The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, February 02, 1910, Image 6

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S. B. Mcl COLUMBIA, ???/'"' ; - * We have the larges j Base Ball Goods, Guns and sport: I descriptions, A General Repair k Carolina. : Our prices are ti j. Write for what * f when in the city : ? > l&?. J; E?r~ il>: ? 1 _ S. B. ^ ji j__ columb: Parlor R< ! - BEN DAVID r 1EXT TO SKYSCRAPER. .....?.? ? y . .7. I Best cooking ana finest Restan 0;..:. rr ... - " i Special Bates by the Wee Me i R orn .lAfiKi fire | -" cylinders a Pitcher Sp 1' j I No. 1 ; | No. 2 No. 3 p I t Fig. 48?A Deep Well Pur | Fig. 40?Heavy force pumj for 1 1-4,1 1-2, or 2 pij ? - - wind mill work at ; Prices on pipe and fittin make a specialty of fitting they leave our shop. SE1 LEE A. LOR 1519 MAIN STREET )SL.. ?; > COLUMBIA C i the store that sells 1 retai: Vv ' '? *? * 1 ?J .MJI hour, tsacon9 Lara mu We carry evevything in tl chief aim is to please. T i - you will be convinced. . | : ; j Corner Plain and AssemS: COLUMBIA; mmnuaBBmaammramman hi mm1??mstmt QUALITY You have probably bought many thi | . good, that cost a good price, but unde i r~" j test of service soon proved themselves w< s -5 ' * v .j "-* It might have been shoes that sooi l * : t ?! - i the sides, caps bro&e down, neeis gave ]j | -* gavft ?ni and soles were plated. To guard j? i L-t? wear, and be j ' v f[g?m& fl wear your mo andchoice st( I; -JAWW/t ing selections j|: t. a. Opposite Post Office, THE PRICES TELL I J. B. FRII Wholesale i Grocers, Fic Fee We Want the Merchants, Ph ington County to Call and fik Purchases. We Can fflU I Money. ----1823-1825 Main St ? .? y* MASTER, S. C it stock of Fishing Tackle Lag goods of all utomobiies and I Shop, in South # t le lowest : : you want, and r give us a call. if if A IA, S. C. astaurant, , Proprietor, COLUMBIA, S. C. [rant in Columbia. For Ladies and Gentlemen *k. als at all Hours?Night or Day ET PUMPS ND SUPPLIES | out Pumps $1.25 each $1.50 each j ! $1.75 each aps with cylinder at$4.00. j >s, with cock spout tapped | >e for deeo well, hand or j .............A.../..... $6.00 gs at lowest prices. We up pumps for wells before ID US YOUR ORDERS. ICK&BRO. COLUMBIA, S. C. ROCERY CO., FOR CASH- i L AT WHOLESALE PRICES Sugar our Specialties. be Grocery line, and our ry us before you buy and mm* m m p >Sy Streets, near Market, , ; : S. C. 4*9 B B W <8*9 a ags that looked x the rugged ?' Drthless. Hrf 1 run over at ' ^ way, sewing against th se things, especially In footconfident of getting the best quality foot ney can buy, take advantage of tlie large >ck constantly available for making pleasat our store. t for W. L Douglas Shoes for ir in, $1.50 BO YNE, Columbia, SC THE QUALITY SELLS AY & CO., i and Retail mr, ?d and Grain. inters and Farmers of ZexTJs Before They Make Their rour Wants and Save Ton reet, Columbia, & C NURSING MOTHERS show the beneficial effects of Scott's Emulsion in a very short iime. It not only builds her up, but enriches the mother's milk and properly nourishes the child. Nearly all mothers who nurse their children should take this splendid foodtonic, not only to keep up their own strength but to properly nourish their children. FOE SALE BY ALL DEUGGI8T8 Bond 10c., name of paper and tkia ad. for onr beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch-Book. Each bank contains a Good Luck Penny. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St. New York Sniallpoz Clears Cours Sooa. Noticing the unusual appearance of the face of Cy Ballard, a negro, arraigned before Judge William Wynne at Washington, Ga., on a misdemeanor charge, the Judge asked the County physician to examine him. "Smallpox" said the physician immediately. Hardly had the words been spoken I -rohpri Jnrlrrp. court officers, snccta ~x tors, all mado for doors and windows, leaving the negro in complete possession of the court room. An immune officer later took him to jail where he is the sole prisoner. Mg@ For YossrseS! Which is Better?Try an Experiment or Profit by a Lexington Citiasn's Experience. Something new is an experiment. Must be proved to be as represented. The statement of a manufacturer is not convincing proof of merit. But the eudorserm nts of friends is. Now supposing you had a bad back. A Lame, Weak or Aching one. Would you experiment on it? You will read of many so-called cures. Endorsed by strangers from far-away places. It's different