HHIhbhbhbh ' / . , : ; .. Dry Goods, Not 1,4* : Crockery I (Every Depa thing you need, ORDER I PENCIL AND SCISSOES. I gfejf* Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Whenever you want somethirg got d to eat, think "of the nice, fresh stock -v of groceries at H. N. Kaminer & Co. You will find the prices always right. Miss Nettie Lowman, the very charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lowman, of Selwood, is taking a special course at Columbia college. Apples, bananas, candies, cakes and ' crackers, at the Bazaar, where you always find the lest. Mr. James R. Richardson has put the finishing touches on his new cottage by the addition ol paiut, which makes a very neat appearance. Groceries, fresh and of the best quality and lowest prices, at H. M. Wingard's. Prompt attention given to phone orders. . -y E. J. Be8t, Esq., of Columbia, was he^e 011 legal business this week. W. Boyd Evans, of Columbia, has been here this week on legal business. \ K. L. Craig, one of the popular young lawyers, of Columbia, has been attending court this week. If you wi9h to be pleased in footwear'just go to H. N. Kaminer & Co., and see the latest 6tyles in low( quarters and slippers. They are sure beauties and will please you. Don't boy before you have seen this stock. Mr. W. H. Lyles, a leading attorney of Columbia, was here this week, representing the C N. & L. railroad in the case of Dicker9on against the \ company. , Ju*t received, a line of beautiful and substantial matting, from 15c the yard up, at Scott Hendrix' Furniture Store. A variety of fine seed Irish potatoes, Early Bliss, Irish Cobbler, etc., just received at H. M. Wingard's grocery. Get your garden seed at The Bazaar , if you want to obtaiu the best results. I f We Know Ji j KUI 8B m S We are S I and Favorite I Full and < I Huggins Upri I Shapes, Also I ting from 1 to Tf ma+fov IX U IXiVVUUVX you interestir ??namahbibm Tur i n el ions, Millinery, Cloth , Tinware, Household rtrnent is filled all the Mimnaugh's is the p h ay swAiL J8&K The Ridge Spring Poultry yard9, R. B. Watson & Sons proprietors, have p some fine barred and buff cockerels for n sale, also eggs for hatching. Write n them for prices. Miss Jodie Caughman has returned ai to her home in Columbia after amost t-i delightful stay with relatives here. ai Fine seed Irish potatoes: Early w Bliss, Earl Rose-Triumph, Irish Cobbler, etc , just received, at M. D. tr Harman's grocery. j ]i Mr. Kinsler Roof, the popular and I it very efficient night operator of the | Citizen's Telephone Co., spent Sun- H day in Augusta. ti "Zenith" hour, the best on the market, at H. M. Wingard's. Try a h; sack and you will be pleased. ol Ferry's and Crosmans reliable gar- j ? den seeds can be found at The Bazaar, j ^ Messrs. G. W. Miller and Luther j S( Crout, two clever young men residing on Gilbert, R. F. L>. 1., were in town Monday and called in to see us. ? Mr. P. Wash Shealy, one of the sub- o 9tautial and popular citizens ol idol- a low creek, was in town Monday. cs Mr. Job A. Swygert, of the Selwood section, a subatantial farmer, and one of our tirsfc subscribers, prompt in all J1 obligations, was here yesterday and a called in as usual and pa d for his paper. the Home and Farm for another year. n Mr. J. N. Ham. from the Piney t. Woods section was in town yesterday and made us a pleasant call. Masonaiwill meet promptly in their hall at 7 p. m. Saturday nexc, 19th. * LOST?On Saturday afternoon be- ^ tweeu Hallman's store and tue cotton v mill, a pocketbook containing a mill ^ check for $10, and a mill ticket f.