PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . DR. SAT FXSHXS SOS. Dentist Prepared teo do al] kindi of Denial * Work. Office over the DwtMmni Bank. IHKW BROOKIAKD, - - - ?.C. ?M. W. EAWB8, Attorney and OemxMler at Lnv. 2SXW BBOOKLdKD. B. 0. J _____ I c. x. mm, 9, a max f TjIFIBD Jb DR3EERR, JU ATTORNEY! A* LAW. j LEXtNOTO* 0. E, I. O. J. 11 IW*4IIIXHn AS AAW, I OBftPSK, A 0. JSo,! Itm | ranffln * nmrnii, J , 1 ATTOMWTB AS SAW, I will morm ix all coram, j atiaM*' Ink Bid's, hMnc, S. C. j ' wo will bo pUaeed to toeet thw* catIhb: Io- j gkl bwrtue&fi to be attended to At our oDoo J Ktfoe Sask inikliAc At may tlmo. I Mmpeectullj, j J. UtA. THTTRMOJTD. I 6. BELL TliffiraMlJJ, 7 _ j Albert m. boozer, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, S. a j Omoi: 1515 Main Street, upstairs, opposite an Metre's Furniture Store- j . ?^ Pendle ton Street. Street. f j Office Telephone No. 1872. Residence Telephone No. 1086. k W BOYD EVANS, YY .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. COLUMBIA. S. 0. Dr. p. h. shealy, dentist, lexington, s. o. Offiee Up Stain in Roof i Building. nB. T. 0. GILMORE, k if DENTIST , 1110 Mala Street, OOLUMBIA, S. 0. Owkcm fleam.- 9 a. za. te i p. a, mad from ? to p. au D. A. MALL, if destist 9ELUMBZA, B. O. Lathees* Pallleatf ta Eafl*iag, Vmiyy nt. Qffie# boars 8 a. rcu, to 5: SO p.{a Dec* 23, ItOY?tan t i E. Q. DREHER, Agent, j WUC INSURANCE. j BEI#!U?6ENTING | HOWE INSURANCE CO., N. Y. jj INSURANCE CO OF N. A., PHILA GERMAN-AMERICAN, N. Y. CLOSE AND RUTGERS, N. Y. TEUTONIA, NEW ORLEANS. SOUTHERN STOCK FIRE, GREENS* 60R0, NORTH CAROLINA. ? STRONGEST AND BEST OLD LINE INSURANCE COMPANIES. LOCAL AGENCY jj LEXINGTON, S. C. 'j PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clemv* aad^ beantifies the hair. Never Falls to Bestore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. &^hai-_fallicg. uniiEy Tfi i nea munhi iv ihvhii ^ On improved Farming Lands, Long Time. Borrower pay actual cost perfecting loan. No commission charged. ? E. K. Paftaer, Sylvan Building P. 0. Box 282. lelurofcie, S. 8. For Sale. We will sell to |he highest biddsr on Tuesday, Feb. 15th, 1910, the fol lowing property: 11. H. C. gasoline engine, 8 h. p.; 1 Deloach shingle mill; 1 Gibbs drag ?aw; 1 log cart: belting, pulleys, shafting and all that goes with outfit. Also 1 fine yoke of oxen, weighing about 1150 each. This property is all in good running condition and is being sold for division. Sale will be at P. R. Wessinger home place. 6wp P. R. Wessinger & Son. KILLth. COUGH I and cure the lungsg Dr. King's I , New itisconry 1 " FOB C8KJ" .jSs, AMP ALL THROAT AMP LUES TROUBLES. % GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! OB MONBY REFUNDED. | ? Irairrzn B c mouth I I BAD *?WTE I I SIGN I ami nmrr ?# I 1AM WwjjJrW TO-DAY. Tom -will M baiter almost immedjatelt, ate! still better To-Moitow TUB GENUINE haa tho RED Z on I IN front of oooti paofcaao and tho I I olgnnturo and aoalof J. H. ZEIUN I 1 A CO., on tho afdo, In RED. ^ 1 8 FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. * I mrwiniiiBB?BBMmJ I ? rrr asm I Hot Water jg| lastantaoeously j for city residences $16.005 for country residences $20.00. plest1 heater on the giving satisfaction COLUMBIA SUPPLY COMPANY. 823 W. Gervais St. Columbia. S. C. Ltsiagtoa Fressfcag Club. Remember that the old reliable Lexington Pressing Club is still in business and is serving its patrons with the usual promptness snd care. We give special attention t? the pressing of Ladies skirts. Give Us a trial. tf. Lem Sox, Mgr. THS JSW1LE& HQS Maia St, Gtlaabia, 8. C. WITCHES AND JEWELRY Makes Titera Scad as Hew MEDALS ASD BADGES Kfl*- #T o?o? Shsps h s vSn^ijio sihI Other rWJ53S?3. AVERY, The Jeweler 1508 Main St., Celumbia, S. C ?;!? WORLDS SSEATESTSEWini KOTffi p^G|iT RUKNI^^ *f you wnnteittaera VlbrntingShrittlo. Rotary Shuttle or a Single Thread | Chair, titiich] (Sewing Machine write to HE W\ IICHIE SEWIN8 MACHINE C3MPASY Orange* Mass. Manys' vinj machines are made to sell regardless c< Quulhy, out the Xcw Home is made to wear. Our guaranty never runs out. Sold by authorised dealers only. FOR SAL* BV - W. r. RttCP, Lsx.