. MAURICE'S T! 1704 and 1706 MAIN ST. Fall and W Dry Goods, Notic and Boys, Ladies' r i Squares and Rugs. We invite our fri / ^ \ prove that it has 8$ id the greatest of all ?3 3?tiie test of TIME, p s a tonic for weak wo- || i, Cardui is the best, be- g| >e it is a woman's tonic. ? ure, gentie, safe, re- m From Around Providence. To the Editor of Tne Dispatch: Small is not lookinfif SO Wei] ~ -- ^ due to the very cold weather. Miss Hattie Wise has returned to her home in Prosperity, after a delightful visit to her cousins, Misses Ruth and Maud Fields. The many friends of Mrs. H. P. Roberts will be pained to learn of her continued illness. Little Miss Thane Hendrix was the guest of Miss Annie Fields last week. Master Wilbur Roberts spent Sunday with Masters H. W. and Sainue] Hendrix. Misses Ada Williams and Pearle Taylor were the guests of Miss Martha Hendrix Caughman Sunday. Mr. George Fields and son, Frank, spent Saturday in Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cook and children have returned from a pleasanl visit to relatives at Wagener. Mrs. Lester Harman and little daughter, Sarah Ruth, visited the family of Mr. George Fields recently. Mrs. Reuben Corley is confined tc her bed with sickness. Mrs. P. H. S^ay spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. Jake Harman. Jan. 8. Daisy. ? Children Teething MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for ever Fifty Yeaas by Millions of Mothers for then Children While Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Soften? the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every partofche world. Be sure and ask T-r*v>?.Nr y-s * .'.AAnni I TV/1 tor "Mltb. WllNSiAMV'S SUUininu SYRUP," and tafce no other Kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Oct. 20-ly Leon De La Grange, the famous French Aeronaut, was killed on Wednesday by a fall from his machine. Simple Remedy for LaGrippe LaGrippe coughs are dangerous, as they frequently develop into pneumonia. Foley's Honey and tar not only stops the cough, but heals and strengthens the lungs so that no serious results need be feared. The genuine loley's Honey and Tar contains nc harmful drugs and is in a yellow package. All Druggist of Lexington, Henry Drug store Ckapin S. C. Julia Johnson of Lancaster was struck on the head with a piece ol stove wood by Tom Nunn, a colored servant, and seriously injured. Don't trifle with Kidney and Bladder trouble. Take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills as directed and you will at once notice satisfactory results. DeWitt's Kidney Jind Bladder Pills arc antiseptic, healing and soothing. Be sure to get DeWitt's Kidrey and Bladder Pills when yon ask for them. Refuse substitutes and imitations. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. ?c? ? The total amount of taxes received by the state treasurer from the treas nrers of the various counties amount 8 to $873,771,35. A Wild Blizzard Raging brings danger, suffering-ofteu death? to thousands, who take colds, coughs and lagrippe?that terror of Winter and Spring. Its danger signals are ''stuffed up.'' nostrils, lower part of nose sore, chilis and fever, pain in back of head, and a throat-gripping cough. When Grip attacks, as yen value your life, don't delay getting Dr. King's New Discovery. '"One bottle cured me," write? A. L. Dunn, of Pine Valley, Miss., "after being Maid up' three weoka with Grip." For sore, lungs, Hemorrhages, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, its supremo. 50c. $1.00. Guaranteed by Kaufmans Drag Oo. Beriok* Drug Store Sandal Brag Store. Notes From St. Andrews. To the Editor of The Dispatch : The Christmas season passed off very pleasantly in this section, old and young alike had a veiy good time. Mrs. J. II. Huffman has returned from the Kuowlton Hospital, in Columbia, and is improving very rap ly. Mrs. Huffman is dc-liglired with the treatment she received at Ku -viton's and speaks in the highest praise of the institution. Sarah, Carrie Dell, Esther a*d M*cter Joe Bates Huffman have recovered from their reont illness. St. A ndrevcs Sunday school ?"ave a Christmas tree on Christmas cU IMPARTING VIGOR? to the kidneys, bladder and LIVER. They ore adapted to old and youag. 1 . \ DEALER IN fi j Ssfigra! Msrchsadise I Staple Line i\ GROCERIES, CANNED | GOODS, HARDWARE, jj ENAMEL WARE, TIN* | WARE, ETC. * * * " 1 Lexington, - S. C. | 1 D5AM0N0 B?lAND <> S^?C i C0>> I ^ J|> ^ SADIES I i ArIx your drnngffft for chi-ches-ter's A diamond brand pills in Red and/A Gold metallic boxes, scaled with Blue(*/J Ribbon. Takb NO OTHER. Buy oF your \/ Druftctst and ask for CEI-CHiuS*T?R S * DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-fieO years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. ; SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIME CI/CPY \A/LiPRh WORTH TRIED tltlil WnCnC TESTED i GTW. LINOLER, c r Viiupxij., Kf. uM L Has ao2ap-to-date line of : S0FF1HS m GASKETS On hand, at prices to suit everybody. Prices range from $1.50 up to $50.00. Call on me and I will save you money. I am prepared to furnish a hearse whenever desired in connection with my ud> dertaking business. Jan. 2. 3m i SEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE?One lot situated in the I town of White Rock, S. C. on depot St. measuring 100x125ft. with residence and work-shop on same. For further j information address. Lf. L. Gartman. New Brookland, S C. Nov. 27-2 mce-p FABM LOANS A + 7 onrl ft tioit Aflnl IX1/ I ixuu vr wmwi Loan9 made on improved fa&ns in Richlan^ and Lexington counties in 9nn:8 ot $300 and upwards, payable in installments, no commissions are charged, borrower paying for preparation of papers only. Loans of ^1,000 or over at seven per cent., under $1,000 at eight per cent. THOM-A3 & THOMAS, 1237 Washington St., Oolmuibia, S. 0. IF or Cosjghs? Do you know a remedy for cough* years old? There is one?Ayer's in the family, it stays. It is not the place of a doc Lor. It is a i the treatment cf all throat an your own doctor his opinion ol I No alcohol in this cough medicine You cannot recover promptly 11 your oowtiis III I W I 1 I n J i Blacksmith Shop any and all lands of I Repairing, HorseEPAIEIK'Gr repairing Automobiles II work entrusted to ecuted. ?hardson s. c. "aaa? lis Frasneu ! ires, Diplomas, I ites by having i give customers | rkmanship, the | gs, the largest t gs to select from | made and the || onRgns'w I A uUmrAHi 1 A ^ ^ JRi ?? || B lliiL I s.c. SELIABLE est in HARNESS and old experienced "Ken X us where you will find from of all grades, e use the Best Leather men. Guarantee our on the market. Columbia, S. C. *?? ixA^I AIL WAY. ~| sr Service, !$f Cars on all Trains, ^ n Local Trains. cL o rates, routes, etc W way Ticket Agent, or v.^ A.., Charleston, S. C w anta, Ga. Jb fllPY WW - ?. .. v < . _ v -?