Fall aod Winter 5 ro* the merchant, the farmer, i Turnip! One ounce will sow 200 feet fox an acre. 1 to 5 lbs. 25c; 5 to SPINACH SEE Cabbage Sew one ounce for 3,000 to for one acre. Late Flat Butch, head, per pound, $1.25. Collar White Selected, per lb., 75c. Must! Southern Giant Curled, per 1 per lb., 15c, One ounce will sow Seed rye and barley. Hairy clover, Perennial rye grass for ] blue grass, herd grass or red top. / winter vetch, white clover, Alfal ALL HEW CHOP SEEDS. F LORICK & m WHOLESALE S COL UMBU I The Farmers Loan & Tr I will advance money at 6 per I* house Company receipts for I TUP STANDARD WAR i offers the protection of the s in the South and the lowest \ ceipts of this company are g< in this section, and have been made with the trust company to advance m< per cent. Write. Standard Wai COLUMBI Colt; fit SOUTHERN RAIL WAY. | ' I ______ ____ \ SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JUNE 24). j N. B. These schedule figures show i the time tlmt trains may be expected to I arrive and depart, but the times stated f are not guaranteed. DEPARTURES FROM LEXINGTON. \ ' NORTHBOUND. 10:18 A. M.?No. S, daily for Columbia j and intermediate points connecting j at Columbia for Sparranburg and } Asheville. Parlor cafe car Colum- j 9 bia to Asheville. Arrive Colum- j bia 10:50 a. m., Spartanburg 5:15 j p.m., Asheville 9:15 p. m. i t:50 P. M.?No. 3:',0, daily for Colr.m- j t?ia, Washington and the lv?st also ; connect at Colombia ior Ashe- i | ville. Through Pullman sleeping ! I car fco New York. Pullman sleep- j.! ingcar Columbia to Ash^vilb*. Ar- ; j rive Columbia 7.'JO p. m., "Wash- ; iugtor. 10:10 u. :u., New York 1 | # 5:00 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. 7:2H A. M.?No. lOi), daily lor Augusta . and iuterna-diate jx?ints. Arrive , Augusta 10:10 a iu. Pullman ear. j 3:11 P. M?No. 7, daily lor Augusta and intermediate points. Arrive Augusta S m. ! j Summer excursion tickets now on ; j sale. For further information call 011 ; ticket agents, or C. H. Aekert. V. P. & G. M., Wash- ; j ington, D. 0. H. F. Gary. O. P. A., i j Washington, D. C. J. L. Miu #1.00 up to #30.00. 1 ru?n m, mo ?> r\>* T tclll kaw von xnouev. ; I am prepared to fnriiiah ? hearse when- I ever desired in connection with my un * dertakiu^r business Jan. 2. Sto ? Seac ua Yew ee. If you are voo busy to come to town ' to tcaii ue your dure. We need ali the ! Bi30r;y we ea?i get, besides the law will I nx allow us to mail j>ape!>? to stibecrlb- I ! #*s ic am:%.-!> for mere than one year. j t jf** is I ^ easonable Seeds the gardtrer, the trucker of drill. One to two pounds 10 lbs. 20c; and over 1 Be, D 25c LB Seed 4,000 plants. Four ounces per lb., $1.26, Late Dnmi* ds Georgia, pe: lb.. 76c. ird b., 40c. Dwarf Essex Rape. 100 feet of drill. vetch, red clover, crimson lawn or pasture, Kentucky Southern grown. English Efa or Lucerne, Orchard Grass. RICES OK APPLICATION. EESSR3EK. j u. 3. C? I j t < !' inoy on otton j. ust Company of Columbia j j ^ cent, on Standard Ware- I j cotton. EHOUSE COMPANY |! trongest storage company 1 1 rates of storage. The re- | , ood collateral at any bank 1 special, a arrngements j above mentioned loan and 3ney at the low rate of 6 rehouse Co., A, S. C. i. falo Boiler-Feed Pumps j v ilio r-,suit of years of exprrienci . 11 parts an* strong and durable. ? I I i Write for prices to miiia Supply Co., Columbia, S. C. | t _ | - ?