The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 20, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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' The Lexington Dispatch. | c Wednesday, October 20.1909 m m '! &1I lades to 2Tew Advertisements. ; fa . . Big Sale?W. D. Bates. j ar Hardware?W. P. Root's. j Shoes?Lever. j t0 Banking?Home National Bank. ! be * Banking?The State Bank. Organs?M. A. Malone. Jewelry?Sylvan Bros. Liniment?Sloan's. Notice of Election?John J. Taylor . and H. N. Kaminer. j nc r? q Karket. j ** Lexington 13Mc i , < * Qe d ? NOTICE OF ELECTION " ; fu For Issuing Bonds for Water- iar works in the Town of 1 Lexington. At a meeting of the Town Council j for the town cf Lexington on October ge 18th, it was ordered that an election be " held in the Town Hall on November of 18th, next, on the question of issuing re Fifteen Thousand Dollars (815,000.00) a|r in coupon bonds to run for not more , than 40 years, and not less than 20 years, and to draw interest at 6 per cent, payable annually, at Lexing- re ton, S. C., the proceeds of such bonds Dj( to be used in the erection of a Wat re ^ Works Plant, for fire protection in ac- 013 oordance with the stipulations in the tic ' petitions. ta: It is further ordered that at such election the ballot shall contain: "For & issuing fifteen thousand dollars six per 25 cent, coupon bonds for waterworks, for protection against fire,- according to the specifications set out in the peti- 21 tions therefor, Yes." . , "For issuing fifteen thousand dollars six per cent, coupon bonds for du waterworks, for protection against fire, N( according to the specifications set out ? in the petitions therefor, No," It is also ordered that W. H. Bickley, Harry Roberts and B. H. Barre be appointed managers of said election, and they are hereby instructed to provide -L Kollnf Knvac ATIp CI 4 I Of bUUJUL CUA/UUU tnu ucuiuv wv-?vo? w-v vl for the ballots on the issue of bonds, and one for the ballots of three citizens of the town to serve as a Board of Com- ar missioner8 of Public Works. th JOHN J. TAYLOR, > ev Intendant. * H. N. KAMINEB, 8n Secretary. pr < October 18, 1909. pr J K0TXC8! This is to notify all persons not to ^ trade for or buy my note for 14,500 / given to Jeff B. Amick on the 18th of Oj September, and due September 18, 1910. All parties buying same will do M so at their risk. J. BL Haithcock. # Dry ( Chattanooga D Oliver Plows Rock Hill Bugs I Just Receiv ft 4 ' j . | ' > i * M V \ OLUKBIANS COKING TO LEZXNGT02T FAIE. j i Mr- Samuel B. George, the popular j wa id very efficient secretary of our j 001 ir, spent Monday in Columbia in | c^' e interest of tbe fair. Our friends j W11 i/? noifrnhorv: over there are coming: ' ^l<~ see us in greater numbers than ever fore. *hi - of The Tri-County Fair. ^ Reports from the Tri-County Fair is Lo: >w in full blast at Batesburg, indi- me te that large crowds are in attend- thi ice and that the exhibits in every ye? spartment are better than ever. To- wit ly and tomorrow will be the banner am lvs. Senator Tillman speaks today id Congressman Lever tomorrow. le St. Louis Amusement Co., is i: rnishing a fine "line of attractions r id the best of humor prevails. t Mr. George's Office. Exhibitors will find Mr. George, the j cretary of the County Fair, at his g fice in. the Home National Bank, ady to handle the business. In his 1 >sence the business will be handled i ' competent assistants. Many entries have been listed al- i ady. Those who can do so will ease come early. Exhibitors will serve the same rules and regula>ns as on former years. The secre- j ry's office will be opened at the fair ounds on Monday morning, Oct. tb, and all day until 5 p. m. j ye, Eaaagors for Town Sleetioa. j ret ^ ! ? rne touowing managers; win con- \ ? ct the election for town officers on j