FITZMAIICE'S II 1 704 and 1706 MAIM ST, Fall and \N Dry Goods, Noti and Boys, Ladies' Squares and Rugs We invite our fr f /Ay(l ton and the surrou I < n bia to see us for yc f jy are prepared to sa^ ? stock. We never or cheaper. Notice we prepa; wards to your nea will pay half your of 50 miles, provid $30.00,^and at the same time t to see us for your wants. Ladies' Suits from $10.00 to Millinery this fall. Grand val $18.00. A big assortment of 1 We guarantee everything w LOWEST PRICE. i Time to Sow p;v; Now is the time to sow Fall 5 want. We have good Seeds?See< We have a big stock and can fill 01 Early Winter and Oats, Winter Rye Essex Rape, Seed Seed, Grass See We also have about four car i< bushels of APPLER OATS anc RUST PROOF OATS which WRITE FO > Lorick & Lo1 COLUMBI C'^ 1 This beautiful soiit S made for service, lo< | our Lexington friends. ' I The Lion Ft 1 Ask for Catalogue. ii I ^TMaaMMagMgamgi Do You App If you do, take every ] a long one DR. HII Life " Liver It cures Constipation, Indi Kidney Troubles, five cases FOB SALE BY ALL BBU&G THE MURRAY DRUG i DREE-JUCH STORE COLUMBIA, S. C Writer Wear ons, Clothing for Men, Youths Tailored Suits, Millinery, Art iends and patrons from Lexingnding counties when in Colum)ur wants before buying. We se you money from this big had a better stock to show you y all orders from $4.00 and up rest express office. Also we railroad fare within a distance ing your purchane amounts to mying at the lowest price. Cal $27.50. A grand display of ues in Men's Clothing, $5.00 to Boys' Suits, $1.50 to $5.00. e sell to be GOOD and at the i Fall Seeds >eeds. Let us sell you what you ds that will reap a big harvest, -ders of any size of Hairy Vetch, Seed o r*l 7 r*? aiiu. uaiitv, iy nan I Wheat, Clover d, Onion Sets. oads of WESTERN OATS, 2,0C0 I 1,000 bushels of CAROLINA we are selling at close prices. R PRICES wrance, Inc. A, S. C. i Oak Rocker dij OQ >ks well. To irnifyre Co. 1 Columbia, S- C. \ reciate Life? precaution to make it , and take -TON'S " ? Kidneys. igestion, Stomach, Liver and that shorten Life. 1WI?. WHO LBS ALE BY CO., Ivmbia, S. C. I writes Lola P. Roberts, of S || Vienna, Ma, "I used to be ||| ' H mos* ?* **me 2nc* W ; || suffered with backache and ||j || headache. My Mother, who |? S3 find hppn rreptlvhelned bv SSI Sthe use of Cardui, get me two bottles, and I have i| b~en weM ever since." H Tho Woman's Tonic I Cardui is a gentie tonic |9 for young and old women. |gs It relieves and prevents || pain. It builds strength. It || feeds the nerves. It helps H| the whole system. E|j Made from harmless Eg roots and herbs, it has no |1 bad after-effects, does not || interfere with the use of R any other medicine and can S| do you nothing but good. Try Cardui. It will help ||j you. Your dealer sells it |? CBITUABY. Died at her home near Leesville, S. C., on December 14th, 1900, Mrs. Jane Pearl Hutto Smith, wife of B. 0. Smith, aged 19 years, 7 months and 13 days. At the threshold of womanhood she was called away, leaving a widowed mother, a husband, three brothers and many relatives and friends to mourn her departure. She also leaves two infant children to the care of those she left behind. Having given her heart to Jesus we sorrow not as those "who have no hope." Just beyond the river, Just across the way, Jesus will deliver Those who his word obey. J. E. The trouble with college i9 it's such a long lime before the boy gets out and has a chance to learn something. Women Who Are Envied Those attractive women who are lovely in face, form and temper are the envy of many, whomightbe like them. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. Constipation or Kidney poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin " eruptions and a wretched complexion. For all such, Electric Bitters work wonders. They regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion. Many charming womeii owe their health and beauty to them. f>0c at Kaufmann Drug Co., Derrick's Drug St >re, Sandel Drug Store. A man can coax a woman to do anything s^e want9 to. It's easy for a woman to paint a pretty face?if she has one. The next time one of the children catch cold, give it something that will promptly and freely but gently move the bowels. In that way the cold wili at once be driven out ci" the system. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup moves the bowels promptly and freely, yet gently, and at the same time heals irritation and stops the cough. It is especially good for children. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Girls know better than to love a man for any other reason than just to be in love. The symptoms of kidney trouble are urinary disorders, weak back and backache, rheumatism and rheumatic pains and twinges, pains in the groin, etc. There is nothing as good for kidney and bladder trouble as DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. You may depend upon them to give entire satisfaction. They are antiseptic, act promptly and soothe pain. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. We don't bl*me a man for growling if his wife treats him like a dog. A woman isn't necessarily levelheaded because her hat is on straight. Trouble Makers Ousted When a sufferer from stomach trouble takes Dr. King's New Life Pills he's mighty glad to see iiis Dyspepsia and Indigestion fly, but more, he's tickled over his new, fine appetite, strong nerves, healthy vigor, all because stomach, liver and kidneys now work right. ; 25c at Kaufmann Drug Co., Derrick's Drug Store, Sandel Drug Store. Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. We now have a full supply of cotton seed Tiipal and hulls for sale at lowest prices. Will exchange meal and hulls for seed. Bring us your rawhides. We pay highest prices for same. SUMMER & BOOZER, Ohapin, S. C. HEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE?One lot situated in the town of White Rock, S. C. on depot St. measuring 100x125ft. with residence and work-shop on saaa. For further information address. Ei. L. Gartmac. New Brookbufcd, S C. Not. 2T-2 ?o#-p SOUTH CA30LINA BUBAL LETX33 CAB3X2SS. Please meet me in Columbia at the court bouse promptly at 31 o'clock on i New Year's day next. I issued a call through the R. F. D. News for all oreamzed and partially organized coun tios to meet on New Years day and hold meetings for association work. I am net revoking that eaii, out if for any reason your county association has not arranged to hold a meeting, then to you I am issuing this call to meet me in Columbia on the date mentioned above. Come to this meeting whether you are a member of the , l association or not. This call is to all rural carriers and their substitutes. You will not regret the trip. Congress is now in session and it is a good time to get together and discuss our needs so that we may lay them before the Postoffice Department before the Postmaster General makes his recommendations and report to Congress. Hon. A. F. Lever has been inyited to address this meetiDg and it is likely that he will accept. On account of a big educational meeting in Columbia about January 1st the railroads have granted reduced rates, so that carriers from distant parts of the state may make this trip at comparatively small cost. Don't forget the place and the hour. Faithfully and fraternally yours, Thos. E. Wicker, President Rural Letter Carriers' As- , sociation of South Carolina. Newberry, Dec. 22. And lots of people are too slow to make fast friends. ?? aired It mzy bo from overwork, but the cdcisees are its from an inactive L!!VSK? With a well conducted LIVER one can do mountains of labor . without fatigue. it adds a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. it can be kept in healthful action by, and on!y by MI'S Pills TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. 1 l.D. illI DEALER IN 1 | General IHercMse S I Staple Line b I GROCERIES, CANNED 1 jj GOODS, HARDWARE, | j 1 ENAMEL WAKE, TIN- I ] "WARE, ETC. * * * * I | Lexington, - S. C. | 5Las??gJB^^ggB3gmk^^ CHICHESTER SPILLS ! DIAMOND BRAND S^Wj ^ LADIES / -r Ask your Druj^it for CHI-CHES-TBR'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and/OA Gold metallic boxes, sealed with BluetO# Ribbon. Take no otder. Bu7 oF your \/ DrugffDt and Mb for CHI-CWSS-TER 8 V DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-five years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS fftwililipnp WOBTTT TRIED tVtKTWMtHH TESTED Si Wi LINDLER, Cliapin, S. C., Has anjap-to-date lino of COFFINS AHD GASKETS 1 On hand, at prices to suit everybody. : Prices range from $1.50 up to $50.00. Oall on me and I will save you mouey. * ? ? n h Afl A Tl*hoTI X QUI prt^piirtJU LU iUiUidli Ck auaioc Truvuever desired in connection with my undertaking business. Jan. 2. 3m i Trespassers, Notice, This is to notify all persons not to ! hunt, fish or trespass in any manner whatever upon my lands, as the law will positively be enforced against all trespassers violating this notice. , John T. Kaminer. ' Deo. 7, 1909?4w9p Trespass Notice. I A 11 f A V* O 111 All ptirswus (tic 1U1 UIUUCI1 UV straw or cut wood on the estate of D. | W. Oorley, or trespass in any manner whatsoever. The law will be enforced against ali persons violating this notice. Sophia Oorley. 4wl0p i I Does not; Col 3 AYER'S Si AS I S Stops FaJSirts Mais* i g Destroys Daradru-fff I a Composed of Sulphur, Glycerin, Quinin, Scd; 1 Water, Perfume. Ask your doctor his oj | AVER'S Si All Does not Col SORfiE RARE BARGAIN NOTIONS, SHOES i Best table oil cloth, the yc Just a few more pairs of 1; out at $2.75 pair, $3.50 value, wide, 45c the yard, all colors, the yard, 10c values. One lot lasts, 5 c the yard. Remember my stock is all W. L. Ji 1816 MAIN ST. Wheeiwrightan Repair J *Tr J i__ A we are prepared w d Wheelright and Blacksmit shoeing, etc. AUTOMOBILE 3 We make a specialty oi and guarantee every job. i our care "will be promptly e: * ^ LEXINGTOi; | Save your Pict a Mottoes and Certific f them framed. We i the best possible w highest grade mouldir assortment of mouldir and the finest glass prices reasonable. I f^l Y ^1 | COLUMBIA. I THE OLD F If in need of the very 1 SADDLERY, selected by an tucky Horseman" call on the greatest variety to select best, medium and cheap. W and employ the best wor] work to last longer than an\ o %j ?a-irls 1517 Main Street I'SOUTHERN 1 1) Unexcelled Dining J ^ tt Ji/Ufiy % - * -* # . <\*? CT~ ^ "3r Serv/ce, Cars on all Trains OLl^al Trains. ft ilv*yTfcketAS3' 6tC & ^Zie!Tr