when the endorsmcnt conies from heme. Easy to provejjloca! testimony. Home endorsement is the proof that backs evorv box of Doan's Kidney Pills. Read this case: Geo. B. Lee, of Lexington, S. C , says: T was a sufferer from kidney trouble for a good many years and during that time tried a great many remedies without much relief. I received the results from Doan's Kid noy Pills, which I procured at The Kaufmann Drug Co., and shall continue using them. It will always give me pleasure to :e commend Dean's Kidney Piils to other sufferers.'' Fur saic by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Miibum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents lor the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. Much so-called religious effort is an attempt to make ethers feel as bad as we do. My own faults are failings; my neighbor's a;e vices. Won't Need a Crutch. ! When Editor J. P. S< ssman, of Coi! neiius. N. C.. bruised his leg badly, it started an ugly sore. Mauy salves and ointments proved worthless. Then Buck'en's Arnica Salve healed it thoroughly. Nothing is so prompt and sui e for Ulcers, Boils, Bums, Bruises. Cats, Corns, Sores, Pimples, Eczema or Pile*. 25c at Kaufmann Drug Co, Derricks Drug Store, Sanriel Drug Store. SPECIAL MASTER'S SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Court of Common Pleas for Lexington County. South Carolina, in the case of Henry F. Geiger against S H. Owens, Norton W. Brooker and others, dated December 3rd, 1909, I, John J. Earle, Special Master, will sell 011 salesdav in February ne^t, being the 7th (lay of said month, during the usual hours of sale, before the Court House in the town of Lexington, County and State aforesaid, to the highest bidder: "All that tract of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Lexington and State aforesaid, containing one hundred and fifty-six acres, more er less, bounded on the North by lands ol' Mrs. Moye; on the East by Conga ree River; on the South by N. W. Brroker, and on the West by the old State Road at the 7 mile post from the City of Columbia, S C." Terms of sale: One-half cash, balance in one year from date of sale, together with interest tliereon; said balance to be secured by a bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the prcm iscs sold. Said mortgage to contain the usual ctinnlotifHis a a tr\ n fr.t/im OV S f OAS. T>H V on^uiai'xvuo r ment of taxes and insurance, and as to waste. At such sale each bidder may be required to make a deposit with said Special Master, of Fifty dollars; and if the ' successful bidder refuses to make such deposit when required so to do, then said Special Master will immediately re-sell said premises at the risk of such bidder. JOHN J EARLE, Special Master. An Attractiyo Event. The reunion of the teachers of Richland and adjoining counties at the University of South Carolina on Saturday, February 5th, promises a most attractive occasion, not only for the teachers but for our comxnunity. In addition to the interesting pro- ; gramme of addresses and discussions, Dr. C. W. Stiles, of the United States Bureau of Public Health, will give a stereopticon exhibition in the University chapel at noon of that day. This will be a rare treat which our people are cordially invited to enjoy. At 1 p. ru. a lunch will be served at the Steward's hall, to visiting teachers and guests. This T'union is another example of the deep interest in the public schools felt by the faculty of the State University, which is the natural head and leader. We hope that the cordial response of the teachers of the public will show a just appreciation of these efforts. The primary aim of this meeting is to make every one present feel the unity of educational work, whether he or 9he boa teacher in a kindergarten, county school, high school, or college. All the teachers of the city in both private and public schools are invited. Physicians and all interested in public health as related to educat ion will find this gathering of great value. e^a E $1 SIZE BOTTLES 50c Your Druggist can get it for you from MURRAY DRUG CO COLUMBIA, S. C. i I am tired of sitting in uncomfortable rockers. I will have one like this delivered to me for $5.00 WE HAVE OTHER GOOD VALUES DICKEM A LYNN 1806 RSaln St. Columbia, S. C. AHHOTOOBJIBSTT! I beg to announce that I have a firstclass shop at rny place, near t he Lexington Cotton Mill, and am prepared to repair Boilers