? ? ??? f THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. ? ?? ??-?? * " * ?- ' , & Representative Rewspapcr. Savers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Bounties Like a Blanket. VOL. XXXIX. f MAK i i _ . we wane evt ss I attending the Sta I Dry Goods * n 1,000 yards, 40-inch Sea Island, the yard 5c. 5,000 yards best Apron St Ginghams, the yard 5c. . 5,000 yards 36-inch Percale, the yard 5c. 1 1,000 yards best heavy Outing, the yard 8 1-3C. 1,000 yards 36-inch Fruit . Bleaching, the yard 8 l-3c. ' 3000 vards best Cotton I.: Flannell, the yard 8 l-3e. 5,000 yards 40-inch Liner Lawn, the yard 10c. 1,000 yards Rep. in all colors, the yard 10c. 5,000 yards Dress Ginghams, the yard 5 c. . Best American Prints, the . yard 5e. 54-inch Repeilant Cloth the yard 48c. |6 59c Panamas, while it lasts H at 25c. I Oh, if you could buy a curtain 3l ysrd9 long and 60 inches wide, i] ecru and white for only 50 cent would you do- it? We will sell 50 at 50c each. Tni9 i9 the greatest bar gain on earth. W. D | CornerMainand! ?awJ3??M8P1W???MM???WW? Dr. Dsrrick Bay3 j G Main Street Property. I i-ist Dr. E. P. Derrick has purchased j from Roof & Rarr, the property on , which Derrick's Drug Store is located ' j ~ on Main street, formerly Dr. Hendrix' j r'-p . property. The property is being im- ; p* ^ proved, and will be one of the best j w arrauged buildings in town when ! A \ J completed. ! ^ ' > j J. Fr< Lsver, Ths Shoe Man. j When you are i?i Columbia next j R, Ba week loosing tor shoe values, remem- j Capei ber that Lever, The Shoe Man, has I Jas. ] > the largest and most complete line of j John shoes to be found in t:ie Carolinas. 1). Ja You will fm 1 the prices at Levers to i Jacoi be most moderate. See advertise- ! Char] mem elsewhere. 1 Allen JONES' CASH II! > Hext Boor toCcpehnd Co. C GLUME I A, I tNot the la chance to buy \ Goods, Shoes, nishinc^s, etc., a , >y found in Colum /\ \ Doing a st I are n0t taXed 1 ^ich ls recess business. Neitt i / \i IiM7 nn had account* r we are able t 1 |/|^1 cent, less than I By helping M|\ W selves, for if oi 9 i ^row as ^ ^as'] IPy?uwnl stK"' " . 'J. .J than they are a AMERICAN BEAUTY Style 887 J KtiaMMo c?Mtc?.. Mtkw* if our statemen L. A-JONES, "i le; E B/ TwiTjr ?. ??- ? Mi A Hfc A ny reader of The Dis ite Fair. The man Shoes That Will Wear Patent Colt, Vici Kid, Box Calf and GunMetal at one-half what you have been paying? $1.00. $2,00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3,50 for $5.00 Shoes. | I Ladies' All-Wool Sweaters Blue, Garnet and Black will be sold for 65c. ?? fr.n ?> A,n f,,]] Iiy UU ?Jii. UiCb JLU.ll UiOJSj *u** length Coats, all colors, and ! the very best materials, cheap I at 818.50, lined with two-year 1 guaranteed satin, yours for \ 86.50. These aremanufactur2 ers' samples and cannot be matched in value elsewhere. ; Children's Coats, worth 85 ' S for 81.25. Don't fail to see ! these. ! 53 la-lies' Suits just landed, in green brown and grey. The skirts are plait 1 ed to the knee and the coats are lined a with satin. They are worth ?15.00. s Bates will sell them to you while they 0 last at ST.50. The factory has gone out of business and we bought the entire stock. DON'T FOI Bit AT Richland Sts. _ ( tentlsmsn cf ths Jury. j A EOMA : of thirty-six perit jurors for tlie ! d week of the November, 190b, ! We print of court. 