jvember 2nd: W. H. Bickley, B. ! Pr Clarke, Harry A. Roberts. H. N. Kaminer, ( Recorder. fe| tai xristaas and [Holiday Goods,i int s^c Christmas and Holiday goods are | fol rivin at The Bazaar. The stock is year will be more complete than er before, embracing everything itable for Christmas and wedding * esents. When you think of buying * esents always come to The Bazaar. t01 ... sn lot Kasonies. A A REGULAR COMMUNICA, fflftion of Lexington Lodge No. 152, 1 \A. F. M., will be held Saturday, gj etober 23, 1909, at 7 oclock, p. m. Brethren are earnestly requested to at- ? nd promptly. inJ By order of the W. M. be .. Godfrey M. HAUMW, S33. e(j fc foods, I Hard1 ?isc Plows jies NEW Hay, ed a large Shipn flake Our Store w. " . rmiiflfliMifi ...... Commuaiozi at Zion. for the first time in many year.- ic ,s the editor's pleasure to attend nmunion service at Zion Lutheran crch on last Sunday and mingle th the good people of th3t section. >u is one of the oldest churches in i county and has a large memberp. The Rev. C. J. Sox, formerly thi3 county but now of Statesville, C., preached a fine sermon and asted the pastor in administering the rd's supper. The Rev. J. A. Cror has been the beloved pastor of s congregation for a number of irs and is growing stronger in favor th the'people as the years come i go. ? Why Han Was Silent. I en Billings set in Stokes' store Ha'f dozin' in his chair, le'd set there fur an hour or more, A picture uv despair, len hedn't said a single word Sence he hed set him down? n fact, he hedn't skurcely stirred 'Cept to increase his frown. ed Martin up an' spoke to Hen. Hen on'y shook his head, tokes up an' asked him sojiethin' then, Eut not a word he said. Ten Eillings wouldn't make a sound. He kept his mouth shet tight, 'ill by an' by it noised around His "upper floor" warn't right. 'het seemed to make ol* Henry mad. He give ol' Stokes a frown. "hen grabbed a pencil an* a pad An' scrawled this message down: Ding hang yew fur a poppinjay! Don't think I've gone unstrung! l wasp flew in my mouth today An' stung me on the tongue!" ?Joe Cone in Boston Herald. An Artistic Game. 'Dawdle has a good head. Two its ago he borrowed $10 of me and urned it inside of a week." Well?" Then he borrowed $100. and I ven't seen him since."?Detroit Fre? ess. Explicit. )n the brink of a creek in Ireland j -or used to be?a little stone con- : ning a carving of this inscription, 1 fA hair, trorclw' "WhPTl thif* i ,t UUVU WV UVI[/ v*w? V4V*M. *? ? ? I >ne is out of sight it is not safe t? d the river."?-Tit-Bits. A Perfect Cure. Tve cured my husband's insomnia." 'How did you do it?" 'Pretended I was sick, and the doc left medicine which Henry was to re me every half hour all night ig." :t is said that the citizens of Rock 11 have signed up a petition to be jsented to the next legislature askl that the Rock Hill school district annulled and the whole board oust 4 :ine M ware an Disc I Grain I Chattai LINE OF STC Oats, lent of Texas I Your Headqua Lexington Billy Felis's Letter. To the Editor of The Dispatch. The weather prophet failed in his predictions. We had a general variety of weather?heat and cold, wind and rain, thund~r and lightning, frost and fog. The school here opened this morning under the leadership of Miss Pauline Bennett of Olar. The Arthur's Graced School opened last Monday under the tutorage of Micio T?ct P Tofnoof Wiyrro v q "n r? iUiOJ Xii^u W- - " A. Ti ttt- ; uuv? Miss Mincey R. Pound. Miss Rosa B. Faliaw is away attending the Ladies* Aid Society Institute at Newberry. Miss Lillie I. Faliaw is assistant teaoher in the Brookland school. The Lexington Baptist Association, recently held here, was one of the best the writer has ever attended. S. J. Riddle was elected moderator; .W. R. Lowe, clerk and Jno. W. Scoftield, treasurer. Barney L. Reecer and Miss