The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 03, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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t JONES'M l Next Door toCopeland Co. COLUM] t Goods, i tareroft which is business, on bad a< cent, less selves, fc . grow as you will : AMERICAN BEAUTY Style 287 ^an Kalamazoo Corset Co., Makers jf Oljr gtg L. A- JONES Globe INDIGESTION. , $1 SIZE BOTTLES 50c. Yocr Druggist can get it for you fron MURMY DRUG CO COLUMBIA, S. C. rr~' Dry Chattanooga Oliver Plows I Rock Hill Bu J Just I Ill ? IV GOODS STORE ] - - 1554 MAIN STREET j 3IA. S. C. j the last chance?but a good j ) buy your Fall and Winter Dry j Shoes, Underwear, Gents' Fur- j etc., at the lowest pricesto be J Columbia. j j ig a strictly cash business, we axed with the heavy expense necessary in conducting a credit Neither do we have any losses :counts, and for these reasons, able to sell you at least 10 per > than other merchants. lelping us, you will help your>r if our business continues to j it has in the past three months, soon find our prices even lower r are at present. Come and see tement is not correct. "The Cash Dry Goods Store." j 9 I ins jjexiiLgbuu uizyAVvii. Wednesday, November 3. I9C9 Indss to 2Tew Advertisements. i ? i | Clothing?E. G. Dreher & Co. Welcome to Mimnaugh's i Banking?The State Bank ! Insurance?A. J. Fox Banking?Germania Savings Bank i Standard Oil Company. . i Market. I j Lexington *? H!-?c ^ | Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any ! case of kidney or bladder trouble that | is not beyond the reach of medicine. ! Cures backache and irregularities thatif neglected might result in Bright't disease or diabetes. All Druggist of Lexington. ITenry Drug Store, Chapin. Cotton Seed Meal and Halls. 1 We now have a full supply of cotton I seed meal and hulls for sale at lowest prices. Will exchapge meal and hulls for seed. Bring us your rawhides. We pay highest prices for same. SUMMER & BOOZER, Chapin, S. C. ? Goods, I Hard Disc Plows i ) isrerifis "OO NEW deceived a large Shi The Lyceum Comedy CcThe Lvc?um Comedy Co.. who * pleasedLall Lexington with a series of j 1 highcLss attractions all last week. J ~ closed their engagement on Saturday j night by presenting their popular we*- j ? tern p!ay, entitled "Jesse James," " and left on Sunday morning for Aiken, j a where tiny arc filling a week's en- ; P. gagement." This company is one of j the strongest that has ever appeared j here and was liberally patronized. The watch contest, for the most j popular young lady in Lexington, was j very spirited from the start, the j ^ award being made to Miss Annie ^ Martha Meetze, she receiving by far ^ the largest number of votes?nearly T 1 ~a r.nn \Tr>^t-7a ic flio wrv at- L \J\JKJ* i'UOJ V.UV. 4fc? , %..^T tractive daughter of Mrs. M. W. i *'< Meetze and a student of the College I P1 for Women. All of the other young E women received a very complimentary vote. 4^^ Work of a Good Man. 1 A few men now and then, here and there, realize the responsibility they owe to the world to be of some benefit to their fellow men and one of the most conspicious examples of this is ? Dr. B. M. Woolley, of Atlanta, Ga. * Dr. Woolley is noted for his Christian integrity and fair dealing, being a highly esteemed citizen of his home * town, where he has built up a reputation as a specialist for the cure of the liquor and drug habits. He has had h more than .a quarter of a century experience in the treatment of these ter- ^ ricle diseases. Dr. Wooley, and his v son, Dr. Yassar Woolley, conduct ai: elegantly equipped sanitarium in At- 8 lanta where hundreds of persons addicted to drugs and liquor are success- ^ fully treated every year. The average '* time required for treatment is thirty J days except in extreme cases. Some j ? time ago Dr. Woolley wrote and pub- | lisbed a book on the effects of opium j ^ and liquor upon the human eonstitu- j __ tion. It brings cut many facts not j c nonoT!illrniiflprs|-nfi(i. Tfvou haDDeil I Sv.w_.