprang to the chancel rail and chastised the crowd that had become a mob. Instantly the tumult died down. With blood flowing from his wounds, Guiffre took the vow that made the daughter of his victim his wife. The father-in-law died early today in a hospital. How Good News Spreads. "I am 70 years old and travel most of the time,'' writes B. F. Tolson, of Elizabethtown, Kv. "Everywhere I go I recommend Efectric Bitters^ because I owe ray excellent health and vitality to them. They effect a euro every time." They never fail to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the blood. They work wonders for weak, run-down men and women, restoring strength, vigor and health that's a daily joy. Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction is positively guaranteed by Kaufmann Drug Co., Derrick's Drug Store and Sandel Drag Store. A lot of people are all right according to their lignts, but their wicks need trimming. Saved From Awiul Peril. "I never felt so near my grave." writes Lewis Ohamblin, of Manchester, Ohio. It. It. No. 3. "as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down to 115 pounds in spite of many remedies and the best doctors. And that I am alive tori ay is due solely to Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. Now I weigh 100 pounds and can work hard. It also cuied my four children of croup." Infallible for Coughs and Colds, its the most certain remedy for LaGrippe Asthma, desperate lung trouble aud all bronchial affections, 50c and $1.00. A trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Kaufmann Drug Co, Derricks Drug Store, Sandel Diug Store. 38 I T? the Fa! I y E We are ottering the 1 | to be given away the year o | 2,400 lbs of Hi | The only condition is that; ;f Georgia Chemical Works, /U | No one excluded, o!< ' people what we South Can This idea was gott.fi: if! interest and try one acre of Association offers for the be &j prize acre of corn with this 6? as a winner and toll him th ' *! 1 nf rS *'1 CU i L I \ UlCU <111 LI uJ lil'Uil L V/i j h I The Tri-Cc I M. E. RUTLAND, Presid Letter Frora Cr:s3 Bill. To the Editor of The Dispatch: If the editor of the dear old Dispatch will allow me a small space in one of his columns, I will write a few lines to my old Ir.xlngton friends, I long for Thursday to come, as we get The Dispatch on that day, and as I glance over the pages and read of the deaths and si ikness of some of my dear old Lexington County friends, my heart is filled with sadness, and then when I see an account of their being in peace and prosperity, my heart overflows with joy. Itha9 been five years since wa moved here. For a while I was very lonesome, being away from my relatives and Lexington friends, but soon I became acquainted with the boys and girls of the town, all of whom are very kind and friendly. Gross Hill is a nice little town with a population of about seven or eight hundred. We have a bank, fifteen cr sixteen stores, three churches, Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian \ a fine school with an enrollment of 150. I am a member of the senior class. I notice in The Dispatch that there has been a great deal of sickness in Lexington for the past few months , to my sorrow. I traly hope that dear ] old Lexington will get in a "bloom- 1 ing'* state of health during these : pleasant spring days. Easter is now drawing near 3nd we are all anticipating a fine time. I 1 thin'r the school 13 going to give an j | egg hunt. We had one last year ani j cert linly did have a pleasant time. I With best wishes to the Lexington ! Dispatch and its many readers, Brosig Harman. j Cross Hill, March 21. 5T. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry cut any obligations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- ' nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cent9 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. A text should be a starting point, not an axi3.. Majority Rules Af anv rata Jfc nnininn it wnrili rsroful consideration> The opinion of tbe majority of wagon bnyers is that the Is the best and mcst economical wagon. That is why more Siudehaker wagons are sold every year than these of any other make. A great many mere; Almost twice as many, Over 70,000 a year Farm Wagons Alone Fact?easily?very easily proven. Ever since you were a bey the Studebaiier has been the most popular wagon. It's more popular today than ever before. If you think the opinion of ? the majority is worth anything, corns , in and see us when you need a wagon, j We guarantee unci ooll tho Siudebakcr. i KBotts-Dowling & Co.; CV.7 A \TCU A Q n I kj IV r-iu cJljrtj IJ, V* i mi?rs of Ed gel Lexington eel/ oilow-Inprizes for the best one acre c f 1910. ' qh Grade Guane, 1st Pnzs; 1,6 you use any of the following Fertilize: igusl-a, Ca; Virgin;a-Caroi:na People, Ashcpoo Fertilize?* Go 1 and young, rich and poor, white am dinians grow herein tin's Southland, 1 i up to try to improve our farming int Ans.h nrtHnn on/1 r?nm nml V/in the V* tuv.u, v-\/??.vn st farm exhibit, (Fee Catalogue.) Bes same aero. No cost to^et in the race, o kind of Fertilizer you will use. \Y< crtilizer used, and have three d.sinter tunty Fair Ass? lent, W. J. McCART: Ilirail *3? m i: ,>IND c* ^Fshoe 8ei ^msS Our Cheery JJepartme fresh, reliable goods?we or guarantee satisfaction. We pay highest prices for col hulls at lowest prices. Come to i Agents tor Studobaker Wagons am Convenient wagou yard, wit! f Plumbing I Send us your MAIL Southern States COLUMBIA 810^1 2-814-816-81 8 CI TSie Palmetto fl columbia we are A'Depository for the Un?te of South Carolina the Oca: of Columbia. we own $400,000 United States Bon Carolina Bonds. we solicit Aocoonta of Banks, Firms, we pay Four Per Cent, on deposits terest calculated quarterly. we promise Oar best efforts to transact satisfaction. palmetto national Bl CAPITAL $2oC Wilis Joxss, President. pm?awwwq?m?mo?awmca?cagawn ?anmrowra ^ waiimMi,TarffTiBwirrf r - mmg rwrtg,r' araxswtpswssgi ? t ^/aj B??aaga ? i?Ti.w:j,r. -TTEV ^Cl^jr ESgrEJ?3 fs@fe!s Saluda, t & ft >f cotton and one acre of corn in each 00 Bfos Second Prize; 1*000 Ihi rs and make an exhibit at the fair in 0 Columbia, S. C; FaSmetta Fertilize? C Charleston, S. C. 1 colored, have the same showing. E >y the use of good Fertilizers, and proerest as well as improve the lair. S< rize. This is in addition to the ?50. ides yon-can enter the contest for both Write the Secretary a postal and tell 3 want each exhibitor to be able to estcd parties in your section sec the cot eiation, Batesb HA, Secretary, J. M. 1a fjOs ? WANSEA, S. C. | e carry everything in ;neral Merchandise. g >u will find our store ? adquarters for ? Shoes, clothing and g nts' Furnishings, Dry | ods and Notions, Nats, * * i ii mt is always full of ily handle the best and :ton seed and sell meal and | is before you sell. g d Buggies-Best on the market. * 1 ample room for stock. g ? dm Jo i r i ORDERSSupply Co.. 1 s. c. I ERVAIS STREET. H mi i?i?mm-mmmmTO?????? * ational Bank, , s. c. . d States Government, the State M ity of Richland and the City Jfl ds"and $100,000 State of South iV Corporations and Individuals, in our Savings Department, ini your business to your entire LNK, - Columbia, S. C. fJ >,000.00 / J. P. Matthews. Cashier ' __ * iy Leils|teo Frails j i I rm iearly to s-,rve yon I hw one of the most com- S * lete stock $ of shots to be | * >und in tlie city and at | ionc-y saving prices. My > in n 1 n-n 1-n t.-\ rt\-.-r\ ir/\n S ;uj io o i > o v LV-r ?.ivv wu r !ie best for the least money. | Farmers' heavy work f hoes a specialty. j ^ larfEan's Stcsf lore 1725 Main Street FOSTOFFICE BLOCK j COLUMBIA, S. C. j 1 mi?i ii??Tiinr?rr rxworananMi Xiggggaggagangrt u: kr irr ::-TU^!Man USSX K~3 n ? flSk if 11^1!' 1 r-e&ri IS m % Wken and | * 1 V K| V 1 4 of the above Counties . s Third Prize. etober at BATESBUR(i jj ^ . o., Columbia, S. C., and I very body get busy, sho^V ;resseve ideas in farming. y ) don't fail to take an 8 00 cash prize the Fair jj J the State and County ? 1 him to enter your name A tell how the crop was C ton and corn weighed. |j ft' urg, o. u. | * MALPASS, Treasurer | \