The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 05, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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jjj^ WALK-1 j El | JJj $3.50 antT^4.00 *wvw*ww* I Xoos* 1 S SAXE-GC ^ Has a new and comple J embracing everything in D ^ Fancy Groceries, etc. ^ Highest prices paid for cot ? f 30c per dozen for eggs; 25c pou ? $1.75 for seed peas, and 16c pe: 0 Give me a share of your ^ every transaction. 5 IOOR HAYES Swwvvww* BjMjB Kllyi?BU^LlaEiUl2filSMiSU?SUk?L ! . !r c f r LEX INC % ??ii I I I ?I ?K^Wi? i Shoes for Style Shoes for Wear Shoes for Comfort We have them from the pest to the highest All sizes len, women and children. ;t your next pair be a /ALK-OVER THE SHOE MAN IN COLUMBIA if1 #j 9a*yes9 )THA, S. C. S ;te line of General Merchandise, i >ry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, mtry produce. X will pay at present ^ ud for butter; 95c a bushel for corn; f p pound for turkeys. ? trade. Satisfaction guaranteed on ^ i i, Saxe-Gotha, S. C. ^ , ????? 1 a in fr 'it To al greetings your libei It shall b< that degri acteristic Youi rand our p WW TON, Of With The Auditor. Editor G. M. Harman left yesterday with County Auditor W. D. Dent an his annual rounds over the county. They began at Gaston yesterday and by reference to the published notice elsewhere it will be possible for you to keep tip with the different points to be made. We want to urge upon our subscribers thD importance of meeting the editor promptly. We not only need the amounts due us on subscription, but the postal laws will not allow us to 9end papers through the mails to subscribers in arrears for more than one year. We want to get as many or our subscribers to pay in advance as possible. Remember when you pay for your paper that you can secure the Home and Farm, the best farm paper ever published, for the small sum of 25 cente in connection with The Dispatch. See the editor and get your receipt for both papers. Here is Belief for Women. If you have pains in the back. Urinary, Bladder or Kidaey trouble, and want a certain. pleasant herb cure for woman's Ills, try Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf. It is a safe and never-failing regulator. All Druggists or by mail 50cts Sample package FitEE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., LeKoy, V Y Saraan-Corley. Mr. Van D. Harman and Miss Mary Corley were married last Sunday evening at 6 o'clock by Pastor B. W. Cronk at the parsonage. ' A Wild Blizzard Raging brings danger, suffering?often death? to thousands, who take colds, coughs and lagripp^?mat terror of Winter and Spring. Its danger signals are ' stuffed up." nostrils, lower part of nose sore, chills and fever, pain in back j of head, and a throat-gripping cough. When Grip attacks, as you value your life, don't delay getting Dr. King's New Discovery. "One bottle cured me,'' writes A. L. Dunn, of Pine Val- I ley, Miss,, "after being 'laid up' three weeks with Grip." For sore, lungs, Hemorrhages, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, its supreme. 50c. $1.00. Guaranteed by Kaufmann Drug Co. Dericks Drug Store Sandel Drug Store. TV- A TV "M"nrrro n a Tvrnmi npnfc XJX . At XSm UJ.Ulguu) ? r physician of Perry, was in town Monday and read a paper before the County Medical Society. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never disappoints those who use it for obstinate coughs, colds and irritations of the throat and lungs. It stands unrivalled as a remedy for all throat and tung diseases. Sold by All Druggists. NOTICE! The regular quarterly meeting of ;he directors of The Home National Bank will be held at Lexington on iext Tuesday, the 11th, at 10 a. m. The regular annual meeting of the jtockholders will be held on the same iate at 11 o'clock. Alfred J. Fox, Cashier. 11 our customers l of the New Year, *al patronage duri e our aim to serv< ee of fairness whi of this store, rcill find our stoc irices reasonable. jjgg 21I B inn ^POISON ^ fyJaft Bone Pains, IV fJJL Ulcers, Scaly fiem) 4%!