and Engines ? " "L r. V.f> ?A. .ft rtrv r* inur LM'/n UU nuncr. v_^4ii uuic cm J ni^v, engine cylinder. I carry in stock a full supply of mill supplies. I make a specialty of going out into the country to make repairs, and will answer telephone calls promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Phone *113. J. J. RIKARI), Dec8tf Lexington, S. C. Public Land Sale. On the first Monday in February, I will sell at public outcry, before the court house door, at Lexington, S. C., during the legal hours of sale, all of my home place containing one hundred (100) acres, better known as the ri O I 1 -- J ?1 Tl- /.nnfnina o U^ip OflUiiJJ' Ulll p 1 a U L~. iu LUUiams a two-story house, large barn, good stables and crib. A three-horse farm open. Terms of sale: Cash. For any information, write, H. C. SHEALY, JR. F. D. 8, Lexington, 8. C. 3wl4p. K? For Dyspepsia If yom Suffer from Isdi| the Stomach, Beiching, S< etc., a little Kodol w ill Rel Kodol supplies the same digestive Juices that are found in a healthy stomach. Being a liquid, it starts digestion at once. Kodol not only digests your food, but helps you enjoy every'moutlif ul you eat. You need a sufficient amount of good, wholesome food to maintain strength and health. But, this food must be digested thoroughly, otherwise the pains of indigestion and dyspepsia are the result. When your stomach cannot do its work properly, take something to help your stomach. Kodol is the only tiling that will give the stomach complete rest. Y/hy? Because Kodol does the same work as a strong stomach, and does it in a natural way. DRUG CQf > HII ? I ? I II I III? < m II 111 I I WTMIWl?MM ? aj?o<3 30?3?eo?e?c????e?e?e? I i/MfiTR nn ! IVIMif!i.Y fill ? | ^$3^ | ?49SmW % fW8&& (SJTLS/niT^ I wc 1 M^'ik BETTER 9 g Our bribery JDepai 2 fresh, reliable goods?w ? guarantee satisfaction. 2 We pay highest prices fo: | hulls at lowest prices. Come J Agents foe Studebakcr Wagon ? Convenient wagon yard, ?0?<J?fiQ99?9999e?999?9??e< ^ Send us your R m Southern Stat: 1 COLUMI H 8 1 0-8 i 2-81 4-31 6-81 | 40,000 Roll I WALL $ Largest and most varied stoe close, call ^ YOU NE.EU UOUU fAINI $ Picture Frames Made to Or $ Webb's / ^ 1627 Main Street The Palmetto COLUM WE ARE A Depository for t!ie of South Carolina Liu of Columbia. WE OWN 5100.000 United Stata Carolina Bonds. WE SOLICIT Aocounts of Batiks, P WE PAY Four Por Cent, on dei terest calculated quai WE PROMISE Our boat efforts fco tra satisfaction. PALMETTO NATI0NA1 CAPITA] Wcua Jovbs, President. A and Indigestion * (esticn, Dyspepsia, Gas on our Stomach, Heart-burn, ieve you almost Instantly So, don't neglect your stomach. J Pon't become a chronic dyspeptic. Keep your stomach healthy and strong by taking a little Kodol. You don't have to take Kodol all the time. You only take it when you need it. Kodol Is perfectly harmless. Our Guarantee Go to vour druggist today and get a dollar bottle. Then after you have used the * eutire contents of the bottle if you can honestly say that it Las not done you any good, return the bottle to the druggist and he will refund your money without question or delay. YVe will then pay the druggist. Don't hesitate, all druggists know that our guarantee is good. This offer applies to the large bottle only and to but one In a family. The lar<e bottle contains2J& times as much as the fifty cent bottle. Kcdol is prepared at the laboratory ? ies of E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, IBPAWY, DITRIBUTORS. ? ? \ SWANSEA, S. CL ! 1 VVe carry everything in 2 [ Greneral Merchandise. J ? - You will find our store c leadquarters for 2 Shoes, clothing and | Gents' Furnishings, Dry | * Goods and Motions, Hats, ? Ete. t) tment is always full of e only handle the best and * H * r cotton seed and sell meal and ? to us before you sell. J s and Buggies?3est on the market. ? ? with ample room for stock. J o P?W?P??P??W????????> ||j ?A!!. ORDEKS* E > ES; SUPPLY b"0-. i IT A. S. G. i . i g* Is of Select 1 t PAPER I k in the State, goods marked W and see us, ^ AT SI. 15 PER GALLON. ^ . der Cheaper than Elsewhere. ^ irt Store i Columbia, S. C. ^ | National Hank, BIA, S. C. Uu'feod States Government, the State j County of Richland and the City * >s Bonds^and $100,000 State of South 'irms, Corporations and Individuals, posits in our Savings Department, in wiy. tfisact ycror business to yocr entire [. BANK, - - Columbia, S, C. [< $350,000.00 J. P. MkvvHSWfl, Cashier