< Bargain Sale j We have a few $90 ORGANS ! I Which have had slight i use. You would act wisely if you secure one 'of these HIGH GRADE ORGANS at the great re- j duciion we are making ? | on then. 1 Write at once lor illus- I trations of these Organs, I which will be closed out I for half cash now, balance twelve months, at j quite a reduction. Call to Iseo our Pianos j and Organs during the j fair. | HE'S 1U0I I 1428 Main St. Columbia. S. C. j PIANOS AND ORGANS j i dHHMMHHHBBBMMSBMMMHMB ?????? } KILLthcCOUCH I! MO CURE tHE LUNGS j Dr. King's I New Discovery I FOR C8l&" JSSk. AHO AH THROAT AMD IUM6 TMOUBLES. OXTABANT??P SATISFACTORY OB MOHBY BBTTOPEP. Fishiiiff Tackle. Tki.s is fiefciii# tince aim Tbw j Bazaar yon \riil liu?i a f;iii lijvo of tacki^ ex ail kinde. HoK >>Obs, hooka I and Omo fo v? iux your j ? X'tr .V^ /4if>: | / fThls is the trade* mark which is found on every bottle of the genuine a m mm mm 1 Scott s tmuision the standard Cod Liver Oil preparation of the world. Nothing equals it to build up the weak and wasted bodies of young and old/ FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send If?., name cf paper and this ad. for our beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketcb-Book. Each bank contains a Good Lock Fenny. SCOTT & 30WNE, 409 Pearl St, N. Y. A FA3T02.Y BEY ME. : live in a town away down K.outh, Wiiere it is awfuhy slow, \nd work 5n a miii with the ri^t the trash. A? we are often called, von know. :iere?!< to the rasu that'* a facto hand, As he toil- amidst the racket, iVco pays a big1 price for his bomh and rice, With very small wages to back it. IVith boom or lame, 'tis all the sain We foltrs earn every collar; Whether cake or cheese, pone or pe We pay for all we swallow. From soon 'lil late at a hustle rate, With coiion, cloth and thread; SVe toii and sweat, and ran in debt, To buy our meat and bread. Sfoa factory folks who read this rhyn You will understand, rbe reason why I love you so, I am a factory hand. While standing here between tJ frames, You knew I lose no time, Lo keep them running- in a whiz \nd write this little rhyme. [ rise up early in the morn, And work all day real hard, Fo buy my little meat and bread, And sugar, tea and lard. 1 work for week's end to week's em And never lose a day, * So when that awful pay day comes, I draw my little pay. 1 then go home on pay day night, Vna sit down in h chair; The merchant- raps on my doorHe comes to got nis share. When all my little debt is paid. And nothing left behind; T 1 urn mv wr/nnftii /\nr A (.VU 4* J k -v But not a cent can I iind. We factory folks work very hard, We toil from soon 'til late; We have no time to primp and lix And dress right up-to-date. Onr children they grow up unlearnt No time to go to school; Almost before they learn to walk. They learn to spin and spool. The boss men jerk them 'round abo< And whistle very keen; I tell you that llu; factor} kids Are really t en led mean. When we go walking down the .-etc All wrapped in lim and strings They call n> taotory trash, And other low down names. i.. . _ ? l. : ... e.. .IIJM Id- UieiJi lil'. 11 ttJi'-l!!-" Ill And rings ami golden chains; Ku! when the trumpet ol Goh sound. They'll have io shed those things. All factory k.lks are jwnr you know While here on earth they stay: But if wo will oni\ trust the Lord, Wo shall he rieh some day. 0, listen now. dear fuet-ory iriend. Whosoever \on may be! I hope some day to grasp your-hand Beyond the crystal sea. Ami then 1 hope t-o hear you say: That on the earth below Von were a poor old factory hand, And worked where 'twas awful -do W. A. 11 bocir.glun, 0<*t. Io, li-0.?. Thn world's tobacco crop a-nonr to 2,201 ,000,000 pound*. Of J&is vfK 000,000 ponnds are produced in i United States, more ihuii that or * other country. A pulse counting wa-uh has he invented for the u-e of pby .