-~..., , , to know rf any person in your neigh- { borhood to whom such a book would , prove of value, you wiii do him a great c favor by sending his name and address to Dr. Woolley, 20<"> Lowndes Building, j } Atlanta, Ga., and the bock will be j sent postpaid with the author's comi i. 9 pliments. At The Chapin Drug1 Stars. I have arranged with Dr. Hawks to , have his eye specialist come to Cha- I * pin for the accommodation of those t interested. He will be at the Chapin c Drug Store on Nov. 13th and 18th. Examinations will be free. School children and old folks are specially in- * vited. He will be there only two } days. Remember the date. I, J. H. ERICK, Proprietor. GOOD PLACE FOR SALE. J I offer for sale at a bargain my place containing 195 acres, three miles north of Pelion, with good dwelling and nee- 6 essary outbuildings; 35 acres open land, balance in timber and woodland. Apply quick to DAVID RISK, 4w4p Peiion, S. C., Route 2. Fine mi Iware am Disc ] Grain Chatte LINE OF STO7 uats, i pment of Texas Re B 9 H Lexington, When you have a cold the first thing o do is* have the bowels move, Dt tot take anything that mar constipate -and most old fashioned cough cure* o constipate. Try Kennedy's Laxaivr Cough Syrup. It drives the colfl rom the system by a free yet gentle ctiou of the bowels: it stops the ougii, it is plersant to take. Childeen ke it. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co, * DeWitt's Little Early Risers?the *4-t\ r*t"\ % * 4* 1 /~v f\n ? i T'O v? til.:* ij.Lt, r>uxC) amuc n \ ? i inii.\ o sure to get Dewitt's Carbolized fitch Hazel Salve, the original. Alays substitutes and imitations, 'he original DeWitt's Carbolized Witch [azel Salve is good for anything a i!ve is used for, bur i: is especially ood for piles. Sold by Kuuffinarm rug Co. Big Real Estate Bargains Having decided to give]mo.-1 of my ttention to farming will offer the folnving Real Estate Bargains: ? resident lots on Summerland avenue 200.CO each. ? store- lots on Hartly street and Rutind]avenue $1,000 each. 3 houses and lots near Baptist church 1,200 each'. 1 7-room resident on R. R. street, lot 0x200 ft, $3,000. 4 2-stcry brick and cement stores 0,300 each, 1 new 2-story brick stables 75x105 ft 0,500. 1 7-room residence, 2 tenant homes, 4 acres land near school building, 4,500. 1 9-rccin residence. 2-story, 4 tenant louses,'14 acres land, one block from lepot, ?0,000. 56 acrts on* Mount Willing street louse and barn; line truck farm $5.(500. 1 1-4 acre lot oil Cemetery street ltiOs :S0 ft, $50? 500 acres near Monetra. S. C. 5 gooc ettlemcnts, 4-liorse farm open >"3,500 100 acres improved land, situatec bree-qnarters of a mile of Hibernia wo dwelling houses with barns anc >uthouses. Price $40.00 per acre. 14i) acres of the Dr. Kneece land iear Baxter, two horse farm open >alance heavily timbered: dwelling anc >arns. Price $50.00 per acre. Will sell any of the above on tas] erms and easy payments, or will ex change for town property or farm lands Come and let me show you the prop irty, IVLE. Rutland, BATESBURG, S. C. eow 4t llinery, d Grace I arrows Drills mooga W agons VES AND RAIN tarn, V id Rust Proof See 3a Ca * I - ~ ! ! FIMDIIS BFMFfllFS ! 1 fi illTAti U U IILUIIjUILjI; 5 j Popular and Efficient Household Medicines Sold on Merit Only. j 1 Andes' Great Prescription j j Recommended for Catarrh, j j i all forms of Stomach, Liver. ! j ! i ! ! Kidnev, Bladder Troubles I v i and purification of the Blood. j 1 j Germ and Worm Eradicator. j Andes' Wonderful Oil j Used externally and internally, recommended for j * ' t Rheumatism, Neuralgia, | J Headache Toothache, Ear- I ache. Backache, Sore Throat, ! i j Sprains. Bruises, Pleurisy, I | Diarrhoea, Cramps and all j aches and pains. THE KAUFMAN DRUG ^ i COMPANY, Sole Agents for Andes* ! LEXINGTON, - - - - S. C. j i ?1 / 'I' I i The Banking by Mail System I ??? Ml M lir ?>? I of the t1 i i fiwmania Savings Bank!L l! ! i< y i Gives their depositors!" careful service. Write them. ; I hi rcgsources Over $2,900,000.00 so 7 tr< 38 Broad St P. O. Box 867 CHARLESTON, S. C. | Piedmont and Old Mill cigarette I I coupons wanted. I will redeem these in cash. Rice B. Harman, Ladies' ries. Chattanc Cultivate Harness, 1GES /heat >d Oats and Vetch S AS WELL AS | large ones are welcome here? 1 you need not wait until your bus- -J iness has assumed great propor- j rions before opening a Checking j Account, DO SO TC-DAY. f Our patrons regardless of the amount of business done, receive every courtesy in all matters of \ business entrusted to us?and j there is nothing in safe banking i we cannot perform. Talk it over with our cashier. CAROLINA NATIONAL SANK, COLUMBIA, S. C. PEOPLE rat want high class work at reasonable prices go to . J. ROBSiWS5 koU D? The Only Exclusive Optician. 341 Main St. Columbia, S. Trsspasssrs. STctica. This is to notify all persons not 'o iRt or trespass in any manner whatever upon my lands, as the law7 will fsitivcly be enforced .'gainst all ispassins:. Henry Bowman. Oct. 20, 16G9?4v?Jp DENTAL NOTICE. Dr. L. L. Toole will be at Chaj -'a C., November, Sth, 9th 10th. Dr. L. L. Toole calls attention to s next appointment at Chapin, Nov. h, 9th and 10th. Suits, ][ <r \ I fi | j I > >oga Plows || )rs I I i b Saddles jj I ? ? ??????? ! , i; i > i' ! M i leed. !! I !i! ???????? 11' 1' I i ! i i ( i j !|i |