1 account of t } J. Kyzer, John B. Stack. j B. Corley, c Jly Gunter, Willie B. Dunbar, ; Corley, of v. ink Bowman, G. Maxeie Gable, j Mount Vera eay, Sr, Daniel A. Cook. j of October ] Bund rick, Sidney O Daily, j Married, < Jones, Oharli 1 Kail, ! Rev. H. G. F. Taylor, Perry B. Bowman. J church, Mr. ed Shealy, Gen. M. Eliisor, j count}', and ie R. Spires, S. fl. Lever, j Lexington, illie Miller, Earnest. B. Derrick j The abovt ich Shealy, E. Willie Redmond j tion of a be; rs T. K el ley, Ben N. Spires, I begun three B. Addy, Lbc J. Stabler, j change of k C. Price, Jonas D. Lindler, | prosperous ck Douglas, Jacob F. McCartha } beautiful vc > J. Lucas, L- Mosor Steele, lishments* f ie T. Corley, Geo. A. Hope, j families of L. Kite, L. D. Fur tick. ; commenced I sultovy sore i changed pic 1554 MAIN STSEET I and 2 r? scions tenuis J. V/. f ? i "> / . it had (irst u , v i4. i yearn for a : st chance?out a good Kut to m;; '/->nr- ^VU ori'1 .> playing a our -all ax.i. Whtivi !_/ > ;,r,;ne Underwear, Gents' Fur- ifarmns ous of house. tthe lowest prices to be abiywuhii, , . to western i Oia. views as to 1 . the lire in til rictly casn business, we kindling at .i , cupid was < vitn the heavy expense titter ami ary in conducting a credit u.e'ojik? ier do we have any lossec ! came togeth J ! last I- riciay 5, and tor these reasons, ! looked into o sell you at least 10 per I thdr^souis1 other merchants. i ,,11 the Gust of 1 un TI'lll Hair"* I 1, 4, ( us, Jruu win utip jwui- , oaui ;;ave 11 , .. .1 us< u 10 oaol ir business continues to th?-v sought, in the past three months, ! [o.uunee wa ind our prices even lower I t present. Come and see j Bate, big t is not correct. Jj | fumb^a neil \ Loss," alwr Nie Cash Dry Seeds Store." | Ra'??lor fa KlNttTUN, S. UM WEIMJUSIIAY, UU'J \ TE patch to make Bate's iVho sells it for less," 1 Underwear! Underwear! > Children's Vests and Drawers fleece lined, heavy 10c. Ladies' heavy fleeced vests and pants, 23c. Men's best heavy sanitary fleeced shirts and drawers to match, 39c. 5 25 doz. Men's Shirts, 22c. 50 doz. Ladies' Stock Collars, worth 2-5c, each will be sold for 10c. 25 doz. Elastic Belts in all colors with buckle worth 25c at 10c. ' The best Corset in the world today, J American Beauty, wc will sill them S for 50c to $1.00. If you want to buy $10.00 I worth of Merchandise from us don't come in a buggy bring a wagon. Free to Every ftsiow We will give to every customer purchasing $10.00 1 worth or more of us in the next 10 days a large lamp Any color you want, Absoluteily Free. Thislamp is 22inches high and a beauty. All are welcome, Something for everybody. * IGET THE BIG STC NTIC MAREIAGE. ! Keet & Daring the State s i j friends at the Jas. I the following; interesting , wjU all bft there. A he marnage of Miss Anna ; vou will tind one of augliter of Mr. ^ Paul J.. , mos^ complete as? iear Lexington, *rom .the j mer(?haiuiise to be f< 1011, (Washington) Herald ; Mr Ta);p has boe] *t 3 ^ i ' tions for fair week \ in Monday Oe.ober 12, by . months an<1 ?aa f 0t U,?M: " the biggest and best bhiUinger, ofSnagiu , feret] anv conceri Miss Anna B Corley. of j It m>t vl ..outh Carolina. . tj^y or what price v i paragraph is the culmina- ; R autitnl little romance that ; jiiKla hoat th)i m, ' -vea" W w,t 1 a," ex: j attentive salespeople iters between a liardyand ive a n}0st 00'r. western :anchor aco a : s}low v(m r|,.. jmrnei mi.g .any ot rare accomp- ; Vant to buv or rorn one ot tna tine o.d j - ..v, >f tne sunny souto. fn-y , the w? fltir. corresponding in a do- . ^ of way, and finally ox- j p^. ? tares. And that was when *13.0 vrl w went straight to the The Wills Come< linger saw a face lie was company that has s t opposite to at the table Columbia audiences hund: e I years, and w&tch for Fair week. T! 1 coffee and cut the pie; very attractive and < the features ot the uncon- ; attend this popular t of her heart ever since the city. liemehibe 'jmmenced to flutter and por, the popular ma flic !