5 As we get older the bloo cles and joints stiffen am easier. Sloan's Liniment . up the muscles and joints with astonishing promptr Proof that it is B Mrs. Daniel II. Dieiil. of Mam ^ u Please send me a bottle of Sloan's 1 It is the best remedy I ever knew for Also for Mr. Milton Wheeler, cioo $ il I am glad to say that Sloan's Lin joints than anything I have ever t: n . _ oioa % is the qickest and best rer tism, Sciatica,-Toothache and Insect Stings. Price 25c., 50c., and $1.0* Send for Sloan'3 Free Book c DR. EARL S. SLOAN, FINAL DISCHARGE. Th s is to notify all persons that will apply to the Hon. Geo. S. Draft Judge of Probate for Lexington Cou] ty, South Carolina, on Nov. 1, 1909, f< a final discharge as guardian of the e tate of B. O. Lucas and others, minor John W. Lucas, ' Guardian. 'rz? Dry / i Chattanooga Oliver Plow Bock Hill Bi *> . Just Rec t J . I For Rheumatic Pains ! i i t t i j d becomes sluggish, the mus- j :1 aches and pains take hold j quickens the blood, limbers . j and stops any pain or ache less. i est for Rheumatism. ii"s Choice. R.F.D., No. i. Pa., writes:? Jniment for rheumatism and stiff joints. I can't do without it." Stiff Joints. Torris Ave.. Birmingham. Ala., .writesj iment has done me more good for stiff ied." i ! ! ^ | nedy for Rheuma- |I , Sprains, Bruises > at .All Dealers. ' | H hi Horses. Address * Fo \r~7v, ti I BOSTON, MASS. " I >D|nHnnBin3^B9ninBfsxQi! ?? : ... _ _ ? i j Christmas and Holiday Goods. ( I Christmas and Holiday goods are i s, arrivin at The Bazaar. The stock j ll" this year will be more complete than ! ^ ever before, embracing everything s. suitable for Christmas and wedding presents. When you think of buying presents always come to The Bazaar. Goods, II ON nan i Disc Plows s aggies NEW Hay eived a large Shi{ Make Our Stori m jn jv vv The Young Idea. T oneher? XIi irty-i hreo egcs at CC conis jxt dozen is what? Dili?Outrageous, 1 call it.?Pick-MoUp Just Like a Man. Mrs. Styles? i liverheurd you ant your friend talking ni>eut mo. Mr. Styles? Yes, dear; we were talking a!tout .von. "And you refer:'; d to something' a> liOii-L like alabaster. Was it my neck dear':" "No. love; it was your wo were speaking; of."?Vonkers Statesman. Was Honest Aryltc.v. Mr. Hans?Doe. I ain't got much 1110230v. \"ili you duke my bill out in drade? Dr. Cans?Why, I might. What's your business? "I'm dor leader off der liddle Cherman band. Ve'Il plav in l'ront off your house efi'ry efening."? Cleveland Leader. Hair Pulling, Etc. Deacon?By the way. that man Drown you married a year ago, has he paid you your fee yet? Clergyman?Xo. hue iast time I reminded him of it lie said I'd be fortunate if he didn't sue me for damages.? Boston Transcript. Heard on the Ocean Waves. It was one of those modern oceai giants equipped with elevators ant eight docks. "Going up!" called the elevator bo? as he started to close the dodr of tin cage. "Xo." responded the pale man, witl a wan smile: "coming up." And thei lie moved over toward the rail.?Den ver Xews. A Distinction. Post?I don t see the difference be tween playing bridge for prizes an< gambling for money. Farker?There's a lot. When to1 play for money you get somethin, worth haying.?Denver Post. Fine Hi Iware ai Disc Grain Chatta P LINE OF ST r, Oats, >ment of Texas. 3 Your Headqu; I I Lexingto i "1L?TBiTi ? The Lyceum Comedy Co. Mr. Al. S. Evans is here w ith his i Lyceum Comedy Company under hi* 1 large and well seated and well heated i tent. This company i- presenting i some of the best attractions in Amert ; ica for only ten vein-. I UU lUUIlUay liigJil l;:f HdU!