THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. ^ ^ ^ & Nepreseritatice Reujspaper. Gouers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Soonties Like a Blanket, VOL. XXXIX. " LEXINGTON, S. C? WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1909. 52 jr. / MAURICE'S TH ( 1704 and 1706 MAIN ST. Fall and Wi J Dry Goods, Notioi and Boys, Ladies' T; Squares and Rugs. * We invite our frie 1 ^ | ton and the surroun( ^ ? i bia to see us for you [ ' i are prepared to save j| stock. We never h; it v ar cneaper. (JLrI) Notice we prepay M j 1\ wards to your neare will pay half your n of 50 miles, providir $30.00, and at the'same time bi to see us for your wants. Ladies' Suits from $10.00 to J Millinery this fall. Grand valu $18.00/ A big assortment of B We guarantee everything we LOWEST PRICE. --. . Jffaaagjrs for Ts*a EUetioa. , The t'cllovyiig^managers will con- j duct the election for town officers on 1 November 2nd: W. H. Bickiey, B. j D. Clarke, Harry A. Roberts. , H. N. Kaminer, - Recorder. ] ??????????? * ?-**< awtet. a patterns, the fabrics ; k weaves and the price would imagine. W e have these in grey, green, brown, 1 at prices from $10 to 17,ill 1 inp r^l V nnfh' JL tt I i J 11 l v V/1 M. vy via. and Boys' Knee Pani ?/ please. Don't forge cial attention to our department selling tl ? est prices. E. G. DREt MEN'S AND BOY LEXINGTON, 61 *W. 231 ta^O MAIN 8TBEI Solicits a Share DHJDni i ilLL'/lllUIl U1UI1L COLUMBIA, S. C inter Wear is, Clothing for Men, Youths ailored Suits, Millinery, Art j I nds and patrons from Lexing- j iing counties when in Colum- j ir wants before buying. We j j you money from this big j ad a better stock to show you j all orders from $4.00 and up ist express office. Also we ! lilroad fare within a distance ! tg your purchane amounts to ! lying at the lowest price. Call I } i>27.50. A grand display of j es in Men's Clothing, $5.00 to : oys' Suits, $1.50 to $5.00. i sell to be GOOD and at the j i I I FOE SALE 92 acres fair sandy land, dwelling | and other building near Saxe-Gotha ! mill, near railroad, some timber, plenty of wood, on public road, R. F. D., I fish pond, good health, plenty water, : cheap on easy terms. P. D. GEORGE, , Lexington, S. C., Route 3. I nNE of the distinctive gIT iffon models now on display and ready for Fall wear. It is Styled rp to the limit and timed down to the minute. A reallvl smart suit and representing the kind O y o u' v e a 1 w a y s ?/ V wanted. The nobbiest, neatest and nattiest effects are shown in the range of ire of the toughest s are less than you the stylish shades of t/ t 1 1 L. 1 1, Diue aim suipic uraciv . $20. s' Lone Pant Suits ts Suits at prices to t that we pay espeSHOE and HAT f le very best at low ltR OK V/V. S* OUTFITTERS Sr C? LOBE DRY 60 ST, of Your Valued Patr \ OUR COU1TIT FAIR. The county fair is in run oiast. Since the opening of the gates at 9 I o'clock yesterday morning, the grounds i have been crowded with hundreds of ] yisitors from every section of the < county, all making merry and enjoy- \ ing the occasion. Many are here \ from Columbia and other parts of the State. ; The exhibits are of a high clas9 and , many in number, nearly every de- , partment being filled to overflowing with the products of Lexington coun- i , ty. j The horse and cattle display is the i ] best ever seen here and the 9tock ex- i , j ' hibited would do credit to any fair in. i ( the State. Lexingtonians are taking I ] greater pride in their stock eack year, ! as