* mifflini 1704 and 170? fft&m ST, Fall and W Dry Goods, Notic ' and Boys, Ladies' T jO Squares and Rugs. /v%|)\ We invite our frie K\\ <(s ton and the surroun i A bia to see us for yo i I i I ^ I My are prepared to sav / I fo U } ti L.41T bcuuiv. - lioci ^ ? < i - Ifh , (I" iw or cheaper. iL^l Notice we prepay | ; |\ wards to your near will pay half your r of 50 miles, providi ?30.00, and at the same time b t to see us for your wants. N Ladies' Suits from $10.00 to ? Millinery this fall. Grand vah $18.00. A big assortment of I We guarantee everything w LOWEST PRICE. Fall and Winter I FOi the merchant, the farmer Turnip One ounce will sow 200 fee for an acre. 1 to 5 lbs. 25c; 5 t SPINACH SE Cabbag r Sew one ounce for 3,000 tc for one acre. Late Fiat Butch head, per pound, 81.25. Oolls White Selected, per lb., 75c Mus ^ Southern Giant Curled, per per lb., 15c, One ounce will so1 Seed rye ard barley, Hair; w ^ clover, Perennial rye grass for blue grass, herd griss or red to] ^ winter vetch, white clover, Alf t" ALL NEW CEOP SEELS. 1 LORICK & LO! * WHOLESALE COLUSMB! A If B ^jj I This beautiful smk made for service, loz our Lexington friends | | The Lion Fi f I Ask for Catalogue. I?BMHHi "V jSBMHBBg 'I ISSffl p } SOSSMatjk I fg=qzrao L % AS * iS8DMMB> f ^1 I^C=a??? ? ? ^ 3 RFF-SRFH STRfff! slliL inliL'Ia UluuLi GORf'sSjIAJ O ! 3 ! Inter Wear ns, Clothing for Men, Youths ailored Suits, Millinery. Art i ?nds and natrons from Lexing- ! JL W ' ding counties when in Colum- j ur wants before buying. We ! V d? e you monev from this big v v CIP iad a better stock to show you all orders from $4.00 and up est express office. Also we j ailroad fare within a distance ng your purchane amounts to uying' at the lowest price. Call 827.50. A grand display of i tes in Men's Clothing, 85.00 to I Joys' Suits, SI .50 to 85.00. e sell to be GOOD and at the j Seasonable Seeds R , the gardner2 the trueker Seed. )t of drill. One to two pounds o 10 lbs, 20c; and over 18c. ED 25c LB e Seed ) 4,000 plants. Tour ounces | , per lb-, $1.25. Late Drum. irds ). Georgia, per lb.. 75c. iard lb., 40c. Dwarf Essex Rape, w 100 feet of drill.' y vetch, red clover, crimson lawn or pasture, Kentucky c>. Southern grown. English alfa or Lucerne, Orchard Grass. PRICES ON APPLICATION. SEEDSMEN. IA, S. C. nj * ' * \ 11 i ifiJ 1 j, \% \ ??L\*' ?;'J' |! 11 i j I Oak Rooks:* $>? oq ii tks v?*ell. To '^1 11A Ii ' $! irnifure Co, 1| Columbia, S. C. | j I i 2^3 THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR ( ^ SViachinery TooSs Riga! Jviad Right Prircs ?=p ?f r ou do nor see what you want I Jt| write us. We handle any arid p all. Everything in machinery e i supplies. Columbia Supply Co., ! ^ $23 tff-jt 3'mis S?_ COLtStEEA.S. C ! i?o?nmammm???1>?mnmmm?m? ?am " Nature makes the cures after all. Now and then she c>vts Into a tiyht place and O x needs helping out. I o Thinrrq or pi* in ** ?> ' --the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with hypophosphites can do just this. It strengthens tbonerves, feeds famished tissues, and makes rich blood. rop. SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send 10c.. of paper and thi* ad. for our beautilul Sa .ng* Dank arid Child's Skoj-ch-iiook Bach bank contains a Good Luck ptrui.v. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 P~iri St. NcwYc;': CESSES UNDER SI. It Will Be Unlawful to Issue them for a Less Amount After January 1. it is not generally known that Congress passed a law, which becomes ef T inin ... t, ieccive aiitr otiiiucii > iviv, >\ uiv.. provides that any person or firm that issues a check, note, memorandum or obligation lor loss than $1, or circulates such, shall be liable to a fine of ?