|J atJU I the Lady"' pleased a large audience. | Tuesday night "Kit Karson77 was | the bill. Wednesday night the well i known and popular comedy drama, I -'East Lynno,'7 attracted one of the j argesr audiences ever seen in Lexing| ton at an attraction oi this kind. | To-night (Thursday i the bill will he | "Xo Mother to (Juicle Her77; Friday i night, "Wanted a Wile7"; Saturday i night "Jesse James." ) ! The moving pictures between the i actsare of a high. s;andar.i of exeellen' ! cv. and one of the most pleasing tea{ ? . j tnres of the big show. The Thawi White tragedy from beginning md, : 1 will be shewn during the work. Mr. Evans announced rhat the com. j pany will g've away a g -Id waw-h on ! Saturday night to the :ady r< : : eeiving F eh"gho-r number ot vot'S ! ie. their pularhy come-: maugisi'af| - d on Monday night. ThN cono-st i? i attracting widespread interest. | This i- one o: the clcwrcst aggrc . gat ions that has apt.oared here ii . I many years, and the people are show} irg their hi-arty appreciation b v then * : art mean I i j FiaeHsaey; i J The-Dispatch wishes to return thank: to Mr. K. V. Gantt for a box of line honey. He has one of the best ex liibits of this kind ever seen at the fair Cor.doctor Silled NegroConductor W. \V. Lyles. of the Co lumbia Street railway, shot and killec a negro by the name of Paul Hart 01 Saturday night. Lyles claims self do fence, ? ? ? , Land at Public Sale. ] On the first Monday in Xovembei next, immediately after the oflicia 7 sales, I will offer for sale to the high 3 est bidder before the Court Hous< " door in Lexington, S. C., my place ii the Dutch Fork, containing So acres 1 Forty acres open land, good dwelling 1 and outbuildings, plenty of water, 31; . miles from Chapin, on R. F. D. 2 Good farming land. Terms of Sale: Cash; purchaser t oav for papers. 3\v " MRS. M. E. SWARTZ. } ? " The subscription price of the Dispatc! u Is $1 a year; 50 cents for six months; 2 g cents for three months?invariably cas in advance. Dillinsry, nd Groce Harrows Drills mooga Wagons OVFS AND RA I Corn, Wl Red Rust Proof arters While at RO 1 hj S. C. j FAMOUS REMEDIES 1; Popular and Efficient Household Medicines Sold on Merit Only, j Andes' Great Prescription | Kecommeiuleil for Catarrh, ' ; all lbnn- of Stomach. Liver. Kidney. Bladder Troubles j . ; s and puriiieation of the Blood, j ! j Germ an i \\'c:n Eradieatoi. j -1 Andes' Wonderful Od ^ . * i sod externa 11 v and in! j {email v. iV'-'onmonUed lor L i\ f>, " . li 4 j uieani::;.\ . nnuiTia. 3! * j| j| : j i ;;(;;. < ;: . 1 Of.?t 1 iaC'iiC. ' Lai'- jj; * ] a.ho. 1 lacka'd ;e. Sure Throat, jj j Sprains. Bruises. I'Luri-v. Si : : * ' ' j|| j i)iarrh.o: a. <.'ram;>- and all i 1 | )| 1 1 || \\l THE KAUFJVIAft DRUG || | COMPANY, Sole Agents for Andes" * ! j LEXINGTON. - - - - S. C. % ? j ? <-JLran?efxa?aw i ???km j ' | Est. T. S. Brown Will' Preach - j.:. in Charlotte BTsist Sunday. I | The Rev. T. S. Brown, pastor of St 1 j Stephen's Lutheran church, is to take " | part in the Fiftieth Anniversary of St Mark's Lutheran church, Charlotte X. C., to be held. October the 31su Rev. Brown was for a number o r years pastor of St. Mark's, during * v;hich time the church was erected 3 It is one of the most elegant air 1 ckurckly structures in the South. T " Fall colds are quickly cured by Fc ley's Honey and Tar, the great 'throa and lung remedy. The genuine cor 0 tains no harmful drugs. Sold by a Druggists of Lexington and Henr [ Drug Store, Chapin, S. C. h ! V wise man has no secrets from hi 5 wife?because he hasn't any wife, h Subscribe to the Dispatch. Ladies' iries. Chattano Cultivate) Harness, NGES heat Seed Oats and \ the County Fait OF ' | AS WELL AS | ' lar^f- ones ar(4 welcome* hero? | you r-u ::o; wait until your bus- 8 i : in?4ss has ri.--uiH (1 ar-'a: projx>rtions :?e:< r.yt-iiiL'L a Checking A; von at. DO 30 TO-DAY. [:| - ^ - ! 1 ! i j ' >rr :.arro:;? rc-yari'::r < f hn- iness hone, receive I I | --v. ry court -y in all ntatter.- of j ; ! (:itru>to A) I J j COLUMBIA, S. C. j| (j ttirrmrn -imrrifrr~r T-iiTfn- mrrw ir-n??rw!sma n PEOPLE : . ! That want high class work at ? ! reasonable pricey go to ! L. J. F?OBBSNS3 Ref. D. ? i TheOnly Htfchlsive Optician. ; I 1 o4i Main St. Columbia, S. C t i ? ! !;!. Trsssassers, Notice rl j - ! This is to notify all persons not to j hunt or trespass in any manner whatj soever upon my lands, as the law will X j positively be enforced against all i- trespassing. Henry Bowman. 11 Oct. 20, 1609?4w3p y j is Plans have been approved by the school board of Columbia for the erection of a handsome school building on 1 Senate Street. Suits, \ Voga Plows rs Saddles retch Seed. J, ?d | ?,