mi iimiy-ii jjjii S. B. Mc COLUMBIA, We have the largs Base Ball Good* Guns and spoi ^ descriptions, j ^ General Kepat Carolina. : Our prices are 1 Write for wht when in the cii S. B. 3 COLPM Parlor B ^a%#| l stirs u^vn EXT TO SKYSSRAPES. - ?....... * Best cooking ana finest Rest* ' / C. ' V Special Rates by the W< ? r^= RED JACK CYLINDERS 1 Pitcher Sp No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Fig. 48?A Deep Well Pr Fig. 40?Heavy force pun for 1 1-4,1 1-2, or 2 p wind mill work at Prices on pipe and fitti make a specialty of fitting ' they leave our shop. SE LEE A. LOF 1519 MAIN STREET 11 COLUMBIA < THE STORE THAT SELLS BETA Flour, Bacon, Lard am We carry evevything in chief aim is to please, you will be convinced. Corner Plain and Assen COLuMBI QUALITY Yon have probably bought many tl good, that cost a good price, but urn test of service soon proved themselves t It might have been shoes that so the sides, caps broke down, heels gav gave %nd soles were plated. To gear ?? wear, arid fc II w?ar your r rau<* c*l0*ce { . Sole ag( /IS^sI ^ to $5.00. T. A. Opposite Post Office, wtrr DDTOPfi TT.T.T. JL XXXj A J?i.vxiw J. B. FRI1 Wholess Grocers, F1 Fe fFie Want the Merchants, 1 ington County to Call and , Purchases, We Can Fill Money. 1823-1825 Main I WBBWWaMWIIUI II nil, win?ibb MASTER, s. c jst stock of 3, Fishing Tackle | ting goods of all Automobiles and r Shop, in South ? it the lowest : : it you want, and fcy give us a call. VlcMaster, BIA, S. C. estaurant, D, Proprietor, COLUMBIA, S. C. lurant in Columbia. For Ladies and Gentlemen eek. [eals at all Hours?Night or Day TT DUMPS II kb B AND SUPPLIES >out Pumps $1.25 each $1.50 each ......$1.75 each imps with cylinder at84.00. ips, with cock spout, tapped ipe for deep well, hand or 86.00 ngs at lowest prices. .We ; up pumps for wells before IND US YOUR ORDERS. ttCK& BRO. COLUMBIA, S. C. GROCERY CO., FOE CASHIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. I Suffar our Snecialfies w**o? ~l the Grocery line, and our Try us before you buy and V ibly Streets, near Market, A, : : S. C. f SHOES! rings that looked ier the rugged vorthlese. on run over at ^ e way, sewing v\ d against th se things, especia y in foot-' >e confident of getting the best quality l oot aoney can buy, take advantage of the large stock constantly available for making pleasis at our store. jnt for W. L. Douglas Shoes for ir ?n, $1.5C BO YNE, > flftl mn k?i> C.f! WJLUUlV/i.U) Kf W THE QUALITY SELLS DAY & CO., ile and Retail our, ed and Grain. Planters and Farmer* or JLe&r . See Us Before They Make 2 heir Your Wants and Save You Street, Columbia, F, C Carolina Boy l?ay Win Corn Contest National Prise A. Bascomb Usher, the Marlboro connty boy who produced 152 % bush- j ela of corn on one acre of land, was awarded the first prize for South Carolina in the National Boys' Corn Contest, which is held under the auspices of the Federal Farm Demonstration Office. He will spend this week in Washington as the guest jof the government. rrcL. - A.i. 1 ? ? 4. xne state uuubcst uas uuuus yeiuecu decided, and he will in all probability win this a9 there ha9 been no greater yield reported to the ^commissioners. Mr. Usher has also won the first prize for Marlboro county. Farm demonstration workers are of the opinion that Mr. Usher will win the first prize in the National contest as no greater yield has been reported for the season. The champion corn producer of the state is only 17 years of age and the methods he U9ed in producing the phenomenal yield proves very interesting. Sr. Boyd's Sure-Fop Colic Benedy. This remedy is guaranteed to relieve Colic in its most seyere form, or money refunded. Colic is the mo9t common ailment of horses, mules and cat Ue. 'mere are more nor^es uie or colic than ail other diseases combined. Any one owning a horse can not afford to be without a bottle of DR. BOYD'S Sure-Pop Colic Remedy at all times. It i9 without doubt, as testified to by thousands of owners of horses who have used it. as the most | wonderful colic remedy on the market. Relieves in from twenty to thirty minutes belly ache, flatulant and spasmodic colic in its most severe forms and stages. When a horse is taken with colic, DR. BOYD'S SurePop Colic Remedy should be administered "at once. When colic is not checked at the outset, it is very liable to develop into inflammation of the bowels, and when it does, there is little chance of saying the horse's life. It is the easiest to give, quickest to act. Safeet and cheaper than any other colic remedy on the market. If you are going away from home on a day's drive, do not fail to put a bottle of DR. BOYD'S Sure-Pop Colic Remedy in your pocket. No drenohing is needed. If you have no teaspoon with you to measure it, just open the horse's mouth with one hand, and put about what would be a teaspoonful on the tongue. Price 60 cents per bottle. For sale by