The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, December 15, 1909, Image 7

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11 Am CM" I I writes Mrs. Ethel Newiin, B of Liberty Center, IncL, ^that I began to take Car- H Idui, tor it nas curea me, m and I will never forget it H "I cannot praise Cardui H too highly for what it did R for me. Before I began H to take it, I was very Eg bad color, suffered great m pain and weighed only R 105 pounds. Now I have H a good color, do not suffer ffi and weigh 125 lbs." R ; The Woman's Tonic Beware of strong, nox- B9 ious. mineral drugs, that R -'B sink into your system, ffl ? like lead to the bottom of ig B a basin of water. || B Cardui is purely vege- ^ B table and contains no B poisonous minerals, or B H dangerous drugs. 13 H It is perfectly safe and B - B harmless, for use by old B jfl and young, and may be B B taken, as a tonic, for H B months, without any possi- B B ble harmful effect Try it B > Won Premiums at Spartanburg Mr. S. A. Mathias, of Irmo, exhibited his fine White Plymouth Bock chicken8 at the great Southern Poultry Show at Spartanburg a few weeks ago, and won premiums as follows: First, hen; second, ben; first, pallet; second, pullet; first, pen; second, cockerel. In addition to the above, Mr. Mathias' birds carried off three special prizes. ^ | Jadge Brown, of Baltimore, stated that he had never seen a better exhibit of white Plymouth Rocks any? ~ ^here. ICHRI In anticipj line of Ohristn the advance in * ?**' '' Wc .vMr. 'llf Our collection of i we have ever car: i&m are lower than ; 2?| where. Every gi for Christmas and |n| place to get it. !We extend spect our stock. rn A_ _ rcj^, j||| eania uia - N " / * t ? WS TALKING HQ. Obriatmss flwiiwitMOOM of Retfrod ClfOU* fllMMBM. ,(%J ONE of my numerous ObnhtmM [V eeperieoces baa been a sad ooe?" remarked a fatuous odd circus ctowo. It was 00 Christmas.u be ooottaued. that 1 accidentally determined to be a showman. While walking 00 the outskirts of Pittsburg 1 paused to admire a pea of fine pig? by the roadside. 1 was a fairly proficient amateur ventriloquist at that time, and the owner - m 41 - ? --?? ?? -Kose vita OX ILie peu wn# awuuuucu w umi iuc ( maintaining au animated conversation vritb a Sleek. fat porker as he approached the sty. 'Pig. you know you at* that pullet, j feathers and ail/ 1 accusingly exclaim ed. ~ 'Dan. you know you lie. and the truth aio't in you.' came the angry respouse within the sty. " 'Phwat the divil's got luter me pigs?* tbeir owner wocderingly inquires. " "The divil take ye. ye Oirisb na- j gur/ a squeaking voice replied from the pen. 'Dan swot Mm in the smeller/ "Til do nothing of the kind, you ! ungrateful beast.' was my Indignaut reply. 'You've got the devil iD you/ "After a few minutes' conversation the Irishman was convinced that a certain black and red pig was possessed of a devil and was sorely perj piexed thereby. He was greatly .puz| zled to know how to get rid of both | pig and devil at the same time. At I last 1 kindly volunteered to rake the dno. nod be offered me a small consideration for so doing. "Within two weeks I was making a neat sum of money oo the road by exhibiting an educated talking pig. which proved a great drawing card. So wet! did 1 prosper with it that the next Christmas I lavishly entertained a host of old as well as new friends with the best the country afforded." Dissatisfied. A woman who had a telephone in ? ??wmi ft?o tola. uer opanuiciH wicu uyv? .v~ pbooe company and asked that the service be discontinued- Tbe man wbo took tbe message cried to be excessively polite. hWe are sorry to lose you.** be said suavely. "Are yoo dlawCistied with anything?" **I am.** came beck the emphatic re- t joinder. -1 am very sorry,** be said. "Pecbaps ve can remedy matters. CVbat is It yoo do doc like?" "Single blessedness.** said the wo* map. "1 am going to be married toSTMAi ition of the Christn las and Holiday Gc i prices, and we are \ I < i- r r.. 'resents i-or tvi 0 Here you will find gifts suitabli l and for every purpose. Water Sets, Toilet Sets, Fruit S< vis, Vases of all descriptions, gs, Lamps, Clocks, Jewelry Cas irk Boxes, Albums, etc. LLS! BOLLS! 'Dollsis the largest tied and the prices | you will find else.rl will want a doll . the Bazaar is the SP a most cordial invitati Make your selectior us' Headquarters ^Pr-w-w-w-w-w^ morrow."Ab.~ said the polite clerk, "you are post oor aid. iioodby."?Mew Kocfc E Herald. A Big Choio*. "IThor'a r<rifcr rwi cotUir to bor for CM for Ctwlttfoittur* | "I don't know yet. Pa baso't made * up bis mind." 1 "He hasn't?" C "No; be's got such a lot of things to 2 choose from. All ma wants Is a set of c furs, a diamond ring, an electric ruu about, a party dreas. a pearl ueeklace . and a solid gold purse.'*?Detroit Ftee I^ress. 1 i Calculating Youth. I "I suppose you will soou be looking ] forward to the eomiug of Sauta ^ Glaus," said the old fashioned man. "No," answered the painfully preoo- . cious child, "lr's too early to begin to figure. Tbey kept me oo my good behavior for ten weeks last year, and all ? I got was a suit of clothes that was 1 coming to me anyhow."