-.iniuus a nurses in London. The wai?c*h in< /tot aj Alt!. n'.ortf l)1 \t*r| T> iDiUUV ivuir m \ ai' u.MCi?v itQ riumbrr of U:o in Lever Union Meeting. The nexs meeting of the lower *31viaion of the Lexington Baptist association will meet v/ith the Consent church on Saturday end Sunday, October 31 and 37. The following programme h&s been arranged tor the occasion: SATURDAY. I | Introductory termor; by H ;% . Butler i Kyzer. Alternate, A. E. Pulnvr. First query; "Is it right ?or a harch to hold a member in t ui.1 fellowship, who does not contribute to her ?npi port?'' Opened by tin.- th.v. A. W. " Rodger*. wc-eona: " wrist die oesu.* mean ~ (f when He told His diciples "They ^ should do a greater work than He, be- $ ! cause He went to his father?-:1 Open- ^ ed by J. W. Cromer. # Third: "Why did G-od harden Pbar- $ j oah'.?! heart?*' Opened by He v. V than thev do'?*' Opened by J. D. $ Croft. % ' What should a Sunday school be ?'' tOpened by Rev. W. P. Fa Haw. ^ Mission try sermon at H a. m.. by | ^ Rev.. Wesley Peavy. Alternate, I lev. j 'f* j W. D. FaI3s?:. ' ? I A. E. Fclmer. | X Seoretarv. i v ? j v Swept Over Niagara. !' I This fcerritlo ealsrnity often happens j .Y j b-", oasv' ;t careless boav.uaii ignore;* trio | j rher's warnings? growing ripples and' f.( j faster current?Nature's warnings are % | kin-1. That dull pain or ache in the Jj j back warns you the Kidneys r.ecd at- y | tent-ion if you would escape ratal mal- $ j ndies?Dropsy, Diabetes or Rright'a ? rJ disease. Take Electric Bitters at cnce P 1 T-* ?. /I 1 _ IT 1 * '/I ' ana .-v-? is a ?? acne ay ana uu your oem j feelings return. "After long suifering ? from vveak kidneys ond lame back, one ^ J- SI.00 bottle wholly cured ir.e,*' writes 5 J. E. Blankenship, of hoik, Teun. m Only GO?, at Kaufmann Drop: Co.. J~Mr- H rick's Drug Store and Sandel Drug m e, Store. . ?> as Mr. E. W. Roherteor., of Columbia, has bought the Anderson Traction Co# and will make some improvements on the property. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Lexington County. By Gf-o. S. Drafts, Esq., Probate Judge. H- Whertas, Margaret Nelson made suit to me, to grant him letters of administration of the estate of and ?-ITects of William Nelson. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and ^ creditor* of the said William Nelson deceased, that t hey be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to bo held at Lexington, C. II., S. C.. on loth day of Oct, lvK)b, next, after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show* cam*-, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 10 th day of September, Anno Domini. 190'J. George S. Drafts, fL. S.l - . . . , > /% I fro bate Judge, .Lexington county, r?. l. Published oil the Gth day of Or. li)09, in the Lexington Dispatch. 2w A negro look advantage or' a policeman in Charleston and beat him .severely. It is in time ot sudden mishap or hc- * oideut that Chamberlain's Liniment can be relied upon to take the place of the family doctor, who cannot always be found at the moment, Thou it is that Chamberlain's Liniment is never lound wanting. In cases of sprains, cuts, wounds and bruises Chamberlain's Liniment takes ont the soreness and drives away the pain. Sold by all Druggists. Over ~>0l) horses were killed in the storm which struck Kev West last <1. , week. Your cough annoys you. Keep on hacking and tearing the delicate membr;ums of \ ou'' throat if you want- to be u(, t annoyed, but if \uu want Jviicl, want | to be cured. take Chamberlain's Cough lhmedy. Sold by all Druggists. j About Sijht, Too IT ii'.Vii \ nu iJV.ii ti iiiai; .