l&M Newberry is keeping pac age, fine artesian water, a gra 60,009 spindles, consuming 2( The Southern Power Compan; time to buy property in Newfc town facing Main street. The TERMS: One third cash clause will be inserted in each Don't Forget the Trespassers, Notice. This is to notify all persons not to hant or trespass in any manner what- j soever upon my lands, as tne law will positively be enforced against all e*passing. Henry Bowman. Oct. 20, 1609?4w3p G-cod Place For Sale. 20$ acres, good dwelling and all necessary outbuildings. For terms and particulars, apply quick to E. A. SMITH, 4w5 Pelion, S. C., Route 1. Pi MSallin ^'e 'nsi \ I J no estim Absolut* >4gsscost is Sc J. T. COLEMAN Mgr. j Charleston, S. C. THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANC Incorporated as a stock cornpan John F. Dryden, President. Mast Ha hi Tann's. WHEN IN t!QLU wi V W t R?v ^ w NEW $25 and SUITS GO THIS V This week marks another b: our Suit Department?a magnifi Suits of the very latest design, grade workmanship, fine materi worked into popular priced gam Coat Suits. They will do more t than any garments we have evei have one of these suits. It will Ihis store, but come early for th< . *of them and a hundred suits of ;these will be quick to go. A Big Sale of Watches, Di Bie line cf fine Watches in finest 20-y 17 and higher grade Elgin and Walfcham size, at special price, from $10.(X>, $12.50,1 Big line of ladies* aud gent's gold eases, fitted with good reliable movemen sale price, each Buy now for future needs. The fc during this sale only: 1847 Rogers Bros. Knives and Forks, six forks 1847 Rogers Bros. Teaspoons, set of s: 1847 Rogers Bros. Taolespoons, set ol 1847 Rogers Bros. Butter Knives, eac 1S47 Rogers Bros. Sugar Shells, each Each and every piece of this silver is We Are Givi $400 Co Every purchase made hen that is valuable in helping y $400.00 Cote Piano that we ; lv frpp of charge. | V o ORDER B We prepay mail, express or freight on ped to any point within a radius of 600 n The Jas. L. 1638 to 1646 Main Street ednesdi I II V 1 :e with the prosperous times, ar ded school system, one of the I 3,000 bales of cotton, with an a2 y will scon he in Newberry. I terry. Newberry stands "today j purchaser of lots will have the , balance in two annual installn l deed prohibiting the purchase Date: IVed Sase-Gotha School Progressing The Saxe-Gotha school opened on Monday, Nov. 1st, with a very large attendance. The school has been felly organized and is doing excellent work under the careful management of Miss Sue H. Corley and Mrs. S. E. Shealv. Miss Corley is one of the most experienced teachers in the county and this is her third year at Saxe-Gotha. Mrs. Shealv is well known for her thorough training aud many excellent qualities, and it goes without Baying that the children will receive beneficial instructions under their direction. Z : TZ ~T Prudential irance policy contains tales. Every item is ?ly guaranteed. The 5VV. ILFRED J. FOX, Special Agent, LEXINCTON, S. C. E COMPANY OF AMERICA, iy by the State of New Jersey. Home Office, Newark, N. J m?MlfM?l M??M?S?? I MBiA, S. C. Meet Me At Tapp's I $35 COAT i ON SALE l/EEK 1 ig attraction to the credit of J cent new shipment of Coat ^ Never was so much high * al, style and attractiveness nents as is displayed in these oward popularizing our store ( r shown. We want vou to ! */ j make you a warm friend to < 3re are only a hundred or so s such remarkable value as J i 1 i amonds, Jewelry, Etc. i ear gold filled cases, fitted with 15 to < i movements, in ladies' and gent's * $15.00, $20.00 and up to $40.00. , I filled watches, 20 year guaranteed i ts, worth $10.00 to $12.50, at special ^ S6.99 ] blowing especially attractive prices 16 dwt., worth $5.00. Six knives and S3.98 ix SI.19 | : six S2.38 h 40c 49c fully guaranteed. tng Away A te Piano 5 entitles you to a coupon ou to secure a beautiful are giving away absolute \l MAIL. all purchases of $5.00 or more ship- J niles of Columbia. Tapp Co., Columbia, S. C. WILL SELL ON nnmTnpinm'nff at V VMAAM VU V?'M0 w w id there is not a vacant house ir )est colleges in the South with c mual pay roll of S250,000.00, tv 'his means a considerable advan the equal of any Southern towr j benefits of all these advantage lents, with interest at seven per r from selling, leasing or rentin L* Mopnii The Lexington Dispatc j 1 ? i Wednesday, November 10,1909. 3 Mi. Harman, Editor aDd Publisher t D. R. Haltiwanger, Assistant Editor | Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, S. C., as second class matter. CIRCULATION 2,325. j Lexington will soon be dry hs a | chip, but oh, you Richland! The Taft Luncheon was a gr^nd 1 affair?so it i3 said. More of the so-called "sociai clubs" j in Columbia were raided in Columbia j last week. Keep the good work go- j ing. Y,'e would like to know hew many of those who attended the Taft lunch eon got their money's worth. Don't; ail ?peak at once. ! One of the first- things the new j council should do is to move the street machine from the rear of the court ! house, where it has been for several ; years, to a place of shelter: The State fair last week was the largest and best ever held