>r $1 .25. Finder will please return to S. S. George and get reward. .WANTED?Some of our subscribers to brin?. fodder, hay or p^avines * on suo3cription. Call and let us know what you have to exchange. Dr. James Harman is confined to f his home with an affection of tae eyes. \ ! 1 list the Kind of' iiicanBM)MBMnaaBUHMHHK?HBani?nana ole Agents for Cha1 Ranges, Page Win We Also Can * ~?- ? ^ A'P -r\l JuiiijjitJLt; suuun. w pj ght, Georgia Stocks Hames, Traces, Ba 6 feet. s not whether you1 Lg prices. Send us s ^ cA PLACi ing, Shoes, Hats, G Gnnrk. Ftr.. is at 1 while with the seas< ice. Call whether 1 IMMA ????a?BMM?????I Miss Maude Fulmer, after a very ileyj-art visit to her cousin, Miss Jenie Bickley, has returned to her home ear Little Mountain. Misses Maude Taylor, Mima Hook ad Kena Smith, of Columbia, were lie admired guests of the Misses Mary ad Katie Bell Caugbman, for the eek-end. Misses Mary and Katie Bell Caughlan have returned from a most deghtful visit to relatives aDd friends i Columbia. Miss Rosa Rauch has gone to Rock Lill to visit her brother and to attend 1 le State Sunday school association, j Misses Maude and Adella Wyse ave returned to Saluda, after a visit i f several days to Prof, and Mrs. W. . Black. I have just received a new line of ioes, all sizes, styles and prices to jlect from. Call to see them. H. M. Wingard. Mr. Elijah Hall, of Mims, one of le most substantial and best citizens t the countv, was in town Monday nd gave us a pleasant and profitable all. Mrs. Henry Wessiuger. is suffering om a stroke of paralysis at ner ome, on the Augusta road, six miles bove Lexington. *17". lao?? nnr r*l rl VV C iC^lClj UU 19am I'liou \J u* viu riend and kinsman, N. West Harlan, is still very ill. Mr. Harman reenlly returned from an Atlanta samarium. Mr9. Frank Kleckley is quite ill at er home, near Lexington, to the regret of her host of friends. State Senator Ben F. Town9end, of Jnion, ha9 been a prominent court isitor tki9 week, being here on legal usiness. > ' The family of Mr. Jesse Taylor have seen quite ill with the grippe. Mrs. H. M. Wingard has been quite ndisposed for several days, mucu to he regret of her many friends. Mr. B. H. Barre, is in Omaha, Ne>raska, to attend the marriage of his mother, Prof. H. W. Barre, this evtling. _________________ __ Fools That Are S( You will 1 better asso 1 a rwr atnc.k i-V * 7") w * M M W V I Tools and than we car: btanooga Plows, ( 3 Fence, and Luc; *y K. P., Avery ows such as Gen 5, Little Giant, "W ,ck Bands, Bridle want one article < your mail orders, Hardware Department, ent's Furnishings, Carpets, IN L L. Mimnaugh's Mammoth :m's newest styles, and the pr >mu buy or not. Gr^BL9 ? ^mmwrk m mm. mm n I We Have J Our Seventh Car muu ! and have a bunch of rea I | We have Mules to suit i our prices are as chea think cheaper. CAUGHfV I I I Colurr i i Most Suitable for 1 )il. :iardly find a rtment and of Farming C^SS^sis accessories ^ ry. lole Cotton Planters an( as Paint ' and Monarch Distri uine Farquar, Farquar I Tiites Steel Beam and D s, Saddles, Harness, Cot or by the dozen we have , goods shipped day ordei W W H Columbia, 8. C. EggBBEBgEiiEMgSEgE3gsgE3EEgZ3ig55BaiiBSf>B flatting, Rugs, Art Squares, 1 . i Department Store. | ices will please you. Any- 1 COLUiVasjA; s. c. ] Load of 1 nice ones. nost any kind of work and # ,p as anybody's and we r ma OA RJk a EBE8h 0BB%k sbsa, S. C. mmMmmmmmmmmBmmmmmammammmmmammmammammmtmafmmmmmmmmmnnwa> rilling South Carolina I 1 Distributors, Majestic 1 . butors. I ?attern, Lewis Upright, I ixie Boy, P. D. F. Co's., R ton Hoes, Poultry Net- E the goods and will make I received. S A 1 .