*-si i hat , . .... ke sure that eupid was not. | Jiis audience.:. just auk upon t.'iem. they ' and you will be -pondeneo for ihret years, ' ? hother's tastes and mcth- | p ? 'pppr..tM 0 n-orb. farming, ami psolj- j SnmlVv ni?hi ,c-: practical idea peculiar ! neu, learning each other s ! -1 "o ta,\ cohectiom whose duty it is tw start j hoik, le morning and split the ; Mr. and Mrs. \\\ night. And all the time j Gaston, vec-re here 1 irawing the silken cord \ called in to see us. lighter around their ' ter people 1?> he lou: finally the willow and j it is always a pleasu ? north* and the souti.? j yjr> all{] Mrs. M. K er on this western shore | niother of Mr. iiutia afternoon, and as they j vVpre ]ierP vesterdav each other's eyes and j a heavvVrost tell*, rids, each realized that j * .. .f had been searching for ) V"? > Llince their reincarnation, j j iar..'a : 'e ' : was necessary to remove j m ,1U" ravel, and the quiet Sab- j &SjF~C. I). KEN? hem opportunity to gel Street, Columbia. S. i other, ami 011 Monday each purchase, Satu out eupid's family physi- Photograph of Presii pthodist preacfier, and the is made perpetual. _ , ^ _ __ .^Z. Cotton Seed K< We now have a iu is at 03. sacd meal and hulls ; store in Columbia will prices. Will exchai [)me \ou to his store in Co- for seed. Bring via I week. Bates sells it for \Ve pay highest pric tys. and lie has special bar- StTMMEE ir week visitors. LUiJiJK /?7, lyuy. S ST Store Headquarters i will give you a cordis Men's Clothing We are showing some very fine all-wool Suits made in the best style, at ?4.50, $7.50 to $15,00. Boys' Suits, all kinds, all j sizes, all prices 75c to $3.50. j % Mens Hats j We claim to have the best in the j! city for the money. We want you to | see them. It costs you nothing, but | wiil pa>" you without a doubt. All 3 colors and shapes. 7"; *. *1.00. i: 25 and \ j Si.50. | I j? | # Ladies' Hats jj j We are selling Samuels Bros.' Hats 2 at $ > 50 Paris models. Pattern Hats j| at *3.50 to *5.co. A line Jot of t hese i Hats in the latest stvies at *1.50 to \ So. 00. - | Children's Caps 2Uc to 15c. TTnor T?To flcr.e For Your Gcod. I ? When cotton goes up a little don't \ think you have to pay mors lor your | goods so quick. Every merchant f .about with the times have contracted j for their supply when cotton was low t and should protect their trade. We j are offering today cotton goods as t | cheap as eyer. j HHMOBaBfluxmisncKKaMMBMacainiaaHHHHLaBHDBeaKMdacm )RE WHERE ills It Fc wtTapps. ! (%%$ Fair meet your j 0 SS I j. Tapp Co., they [ 8 83 B .t the same time : W the largest and j icrtmcnts of line , t+ , Duncl in the youth, j ^ Ohif pUi p0^( a making- prepare- | us ;n suc}1 a fair IV 'isitors tor several fathered together tGHier's relation W bargains ever of- j , ii in Columbia. j biG. ASIG6 11'OITl t ou iZt TW? I bank has the adva 5S n^l?.y?al ! total resources am e in r!