^ten, S. C. Not Yet. A Missouri clergyman had in his pastoral dark a member who was reInotanf ?Knnt rr?i?ptriTlcr t,h* COntribU 1UVVOUV WWVV4V V.V, w.?p, Hon basket. The pastor had thrown out many broad bints, but all to no avail. On* day the member fell ill and was taken to the Ellsworth hospital. When the clergyman arrived the man was delirious. While the pastor was sitting betide his bed a wild yell of 4'Fire! Fire!" came from across the fr. I, f IBTNo. The sick mas drew himself epos his elbows. "Where?where am 1?" he asked excitedly. "Calm yeureelf, brother," soothed fee pastor, with jnet fee faintest twinkle la his eye. "Tea ere still at the feisife kesgttal I"?-Iippiscotl's. hn iMUnt Tcaafiaw. B. 0. Yewngiaer, president of the Btekknd Oemmty feesal Letter Oarritm' Aseeeiatlem has tailed a meeting ksbeheMls fee eeirt house in Columbia es XTew Tear's day at 11 o'clock. All the carriers of;Lexington County ase invited to be present. Our state president and others will be with ns he help make onr meeting a success. S. C. Younginer. Colombia, Dec. 23. Deafness Cannot Be Cured 1 1 n^^U/iofi'nno as tViPV pflliriflf; uy iwoi apynvHvtwuu) wu w"-ti ?? ? ? reach the diseased portion of the ear. There i? only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness '"is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucuous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cnred by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's 1 amily Pills for constipation. Treat your wife as thongh ehe w?e a queen and that will help make her one. - ? ? ' Hort Danville Preof Jseob Schjall, 462 South St., Danville, 111., writee: 'Tor ever eighteen months I was a sufferer from kidney and bladder tremble. During the whole time wee treated by several doctors and tried several different kidney pills. Seven week* ago 1 tornmenced taking Foley's Kidney Pills, and torn, feeling better every day and will be glad to tell anyone interested jest what Foley*! Kidney Pills did for me." Sold by all druggists of Lexington and Henry Drag Store, Ohapin, 8. 0# When man is a success he claims the credit; when he is a failure he finds seme woman to blame for it. A sprained ankle will usually disable the injured person for three or four weeks. This is due to lack of proper treatment. When Chamberlain's Liniment is applied a cure may be effected in three or four days. This liniment is one of the best and most remarkable preparations in use. Sold by all druggists. We are inclined to think that heaven will be given to those who are trying to make a heaven cn this earth. ir\ ho at.icfipr? Trith tho hf-Kf" YOU can get. Foley's Honey and Tar is the best and safest-cough remedy for children. At the first symptoms of a cold, give as directed, and ward off danger of croup, bronchitis, fore throat, cold in the head, and stuffy breathing. It brings ccmfort and ease to the little ones. Contains no opiates or other harmful drags. Keep always on hand, and refuss substitutes. Sold by all Druggists of Lexington, Henry Drug store?Chapin S. O. Gav. Ansel will order an election to be held on February 3 to decide as to decide as to the annexation of a part of R*rVplf>v nonntv to Oranceburrr. The voting precincts in the territory are Holly Hill and Eatawville. A petition was recently filed with Governor Ansel by the voters of the section desiring annexation. i * * * After exposure, and when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley,s Honey and Tar, the great throat and lung remedy. It stops the cough, relieves the congestion, expels the cold from your system. Is mildly laxative, Sola by all Druggist of Lexington, Henry Drag Store?Chapin S. C. We are almost out of home girls girls that are "mother's right hand," girls that can cuddle the little