Harman's Bazaar. Money is Elected Minority Leader Washington,'D. C.? In caucus Thursday the Democratic tenators elected Senator H. D. Money, of Mississippi as minority leader of the senate to succeed Senator Culberson, of Texas, wnose resignauou was prcstsuueu. Senator Bacon, of Georgia, had been ' mentioned very prominently for the chairmanship of the caucus, but would not consent to be a candidate in any sense if it involved a contest with Senator Money. Senator Bacon had been approached with an offer of the chairmanship when it was understood by some of the leaders that.Senator Money, on account of recent ill-health might not be a candidate. The senator from Georgia replied that should such circumstances develop he would consent to be a candidate and not otherwise. Senator Money who is now serving the last year of his term, has been in the senate twelve years, and was vicechairman of the caucus when Senator Culberson resigned. Senator Shively, of Indiana, was elected vice-chairman. The symptoms of kidney trouble are urinary disorders, weak back and backache, rheumatism and rheumatic pains a-nrl r.urincrps nniiis in the srroin. etc. v'*fcv* v " Jt ' ~ There is nothing us good tor kidney, and bladder trouble as DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. You may depend upon them to give entire satisfaction. They are antiseptic, act promptly and scothe pain. Sold by Kaufmaun Drug Co. ITagro Attacks Columbus Girl. Columbus, Ga.?Posses of determined men and and boys, which ha\ e all day been searching for an unknown negro, who attempted to criminally assault Catherine Trimmell, a fourteen year old white girl here Thursday, returned without capturing the negro. A sheriff's posse with bloodhounds is keeping up the hunt. The little girl was 011 her way to school in the outskirts of this city, and when in the sparsely settled neighborhood, the negro seized her and dragged her about 10D yards from the street into a nearby woods. Her cries, however, frightened him away Hofnro ar>fif>mn1i?Vipn miriiOSG. As I ~ * ' j soon as the attempt became known, hundreds of citizens joined the oflicers ! in their search for the negro, and if he had been caught, a lynching would have resulted. In a matrimonial partnership a woman is never the silent partner. Trouble Makers Ousted When a sufferer from stomach trouble takes Dr. King's New Life Pills lie's mighty glad to see his Dyspepsia and ^Indigestion fly. but more, he's tickled over his" new, tine appetite, strong nerves, healthy vigor, ail because stomach, liver and kidneys now work right. c'5c at lvaufmann Drag Co., Derrick's Drug Store, Sandel Drug Store. 4 A SEBMON ON LOVBL My text for thi9 morning is as follows: Like an outline, like a dove, Like a thousand things is love. My hearers?Loye, as truly says my text, may be likened to a thousand things?things consistent, things contrarient, things anomalous, things par adoxical, and things plausible; bat I shall mention only a few, besides .the vulture and doye, to which this tender (yet terribly tough) passion may be likened. Love, then, is like the devil; because it torments us, and hath a warm place for its home. It is like the consumption; because it wastes away the flesh, alternately pales and reddens the cheek, and sets doctors at defiance. It is like heaven; because it wraps the soul in a blanket of bliss, and makes a fellow feel as tho' forever ought to be lengthened and eternity widened, to give it scope for the expansion of its joys. It is like salt, because it give9 a relish to the cold porrige of poverty. It is like pepper; because it is warming to the inwards, and sometimes brings tears to the eyes. It is like sugar; because it is sweet, and dealt out by spoonful at the teatable. It is like wine; because it makes us happy, and talk ;nonsense enough to physic, a cast iron phoenix. It is like a ship; because it ride9 upon both calm and troubled seas, and takes one to the wished-for-port. It is like a jack-o-lantern; because it leads one ? into a bog, and the more a body strug- % gles to get out, the deeper he is in the ! mire. It is lik.e the bite of a mad dog, or the kiss of a, pretty woman; # oecause tne ootn mass a man run 5 mad. My friends?love, among other things, is like a rose tree; because it 9 hath both thorns and blossoms. The J blossoms are fragrant and beautiful, O aud the thorns are sharp and pierc- J ing. It blooms for a short season, and then is lovely no more. Soon the green leaf of friendship turn yellow * and fall; and there stands the unsight* I ly tree of love, a9 barren of beauty as a flyiug fish is of feathers! It is like 6mall-pox; because those who have once been afflicted with it are not lia- 9 ble to have it again, except in a mild- # er form. It is like the measles; be- { cause it is severer with adults than with children. It is like the rain; be cause it falls "upon the just and