The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 27, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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_ <. * k s i i i I , * . P ' Columbia, ~~ " " 1 Boai Company Fays Shortage? * * ' Reported that $20,000 Has Ben Paid n 4 Over in the Hampton Muddle, jj Columbia, October 21.?It i9 under- g stood on good authority that the bond- ^ ing company has paid ?20,000 in the <3 matter of the Langford shortage in Hampton County. County Treasurer g Langford was found short in his ac- p counts to the extent of approximately j a $24,000. He was under bond in the j sum of 820,000. It is stated that the j d bonding company has agreed to pay n the >'4.000 balance, if the State will h establish in Court that this amount of I a i the $24,000 shortage occurred during ! ^ the previous terms of office. The 1 shortage, it is allege-d, occurred in the p last term cf Mr, Langford. and the tl ?? I contention of the boncur.g company is rlrk \ritlt tr? *nav lhp PIT- ! S llldc \*V uvi " v?v J M tire ?24,000. if that amount is found | short iu one term of office, when the j bond was only $20,000, but will pay ! the entire ?24,000, if the shortage oc- j gi curred in more than one term. ; r< Comptroller General Jones invest!- j ** gated the matter and made report on j t( it, finding the shortage to be approxi- I ti mately ?24,000. When the time for i ~> settlement came the bonding company j ^ refused to pay up unless some one i fj representing the State should go over i I the books with n representative of j ^ Lllfc'U ?. inuiurj >ui nj ...? ....... ^ ed 3I;\ K. H. Townsend a> the ivpre- i }> sentative of the State. Tie- ?>-.>(>! < I r were gone over and the investigation ! '! ] * of Comptroller General Jones was cue j ; challenged. ! j ' j. i Lsttsr to J- B. Bo'osrts. ; \ i I Lexington S. j j Dear Sir: Here's the unpainted j S truth: Every job painted Devo? takes less gallons than 01 any other paint. j 1 And the paint that takes h ast gal- j 1; Ions wears longest; Always. We can't ; > help it. ! 1, Yours truly, 97 F. W. DEYOE & CO. | P. S. Kaufmann Drug Co.. sells our j pain". j t ? - J (J Notice, Land Owners. j a Have you any dogwood or persim v mon wojd? I am buying thi? wood f( and will pay a good prioe for *ame If interested write me for prices. A. L, C ROM EH. f New Brookland, S. C.. or ignite >, . Lexington, S. (\ | g i SPECIJ We extc Friends am naugh's Stor iTATE F Y on will Ladies' Suits You will find through our Seatbof Mrs. Shaaly. 3 Mrs. S. W. Shealy, wife of a promi-- The Tri lent farmer of the St. John's section j despit^tl ied on Saturday afternoon after a ; rainy day \rtnr ill-nooo Tho rlooooeoH spoo oKnnf nartmpnf AUV/ > uo aiyvuu ? ? 5 years of age and is survived by ! ccmdusm j i v j i , ! three corn ier aged husband, one son and two , ^^e sue augliters. j due to the She was buried at White church on j land, pres iunday afternoon in the presence of a se( retar^ ? arge concourse of sorrowing relations i nd friends. T&2 Mrs. Shealy was a noble character, i r^l0 ^ax ying as she lived in peace with all | the best i lankind. A very pathetic feature of i ot}ier soct ei death is the fact that her husband j across" nd two daughters are now very ill ibemanyd ith typhoid fever. i year. The family has the sincerest sym- I * athy of the entire community in this, ! ieir hour of sore affliction. Dr. K. ITATE