The Place to E AT BOTTOM THE FACT I LISHED T "POT>TTT. AT? T P. M. Chapin / First Glass Dental Wor Dr. L. L. TOOL! 1608?Main Street, ?~v Q COLUMI t' pen AVINGS &0UNT I u/p * j|. : wciv^jyts? J & 0. BROV JI 1730 MAIN STREE1 ^ I Is where you can find1 II " PAII ;| OF All I DOORS, Si I BLIND! : | UUE ANI | CABINET J Call or write for Prices. i t ^ yngTOiffrTTTffiHfraamiff'*- ^ ' fDHnMWfMWkT WMBMNStancMMMQarmTirxiPMr 4*e* * * ?*#-:**$$? ?*? ** 0 ft 4 ftft ft $ ? ? | The Caleb U 1552 Corner Main and * Columbia Bank. Centra] * 2 George J. Howell, Pre * J Bates $2.00 per day. * Headquarters for the 2 Free baths on Sat 2 CUISINE U ? Proper and Careful Atte -<4t * Now Under New Management; ? iiiy Your Goods C PRICES IS row ESTABATITH THE 'TRM OF FRICK, ! J Si OI k at Reasonable Prices These Are My Prices: ; Plates (rubber base) $10.00 L Crowns | $ 5.00 ge Woik (per tooth) $ 5.00 ;n Crowns (pivot tooth) $3.50 h Extracted (painless) 25c. and 50c. h Cleaned ...75c. and $1.00 iT fillings .' 50c! to $1.00 [ fillings $1.00 to $2.00 j TREATING TEETH EXTRA, I E9 - Surgeon Dentist Ipposits Thomas' Drug Store BIA, S. C. ? "TT?T ; |y Lexington Friends 11 ?' v i 11 t i s-3fve vou I J " with one of the most complete stocks oeshoes to be-. . found in the citv and at %/ money saving prices. My aim is always to give you thelbest for the least money. Farmers' . heavy work shoes a specialty. ! Harmon's Shoe Store 1725 Main Street \ POSTOFFICE BLOCK ) COLUMBIA, S. C. ilia,] f, COLUMBIA, S. 0. | one of the best stoeks of NTS? i KINDS | kSH, S & GLASS I ) CEMENT. I MANTLES. I MBBMHMIMMMMMMMMnnBMnMBV OUR PIES Lave found favor with everybody -babes and id en, the little girl in dnafores and her mother and her grandmother. They are of the weet, delicious, wholesome, nelt-in-your-mouth kind, and ve're anxious to have you try hem if you don't know the products of our ovens. If you do [now we won't have to ask you. REfBLINGER'S STEAM BAKERY G3L8&5B3A, S. C. ftftftSftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft ftftft* ft ft ^f@il Hotels 1 Tavlor Streets. Opposite % V ^ ly located. Columbia, S. C. 2 iprietor and Manager. 2 * Large Cool Booms. J U. C. T.'s and T. P. A.'s. | * ;urday and Sunday. 2 ^EXCELLED. 2 nfcion Given to All Guests. J ? Watch as Grow. * ft Iftftftlftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft i Foley's Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, correct urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Prevent Bright's Disease and Diabates, and restore health and strength* Refuse substitutes. Sold by all druggists of Lexington. Henry Drug Store, Chapin S. C. A Covsy of Guinca-Fo^ls Come to G-rief for Quacking "Contracts." A farmer near Central sold his cotton for 12c. on contract. When it reached loc. he became morose and absent-minded, pondering over his short crop and that 3c. difference. He had a covey of guinea-hens and one fine morning they were unusually noisy with their "pot rack, pot rack." Such a clangor of sounds in such close imitation of the hideous "contracts" was more than the troubled man could bear. He got his gun and banged away, saying "Take that, you, I've had enough contracts."?Farm and Factory. ' EVER HAVE ST? If You Have, the Statement of This Lezington Citizen Will Interest You. Ever have a "low-down" pain in the back? In the "small," right over the hips? That'^the home of backache. It's caused by sick kidneys. That's why Doan's Kidney Pills cure it. Lexington people endorse this Read a case of it: C. A. Geiger, Depot St., Lexington. S. 0., says: "For several months I suffered from dull pains across the small of my back and as they did not disappear, I came to the conclusion that my kidneys were disordered. At night after lying down my back pained me intensely and I also noticed an irregularity in the passages of the kidney secretions. I was feeling miserable when I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at The Kaufmann Drug Co, I used them as directed and they proved to be the remedy I needed. They have helped me so much already that I feel I will soon be entirely well and it gives me pleasure to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to other sufferers." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. Braddy, Inventor, Fell Dead. M. Braddv, proprietor of the Union market, 1508 Taylor street, and inventor of the Braddy computing scale, fell dead shortly before noon last Thursday, while discussing the manufacture of a stencil that had ju9t been made, with R. Leon Hill, in the office of the Columbia Seal and Printing company, 1412 Main street, Columbia. While talking to Mr. Hill, with no warning, Mr. Braddy fell upon his face on the floor. He was pronounced quite dead when a physician arrived. Death is attributed to heart failure. His widow and several children survive. Mr. Braddy had invented the Braudy computing scale and organized the Bnddy Scale company. He had ordered a giant stencil for the scale company and this had just been ccm? -l o v> rr i > > rr ? 11-7 y\ f\ nm piCLCU clilU iw tnw , of the stencil manufacturers, when | Mr. Brandy came into the office and j while talking to Mr. Hill suddenly fell dead upon the floor. ?The State, 10th. ??? This is Worth Remembering "Whenever von have a cough or cold, just remember that Foley's Honey ano Tar v. ill cure it. Remember the nam", Foley's Honey and Tar, and refuse substitutes. Sold by all Druggists of Lexington, Henry Drug Store?Chimin S. C. Horror; boll. Following is the honor roll of the Chapin High school, quarter ending November 29. Requirements; Average scholarship, 90; attendance, 95; deportment, 100: Tenth grade, Floy Shealy; ninth grade, Mary Stoudemire, Annie Stuck; eighth grade, Carrie Haitiwanger; seventh grade, Tommie Stoudemire. The peculiar properties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy have been thoroughly tested during epidemics of in flaenza, and when it was taken in time we have not heard of a single case of pneumonia. Sold by all druggists. It's an awful thing to be green, but it's a good deal worse to be born dried up. Many persons find themselves affected with a persistent cough after an attack of influenza. As this cough can be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Eomedy, it should not be allowed to run on until it becomes troublesome. Sold by all druggists. Soarks Frea Swansea No. 2. m To the Editor of The Dispatch: Misses Eula and Carrie Yon entertained a few of their 'riends last Thursday evening at their cozy home, and everyone present had a delightful time. Mr, Q. B. Jackson has been very ill with fever for several weeks Miss Lizzie Harley, of Gantt, Ala., is visiting relatives and friends in this section. Mr. D. R. Sturkie, one of Columbia's popular clerks, is home with his father for a few weeks visit. Mr. J. W. Jackson, of Savannah, Ga., came home to spend a few days with his sick brother. Mrs. D. P. Stroman, of Woodford, : spent a few days recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Jackson. Clay Springs Graded School is flourishing under the management of Prof. B. T. Burkhalter, of Aiken, a9 principal and Miss Viola Sharpe, assistant. The Mack school is progressing nicely under Prof. Sam Derrick, a fine teacher. Miss Julia, the bright daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. jackson, has been called home to the bedside of her sick brother from the Orangeburg Collegiate Institute. Good luck to the dear old Dispatch, is the wish of a Subscriber. Swansea, No. 2, Dec. 11. ?? Buying Votes With Goats. 1 New York Sun. Billygoats don't win elections in Newberry county, South Carolina. This was conclusively proved in the recent municipal election in Newbervxr \rh,>n Ax-Stafce Senator Cole L. Blease defeated Julias Langford, known far and wide a9 "Juice7' Langford, fdr the mayorality of Newberry. Langford, in order to hold the friendship of certain of the voting employees of the Molohon Cotton Mill9, presented the children of those operatives with seventy goats of the wagonpulling variety. When the votes were counted election night it was found tjiat Blease had won the city by a substantial ma-jority. As soon as the result became known Blease's friends among the Molohon operatives got up a torchlight parade and marched through the city singing the following: Coley Blease is in the council rooms I a'countmg up his votes, Juice Langford's in the Mollohon a'gathering up his goats. Could Not Be Better No one has ever made a salve, ointi ment, lotion or balm td compare with | Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its the one perfect healer of Cuts. Corn9, Burns, Bruises, Sores Scalds, Boils, "Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Gold Sores, Chapped Hands its supreme Infallible for Piles. Only 25c at Kaufmann Drug Co., Derrick's Drug Store, VI T\ sanaei urug owre. AlezAyoub. At Alex Ayoub's, in Columbia, yon will find in addition to hi9 regular stock of clothing, shoes, hat9, dry goods, notions, etc., a completeiine of Christmas and Holiday goods, embracing everything in toys, dolls, and everything for the children. The next time one of the children catch cold, give it something that will promptly and freely but gently move the bowels. In that way the cold will at once be driven out 01 the system. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup moves the bowels promptly and freely, yet gently, and at the same time heals irritation and stops the cough. It is especially good for children. Sold by Kaufmaiin Drug Co. Tweivj Times A Lunatic A Missouri man has been put in jail for having married thirteen v\*:vec. He's not a criminal, he's a lunatic.? Clinton Gazette. ? Mrs. S. Joyce, Claremont, N. II., ! \Yi.t'j>: "About year ago 1 b-.mghi i. vo bottles o: r ulev's Ki'l-it-y Rem- uv ' It cured nit' of a severe ea>; o: Uti..e\ ; trouble of several years standing. I. i coi ta inly is a grand, goo a m>dicir.e; f and I oe;.:*;!Iy iecon.mmri if." Soici b\ ail druggists or Lexington and Henry Drug Store, Ciiapin, s. C. The r< :: i-. n that i be vanned up ti / e a veeii soon becomes a tough The pconle who aie going novrheie i always in a rush to get there. The ?r?-a:i'*r " from iiiflwvz is oi' its rt.M.iiing m pneoiuoui:*. la: can l-e obviated by u?iag Ciit moeriaiu's Cough Remedy, as it not only cures influenza, but counteracts any tendency of the disease towards pneumonia. 'Sold by all druggists. He who has to manufacture his smiles finds that grudges within turn them into grins. Heaven judges the sincerity of our - " ? ' f->- '"O/l Im. f 10 nnaf r\f rvllr till tI(J UUll 1U1 \jruu UJ II It. V^wou v/?. VM.J. service for man. Hexamethylenetetramine The above is the name of a German chemical, which is one of the many valuable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and autiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities and avoid a serious mala ly. Sold by all Druggists of Lexington, Henry Drug Store, Chapin S. C. * Little Tiling Automatic Smok< that actually prevents smoke1?the little that holds the wick m check?keeps it curately adjusted that it cannot go v little things that please?that have cont of the Perfection Oil Heater. The most satisfying beater von car manage?always dependable?quickly c Brass font holds 4 quarts?burns 5 in Nickel or Japan in various styles and Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yow to the Nearest Agex* STANDARD OIL (Incorporated JONES' CASH DRY Next Door to Copeland Co. COLUMBIA, ?Not the 1 chance to buy Goods, Shoes, nishings, etc., found in Colur Doing a i are not taxed which is neces business. Neil on bad accoun we are able cent, less than I By helPin )m\ Wtx selves, for if c grow as it has /f Ai ^?u S0?n ' ' ' ^ than they are i AMERICAN BEAUTY Style 387 J Kaiaaazoo Corset Co? Makers jf 0ur Statemei L. A- JONES, (Fall and Win! Men's Suits, 1 Boy's Knee PantJS Cloaks, Skirts, M I' Pattern Hats, \ and Notions in at ! I of cl ; T^'i^-Jpoq | ^ R fc :i^2ir^ 1 3 lpUU:4 2M25T ST. | i fs Annoy Please* Us things annoy t?s?Che farle smoke that, if teft alone, oon smudge the farnfehings ?? work for the house-wife. ! J? i arc DO Biiuuyiug mu? a the RFECTION 41 Healer .4 -p?d with SnrveWcI^as D?v1eeX ~ j Ve been banished by hard i and tireless work. In their here are little things that -that make for comfort and ^ ion. The little self-locking sless Device lock on the inside of the tribe below the smoke zone, so ac- j rong?these are some of the ^ ributed to the name and fame j 1 buy?always ready?easy to | . leaned. j ? hours. Attractively finished finishes, "s. Write fcr Descriptive CircnlST t zj of the COMPANY i> ' 1 60008 STORE" - 1554 MAIN STREET ^ S. C. last chance?but a good ^ your Fall and Winter Dry , Underwear, Gents' Furatthe lowest prices to be ' nbia. strictly cash business, we ^ Tirith tVlP TlPSVV P YneflS? .TV 1 111 WAiU * 7 ' * * sary in conducting a credit :her do we have any losses j ts, and for these reasons, to sell you at least 10 per ^ other merchants. H g us, you will help your- ^ >ur business continues to i in the past three months, j find our prices even lower 1 it present. Come and see ^ at is not correct. j fh? Cash Dry Goods Store." H fA?? finnrfTI ' j len's Pants, | Suits, Ladies' I Iliinery and I Dry Goods, j [ styles, and 1 :e our store 1 "* ,C8. ?| 1 JL C A H i 1 h*^ ? *&' J y| 1 COLUMBIA, S. C. ft ] f| J ;SE^?S5a$3^^S2E??E?^ J ^.HHiHinj?-pmmcM?M...iiiijiw The Place g e you money on your | nter Shoes 1 >ought this stock in March 1 he advance in leather and | ' end to sell every pair at B 1 :es. We have the largest 1 J e ever carried, so we can I y member of the family in I J 'ess and work shoes. g 1 iers' medium and heavy- 9 J work shoes a specialty. -1 j >. i f. A. DAVIS I ] fain St. Columbia, C. | 1