is amplified by th^ class shown at i, the county fair. j . The field crop exhibits are pecul- j iarly fine, there being more exhibits \ this year than at the former fairs, i , The class 9hown reflects credit upon ! . the farmers of the county, and speaks loud for the productiveness of Lexing- j \ ton-soil. The household department is unus- . ually good this year. There is not a I j single exhibit that is not creditable. j The fine arts department?the ladies' i department?is perhaps the most at- ? tractive at the fair, and has been tlie j 9ubjec*t of much favorable comment, j T ovinnftAn n'Ainon are nnf in 1 ha hahif ' UV/Al.ljjlVI. " "VV ... v I of doing things by halves, and their , department is one of the best ever : seen at the county fair. j The poultry department, as usual, is , , very good. The people of this county are taking more interest in the raising ! ( of poultry every year. The other departments are up to the j high standard of other years and, as a \ whole, the fair this year is the greatest j success ever attempted in the county, j 1 The attractions are pleasing every one and all of the shows are being | well patronized. The attendance is all that good be , desired, the gate receipts showing that j more people are attending the county fair each year. , For the success of the fair this year j too much praise cannot be accorded | s all of the officers, each of whom has i worked manfully for the fair. Secre- j , tary George began to work in earnest j < several months ago, and has not ceas- j j ed in his efforts to make the present j fair surpass all previous fairs ever ! i held in the county. That he lias sue- j , eeeded, and succeeded well, no one j ] who ha9 attended the fair, deny. j ( The greatest fair ever held in the . county will come to a close tomorrow . and a large crowd will be in attend- t nnfp. t ? A Card of Thanks. To the Citizens of Leesville, Batesburg and the community ar large: We, the family of Isaiah Hailman. who, on Tuesday morning, October | ' 12th, lost our dwelling and most of its j : contents by lire, take this method of i * thanking one and all. who worked so ! faithfully during the lire, and so kindly j 1 and liberally gave tis money, shoes, I 1 clothing and all the necessaries for M house-keeping. There was given us j ' in cash considerably-more than slot), ; and other articles of cash value j amounting to near ?- "><>, and sril! they : keep sending. ! Friends, we cannot expre.-s oar gral- j itilde in words, hut will nrav (i<>d thai ; 1 i m ither of you will ? ver have our < <- j 1 jicrience. Again let u> thank you ail. j I Isaiah Mailman and Family. : Li-esvillc, Oct. ( ; 1 Who Found The STorth Pole? j Who found the Pole? j says Peary. All tro-n-' it and weary. "I foiln i the Pole!'r Who found the Pole? "I," replie.l Cook, "'Just go there and look! I found the Pole!" i ( Who'll find a poll*? i ; "I," ?ay9 th loader, jl "For badly wo i i-oo'or? I j i'll find a polo!" 11 Bring forward the polo, j1 All sharpened and speary, To pnnch C">ok a id Peary Bank to the Pole! |1 ?Exchange. j * oos cohfa: Tie., onage. Polite and P A. MID LONG. Another old soldier lias answerf the last roll call; another familiar fl) ure has been removed from the cor munity; another husband and fatln will be missed from the househoh the county has lost one of its best ci izens. On last Thursday morning aboi 10:30 o'clock while sitting in front < the lire in his quiet home about miles from Lexington the spirit of . Mid