PAIS, COLUMBIA, 0baeatd Via Columbia, Newberry & j dental wo Laurens Railway, Nov. 1-6. |accordin^ Tickets on sale October Mist to Nov. | th, 1909, inclusive, with final limit to j NOTI Edurn leaving Columbia, up to and ! iclndiug, bur not later than midnight ' f Nov. S. Two passenger trains daily { > and from Columbia. Returning i For ISS13 rains leave Columbia 11:15 a. m. and i wm :20 p. m., allowing ample time to j isit the fair. Oct your tickets via (A j r. dc L., wliioh includes admission to | ?vr a m{, he Fair (irounds. J for the con .ea\ e A. AI ^ . M. I*i lsth. it wn -aureus 7:lo 2:12, hrM in tJu :Ii?t0" 7:43 2::i- | 1st,!, next. ioidvnle 8:02 2:44 2 70 ; Kifieeii Tl ^"ards s;io 1:5:4 2 00 ; 5|| (.ltl,poll ,;l/T S:1' -:f - h} ! Tiiall 10 ve: alapa s;21 2:04 2.4 ) . v. .,r< Jewlicrry v!7 :!:*> 2.!? : : msjx riiv. . :i::V> I.K , s C .illlo M'tu !I::S! 8:W I.W> | to l2 ,W Works I'la t!!:, \ i, 11 i i - f?~ i " - r l- '" . cor.Uiner V VI.He Hook. S 4-11 l.r>0 pi-jiricns. Sulk mine 1 o:tv; a:i7 1.10 jr"i< fu"i ? ?!? : l:rl : election rh U* Columbia rissuing lift -Including one admission to Fair oon^ nd transfer from city to fair grounds. ; j-or , jrot<-?'t Ueturning, trains leave Columbia ! 1() ,jK. Sp,., 1:1a a. m. and p. m. For imor- then! nation call on any Agent or 'a nte "For is W. J. Craig, IV T. A., Wilmington. 1 tar> six p L C., or J. K. Livingston, S. A., Co- %va"t >rworl umbia, S. C. ^ ^ ^ , ;K.(.0rding i in tin* pcti Flower Seed Free. i it is also Congressman Lever has several j pjl^d w; hoinand packages of flower seed for they are lv istribution and will be glad to send ; for such el package free to anv lady who will i tor the bal .. , . , . .. , , laud one loi frite hirr a postal. Write quick be- , 0jfile towi ?re the eupply is exhausted. , rrissioners ? ? Tlr It/iVfl'c Qnro.T>.-vts C-slI/. < 'n.n I \? O .JUI. C/-A uu ^-UHT ? ;r block, and hisentire linn of reliable j H. X. KA] BterinarC remedies for saJ'? at The a/aar. 0 tuber ri * md a special invitati cl the trade genera e Headquarters whil "AIR Nl find everything in E 5, Skirts, Men's Cloth I ^ n n in /> viw L uui jjnuc? very mammoth stores. O' " i 'ri-County Fair. I A -County Fair, held at Bates- j Lggl M week, was a decided success | le fact that Thursday was a j I I ^ . The exhibits in every de- j were creditable and showed ; ?ly that the farmers of the : ities are making progress. j ceas of the fair is largely j B m j efforts of Mr. M. E. Rut- i .11 R 6 ident, and the indefatigable ' ^ Mr. \V. J. McCartha. z Collections Good. I ship collections in the Fork were n many years, and if the ions of the county "comes I ; did the Fork there will not weei lelinquents at the end of the Dental Notice. In G. Killingsworth, dentist, Pelion on next Friday, 2hth, ay only. Parries desiring rk will govern themselves and H CE OF ELECTION __ ,ing Bonds for Water- H ? Hi :ks in the Town of B Lexington. etii2?of ihti Town Council vn (i Lexington on October j s ordered that an election he * Town T1 i; 1 on November j . on tiio ([ue>ri?)n of issuing ' iousjukI Dollars !X?o.00) j bonds to run for not more ars. and not ie.-s riian I'd i 1 to draw inkreM a! ?*. j iiiQ liic i livable annually. :?r Lexinji- ! 