Cora Reynolds, of Swansea, were happily married at the home or the officiating minister, W. B. Faliaw, on the 17th. The health of the happy Felix family is excellent. Mr. R. J. Faliaw, Sr., is visiting relatives and friends arou nd Batesburg. Miss Lottie Driggers, the populai daughter of N. H Driggers, of Columbia, is spending some time at R. J. and J. F. Fallaw's. Billy Felix. Gaston, October IS. - Booze All Gone. Dispenser J. S. Canghman sold the last half pint of dispensary booze on Saturday, and there is nothing to be had at the Lexington dispensary except a little beer and wine. Dwelling Burned. The dwelling of Mr. Thomas Senn, who resides about four miles from Gaston, was destroyed by fire on lasl Wednesday morning about 3 o'clock. Everything was destroyed and the loss i9 said to be $1,000 with no insurance. It&sonie Notice Regular communication of Pomarh Lodge No. 131. A. F. M., will convent in Masonic Hall, Peak, Saturday October 23rd, 1909, at 7 o'clock, p. m Take due notice and be governed ac cordingly. 5 . , John C. Swygert, Master. lillmery, ill firnro IM VI WW larrows )rills looga Wagons WES AND RA Corn, W1 led Rust Proof i riers While at RO 9 s. c> I = t nunno nrurniro i tmmJO klmluild ; Popular and Efficient Hoasej hold Medicines Sold on Merit Only, i _ Andes' Great f Prescription Recommended for Catarrh, all forms of Stomach, Liver. Kidney, Bladder Troubles , and purification of the Blood. Germ and Worm Eradicator. Andes' Wonderful Oil Used externally and internally. recommended for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. I Headache Toothache, Ear* j s ache. Backache, Sore Throat, : | Sprains. Bruises, Pleurisy, ' | Diarrhoea, Cramps and all aches and pains. THE KAUFMAN DRUC COMPANY, Sole Agents for Andes' LEXINGTON, - - - - S. C. i If the Cap Fits Wear It. 1 If you are a kicker and see the-shs ' ows of failure in everything that proposed to help the town, for hea en's sake go into some secluded ca yon and kick your own shadow on t clay bank, and give the men who a working to build up the town a chant One long-faced, hollow-eyed whinir caping, chronic kicker can do mc to keep away business and capil , from a town tnan an tae arongni short crops, chinch bugs, cyclor and blizzards combined.?Ex. t Lexiagtoa Presaiag Club. t Remember that the old reliable Le ? ington Pressing Club is still in bu ' ness and is serving its patrons with t | usual promptness and care. We gi 1 special attention to the pressing Ladies skirts. Give us a trial. tf. Lem Sox, Mgr Ladies' vies. Chattan< Cultivat( Harness, NGES heat Seed Oats and 1 the County Fai OF AS WELL AS 1 large ones are welcome here? 1 ; yon need not wait until your bus- 8 : in ess ba^ assnm-d great propor- 1 ; tions before opening a Checking . | Account, DO SO TO-DAY. I j | _ _ 1 ! ! i :' Our patrons regardless of the J : amount of busine-ss done, receive I ; every courtesy in ail matters of fl busices3 entrusted to ns?and I : there is nothing in *a:e banking ( we cannot perform. Talk it over : with cur cashier. j CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, COLUMBIA, S. C. ' PEOPLE d- That want high class work at s* | reasonable prices go to . v' L. J. ROBBINS. Ref. D f1" The Only Exclusive Optician. _! 1641 Main St Columbia, S. C lie I le. Jyj Swing Maeimes. k , The Davi9 Unique and other new improved drop head machines; nicely ta? finished in oak; easy running and perie9 feet sewing; fully guaranteed; for 9ale at factory prices for cash, or on . easy payments, at The Bazaar, tf Rice B. Harman Race horse9 are the best ri9ks fcr 3j. horse insurance companies. It isn't he that they never die; they do. Eut they wait until their racing days are over and the policies on their lives have been cancelled. V Suits, r H T 30ga Plows >rs * Saddles Vetch Seed. i I k * r I i I ii'u { 1 I) i If J