>00 or six months' imprisonment. Checks for Jess than Si are not by any means unusual and especially where country patrons of department stores in the Jarge cities send a small order for goods. And every person and firm having bank accounts have always felt at. liberty ro write chocks for any amount, no mat'er how s:r.a 1 provided there was aj.a anc-c to the r credit in the banks drawn upon. But after Janunr\ 1 next a tine or imprisonment stares ti-m in tue face. \.s a consequence, tin- business interests of the large cities arc "sitting up and taking notice," and especially is this the case with the department stores in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk. Pittsburg, Buffalo and all cities doing a mail order business. Just upon what theory the government proceeds to restrict any person from drawing his own money out of bank is not easy to recognize, and the )a v scents to have been passed without general knowledge or discus nor.. r ' 1 1 l- - v ?. ?V*? f /lo_ it may oe mai uio i-u\ Liuiuwii xcsires to compel the use of post office money orders, postal notes or registered letters, upon which fees are charged, but what right has the government to compel tribute upon the withdrawal in any sum of the personal money of any man deposited in bankxor his individual use? We arc liable to hear more from this law before it is ever put into active operation.?Montgomery Times. ? P. P. P. will purify end Tisalfe* your !f * blood, create a good app^ute and jcivoyour $5 v:liolvsystem tone and sireu^L!:. " a? S A v>ro:r.iaenf raiiroa.l supi-rij.t^n.'i^nt S r? Savannah. suriVrin;.' with Malaria. Ovswp. fg Pis. ami Ivheuiuatism says: ' Atier iakin,? (8 ^ i\ P. P. !; ? never lV!f.. ? p p p t irfj - * 2 ? *S a M P' > "> 2 are ftv'.inz badly in the r^r;;:r ? ?; :::d cut of :akj ' * ? I P P P 1 a 5 * 1 v u ? T your e;f;e--::ve croons need up, ^ 3 55 p p I ^ J s S < 5 3 g rj T ' y-.r. s::*.-- *.vjrhh'-.iiTs'ie,indigestion, i dcioihy &??l weukiiLvs, laiio t %v p p 1 $1 L * H If yen sn;Ti-r wi'h nervous :.r v-l at the homo of George Kivir/. araie i v.*Iri:? i doubi.' barrelled shotgun. out vo tight :ovty Jiijilitriciers when they broke flown the door of her father's house Wednesday nigh; in .Mason county. Children Toothing MRS WiNSLOVV\S St><>T 1UXG SYRFP has bet n used for over Fifty Yr-aas by Millions of Mothers for their Ghildron While Teething, with Perfect Success, it Soothes the < 'liiid. Softens the Gums, e llays all Pain.; ('ores Wind ('olio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Scid bv Druggists in every h:;r' <>! tin* world. Re sure and ask tor*-MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYlil'IV' jukI take no otIut kind. 'CVt*i:ry-iive cents c. Loitl". Oct. AMy | OBirXTA;-.Y. j i ' Died .it his r.' '!!.e : ear Ahh-a. in ' ' LcxinjTivO count; . iharoiina, i Oct. 1-Vch, lOij'i, IV:;:-: Bur-ess. S:\. ! ' | a:;vd lie years. e nu nilis and days. j <,< 0:j tho d3-(l of Feb. i-Gs, lie was mar- : J" ! l ied to Miss L -retta Y."o-..dv. ar I, who ; - . . . ., .. . i *j precede', i ?i 11 > i to 11?c yr i. *. e . \ e (.ays. j . The snirits that ha*! :' iad teethher ' i for moiv than brly y<-:v.v in tk j j > ows of an ecr.hlv G mo awaken al- a | most simultaneously in the ceaseless ' * i liht. of an eternal k-.'.nm i { 5 ; Obedient to the vak of r.is country, j i j Brother Burgess vehwhwred in Co. * I T. 20th regiment. S. C. V.. in the fall ' ^ | of 1861, and remain- a at the post of j y ; duty tii! the end ;h the war in IS05. j ;? In !%<> lie united will: Mt. Fb:d Bap- j r> | tist church of which he remained a j -r} I devoted member till dgarh. lit the death or Brother Burgess and | g i his wife, a loss comes not only to the | f! seven children and ten '1 cliili tiren who survive their., bui the cause i V% of Christianity and the conimunitv at \ ;% I large are bereft. j K j 'Tis comforting:, i o vover, to know j V? : that thev have oulv ger.e before. i -i ! * "' JE. ! i 0 , 'ix i The Dukes of North Carolina and & 'it ! New York are having plans prepared o< ! for a $600,COO rot mill at Great ? I Falls, Cherokee county. The mill is ~ 1 designed ior 1.000 looms and 2-5,000 spindles. $ ! _ $ kM OLD ASMCE ! | SAYS?sl | ' "A light purse is a heavy curse" # Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER is the seat of nine ? iLV tenths of all disease. }> \zm sg| g%Bil I iTytfs Pis i'V go to the root of the whole mat- ; tor, thoroughly, quickly safely \ and restore the action of the < LIVER to normal condition. < ! Give tone to the system arcd j : 5-oSici flesh to the tody. \ i Take Mo Substitute*?