Long took its llight and return* to trie God who ga\o it. He arose at the usual hour in tl morning and ate a very hearty brea fast. After breakfast he took a wa ever his farm and returning to tl house churned for his wife. Whi Mrs. Long was putting away the bu ter, her husband died before the fi without making a sound or murmur Mr. Long was a brave Confedera soldier, serving with valor throughoi the war in Co. K. 20th South Carolii under Capt. W. D. M. Harman. At the close of the strife he return* to his home and engaged in farmin By close economy, strict honesty ai hard work, he accumulated eonsidc able property. He was a lifelong member of tl Lutheran church, being a member < Mt. Pleasant at the time ot his drat He is survived by his widow ai two children, one son and one daug ter. Mr. John Long, of Hollow eree and Mrs. Geo. I). Frauklow, of ne, Leesville. He was buried in Mt. Pleasa: church yard on Friday morning wii funeral services conducted by Rev. < U. Peterson, his pastor. He was about <>> years of ago. Samaria 2Tews Items. ' To the Editor of The Dis) atch. Rev. Evans Hall, who 1 as been for some lime, is v< ry much better. Mrs. Emma Fox has been very lo ivith typhoid fever, but is somewh; improved at th'S writing. UI"U prs ill linn lll]iui;<.iiacr. ? vnv. were good Mr. J. W. Grandy mac :wo bales of cotton on one acre, ar ix bales on six acres. There is a new arrival?a voter?i lie home of Mr. It. M. Kneece. Tiipss.ho will soon !>< Mib-contract( or rhe rural route. We had the pleasure one day In: week of breaking bread and dividin with oar friend*, riie Hons. K. t Kidgcll and J. L. Amick. Also oi )!d friend Louis Langford, county si icrvisor. Mr. Langford assured i hat he will soon clay the old Ciiarle on road to Baresburg. W. \V. Samaria, Oct. 2>. Stse&man Chronicles. ro the Editor of The Dispatch. Mr. A. IL Quattlebaum, who lu Deen in bad health for several veol md who Wi.s operated on by I) Bresson, is improving. The little sou of Mr. W. L. tjuutih ><111111 1)515 O.'l'li ill U< W liir Mwiii'iiii A'ith fewr, bur urdur the skillii iivatmor.f of Dr. \V. L. Kiuhuv. lit.* r<;piclly improving. Cotton is a.iouf all piok.-d :t*u? ><>lt crc.j) was s!:i)i't in ;kD ion. Tho s'-ii.i -i opnnod !kto on rI;i- il. Monday in ui'tulirr, niri: .Vii.-s ina;i< Kyzi r as Lonchnr. Allss i<; r i-; lu-sr toackor u'v \vr had. S'h hoarding \\ iiu .Mrs. A. i>. <>nu.i'? !)ainn. .Mr. A. ,M. Thornton, v;ko loo h, * mi'moil i?? hi- in 1 with f'cvi-r tor ti l:isi lour nu-nilis. is siowiv isnonn m<- . Siriscrilu r. Steadman. i 2~>. -<**>? A Card of Tbanlss. We desire, through the columns < ho Dispute)), to t'xprc.-s our high a| ueciation ami heartily thank our ki: friends and neighbors who assisted i .luring* the illness and death u, bereavement. H. J. Burgess, F. S. Burgess, Mr Paulhe Johnson, Mr-. Willa Jlool Mrs. Rosa Har nar, Mrs. Kmrna Fo: JamoG W. Bnr^osy. NY A-O-EK, COLUMBIA, 8. C. rompt Attention. d j A QUI Z~ i I j is worth only half f i -| J . " tuere is at least twi< 3. j imi Put temptation out I J V Citizens Be :<1 /" 'J 1 BATESE 1;. ft 22 ^?S afer there an lk ' ^ \ ^?X* "*our a' H u,x- gunter' k- ?i k1 " t- 1892. ?! Lexington Sa h; LEXINGTON, 1(1 j Capital, Surplus and Undivii ar 5 per cent interest paid on being computed semi-annually. nr received. th Commercial accounts also gh Ample facilities for handlin account will be appreciated. Safety deposits boxes for rem W. P. RC lOMBMBHaBBaMMnHHWanMi DO YOU PRAC1 w a.t There are very few who