>)Skin, Pimples. raw' E. E. B. Cures Above Troubles, Alsc Eczema and Rheumatism. For twenty-five years Botanic Blood Bain (B. B. B.) has boon curing yearly thousands of suiTereis from Primary, Secondary oj Tertinary Blood Poison, and all forms o Blood and Skin Diseases. Cancer, Itheuma I tism and Eczema. We solicit the most obj stinate cases, because B. B. B. cures when I all_elso fails. If you have aches jind pain.< in Bones, H ick or Joints. Mucus Batches ir Mouth, Sore Thront, Pimples, Copper-col ored Spots, Ulcers on any part or the body Hair or Eyebrows falling out. Itching, wa tery blisters or open humors. Risings oi pimples of Eczema, Boils, Swellings, Eating Sores, take B. B- B It kills the poison makes the blood pure and rich, completed changing the entire Dody into a clean healthy condition, healing every sore oi pimple and stoppiug all aches, pairs am itching, curing the worst case of Blood Poi son, Rheumatism or Eczema. BOTANIC BLOOD BAL1VI (B. B. B.). is pleasant and safe to take; composed o pure Botanic ingredients. It purifies am enriches the blood. DRUtiGlNTS, $1 PER LARGE BOTTLE with directions for home eure. Sold in Lexington by Kaufmann Drug Co. and Derrick's Drug Store. 11 ill ir I I^COLUWBIA S.C. I ] THERE'S JUST NO GETTING I AWAY FROM FACTS. | H TTTL*? T v* A nicinona An V?Afli foof I IVY I i till X MA11U OljlUtiU uu ia^ujxxwvv and tell yon I am selling better harness for less money than yon ever paid before. I'm telling facts ?and I can prove it. Neighbor, don't bny a thing in ihe harness line 'till yon get my prices. Here are a few: Plow Collars at 30c. Plow Bridles at 75c. $2.50 Leather Collars at.. .$1.50. LET'S HELP THE MULE WiLSE W. MARTIN, 1118 Plain St., Columbia, S. C. Mff WWII1 m\ mrt we wish to ex thanking each o: ing the year jus1 ) you in the futi' ch has always be k complete at a H E* 1 ptfBtsbmhb B 11 ? \ I AS WELL AS large ones are welcome here? 5 yon need not wait nntil your hus1 iness has assumed great proportions before opening a Checking r Account, DO SO TO-DAY. 7 r Our patrons regardless of the amount of business done, receive every courtesy in all matters of J business entrusted to us?and there is nothing in safe banking '' j we cannot perform. Talk it over I with our cashier. CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, S 5 I COLUMBIA, S. C. BBaanBOBBBHMnfHDHHIHBHHByHBa Sterling Good: Sterling silver, cut glass, fi] china, clocks. A fine stoi always on hand for yon select from. Keep us in mind when war ing anything in Jewelry i Silverware. Good watch work and be eye glasses. If you can't come, send f our catalogue or telephone yoj order to us. P. H. LACHICOTTE & Cfi | JEWELERS, 1424 Main^SlJColumbia, S.1 \ 'Phone 934 tend the f you for : closed. Lre with sen char 11 times, FAMOUS REMEDIES Popular and Efficient Household Medicines Sold on UapSI OHIV f inein wnijt Andes' Great Prescription Recommended for Catarrh, all forms of Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Bladder Troubles and purification of the Blood. Germ and Worm Eradicator. Andes' Wonderful Oil Used externally and in1 ternally, recommended for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache Toothache, Earache, Backache, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Pleurisy, Diarrhoea, Cramps and all J aches and pains. == THE KAUFMAN DRUG COMPANY, Sole Agents for Andes' g LEXINGTON, - - - S. C. y G. D. Kenny Company to Are selling a fine line of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, RICE, CHOCOLATE tt. and COCOAS. OT CHRISTMAS SUGAR AT COST Roasted Coffee, 13c to 35c the lb. St Teas, Blended, Green and Black from 25c to 01.00 the lb. 01 Rice, oc, 7c, and 8c. HI We are going to give out a handsome Christmas Souvenir Friday, Xmas Eve. l^UU I) A' UitCB I "ij 1639 Main St. Columbia, S C PHONE 157 ? Piedmont and Old Mill cigarette coupons wanted. I will redeem these in cash. Rice B. Harman. 1 i * i < I s. c.