>.e city to ' iial welcome and j gg |?j 5 a O $ $2 $ use stock whether ; I Bo ?a ?S $ 3 a every day of 1 * i fi 11 ? fir raai. 1y Company, the * to often charmed , hat-. be-.-n engaged : lo programme i< everybody should ' A FQVUl&X ColUC theatre while ir. , . . . >r r\r.t; ti. t.'t^'pnlar oonr r . hat .Mi". Davec- .. , , > f < v.dornbia attending tne (_ l'h?^ ill WU\ S >?'- .. . .. K. (.' / / , , , . .'/-.ia.. .liv. 1j. 'jr. took IS ?)(:t to illll'.t-e - . ,, a:n; eon-eral manager t>\ vohe (-.mi a ,1 .. * , Furniture Com:a:: v. Mr. ed. , .. . i ??t r-iT.- a:siwe.-sfn. and V>u> ::e^s r; :ihi; Lancaster spent Linn Fumi*uro Company iiKV-irihiy known to no, > were good in the ciiiieno:" Lexington ceant has had more to do with \ C-ocdwin of growth of Columbia than f for III,- fair ana *!> ?* Ikvww f?m hh Tlitv- nr.- no b.-t- :-.i all that :h, anvvvlx-r,- and Pa-S ? a>?a "li t big re to see them. he r.umoer- Ins fnei , ' "/ . ! thousands. Vecomnanvini ,. Xuuand and tb.v,l Evan*. ikI, M iJatesourg, ( j,,,; M. May, and Waie H. i ali jrood joJiy and popular r-n Sunday night. j q, timeitv. e and Miss Annie r 3U iniay in Co- : Minnaugh's. s'Y CO, i:?l> Main ; j. p. Mirimaugh & Co., O., will give with wants to see every visiior irday, Oct. 150, a j county at their store while dent Taft. bia at the fair. You vvi ?, \ bertr-r gentleman to do foil* , M ,, i than Mininaugh and you'll &1 &21CL ilTlliS. I ch;.)rr ni f js a^oro. 11 supply of cotton ^ for sale at lowest 1 " *"**" ige meal and hull* i Stationery Chei i vonr rawhides. ! "* :es for same. i A big lot of pape- and en I & BOOZER, ; 5 flent packages, a birga Chapin, 8. C. ] Baxaar. ??E???B??w??a?? nnr 1 I while in Columbia I il greeting. | Heap and Piles of Ginghams |j Outing, Sea Island, Sheeting, Drills, $3 Cotton Flannel, Suitings, Flannels, Spj Bleaching, Percales, Shirtings, Homespuns, Ticking, etc. All dress goods today are even cheaper than ever oe- ajjM ' fore. All 50o Mohairs and Brilliantine. Ljjfl Panamas and Danish Cloths are ??J cheaper, we offer you your choice at pU the yard while they last, 25e. ' ||Pj 54 inch Itepellant Cloth the yard 45c KL? 25 pieces Sousett Silk, .'52 inches |y wide, ail colors, the yard 23c 10,000 yards, 40-inch wide Linen Lawn, worth 25c, wili be sold for, the || yard 10c 50 Girls' school Tamoshanter Caps,. Bp! eh.C2p at 25e all go at l<>c P* 10,000 dcz Pearl Buttons, the 5c kind j|j| at, dor. 2c gfaj 25,000 papers Sharps bc:-:t gold ne.-d- j||j Ics, per paper io Large Hack Toivols, each r,o |pj 5S-1 nc-!i wide Satin Damask, yard. 25o jig 500 Large Bed Spreads. each 97c |0 150 72x00 inch Bed Sheets, each 00c |p 1,000 cakes of Armour's Toilet : > ap ||j sold for 10c, all flavors each I S? I Comforts and Blankets m We have at least J.j car load. W will seli you a large comfort filled with cotton for K We offer large double blankets ?| Large, soft wool, silk bound Blankets JS at ?1. Go. ||j Columbia, S. C. ^ 3 to handle any business entrusted to nd liberal manner as to make the cusitii this bank satisfactory and prcfitahe excellent- facilities ^afforded, this .ntage of a Capital of 125,003 and ountingto 8180,000.OG. v lumen from || L |j , |?reHiden? g *2 H fv ft H f ^pf tho Lion & $ 8 & i 8 * *. F Cook ! L' "" i I in Colurn- | ^ ill find no ! $1 ST7V ttnwr vc en. . . WAUM 4/VA Xiiug (JUUr U 1108ft with j find every- j Your Druggist can get it for you fro.? ^.JwBUTMIsn 111 at TI e I COLUMBIA, S. C. J