could not la pay day for the possible "Rainy Day." I TRY IT. It paves the way to snoees ^ That you did not begin sooner. WE PAY -1 per cent. INTEREST 011 it Don't put it off, but begin now, by oj i " The Bank oi IT '*"> i \ ! R. L. LYSRAND, President lr .in Z m^^ssssmmsm 1 BROOKLAN | NEW BROOKL I oW We Want your business. It is 01 j your money with us until you neci I NM times a year. I M J. C. CUICNARD, | MM Vice-President. r. IBank of : : : CHAPIF. The Bank That I Tiiis bank aims to trivo yon good chocks for you?furnish drafts fir aivravs glad to assist you in busiti'. s wiib this bank, which makes a jx;i pos'tors. ()sir conideates <-i ilono-d Wo cordially inviii the 1 armors a; til--it* banl-tinii with us. .f. S. \V?lSS!N(ilTb President. ; Gcvo::-cr Ansel Hcr.;cvcrl j registration 3curd.'m ("idim:bi"., S. i'.- t1;>vi s'iii r Ansrj ' ' ! Wednesday Mjmmarily rmnowd from !:' ; til:;*.1 Ksias Uoar and K. M. I.imohonso, ' ,1 ! no ?iiIol Tfi*' DorehesP r county w | registration W aril, for improperly : *Ji ,,l j r;\!iist< ri:i}?- negroes ami others. A. W. ! h :s j a 1 bird member ot'the board, ' t:i ir J who is an net man and in ill health," f te ,(j i lie allowed to resign. tl r. i _ ... f? ^ | Mr. F. (I. Frit/., Omenta. X. V., . . id i writes: "My little <^ii*l was greatly ben- ' in | ? lirt?(I by inl.inj; Foley's Oriiio Laxa- j j rive, and I tJiink it in the best remedy j . j lor constipation and liver trouble." j M *. , Foley'.- Qrino Laxative iw mild, pleas- ! (.j j aut and off'.i>!ivft, ami cures habitual i ' j constipation. Sold by all Druggists of | 0< ' j hexjniftor. and Horry Drug Stor*. Cha- ! j i'in. s. C. ' i " 4 LaR inhand is much as one in the bank. For r?o i r\ 4 Kn 4ft*v>*\4A4i'/v%? i ^ lii hjc tciii piuuuu iu spriiu it of your way by depositingfyout ink of Batesburg, URG, : : : S. C. y way than in your safe or cash .'count today with what you lie to deposit all your cash and jk. You'll find you have more rv time you balance vour books, m time deposits quarterly. Pres. ONES, Cashier. . M. CARTER, Asst. Cashier, aMOHMHMannnHHHBMHI 1909. yings Bank, - - S. C] ded Profits $20,000.00. i savings deposit. interest Deposits of $1.00 and over ren special attention, g your business, and your t, $1.00 per year. >0F, President and Cashier " riCE SAVING? y something by each month, each s. and you'll have but one regret, vizSaving Deposits calculated quart, r'v. )ening an account with us. F Swansea. B. E. CRAFT, Cashier. AND, S. C. i] ir desire to please. Leave rjlj d it We pay interest four ^ L. S. TROTTI, CM President nlj BM ! IH ' Chapin I , S. C : : : i services. We cash out-or-town & smuiim: money way. Wo are g s m:?i{? j*s. Make yor.r dovosiis i;; nt <".! yoot] treatment oi its de- |j t br:>r interest at ~> per cent. g ; veil as the ba^ines? men to do fj J. F. IIOXFYCrTT. < ashior I S23gEOBB3OT3K5g?Sa3gCEaB5Bg3SW^ With B f 0 h 0 21 STcck Lives. iaeoi:, (la.. JL?!.\ inij in riir Macon nspitai wills his p.? rk broken by a fall 'om iii- ro.,m window at an early atir this mommy. Karl 1 halves, a ell known yonnu man and nephew ot adge Itoben J(odp> ot this city, is illy conscious and physicians i.ntoriin nope of saving his lite. In atmpting to fasten a window shutter le you net nian lost bid balance and 11 'JO feet on a brick pavement. He as picked up and sent to the hospital lmediately. The surgeons found complete paralys of the entire body except tbe muses of the head. The youth regained )nsciousnc?s and !a!'. r talked co rrTT \).