?Washington ? Star. r Her Task. ? Little Minna was saying ber pray- 1 ecs. When she had fiuisbed her usual Detitions her mother said: . | T "You hare forgotten, dear. 'Make g Minna a good girl.' you know." j "Ob, mother," she answered re- ^ proachfully. "don't let's bother God ^ about that. That's your lookout."?Harpe; 's. E Unplaesant Associations. I "This is a beautiful country we are ( passing through." ^ "Not for me. I got stock in a horse trade here ooee." 8 > ir^ i D IO I ias Trade, The Bas >ods ever brought t s in position to sell erybody * ? e for any occa- WOl 3ts, Salad Dishes, Cups, Saucers, If >es, Ink Stands, J/ ^ OBOBBBOmnHMMBSMM OF ALL 1 ECIAL I t on to the people of L> is now, we will take pi ESKIMO FOOTWEAR. ~ " loot* of tho Arctic Regions ??*d How They Aro Made. The Eskimos, as a rale, use nothng bat the sealskin, deerskin, musk )iea, arctic hare and bird skins for >oih their feet and tlieir clothing. the first place they-skin the hare, lean and dry it and chew it all over, ind when it is thoroughly dry they :ut it up and make socks to wear nside of their seal or deer skin >00ts (in their language called kanaks). The sealskin is taken, the ' - i- -1 J - CO - J t ai cieaueu uu, n wuuucu name nade about a foot on the round arger than the skin, and the skin is hen laced tightly around a frame md kept in the sun until thoroughy dryThen the squaws or women clean ind set about cutting it up into >oo'ts, which are generally made tbout two or three sizes too large. L'he bottom, or sole, is cut to the ihape of the foot in one piece, the lppers are joined and sewed to the idge of the bottom, and the fore >art is sewed to the leg nearly traight across the instep. The leg s cut out according to the length ranted, with a receiving string in he top to tie over, thus keeping the now out. The arctic Eskimos do not use xark or tan of any kind for their kins. It cannot be procured, and ,hey do not know how to use it. Should their boots dry up their laiies, or squaws, take them and chew hem all over, and in ten minutes hey are as soft as a glove. Farther outh and in some parts of Labrak>r the skins are barked and thor>ughly dried and when made up last ouch longer. It makes a good deal >f difference what species of seals ire used. The best by far are the qua re flipper and the old harp seal, imld they get leather and sole9 for heir boots as we do in this country t would be an improvement for nmmer wear, but would not answer or winter. A good pair of skin boots will last in Eskimo for nearly six months rith constant wear on the ice.? Captain Moses Bartlett in Superinendent and Foreman. More family scraps should be conIgned to the garbage can. DRAW saar has purchas o Lexington. VS at lower prices t We have e for boys and gi ^ gons, Guns, F Our Prices on KINDS LWfiuuLu?a?raw J VITATIO exington and surroi easure in saving it f a?BaaBq^^ Honesty in Jewelry "If it oome from Sentz's, yon know it's all right," is what one of onr customers remarked to another the other day. When you bay Jewelry, you I generally have to take the "Jeweler's word for it" whether it b good or not. That's jnst where our reputation for honesty and fair dealing counts. And furthermore, we willjalways give you your money back and ask no questions any time you are dissatisfied with a purchase. Special attention to mail orders, CHARLES P. 8ENTZ, JEWELER, 1439 Main, Columbia, S. C Jus! Received Car load of HEATING STOVES. We also have full line of Cook Stoves and Banges. Call and see our Stoves and get our prices before buying els ewhere and save you money. Call on us for anything in HARDWARE LINE. W. S. STEWART, 1526 Main St Columbia, S. C For Sale. One young cow with calf for sale i a bargain. Apply quick to Marsha Roof, New Brookland, S. C. ing r ed the largest am re bought month han ever before ii verything in Toys, rls. Go-Carts, WaLifles, Trunks, Etc. Toys are Very Low. Here is the place to iiias Candies, Fruits, etc. Our reputation ^ ^ 1 X* >-V ^ /V AM r UtJSL UiiibS U1 tiiwats gt. known to Mention lie N inding community t or you. SMarA'igqfe'fig Lexin? I[ . II am tired of sitting in uncom- ? fortable rockers. I will have one like this delivered to me for $5.00 j m HAVE OTHER GOOD VALUES J 1 DICKERSON 8 LYNN 1 1806 Main St. Columbia, S. C. ! I COLUMBIA JUNK COMPANY, | | 805Gervais St.Columbia, S.C 8 , Opp Cibboa Maohinery Co. I IBuys iron, brass, copper, bones, ftj rubber, rags and all kinds of E metals. Best prices. 8 PHONE 268. I PINAL DISCHARGE. This is to notify all persons that I [ will apply to the Hon. Geo. S. Drafts, Judge of Probate for Lexington Coun^ ty, South Carolina, on the 8th day of January, 1910, for a final discharge as administrator of the estate of Ransby .f Bowman, deceased, dl A. N. Dreher, 4w9 Administrator. I EAR || j dmost select Jr s ago, before ||| l our history ||| Tfi?yyi ^'mrryiwrritrri inm 'rasa || SJITSj ETC. fc W" w get your Clirist, Nuts, Raisins, for handling the 4& 1 .? j ~ _?n vH-v ;uus xb tuu W tJII & , I o come and in" ||| i ?ton, S. C. ? i