un- J just." Like death; because it is no re specter of persons. Like a shadow, because it sticks close .to its object. * Like a tick upon a sheep; because it J cannot be shaken off. Like a wife; because there is no getting rid of it. Like a goose; because it is silly. Lake J a rabbit: because there ia nothing like ? it. Like a monkey; because it makes mischief. In short, love is like a = ghost; because it is like everything and like nothing?often talked about, A but never seen, touched or under- g stood. My hearers?Love, by some fig writer of old, has been mentioned as a 1| strange compeer of war; for while K war is slaying thousands with its Kg swords, love is committing murder B upon as many with its cruel darts. R The former sheds blood enough in the g? course of a century to deluge a small jg township, and the latter causes tears H to flow, in the same space of time, Bj sufficient to keep a saw mill in opera- K tion for a month of Sundays. The |g tears shed by repentance, compared |& with the quantity spilt by love, are p| about as a gentle fall of dew to a rain tempest in August. v g| But my friends there is a species of love that acts as oil upon the troubled $3 waters?that lulls raging passion to ^ rest?tliat smooths down the porcu- __ pine quills of envy, jealousy aud revenge?that causes the gory battle field to bloom with the unfading flow- \ pre r,f nnivc-sal friorcleli ir>,?t.liat. fflOKS like a beautiful rainbow upon the ^ departing elements of strife?that ^ comes like a white-winged angel from & . Heaven, proclaiming peace and "good J) will to men/' and kissing its hand to > the women, God bless them! This is the kind of love that I want to see more extensively propagated. Li t ^ the whole world be illuminated with its glorious eifulgenpe, and sorrow $ will have to look some where else to ^ dejK)sit her gloom. Love cue anoth- \ er, my friends; love everybody? N white, black, brown, yellow and all? - Dr. Boyd's Sure-Pop Colic Cure for stock, and his entire line of reliable veterinary remedies for sale at. The 1 Bazaar Women Su from Disea And Most Women D< Real Cause oi These poor, suffering worn* have been led to beliere that the misery of mind and body is en tlx ly due to **Uls of their sex." Usual the kidneys and bladder are r sponsible?or largely so. And ; bucq cases, the kidneys and wa der are the organs, that need ai must have attention. Those torturing, enervating sk headaches, dragging pains in bac groin and limbs, bloating and swei ing of the extremities, extrec nervousness or hysteria, listlee cess and constant tired, worn-oi feeling?are almost certain sym toms of disordered and disease kidneys, bladder and liver. DeWitt's Kidney and Blsdd< Pills hare, in thousands of case been demonstrated as remarkaW beneficial in all such conditions < female organism?affording tl most prompt relief and permanet benefit. As an frustration of what the< PHls will do, Mrs. P. M. Bray < Columbus, Ga., writes that she w? very ill ^ith kidney trouble, ac that she is now well?and thi these Pills are what cured her. They are very pleasant to tak and can in no case, produce an deleterious effects upon the systei ?as syrupy, alcoholic, liquid pre; KAUFSWAWM DRUG CO WIS, DO Our Cjiot?ery Depa fresh, reliable goods? guarantee satisfaction. We pay highest prices f< hulls at lowest prices. Com Agents for Studebaker Wago Convenient wagon yard H * H4 ^ Plumbi Send us your 5 5 SOUTHERN WTA1 colum: 810-312-814-81 6-E ,' 40,000 Roi :., WALL 1 Largest and most varied stc | cln^p p?| I YOU 8ZED GOOD PAItf ' Picture Frames Wade to 0 ! Webb's / 1 1627 ?*l2in Street i The Palmetto COLUS WE ARE A Depository for the ot South Carolina tli of Columbia. WE OWN $100,000 United Stat Carolina Bonds. WE SOLICIT Aooounts of Banks, . WE PAY Four Per Out. on dc teres* calculated qua WE PEOMISE Our best Ciforts to tr, satisfaction. PALMETTO NATIONA CAPITA Wilie Joxes, President. ffer Agonies ised Kidneys o This Not Knowing the f their Condition si. yf I watl(m apt to do. , is E. C. DoWitt & Co., Chicago, id want every man and woman who U have the least suspicion that theyj are afflicted with kidney and biade, der diseases to at once write them, iy and a trial box of these Pills will m be sent tree by return mail postp paid. Do tt to-day. u MPANY, DITRIBUTORS. e ? 9 SWANSEA. S. C. f )We carry everything in 3 Greneral Merchandise. g You will find our store | headquarters for 3 Shoes, clothing and fients' Furnishings, Dry s Goods and Notions, Hats, Eic- 3 Ttment is always full of re only handle the best and 3 o )r cotton seed and sell meal and e to us before you sell. ns and Buggies?Best on the market. J , with ample room for stock. J ^ s+sssssssso* MAILORDERS- ^ | pes: Oo-. I bia, s. c. i !18 CERVAIS STREET. 3 Is of Select I ' PAPER 1ick in the State, -soods marked v 1 and see us, ^ 7 AT SI.15 PER GALLON. g ?rdcr Cheaper than ESsewherc.