ones next best to mamma, and smooth out the tangles in the domestic skein when things get twisted; girls that father t-akoa pom fort in for something better than beauty, and big brathors are proud of for something that outranks the ability of leading a dude. If you are suffering from bilious ness, constipation, indigestion, chronic headache, invest one cent in a postal card, send to Chamberlain Medicine Co., LVs Moines, Iowa, with your name and address plainly on the back, and they will forward you a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Sold bv all drugtrists. I I To All Of This store is 1 partment, and ym New Year's buyin 199 DERMIS SL, 3 PABTITION. .STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. Court of Common Pleas. Garrett Miller, et al., vs. Eliza Miller, et al. In obedience to the decree of the court herein, signed by the Hon. John S. Wilson, Judge presiding, on the 4th day of December, 1909, I will sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, before the Court House door, in Lexington, S. C , during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in January, 1910: "All that piece, parcel, or tract of land, situate, lying and being in Boiling Springs Township, County of Lexington, and State aforesaid, oontaining One Hundred (100) Acrss, more or less, adjoining lands now or formerly owned by Martin Miller, A. Med Miller, Her. S. P Sbumpert, Joseph Frye and perhaps others." Terms ?f Bait: One-half cash, balance on a credit of twelve months, seeured fev bend ?f purchaser and mortage of tlie premises sold. Purchaser to pay papers. FRAJJX W. SHE ALT, 6. 0. C. P. A G. S. J. Bracks "Wingard, Plain tiffs' Attor^eoember 18th, 1909. Town Lot at Public Auction. On th? first Monday in Jannary, 1910, immediately after the official sales, I will offer fcr sale to the highest bidder, before the court house door in Lexington, S. C., ray house and lot, located in the town of Lexington, on the new street in the rear of Mr. Frank Griffith's residence, onehalf acre land, three room dwelling with good well of water. Terms of sale?One-half cash, balance on a credit to suit purchaser. Purchaser to paj7 for papers. 1 JOSEPH S. MEETZE. 3w9 Irmo, S. C. Distemper Lemedy for Dogs, An old reliable, safe and sure remedy | for distemper in clogs, qmcK ana guaranteed cure in the early stage of this disease, Price 50ot. Mailed anywhere, Rice B. Harman, Pharmacist, Lexington, S. C. a?HOBCBBaH?MP? " niMiwwtwr> To arrive J an. 6 of Horses and Mu t.nnlrv VVkVfAOj Saddle and H? Draft and Farm IV KENTUCKY All sold under o CI no UJ KJ -w j. 1 1306 ASSEMBLY STREI )rimful of bargains l are cordially invito g at our store. Doors Below Seaboard Depot, PERRY STEEDMAI . i We wish to an; friends and customer find in the future a a Fancy Dress G-oods, se< we handle the celebre Shoes and guarantee eiy pair, and wish t attention to the n< Queen Rosalie a: Taste Shoes for childrei And you will [find a Gents' Furnishings, .3 Notions. We also carry of Groceries, etc.. anc prices right. We buy a try produce, and beg valued patronage. Yours for Bu PERRY STEEBMAF, ^ ond Repairs ft lectors, Pipes, Va!ves and Fittings, Light Saw, Shim Cane Mills in stock. LOMBARD IRON i COiVCF?AINY, Augusta, Ga. I, two car loads les from Ken- jl| irness Horses, [ules. HIGH CLASS \ND MULES uarantee?must be as r ore buvinp- anv kind of - - ?/ r~> ? j in every deed to do your COLUMBIA, S. C. 4, S. C. nounce to our s that they will omplete line of i sond to none, and ited Hub brand j 3 each and ev- | ;o call especial yted brands, nd Queen's ladies and 1. complete line of .1 Dry iG-oods and a complete line I guarantee the ill kinds of coun^ a share of your .smess, HALL 1 S. C. |] Instfe Twine, Babbit, &c., far any make INES, BOILERS and PRESSES >r same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, In* ;le, and Lath Mills, Gasoline Engines WORKS AND SUPPLY ^ sjmnmmmaKwmaaBTacaearasm nwaMm HORSES epresented. stock. COLUMBIA, S. C.