111,5 1110 1 in the i reel inn of a Wat re . nr. for lire protection in tic- J tli., iii ! ! i. i I Will be at Md her ordered fhiU :ir such i |.exin-1?, S. c ballot shall contain: "For , v , . . iiP,. bcr 1st. >co hn con Thousand dohars ??i\ ;t?cr t o!i bonds for waterworks. \ your Eye. Ear. 1 ion a^aiu^r lire, a--' ordini: ! Or. if needing jv set out in tile |?eti- j *?.r' ^ , , , . i Alter eating < suing liU'-on thou.<uml <tol- , ... cr cent. coupon bonds tor ' inmieoiaU-iy sit < ;s, lor protection against lire, > work of tictbui r<> tin- specilicatious ?-r out : takl. |,..r luvulh tions therefor, 2so. ordered that W. H. Eiekley, j Any \wman e >crts tiud Jj. H. J-Jarre lie aj>- j guiscd as a "be;i magers of said election. and j * creby instructed to provide | Eove is blind, ection two ballot boxes, one j nian is :i{>t to tal lots on the issue of bonds, i r the ballots of three citizens , ' - _ i? ? ^.-1 n 1 l to serve as u nimru ui v/um- j of Pubiie Works. The pleasant ]) JOHN J. TAVLOli, I eneed by all wli Intendftnt. Htomach and Liv MIXKR. healthy couditioi Secretary. which th\v ore . 11W. ; joyful. Sold by i h#WiKMHJWIK,i 'I I in IIP! b BBBM??MHE on to our Lexington lly, to make Mim le attending the EXT WE >ry Goods, Notions, ing, Millinery, etc. 'active. Come, look ur exhibits are fine. * ; DRSES - Received our th merit within thi ks. this lot we have severa ORSES, suitable for far] Harnpion Avenue r n - I !i,b AlhO- MJ UA rercs, of Coiumoia, i.,.si!W,m ooumy. Loti'l i???<"? uav in J>y 'n''>. v. Dialis. ivs<[., 1 *:*<>!?;: AI : . N. " \\ htreas. 11. J. Harness 11 . on - on..a> , .>..u ni- rf> nwi^ ^r;:nr cn!) l?-tri-r: 11 it any trouble with ministration of i!u esfart-of ar Sose. Thi'oat or I.un^. of IV'i.v I'urirt-ss. Pbn vsp tiarli s. TIm'm' aiv fVivfic,. to cire ! iu<>!i;?n all aiiti singular tin* kii . ^ rr? ( of tin' said 1*? 1 ix >i:ion< a ?ir! -}n:KI <ii-.vased. tbar iiu-y beanda]?i>e io\\*:i and f.eruso some i?<*. in the t'ourr of Probate. ft: hat i~ ealewiated to :l1. I-y-vinuroii, (\ ii.. S. ('.. on ot >>ov. I both next. at for pi awa.v? hereof in 1! o'clock in the ton an take a dis- s'liw . if any tliey have, ntv hint " ^'-huinisfrnrion should nor t'U. but after marriage a i ' Given under my baud, this ke an occasional eve- ' ot" Oer.ibor, Anno'Domini. lMi (u'or^c S. Dralts, \ I ; Probate .Judjre, Lexington eoui j Published on (lie '.Ttli day urpitive effect experi- th?? Lexington Disnatol 10 use Chamberlain's ? er Tablets, and the Piedmont and Old Mii! . tof tile body and mind wan!f,tI. i ,, ;ii ate, makes one feel f ' " nil Drnexists. j ,u I'jee R. Hi I? I A r A * I X f-% EK 1 * jmbia, S. C. j. ' MARES ird Jfew 1 well-broken MARES' tning and breeding. m m wai H Columbia, S. C * iULlXA. ' ^i^<2kiSbssBa n^'uit ' | INVITATION TO i" ' 1 FAIR WEEK VISITORS rn<l ad- f| !U:n.t ll:'* ^ivnunity, idivd anil Qa while in our civ v, ,,I' s**i-;ii*c rhe Ihirgess n most beautiful lin<- o! a!! 'solid, ar,before g ^i-nuino good- ;>i Diamonds, i bo hold | .lowelry. \Vatoh?*>. Sterling Sili Sih day E vcr. ( at and Ibigravr.d tilass * iblication ; m that lias ever boon soon in South noon, to , ? Carolina. Uemeinb u* wo only why the fl luivo solid and solid and genuine be grant- | itoods. no irni? ? It" no! convenient tor you to J.")tli day come in. scud your order \by mail, which* always has our t j. S.] personal attention, with a auariry, S. C. a nt eo to please. Six all always of Oct. hr j^lail to see you at SYLVAN BROS. cigarette .Irwtdws, Silvr-rpinitha, <Jp -m these r- :v1ki- 8ru?- St. j C<>: -xLi... S. 0. drmftll. mm?mm?m I i