< I I Lssingtcn Pressing Club. i j Remember that the old reliable Lex- 5 j ington Pressing Club is still i.n busi- 5 i uos5 and is serving its patrons with the t I usual promptness and care. We give 5 : special attention to the pressing of ) ! Ladies skirts. Give us a trial. I tf. Leni Sox. Mgr. > Bargain Sale | We have a few | ) $90 OfiitlS Which have had slight ( ] use. You would act "wise- j Z. : | ly if you secure one of 5 11 these HIGH GEADE | i I OEGA .NS at t]ie ere at re- i m is* duction we are making 'kr 11 on tliem. | j U Write at once for illus- id 1 ? trations of these Organs, ? j : | which will be closed out | i ! | for half cash now, bal- i j ! | ance twelve months, at |J b quite a reduction. ? j | P Call to ze: our Pianos ? j ; g and Organs during the F3; n afl i h fair. ; ; fe _ _ || i i I*, ni Aiir'n i'.n-n ;.f > ?>nr ^ ; iti M i S iJ5' 5 V ?*; V1 ! J - i < *. J V ; E 8 ?;^!S!}?r J ! - ! i <*>>.. r> r; '3 fj T Tf r*A r% <2:* >g\ j ( : ?'1 V?&? k I- > 3 H fr ft .? | |- ?j P H c I ^ s i-asS^^LkSsa J ( i ChadIk, S. C.. i *. '! U.1t ... r.,_ ... ,... 1.;., ,.< ' i t | GOFFIUS m CASKETS j \ j On baud, at - to . ;rlt everybody. ! S3 ; Prices rar.<>c Iron: ;r> ro &~.0.00. | ? i Caii on ixi?: .v.',; I v?;il save you money. ! fe j I ai.i prvp.irvi to l'urr?i-h :i !:ea:so when- i| j ewr <\v-i red in co::m oucu with my un- gj | d(-rtal:ini? busiu.,><. Jan. 2. Jin 2y rEsTT^TeoycBl 1 I AND CURS THK LUHC8I: | j p s i^Hig ^ |: I 1 FOR sf^oucHS | I n oI*SBS Trial Bottle Free 1 ? a &89 ALL THROAT AND LUMfi TROUBLES. g | BQUARANTEBD SATI3FACX0KS1 8 ? OH MONEY HEEUNDED. 2 ? * iimrrr'"?""" m wa ml i AvSf'S S IT i stops ?mmz m">. i DESTROYS DANDRUff MA t j fr?rr:r.d*<\n:s: ?y-T:r- c: p-: ? i.CJ.".:. ---..0; - AKC* Ask yo'J: doc-or if there is any:! j Ask kins also if there is not g: ! Ii08? Slot: flwOlOf s .7. c. Avsr. ?Yi>?p/.sv, J.nv-t':. W-rr .' ? -rr-.?r? f aw**?*** ii* i > iii ? ?miniiw ii !! i1 ii ?i 11 mi ina w ?<> ? I.. , ? r-,'s.v-... ,. ,-i % v.- . .. - " -* 1" . . .J ^ Jr- - - The leading Books /N J A /"N i stationers. re si for ail School Bo( them in their two 1 when in Columbia. Two Stores on Main COLUMBIA, - acrcuvxiwssRitrsflBSMa.'enX'.-IR8B RRmnnnunnBHE 1730 MX STREET, COU Is where vou can rind one of 1 i */ or all kine \ DOORS, SASI BLINDS & LIME AND CI j CABINET MA Call or write for Prices. $ Let Your Next ! $ \^? 1 W Jwf fs, fe> ^5Tr-i,X Av' \ .ii2E2 ?? I If w ct I ?f% % a -n, ? ? i ^ j ilviCr nc\ t;i V/tiS more L-UIGC #> Li shoe at So.oOand 84.U0 than is ^ You get what you pay for a ^ when von buv Y'ALK-OYER's. ^ buy a pro en t. a van inetan ^ and If it is a \Y.4LK-G\ ER, yc ^ bought a good ahoo. ^ Classy siyko. exvvi.'erit vera ^ WALK-OVER Shoes arc made i-vo A <~l i~. 'I f (K'.' >."V"; : ; >'-T> T"' $ i:'au' W?' - ? ' % the he:wv leather shoe mack- to \ -i ; rd rauroaa. <$> If you have never wore \Y ^ h is time you know how -rood th C ?8 ^ ?l??S3Pi\ TP* ^ pl*^ ^jf*^ lirffyi;' | |j I kafa 9 ifclli it ^ > NEW FALL C Our new line of Fr.il and \Yi is now readv for inspection. Y ? X vou to cali and sec our line be' where. Ladies' Dress Goods, ( and Hoys, Shoes, ilars, Etc. K pav highest market price for Go RILEY & HAICLE SWANSEA. S. 751 "*} " * ^ ^^ ^ 1 ?nuine merit here. \ | 'jiLia L?i sS \T-v,^ I sfr ? Mi i CO, i w I A & * ifr sellers anct * & sate Agents | >ks. Visit | arge stores ? f* ? mi m> % Hi < * ^ Street ,0. I w if %?? ..... -.r. xM ?',V4i'4." 4." 4 4'\V4.' SSS & Bflbss j \ mm, s, o. | rlie best stocks of j> >s " j i, I : GLASS 3MENT. NTLES. I 7 Pair Be A $ I vl ?&& P S ^ V ''-) $ - .,,T . -,,, ri/-,/-! < /-i0 \ U.l - i'. L ; U QeCi iiltO ^ in 'iWALK-OVER. & <- -- "il'lt? J, , .tic. (f <0 q Ike ite f i Oahsm^ia, S v% ^ ?*% p, | liter Merchandise | iY cordially invire ?j [Yrc buying else- i dYrhiny- for Men | vmember that we gj aiutry Produce. | R BROS., 1 n i