in the history of the State. Every day was a banner day. The weather being ideal the attendance was very gratifying t) the management. As is usually the case, Lexington nounty people carried off a large number of premiums. Mr. S. L. Rawl, of near Lexington, received first premium for having the best field crop exnibit, and received other premiums. Dther Lexington citizens received I premiums in the various departments. Columbia handled the crowdprenarkably well. Every place was illed to overflowing and many, were ;urned away from the hotels. Effect of Opium aad Cocaine. When improperly used, opium and jocaiue are two of the most powerful, ife-destroying drugs in the world. But even worse is the slavery these irugs make of those who acquire the labit of using them, firet in small and inbsequently increased doses. It is practically impossible for anyone, sven with an iron will, to break such pondage. There i9 a man over in Atanta, Ga., however?Dr. B. M. Wool- t ey?who for over thirty years has nade a business of curing such drug aabits. Unlike many specialists he treats these habits as diseases and claims that in most cases the sufferers ire not directly responsible for their [jpnditions. His success in effecting cures is something phenomenal?90 remarkable, in fact, as to call forth favorable editorial comment from the newspapers. Dr. Boyd's Sure-Pop Colic Remedy. This remedy is guaranteed to relieve Colic in its most severe form, or money refunded. Colic is the most common ailment of horses, mules and cattle. There are more hordes die of colic than all other diseases combined. Any one owning a horse can not afford to be without a bottle c* DR. BOYD'S Sure-Pop Colic Remedy at all times. It is without doubt, as testified tyj by thousands of owners of horses who have used it. as the most wonderful colic remedy on the market. Relieves in from twenty to thirty minutes belly ache, flatulant and spasmodic colic in its most severe forms and stages. When a horse is > taken with colic, DR. BOYD'S SurePop Colic Remedy should be adminis- j tered at once. When colic is not checked at the outset, it is very liable to develop into inflammation of the bowels, and when it does, there is little chance of saving the horse's life. It is the easiest to give, quickest to act. Safest and cheaper than any other colic remedy on the market. If you are going away from home on a day's "drive, do not fail to pur a bottle of I)R. BOYD'S Sure-Pop Colic Remedy in your pocket. No drenching is needed. If you have no teaspoon with you to measure it, just open the horse's mouth with one hand, and put about what would he a teaspoonful 0:1 the tongue. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by Barman's Bazaar. : THE PREMISES 11 o'clock a. m. i the city. With a population of ?ver 200 students, four banks wit vo cotton seed oil mills and two s ice in all property and the deveic i. This property, formerly know s, and where you can buy a lot c cent from day of sale, purchase! g the property to negroes. ov. ! ?????? It Is Now Mayor Roof. Mr. Sam P. Roof is now mayor of Lexington, he having taken the oath of office ou Monday night, together with the newly elected aldermen. Lexington now has a strong town council, composed of young men of I progressive ideas and sound business j judgment. Mayor Taylor leaves the i office as when he took possession? j with the good will of all the people of | Lexington. DeWitt's Little Early Risers?the j safe. sure, centle. easv little liver pills. I Be sure to get Dewitt's CarboJiz? d | Witch Hazel Salve, the original. Al- i ways refuse substitutes aud imitations. The original DeWitt's* Carbolized Witcli Hazel Salve is good for anything a salve is used for, but it- is especially good for piles. Sold by Kauffmann i Drug Co. Any woman can take a hint?if disguised as a '-beauty hint." ~ MBaBMnBMMR-yywMuiJKiujmifv i n?in mm i hi Act AJkW v Cau f HORSES Just received of Horses and Mu tucky, Saddle and Hs Draft and Farm M KENTUCKY All sold under q o See us bef( I Ml 1306 ASSEMBLY STREI 19 over 7,000; Electric lights, tel h nearly one million dollars c systems of railroads?the Soutl )pment of many manufacturi m as the Jones' property, is si >n reasonable terms for a home * to pay for papers. -No sale \ 24th, XI 4 W. L. J I Dry Goods, Notions, Si Et< Best table oil cloth, 15c Men's $4.50 Pants, spec: Men's $3.50 Shoes at $! You will find my prices tremely low. Call to see me W, L. J 1816 MAIN ST. To see cur line o a * ve can save you n ighman E COLUMBIA, S. C. AND two car loads gg les from Ken- 1 lip r. irness Horses, % p** ,v JJl [ules. HIGH CLAS \ND MULES .l. 1_ ? - uaranrec?musi ue a arc buying any kind :t A >3> ephones, waterworks, eewer>n deposit, two co-ion mls, lern and Atlantic wast Line, ng enterprises. Now the 11 tuated in the easternpart of ^ or as an investment. J vil! be made to negroes, and a ' MMttnMu %. '?W% ?I J M PER [I ices, Clothing, Hat?, ! * yard. ial $3.50. 2.80. j on all other articles ex- j V j while in Columbia. | 'ympers j I COLUMBIA, S. C. | j ,J wotii?t ti ? !? ii nrrnnii ifQiUMi ?? I H ioney. I tros. I Mill EC J ITIVhhV | S HORSES I s represented. H or stock. COLUMBIA, S. C. MBKM