-;i? * a ? .*?, ? * . th*- local jtapcrs you can sately bet he don't upend his lime makinu thrin better. The (h-ori;. town Item says u. they who don't see a boiiedl arising; ton town Ironi il.s newspapers haven't all *ls srfijsc a* a ?v?ve o\>f-vr, and arc of about a> much valic.- to a town as a ten-year-old delinquent .? -Times \ { a lid IK m-vTnr. I ?? ? ? I The (.j)jiu\-e jji v.-rnine.nt spent | j il UO.ObO last \ ear toward the aH.si-.tanc or (IniceSe students studying! i abroad. HEALTH . INSURANCE Hie maa who insures his life it wise for his family. The man who insures his health Is wise both for his family ami himself. You may injure health by guard* ins H. it is worth guarding, ii" { At the first attack of disease, V j which generally approaches J through the LIVER and roaiii* ay tests Itself io Innumerable ways TAKE ?|Tiitf$ Pills And your Health* naMMMMMManMHHMHMWHMMMaMH Raising; hair Ave^s R&'r Vigor pronsrw A-st*.**- the Ayvr't! that cai;sc faJUnc? hair. !? ?uva;is/-t>- the z.-n.a bylbi, rcrforcj Hum to 5>tairfc 21* ;.u^ i u.;:.. :rac? t failing ooL, jt?o*s ??sre rar-i?-'N- ol*cn j Ooes not Colo Wc wi>h you to posi?iv;Jy si>d distfnd.S' v.Vij?or dOvS not affect the co*or of the degree. Persons with ilk whitest or th? htond hairmay useit fnc.K wetbeu. having ti Ingredients: SvHpiiur. Ghtfri/i. ? ?- ? CApyouoi. bdW' Ak< Show this fornsuia to vgut doctor. Ask ! J. O. ATfK COM^ET. ! ,-? , THE IL. BE The leading Bool Stationers. Are ? for all School Be them in their two when in Columbia Two Store-s on Mai COLUMBIA, i t h ->>>> >>> I C. 0. BROWN 1130 MAIN STREET, CO |ii h where you can find one o ^PAIN jl; OF ALL XII DOORS, SAS BLINDS . LIME AND C | CABINET Mi si Call or write for Prices. ftVWVV\WV\V\V J Let Your Next j Walk-' 4 There never was more sh ^ a shoe at 83.50 and 84.00 than f You get what you pay foi \ when you buy WALK-OVER' \ Buy a patent, a gun meta 5 and if it is a WALK-OVER, ^ bought a good shoe. ^ Classy styles, excellent w J WALK-OVER Shoes are mat J trade and profession, from the ^ the heavy leather shoe made t ^ railroad. f li* you have never worn ^ it is time you knew how good tvwvwvwvwvi NEW FALL Our new line of Fall and is now ready for inspection, you to call arid see our line where. Ladies' Dress (rood; and Boys, Shoes, Hats, Etc. % u pay highest market price tor RILEY & HAIGL SWANSEA, : f)a.nttruff t/i ir Vi5*V '*> <'. ;w J^ifjiutfiydtstrovs the Cn^rt?- t. ifsi,cnv> ivf rtsetf. ;>-.u keep* the x&lp l.'mI in a heiihfty ovf.Jitioii. r the Hair iderstarcd that Aycf's Hair bair, evert lo ti'v sii2ht?.?t - lightest aiui ruosl delicate ic hai/ made a shade darker. e'inir. So?J;u.*r f fclo* Ut. >f?Crl- Water, l\rtucw. him what he ttuiikst of it. cb? i i j $ .;? u 2r isellersTand I - - S. C. | L? % ->$? (41 & BRO., 1 LUMBII, S. C. | f the best stocks of > TS r?s | jj | fc GLASS EMENT. AlNTLES. vwvwvwvii Pair Be A ? Over \ oe value crowded into ^ is in a WALK-OVER. * r and a little bit more ^ !, a box calf, a vici, ^ you can be sure vou &* I ?? > Y- - -? M y 1 C < i i-< ? ? I? ? ciiiiiJ?4 ;u:u iiuin^ snoe. T ie i'or men in every \ very dressiest style to \ :o stand clinkers on a ? WALK-OVER Shoes, + they are. C The Shoe Man, ? In Columbia. $ wwwww ^ GOODS Winter Merchandise We cordially invite before buying* else^ Clothing* for Men Hemeinber that we Country Produce. ER BROS., s. c. . r jOii